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Senator Bayard On The Political Situation

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[I''rom ft speech (Ic-livered in Phlluiielphia.) Ijo you fully retUize that ycmr weal or your woo lies iu vour h anl ? Títere ie no reform that can not Dé ttoöted n America if but the will of the people aescrt' itself iu Buflicient aUongth. Wo havo in. this country grcat privilege, but wo havo also coucurront reuponsibiiitioH. Wo aro noiv faco to face with the fall of 187G, with queutions of the most momentous klad Btaring us in thecountuauce. V. ! i :. t. in the conjition of tlio country at present? Are we Sucièssf ui ? Are wo prospor0118? Wliere O jonr niille? Do they lium with induntrj' ? VVhere are your great : Are tliuy alivo with thousandt) of hjttach? Iflreoilthis countrv aright, tlicro orti tii Kravest canHes of apprclienaion. Tli lul oring niMU, altlioufih willing tq labor, can H't íiiul nurl;. Tbo njouoj'ed man is afraid Ui löufl nía éápícál, from utter Ioöh of confidence tlifit it MCI lfi rctnrned. T look aHkaiico at thia country, mul cc it Jillcd witU debt - imtiuiial debt, municipal debt, private debt - until the wholo coiiiitry lookH to mo liko a lingo raortgage. Look at tho glorioua promÍH03 with whioli the Iiepublioan partyfouryears ago trumped u ita majoritic. We hould lüu-o v= ■■=!. il iy wid gold and silver tbbatd apsin l ourrent nmong the people. Gentlemen, wo are to-day further away froin $pecie paymcut than we were fonr year ago. Do uot beliovc tliat a govornment compoeed of a nuinber of peoplo eau make itself rioh by the issue of paper money aay more than on f yon can tfco a private printing proes and ;rind wealth out it for yonrself. This party ias further promised roconstrnction. How ve they reconstructed ? By reconciliation ? o ! Thoy have broken cvory bono in the body f the South. Ther is anotbor. a very serionu bjection to the ruling party- official dinhonstv. You might un well try te arry water iu nieve as to carry on a governmont snecesaally w'th dlahonestv in üigh places. Slnce tbe Jemocrrtta ttaini a majority in tbc House of epreseiitativos look wliat an amount of dislouesty hae been uproomd, an i then look hoiv íeae rovelationrt were recelvtd, Kot a wngle epublicau member of the HoiHO Vut disaoroved of the exposureu. They have flbown by heir coiidnct of what metal they are ca-st. jet thom tp dowu and out. Now, who are ie Bepublican caudidatts ? Thoy aro Haye and Wheeler - men of personal respectability, ut littlfl krtown. Tbey aro men who have one through their poliüoal lives scarcely laking a ripple on th aWÍe of the political ocean. . On the other hand, what do wG Oior you .' )o we offer you obscure men ? We present ■on two roen who are safely, honorably, conucting tho affair of two groat States. We roaent you Samuel J. Tilden, who ha niled hoStato of New Vork for the last three years. our years So New York was ruled by ring. sow everythiug Ís ífíean in tho govcrnment. ?hat lesscan be said di tíendricka ? It is j ust ;his in the present campaign. Obecnritj' against íonorable prominence. Ï do not deny that aere are good, noble, honorable men in the Eopublican party. But they aro few. I know nothinj; againat "the honor of the Ilepublican nominees. I only say they aro weak, obacure, while our nomiuees have diutinguished themelvea abundantly. The speaker in conclusión admonÍ8h6d hie hearers to unsparing vigilance t the polls on election day. and at the countug of the votes after the close of tho election.


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