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Democratic State Ticket

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The Democratie State Convention, held in Detroit on Wednesday, was a large and enthusiastio body, every section of the State being fully represented, Hon. Qeo. V. N. Lothrop presided, and bis speech on taking the chair permanently was in his happiest vein. It was eloquent, logical, witty, full of good-natured but pointed home thrusts at Eepublioan corruptions and misrule, and was frequently interrupted by loud and long applause. The names of the nominees, both for Electors and State officers, will be found under the proper head. Mr. Webber, for Governor, had almost a unanimous vote on the first cali of the roll, and the vote was made unanimous bpfore the result was declared. Mr. Webber is a gentleman of rare and wide attainments, a lawyer in the first rank of ths profession, an experienced legislator, and with a roputation for integrity uiiiinpeachable. If eleoted he will mako a Governor to bo proud of. His associates on the ticket were nearly all nominatod unanimously, and each and all are worthy associates of the gubematorial candidate. We shall have occasion to speak óf them in detail hereafter. The delegates f rom different sections came together and separated full of hope and confidence in the olection of Tilden and Hendricks, and not a few prepict that Michigan is to be redeemed in November. " TUE MOST striking feature of Tildon's letter is its extreme length ": that is how the Detroit Tribuna puts it. We don't blame the Trïbvne and other Republican journals for lamenting its length, and preEume they regret that it was written at all. It is difficult satisfying our Republican friends. The Ohio Democracy are to be congratulated on the fact that that brawling-mouthed blatherskite Sam Cary has accepted the nomination for Vice President on the Peter Cooper ticket. He has been a damage to the Democracy ever since his uneasy feet found a semiresting place in their fold, and they may well cali into use the homely saying, " Good riddance to bad rubbish." The Kentucky local or county elections were held on Monday last, with large Deinoerfttio successes all through the State. In the Louisvillo Congressional district Henry Watterson, Dornocrat, of the Courier-Journal, was elected without organized opposition, a fow scattering votes being polled for Healy, independant Democrat. Mr. Watterson is elected to fill a vacaney created by the death of Hon. E. Y. Parsons. Andkew Jackson Smith, for two years Attorney-General of the State, was thrown overboard by the recent Republican State Convention, - and this despite tho clarion-voioed Clisbee, and in face of a second term being conceded to all of his associate State officers. Otto Kirchner, a somewhat " vealy " lawyer, of Detroit, was given Smith's place. Smith isn't much of a lawyer, and nobody thinks Kirchner is but himsolf ; but then Kirchner is a Germán, and was nominated bocause of tho " accident of birth," and nothing else." The National Jiepnllican [Washington] is essentially a "loil" paper, and being " loil " ought to be law-abiding: wliich it isn't by a long-Bhot. In proof of which assertion we beg to remark that somo one conneoted with the concern, either as co-propriotor, editor or " runner," sends us a copy indorsed " with tho reepocts of ■ ," and in which is inclosed a circular with this written appendage, " Campaign to November 15, fO.50. Send us a good list Bro. Pond." Not a single name, " Gen'l.," - we are not promoting Hayes and Wheeler campaign literature in that way. When Samuel J. Tilden struck at tho Canal Ring of New York one of the heads he hit was that of DeWitt C. Littlejobn, of üswego. This Littlejohn was a long-time Republican, but the party not appreciating him at the value ho set upon himself, and thinking ho aaw signs of disintegration in their ranks,he oaine over to tho Demoerats,and with that egotism and impudence which constitutcs the chief stock in trade of such men, immediately promoted himself to tho po8ition of a leader. He went to the St. Louis convention instructed for Tilden, opposed Tilden with all his might in caucus and outsido, but voted for him on roll cali. And now he comes out for Hayes and Wheeler. They are welcome to his support. I ir 18 very hard to satiafy out Republiciin friends. They didn't like it be cause Tilden was so long writing his letter of acceptance, and now they don'fc like tha letter because it is too long, and too full of nuts that they can't crack. They don't like what ho says bout the finances and civil sorvice reform, and they are dissatisfiod because he did n't go for that " bloody shirt," and ignored the school question : being thoroughly sutistied with the platform on the latter topic. It ia a great pity the Repnblioan critica could n't have written the letter for Tilden. Thoy luight have pleased the " Ring " better, but would n't have given such intense satisfaction to tho honest ruass ot votors throughout the country. Horatio Seymoub has written a letter declining to be a candidato fcr Governor in the coming norainating convention. He gays : " Some yenrs ago I advised you that I had made up luy mind never to occupy again an official posltion. I have adhered to that purpose agaiast every temptation to vary f rom it, and I cannot now consisten tly with self-roapect break over a rule which I have aoted upon for such a length of time." Mr. Seymour further says : "It is my purpose to take an active intereat in public affairs 80 long as my hhealth will pormit ; but I wish to act as one who has no otlier motives tliun those which should influence overy voter, namely, public welfare. I símil exert mysulf for the election of the Democratio ticket, becauso I believe its success will promote tho intereats of the people of thia country. Noble words and right nobly spoken. The Indiana Republican State Centzal Committee has noininatod Hon. Benjamin H&rrison, of Iudianapolis, as candidato for Governor, vice Godlove 8. Orth, withdrawn after an activo but rather inglorious oauipaign of soveral moutlis, - defending bis reputation. Mr. Harrison is Morton' bunker ani backur, and is the gentleman who first gare currency to the charges againBt ex-Speaker Blaine of having gotteu $64,000 out of the Union Pacific Railroad Company in exchange for worthless bonds of the Little Koek & Fort Smith Railroad. His nomination wil uot be regarded with the greatest satisfaction by Blaine's friends, but as they will not hare a chance to vote in Indiana perhaps neither Morton nor Harrison will know how sore they may feel. John H. Btjrleiqii, Republican member of Congress from the First Maine district, in which is Portland the chief city of the State, imagining tha' the great party of moral and politica reform with which he was oounected, was capablo of dealing with and reforming its own official sinners, winkec at the investigations into the doings o Secretary Robeson, by the committeo of which he was a member, and even signed a report which severely reflectei upon the conduct of that official, espec ially upon his management of certaii Navy Yards - that at Kittery being one Hannibal Hamlin was interested in the Kittery affair, and Hannibal Hamlii is more preoious in the sight of the Maine Republicana than this Burleigh who had mistaken his role and attempt ed " reform within the party " at tho wrong time. And so John H. Burluigh to lighten and trim the Republican shij in Maine, was heaved overboard as unoeremoniously as Jonah, refused a re nominatiou, and is now meditating on the declaration of the Cincinnati Con vention : " We rejoice in the quickenec conscience of the people concerning po litical affairs. We will hold all public officer8 to a rigid responsibility, and engage that the prosecution and punishment of all who betray official trusts shall be speedy, thorough, and unsparing." He thiuks of the acquittal o Babcock and Belknap, the "sticking' qualities of Robeson, the promotion o Zack Chandler, the noble words, " Le no guilty man escape," and then of the summary punishment and sad fate o: Bristow, Jewell, Bluford Wilson, CoinmiBsioner Pratt, Attorney Wharton, anc other conspirators against " reform within the party," and his heart is made glad. Senator Morton wave'd tho " bloody shirt " agtiin on Saturday last literally in hú seat in the Senate Chambor, as the Senator caunot (it is said owing to early excesses) stand to rear aloft his favorite üag. This time he was full of regret because Messrs. Tilden and Hendricks did not go out oi their way to speak of and donounce the recent riot, outrage, and massacre at Hamburg, S. C, and he proclaimed " deliberately and emphatically " that they " dare not denounce tho men who comrnittod the murders at Hamburg, Coushatta, Uolfax, and elsewhere. As neither Hayes nor Whoeler denounced these spocific outragos why didn't Mr. Murtón also brand them as cowards ? The Colfax affair is an old one, and probably grow out of a political quarrel ; the Hamburg outrage, for outrago and murder it was, had no political siguificanoo ; and the Coushatta murder can in no way be so shaped or tortured, even by the ingenious and unscrupulous Mr. Morton, as to givo it any political bearing. The sub-committeo of tho House sent to investígate the murder, signed by one Democrat and one Ropublican, distinctly declares that politics or color had nothing to do with it ; that thero is uo contention or strife in tho parish about, over, or across the "color line;" that Twitoholl, tho Murdered Senator, had been robbing the people ; that men of his own party had threatunod his assasination ; and that " men prominent in both political parties testiüed that no one was in danger by roason of his political views or his public or private utterance of the same; that men could as safely expross thoir political views in Red River parish, on tho stump or elsewhere, as in any part of our common country." And now will onr Republican friends have the horrible night-inare at tho sight of that Conshatta patch in Senator Morton's " bloody shirt."


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