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A DisTATCH írcm Whitehall, N. Y., says that " on Suuday afternoon ten persons vero t dronned whilo crossiug l'utnani'e pond. t teen persons were in a email row-boat, and whon abont tinco rods frota the shoro, in oiht feet of water, a squall strack the boat, capsizmg ït, with the resul t etated. The name of I the drowned were Jlr. Johnson and big wife, Jobs MoAulister and lii wife, John Buit and lus daughter. Peter Osar, Adolph Livinoers ' son, . Holden, aud Miss Thatcher Tho ' bodies of all but Holden were recovered " On ' the samo dayMie8 Cora A. Browu, of Grconville, Pa. and Mits Carrio Stutt, of Warren, ?aïrp.Td ""gthelakeat THE WEST. Ajtotheu highly favorable report comes from the Black HUls. An Omaha diepatch statos that Iialf a dozen citizens of that town have jti-t roturnod from those gold fields with dust to the Yalue of $300,000. ('1TUELL& Babcook, the well-known New York printing-prees manufacturera, havo failed Liabilitiea over $2,500,000.. . . Wilkosbarre, Pa., has been throwu into a fever of oxcitenieut by Uio discovorythatariromment busiiieos man ñas forged notes to the amolint of neailv a quarter of a million dollars, abouthalf of which s held by Yilke8barra banks, the remainder being placed througbout tho country Tho fvV, fhoma8 Coningham, of a prominmh,Ig ■Pt0d and the junior member of the hrm of Brodrick ACo.coal LZXaTtm iu PM Tubkk of tho bandita who robbod the railroad train near Otterville, Mo., somo threo or foor weeks ago, havo been arreBted and 6 500 of the stolen mouoy recovered. The partios arrested aro Bruce Youuger, Hobbs Carev oolty W PlttS !U1 r68id0nta f Crawfora Accoükts of grasehopper ravages in Ion-a have been greatly exaggerated. Vast wanna have moved through the air, stopping at intervals to lunch off the growiug crops, but nothiug Thn r ' f 6 dova8tati "as' teken place iuo wheat erop ia said to be fuUy au average one, and tne prospect forcoru was never botter tïTr101 froní Eed Cloud Agencv, who arnved at Laramie last week, briugs the iollowngmterestmg news from th, slat of war in the Indian oountry : Friday, a chicf of LJS3e roe , oí ír'enJly Arapahoes, rïmU io.fr0la, tbG Il0Btil08 iu front of öook and Terry had arrived and talked with ?, P ïuthan 8aid tbatSitting Buil had dcSÜ? "a.k? a ?tnd, aud was going to have lus big fight whero he ia now; that he will oither drive tho troops back or die, and undèr fhnwf?tlmStaT8WOuld he mak0 Peaceüntí it il ltftare dnveu out orgive up tho country ïeati, eT,mi?Tfv Hointeni3 to üghttothe leath. The Indian also told Friday that Sitting fró mV?h rocelnS..Bf manyreínforcomená ' 'o north joiuing him iu small parties from the Columbia nver, from Bntish America a?e am'n"08? h aQdTa eod ""W ArickiwS ■ Sf„ Tu f tem-, II i8 now bolieved that SitriZVLrof:0"0 W6U-armed WMAdvices from tho ssat of war in the Indian country state that the ' ' entire country beUeen Powder aud lïosebud rivers has been burned Lnirnnig timber and driftwood along fhe Yelfuel Thefi a,Tir„of deP"v"g rteaiSre ofGen. Crook wroto that when tho Fifth Cavaln' move without furtlier delay. Arranomenh EK? #" ö dcatif nf íd?IllsÍ1 öchool sulting in he htedf % tBEFjr bv3Sum, ƒ "l" onsued whlh endcd prominent magazine and newspaper writer TUK SOUTH. Adtices from Hamburg, S. C, inform ns that the inquest upon the bodies of the victims of the recent rióte has sulted in a verdict chargiDg tho crimo of murder upon Gen M C ena of a'Í ï%" fifty-"-eo other citimwtht VUá M#eficM countios, and al8o upon thirty citizens of Qeoria Warrant fr.r ho arrest of all the partiesimpl eated bv the Shfirifí Tú' 0DCe pJaCed in th0 Lada of the Sheriff of Aikon county. S. O., with instruí tionstoeervethemimmediatoly. lnstc"W-ASÏHNGl'ON. The public debt statemeat for August 1, U aB f ollowa : Sii per cent. bonds $ 984,999,650 we per cent. bondn 711,685 800 Total coin bonde mr „, ... vsa?s7?? debt :í h,w$ i685'450 Matured debt t 97 Tn Lel . aders " .. SsbKÏw Cortjficatea of deposit .... 3815 000 JíTacuoual curreney mo ojio oen oowrtiflcates...3:;;;;;; ggfj;ggg Total without interest 4,761,900 Total debt oiTíiíiniii TnUI intrest jlT8,i00,lll CashinTruaeiiry 24,850,2i)l cuncv:::;::;:::-. 985403' Bjwciai düposltsheld ' ' domption of corüficates ""P08" 32,815,000 Totel In the Treasiuy. . . .7. 105,219,034 g5?&%L 'woüiïï Boud, iMmod to tho raciflcltaïlwa; ' ' Conipamce, interest payablc in lawiul money : Principal outstamling. i ftoi si ■ latcrert acerucd aud nt yeVpüd ', , Interest paid by the United StatM 32 oio 2 H iiiHIlS (ïtc # a - orto oa i BLe ' ""tereit í'tte& ' ' 7le8 25,171,013 J.HE President ha uominated Henry F. French, of Masachueetts, forAfeistaut Beoretary of the Trcasnry, vice Budnam, resigned. POLITICAI. A. H. CoLijcrrr has been nominatod for Governor bythe Demccrats of Georgia. Hon OodloTfl H. Orth has addressed a letter to the Chairman of tho Iudiana Eepublican State Committee announcing hls dcclination as iho Itepublican oaudidate for Governor. His reaROi! for this stop is Btatod to be tho belief that tüat ha would De uuable to commandtüemi;W snpport of the Bepubücans of Indiana, aud that lus withdrawU will provo for the beet inVa'Ï f l the, Part-T----Ata meeting in New iork last wet-k the National Eïecutivo Gonncil appoiuted by ihc Indiauapolis Convention (Independent or Greeubaek party),in discharge of thediuyimposedby tlio convontiou to coueult with I etor Coopor and leadin greonback men : ni nomiuated Hamuel F. Carev. of , Oh.o, fortho-Vice Presidency. Carev actiepts TnflVva Vo" ' 1 The Oomocrato ot the Fifth for ConresBn V rcnomiuated Holmín Chaiiltjk m. CnosswEii, whom the Iiepubli-. eins of Michigan havo nominatcd for ! ernor, has beon Speaker of the Michigan i lature President of the State Seuate, and was ' l'residentof tho State Coustitutional , Gkn. BEKjAkn Hahkison has been nomi'. nated by the ilopublican State Committoe for , Governor of Indinna, vice G. S. Ortb, declined. Tde Committeo on Expendituros in the De: partment of Justicc made majority and minoriÍ , Jrts to thoKorae. Tho majority report ; rocomuienJa tho rcatriction of the Judioiary fnnd to -2,500,000; finds that Uavenport, Su: pcrviHor of i:ioo-ionsin Mow York, bas uot ac' oounted for $84.000 givcn him from tho Ku! K.IU1 t.ind. and that the President and two Attomey Genera' (Akerman and Williams) who tnpphed Davonport with tlio $84,000 ' (hverted ït from the proper pnrposo to oiio entirely foreigu to the objectH of ' uw law. It m recommended, therofore, that ' BQperyisort of Elections be aboliahed, and that ! tno loftiou laws of Courees be roiiealed or ii notrjpealed, thatstriot accounting shall bc t marie of tho Ku-Klux fund, no part of :t to be ■ "en m the maohlnery of eTebtiona t.'iat tho AHornt-v Gmeral tsko tho necoesai-y hIim to ' recover tho $34,000 utmeconuted for; and" that f voraon bo allowod to hold moro than 0H0 offloo undcr the Uiutvd States Govermncut. lüomiuonty report au s that the maioritvro]k rt is nicrely a campaign document, defl-nds John I. Daveuport, and claims that instoad of t céname, Akorman, Williama and Davenport t aro entitlcd to commondation. Tuk Alftbama State election occurred on f Hondty, Aug. 7. The Demoprsw carriwl the iorltyaorge 8, f Elouston boing re-elected Governor- and ec;nrcd a large mnjority in tho Logislature. Tl Kontucky elecüoii was liold ou tbo saine dav, md i-eaiutou, as a matter of eouise, favorably x tho Deinocraey. Henry Watterson, of the Journal, was elec'tod to Cougress from tho LouíavíIIo District, to -Jill tho unexpired term of E. Y. Parsons, decoased JL GJNKHA1.. President QitANTi tb accordauca with the proYiuious of the act of Congres appr. Marcl 3, 1875, ha sued a prbcliVmation declariug aud proclftimiüp; the fact that tho fundamctittU BOndlttoaa imposed by Comrrea ou Iho State of Colorado to entitlo that Stato to admission to tho Union havo baen ratified and accopted, and that the admission of said State into the Union is uow complete. . . .The ftfllowing isa copy of the mersage rf the President to tho Sonate on the Hamburg atïair : To tkeSenateof tiie' United Staten: In response to a rorolHtlou of the Senato, July 20, calllng upou the ITesidcnt to corumunicito to the Benate, if iu liin opinión uot incompatible with public intcrnut auy inforination in regard to the slaughter of Amrican citizeus at Hamburg, 8. C, I havo the hoïoj tosubuiit tlw (ollowiiigivclosnrrs: [Herc follow a miuibcr of papers rolaüvo to Ulo Unmburx massa0 ilie President says! Thefte ÜKSltattreB eïabrnco all the Information Ui rny f oseteesió'n touching tho late augnoefttl ai'd DrVitnl sïaughter of unoft'ending men ut the towti ol Hamburg, S. C. My letter to Uov. Obaluberlain coutain all the comments I wisli to luako on tho subject. As nlluaion ia matïo in the' letter to the condition of other otates, aud puitioularly to Ixmisiana and Ulaslsaippi, I h"e f.rtd'ód to the inclosuves letters and tustlinSny in regard to the lawlesn condition of i ortion of tho peoplo of the lat ter Sta'e. in regard to Louisiana affairs. mnrdcn and iiiaspacres of innocent men for opinión n Rake, or on account of color, have been of U)o recent íate and too frequent occurronce to requiro reeapitnlation or teetimony hcre All aro familiar with thoir horrible detaiie, the only wonder bfllng that 6O many justify them or apoiogizn for tbem. Uut receutly a committeo of tho Scnuto of the United States visitod tho State of Mississiplli t take testimony on the Bublect of frauds and vlolence in clectious. Their report has nht been mado public, but I awttit its rortheoming with a feoling of confidenco thal it will fully sustain all thi.t I have titated i relatloB to fr;uid and violencc in the State of Mississippi. u. s. gbakt Execdtive Mansion, July 31, 1876. The paesage of tho bill in Congress providing for the coiuago of $50,000,000 of stlbsidiary silver coiu for American elrcnlation has arresU od tho f all In tlio value of Bilver in Europe, and caused it to advanca irom 49 penco per oimceto ö'.'}., pepee per ouuco. Tm; Blaine constitutioual amondment, whioli rccently paaned tho lower house of CongiesB by au almcst unanimous vota, was as follows : Resolved, By the Senate and House of Rcpresentative of the United States of America in Congress usembled, to-thirds of each House concurring therein, Uut the foDowlsg be proposed to the eoveral States of Iho United States as au amendmeut to tho coubtitution, namely : "A kt. 16. No State shall make a la respectiiiK an liment of religión, or prohibiting tiie free exerciee thereof ; aud no money raiscd by taxation m any State for tho support of tbo public schools, or derived from any pululo f umi therefor, nor any public lands devoted thereto, ehall ever bo under control of any roligious sect o denomination : nor shall any f unds so raised, or landj so used, be dlviiled among any religious ects or denominatioos ruis articie thall not vest, cnlarge, or diminish the legislativo power iu Congress." A etter received iu Washington from Speaker Kerr confirma tho ie;.ri as to his unfavorable conditiou. Ho wiitea thiitho is compelled to spend moot of lus timo iu bed. Accounts of tlio recent battlebetwecn Turks and Montenegrins at Trebigne state that tho formor lost Selim Pasha killed, and Osmall Pasha, taken prisoner ; two ColOnols, thrce Lieuteiiant Colímete, seven Haiors, and from 5,000 to 0,000 ineu. Two battalions of infautry and ono of chasseurs wero deatroyed, to the lat man. All the battafioiirt rtSich were engaged suffered. The uumber of Turkish inferior officers lulled is euormous. The pursuit was contimtcd to the walls of Jjilck Corpscs woro thick in tho road beforo the citada..„ In the British House of Commons the other day, John O'Connor Tower, Momber for Coimty Mavo fflOTed that, in the opinión of the House, the time had como for pardonintr the Feman?. The motiou, after debato was rejected- 117 to 51. A enters visited IMifax, N. S., the other öay, and while paseiiig through tho etreeta the clerks of the Bank of NovASeotiaand the Provincial Troasurers ofiico locked the cïoors and went off to aeo the procegöion. On returnine thoy discovered that tliievos Jiad entered in Uicir aböcnce and robbed the bank of $17 500 anü the Troasurer's office of 61,000 nnd valu' able papers A Constantinople correspondent of the Paris Gaulois ttnya: " Mecca has placed 200,000 Arabian troo'ps at the diapoaition of the Turkiöh;Governmout, and some of tbese toreen are alrendy awaiting orders to start. The Bashi-Bazouks aro not to bo compared iu ferocitj with Syeibekp. The Jatter at Smyrna slew all the people in the streota. The towu is in an inrloecribable btato of terror." A Londou diépatoh announcea that the American horee Preakness wou the Bri"hton cup by a walk-over. A cable dispatch says 9,000 men and twelve Krnpp cannon have left Egypt for the l'orto, and 11.000 more men and twenty-four Kruöp guns will soon bo dispatched, to complete tiie oontiugent which tho Shedivè is eoinc to furnih the Sultan. Moük battles aro reportedbetween tho Turks and Servians, at places and undcr commauders with equally uncivilized ñames. The only definito result isjthat one of the Tiu-kiHh army corps Beems tu havo been driven iuto a position from which tho only escape m to cross tóe Austriau frontier. Shonld. this be done, the forco would bo clisamiíd aud intorned by the Anstrians. The Porto has paid to tho families of the Germán and Prench Consuls, who wore murdored at Salónica, as ind6mnity, i-10,000.


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Michigan Argus