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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuesday, Aug. 8. -tenate. -The Scnat passed thc bilí to ostablish the Torritory of Pem bina out of a portion oí Dakota , . . . EdnniDfls callcd np tbc reporta of thc mo.iority and' minority of thc which inveatigated the circunistanccs atteudiug the lato election ín Missiusippi, and it was ordered that they be printed in the Record, aud lio upon the table. . .Logan, frora the Committce on Military Affairn, reported adveraely on the House bilí to pardon desertors froin tho arniy, and it was iudefiñitely postponed The Senate then resumed conaideration of the resolution of Morton to priut 10,000 copies of tho mepflaRe of the Prosidentand acconipanyiiif? document in reference to thc recent trutible at Hamburg, S, C, and Eaton ppoke in opposition thereto. He was folluwed by Pattcreon, who ppoke in favor of thc resolption. Ifouse. - Landers introduced a bilí to eecure tho prompt resumptiou of specie payinents A bilí was passcd to print 100,000 copies oí tho report of the CommiBsioncr of Agriculture for 1874, and 2O0.0C0 copies of the report for 1875,and approprfating $130,000 therofor. . An effort was made to rcacU a vote on lïlatmv Silrer bilí, bnt fllibrtFtérmg on 'tho. part of the opponeuts of thc nieanuro forced a poetIjoncment. Lawrcnce introduced an amenduient to thé constitutioii for that knowu as the lilaino BQ&op] amendnient : "Aiít. 16, Seo. 1. No Stato shall make any l;iv respect ing an establishment of religión or prohibitlng tlio froc exento thereof. ' Sec. 2. No pabilo property or money raised by taxation or from any public fund or property in any State or place subject to the legislativo power of Congres shall ever be given to or be under control of any religious sect or donominatlon. 'Skc. 3. Congress Bhall have power tocnforco this articlo by appropriato legislation.'' Keferred to tho Judiciary Comniitten Tho House was tho scène of anothor lively pol iti cal debate, ín which Halo and Cox wero the chicf participant. Wednesday, Aug. 9.- Senate.- A number of bilis were ua3Bcd, among them the ITouso bill to allow homestead settlers tb mako proof of settlement bcfore tho Courts, as well as before tho Itoceiver Windom, froiu tho couferenoo coüiiniUce on tho Lefrislativo, Kxcóutive, and Judicial Appropriation bill. reportèd that tho couiniitteo had been unable to agreo, and inoved that a new conforonco be aiithorizcd Therc waR a renewal of tho debato on the renolution to print 10,000 copies of the Prealdent'a rucKsno on thn Harulmn; aiïair. Speeches worö mado by Pattwaou ami WaJlacc. House. - The majority and ïninority reporta of the Postónico Coniinittee on the inveetigation into btrawbidn, etc., mado by Olark, of Missouri (Ohainüan), and Cannon, were ordorcd priutcd, and laid on Ihe table... llagby, f rom tlie Comuiittco on Invalid J'riiHion, roported a bilí ffivint; a ppnuion of $"30 a luonth to thc widow of Capt. Yates, of theSqvontu c.iiviilry, killed at the batUe of thn Jjittle lïij; Hörn. Passcd Lyndc, frouj tlio JtiflJcïary Committce, mado a report in the if Sotinmaker and Kin# aH connreted with the Pacific Mail subflidy, and l-'trd, of Now York, made a minority report. Tho ji;nj')rity report recommends that tho House lcavo tho charges against tbo members wherothoy now are, in Conrt. Tho mmority roixurt íh that tho House has Jurmdiction, and that tho Committoe on Civil-Service Itcform ehould atcertilii and report the facta. MoCraryignH an additional ]mpT exprésalos the opinión that tho Houso may properly tako juriediction of tiie ch;irge....Tho Houso then wout into a afocnasion of political fubjects, anJ Goorge l ïtoar (tclivered a net speech In rrply to Lamar. Hookcr replied to Hoar lUndall, froni the conPerënoe on the Kxccutive, Lealilfttive, and Judicial Approuritttion bill, reportèd that the committee bad come to no cnnclneion, and explaincd tho d i ff erf enees. Lord oíl'ercd a reaolution, wliioh wasagreed to, that the confürees recodo froiu their poqition rogardJng the falary of the President and GougrcMmon.and the same conforenco committee was reappointed. TnuRHDAT, Aug. 10.- Señale.- Tho amoundment of tho lionne to tho renoluiion of the Senate to print 4,000 copies of tho majority and minority reporte of the special committeo uhich recently in ■ f Ufated MifpiHÍppi aíVairfl, w.u; agreod to and tlio roKolutitiii i;usvd,.,,xiiQ coufereuce rt.port iu tho. Kiver and Harbor bill was agreed to. The bill appropnatcs exactly i.diiniiH) The Senate then resuined consideration of the roflolution (o i)rint 10,000 extra couïos of the message of the President and accoiunanyíng documenta in regañí to the rtcmt (tiilïenlty at Hamburg, 8. C. Shermuu Bpoke in favor of the rcsolution and McDonald in oppoeitioD. fiotiM, - Lord oíTered a resolution rocitiug that the rlght of suffrage prescribed by ihe oonstitutions of tho severa! States is fiubjoct to lbo Fifteenth amendment, and that tho exercise of eaid riffht sliould bo faithfully mamtamert a uu observc-d ïy the United Statr and that it ipjeserted that the exefciseof said rightis ín sorae Btatea, notwlthstanding the1 cfforte of good eit'zenii, rcfdntorl atid controlled by frautï, lntimidation, and violente, sotliatthe object of the Fifteenth amondment is defcated, and that all citizonn, without diKtinction of race or color, aro cntitlfsd to the rightw conferred by said amemimcnt, and JEclarltíg that all atteiui)t by force, fraud, terror, íntimiMation, or othcr witte, to pr.-vent a froe excrcíb( of tho riglit of Buffrage, should moet with cortain, coiidign, and effeotua] puninhiu-ní, and tli:á iu any case wuicn lia heretoforo oocnrïed or whioh may hereaftcr ocenr la vnit-li iilonoo or mtirrtw has been or shall bo commltted by one chtHH or race on another, tho prompt puuitahment of tho oriminal or criuiinalB is ïmpofatively duiuamli ■!, ffheüier the crime be punlahable by a fine andimJiuentor onc dumanding tho punisliiucut ot dcalh. A vote was tulen on Ihe ijrtanil.l., v.1jic!i was agrucd to- yeas, 124 ; oaye, ÍL A TOte waa then teken on Une resolution, and itasadopted witli only two rtiflheDtitíg votes- liíand (Mo.) tfnd BeMan(Texu) - The uiajority of tho Committee on Naval Kxpenditurcs preseirted a report dirrcting tbo. remuval of isniiUi Haiiacom, Chicf of the Bureau of CoüBtructiun and Kopairö, and deolATiog a want of cbnndence in Seoretary Robeson. Tho minority prosented a report oombaöng the conchufons of töe majority, bnt without any considerable debato tJio majority report wan adopte d ThiMMTijority .and jni'nority reporte of thu Committce on LoiUBJUM Affaire watt ordercd priutcd. Fbiday, Aug. 11.- knakt.- The SeiïatcHjxut mort of the day on the Post-routo 1)111, wlilch was Ünally passcd with amendments restoring tlic fastmail servico. and alo restoring tbe fransing privilege.... Spencer read dispatchos froni prominent Republicana In AJ abara a, ulleging tiiat iu the receut elcction iu that State Üiounands ui LiepnbUcan voton wero deniefl thc right oi si.Mr.i,:. . Spi neer h;id iis iioppd the Senate would niujüiut a couímitfcèa to iiivi.i [gatfl Um electlon. . . . Tfie constfCutiohai axaendmeni In pogaífl t the spbo1 mud wjk diü ouiaed aan ordered to ;i thlrd readicg. Houw.- The Senate bill repcajlng bo muob I Army Appropriatlou bil! rb Ujnltf) iïio ïniber of Indiau scouts to 300, and ontiuuing in forcc tho statutc wlüch ie eniploynient of 1,000 Indiau scouts, was passcd. . . K:inl;ill mado tho confercin-o report on tbo Iuui Appropriatton bill. He sald the bil! as agreed o wan a saving over last year'B bill of $6911,437, ho report was agreed to The Speaker pro (om. id beforo tbo House a Iné'Beage frotu tbo 'ropident, with coninmuicationn fiom tho Jeoretary of War, Oen. Sherman, and in. Sheridan, reoommending ftn increado cf tlio ivalry forcc of tho amny by 2, SOU men, or authory to cali out live regiment of vulunteorcavalry of ,000 men racb. Referrcd Slngieton, from tho ommitteoon Printing, repQrtéV! back the Sonate iU for priuting 100,000 copies of tho Agricuitural ■port for eaeli year of 1874 and 1875, and approprlting $180,000 for that pürpOBO. Paased. Satukday, Aug. 12. - 'tíñate.- The school inomlnient lo tho oonstitution was read t'uo tbirtl imc and placed on the calendar A bill appropriting $800,000 to puy judgnionts of the OouxÉ of 'laimB was passed. . .The ficnato dovotcd scveral ïours to debata on the Hawaiian treaty. ílowe. - The Hoiïbo procoedings wcro devoid of ntercflt. .. . Lynch (colored),of Misslssippi,dclivcred i. politlcal speech ín answer to . Monday, Aug. 14. - Señale. - A rosolution was passed for the appointment of a joint coniniitee, to consistof torce Sonators and tbree momerá of tho Honro, to prepnro a siritable Govfruiii ut for the DiKtrlctof (olumbiu, and report at lie next bcshíou of OnngresB Tho bill to carry uto SfPéot tlio Hawaiian fri-aty was jiaSHcd after .i loufí debate Spencer unbmittecl a resolution declarhiK that tliti late oloctlon in Alaama was carried by the Dcmocrwts by mcaus of 'rand and intimiilation, and providinfï for tho aj jointment f a oonimittco of fl-o Seuatontoinvestjatothcinattfr. übjected to, and it iveut over.... Tho House joint rmhition pnwoedtig an amcud1 1 ■ ■ 1 1 1 to the constitution of tno United States, prohibitlng the appropriatlon of monoy for tho Kup[Xrt of sectariau schools, was rejectcd - yeas, 28; nayn, 16- not two-thirds votiug in the alfinnative. The vote in detail was as followe : Yean - AlÜBon, Anthony, liooth, Boutwell, liruco, liurnnide, Oamcron (Wis.), Christiancy, Clayton, Oonkling, Oñgin, rMiumxis, Ferry, FrilmghoyBen, Harvey. Jones (Nev.j, Logan, McMilhu), Mortlll' Morton, Oulcsby, Fadrtock. Patternon, Harjicnt, Spencer, WadleigB, iuul Wfcst- 28. .Vü.vs- Uosy, Cockrell, Cooper, J)avls. Knton, Oordon, Joúes (Fia.), Kernan, Keo, Kelly, McDonald, Maxey, McCreery, Norwood, Randolph, Bteveimon- 18 Logan's bi!l, iuitliori.Ini the Presideni to accept tho service of volunteera to uid la suppretsing the ludían hostililies, wa passod. Ilouxet- Thebill giving moro troops for the Indiau service was passed under a suspensión of the rules W.ittcrsou, the now member from Loutavill5, aupeared and was sworu in Siufili.lon aldrcBsed Uio House on tho conditiou of public affairs in Misti8bippi SchleichiT inade a apeooh in advocacy of tho Bilver bill IiandaU made sonie general remarks on Uie sevoral appropriatious. lío gavo an extended account of tho rcdnction policy of tho House, ciiarging tho Scnato with haviug aefeated still greatir econoiuy contemplatcil by the House, l'oster, a member of the Appropriatiou Committee, re!icd to what bc called the ingeiüous mjfstslemfsta of liaudall The Speaker laid beforo tho House a mniwngn tram the l'reaidcnt in regard to the Kiver and Harbor bill, staling if it had been compnlsory to expcml tho money therein approprlata ho wouta havo vctoed it, but as it was iiot ho would take caro that no xublic money wss oxpendud on useless works, or iijion :my that were not clearly ntional. The message orefttod quito a Kensatiun, and aftor an animated debate it was rafened to the. (Jommittec on Cominorce....Aii eveuiijg session was held, dovoteil almost wholly to political debate. Kassou, in tho conrso of a speech, mado a flerco attack apon Samuel J. Tilden, chargiug tbat ho was a copperhead, a disunionist, etc. Cox got the floor to reply, and began by sayiug : " The defender of Uclkuap has eaid certain things of Tilden." Kasson Jumped to his feet aud in grtat anger eaid : " It is untruc ! It is untrue." Cox began again by sayiBg " the apologist for Bolknap-" whon Kasson again jumped to his feet and ouarged that tho statement was falso. Groat excitement ousued. Cox ruBhed across the open space iu front of the Speaker's desk and np tbc aisle down wbich Kasson was coming rapidly. Btovonson, of Illinois, got between them and pnsbed them back. Kasnon said somethiug in the confusión, and Cox replied that he " lied." Thero was for a timo great confusión and excitement ou tho floor, but raatttrs llnally quieted down and proceedcd in tho usual order. _____


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