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Untraveled Presidents

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Some of our best Presidonts nover got across thü ocean. Washington, when a vory jwng man, sailecl as far as Barbad does witli hi eider brother (or rather lmlf-brothor) Lawreiico, who was in failing lioalth. Tüe trip was undertakon for his recovexy, but was uusuceessful, and Lawrenee died soon af ter his return. Ho bequsathcd lus estito (Mt. Vernon) to his fitl'ectioTiiite brother, of whosesubequent greatness ho little dreamed. John Adams was abrood in the servieo of his country, and his sou (aftorward President) accompuniod him. Jcil'cr.son aiso crosf3(;d the oeean on a mission to Frnuce, but Madison nover left the American sliorcs. Monroe wns abroad ns the American Ambassador to Paris. Jackson, however, never took a sea voyage. His suecesaor, Van Buren, wns a taiveled man, aud then carne Han ison and Tyler, neither of whom crossed the Atlantic. Tho.snme statement may be made of Polk and his successors, Gen. Taylor and Fr.inklin Piorce. Buchanan was abroad, and then camo Lincoln, Johnson and Grant, neither of whom ever tried the perils of the ocean. - New York Letter.


Old News
Michigan Argus