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WOÖL W ANTEDI _0r whnt is about the same thing, I want tlie noney that buys it. Now as the lainbs are all horn, and the price of wool eatablished and uo troepeot of beingauy higher, and 1 have had many and very faithful promises of iay in wool time, hus far but very few have been on time witli hose prouiises4 Now I siiuply say to uil delinliuruis whooweme that the best thing thcy can [o is to give this tlieir first attention, especially ,hose wlio have let their bilis run froin one to twoyears. All such nmy expect me to drop down on thcm like a bat on bedbug. I will uppear to rou like a inidnight assassin in an unexpected ïour. Now I situply aay to all those owing me, uo natter how grcat or how small the amount, to walk right uj to the Hcratch Bnd pay inet or I éfaftUlose do time in invitiug you before a Justice of the Peace. Now don't fooi yourselvcs ly tbinkng he won't sue me, or he is lying or jnking, about this matter. Negleot tlilaund you will ftnd out about this joking. 1591m2 M. ROGERS. GlASS jops MEHL M ■ "' A " V' jiflfflH l' I In I 'v S Wi I B i i COHANSEY GLASS MfGCQ MFffS W1ND0W GIASS.BOTTLES &G. PHIIADEIPHIA c.,„,: s,. rINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERT, GROCERY -ANDPLODR & FEED STORE Wc keep constantly on Hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC FOR WHOLESALE and RBTAIL TRADE. We shall also keep & supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEA FLOUR, KYE FLOUH, BUCKVVWHEAT FLOUK, COBN MEXL, FEEU, At wholosale and rttail. A general stook of GROCERIES AND PROVISIÓN constuntly on hand, whioh will be sold on as reo aunublu teriuá as at uny olher house in thin city. Coah paid for Butter, Egs, and Country l'ro ïnce generally. nar Qoods dolivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. lïlsi-:v de ÜEABOLT. Aun Arbor, Jan. 1. 1876. 1S64 ETN" A. IN8ÜBANCI COMPAM Capital, - $3,000,000 Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includin Ke-Insurance Reserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, iiioludini Bo -Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. Ci 3IACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. Estáte of Gottlieb Lodholz. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O sa. At ii session of the Probate Court for th county of Waehten-iw, holden at the Probate offic in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thuraday, the seven teenth duy of August, n the yctir i huiu-.m ei"ht hundred and scventy-aix. Present, Nonh W. üheever, Judtre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol Gottlieb Lndhol deceased. Ou reading andflling the petition, duly verifled of Iíenricka Lodholz, prnying that a ctituin in strument uow on tl 'e iu t'nis ourt purporting to be the last will and testauönt of aaid decease muy bc admittod to probate, and that she may be appointed executrix thereof. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Monday th eleventh d.-iy of September, next, at ten o'cloc! in the l'oreiioon, bo assiiined for the hearing o .sa i d petitioa, and that the devisees, leñatees am hfiis at law of said deccased, and all otlier poraon intercHted in aaid estáte, nre requh'ed tu appear a a session of said court. then to be holden ut the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and tthow causo, if un y there be, why the prayer of the peUtioner should not be jrranted : And ït is further ordered thai. said pvtilioner pive notice to the perrons inteieated in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, snd the hearing thereof, by causing acopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argust a ncwnpnper printed aud circulated in tiaid county three succes-iive weeka previous to said day of hearing. 0 (A truecopy.) NOA1Ï W. CHEÜVEK, L696w3 Judge of Probate. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of un oxeeution issned out o and tuider the s(wl of the Circuit Court foi the ('ounly of Wushtenaw nd State of Michigan in favor of Edward Duffy, and a.-unst the Koda and cliattela, and tor want thereof tne landt unc tenementa oí Jumos Coloman, and to mr delivered 1 did un the ueveweeata duy of December, A. D 1873, lovy thüfiuruu on the foHowing decribed reu ettate, to wit : On lot (12) twulve, block ($) three north, rangfl (4) four east in the city of Ann Arbor )iii-li abOTfl deacribed property I Bhall expuso for snle to the Lighest biduer, at the aouth door ol tho Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Washteaaw couuty, Michigan, on the 21st dayoi September, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock A. M. of suitJ duy. Dated August let, 1376. 1594 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. (OAL AND VVOOD. Orders recciv'cdfor July, August, September and Jctober deltvery of Coal, At Winslow Bros., 32 E. Huron St. u ;titv;uicu iu price uiay be expected each mouth alter July. RICIIMÚND & WINSLOW. Ana Arbor, July 20, 1S70. 1592tf $K t l. . l'er day at home. Samplen worth O t0 Oíl free. Hxinshn & Co., Portlttnd, Me. 1578 niASHIüNABLE DilESS M.VCING. Mrs. Wooil invites the lidies of Aan Arbor and icinity to cali at har DriMB-Muking Room, over lie tiLort'. ut A. 13ell, Wiianintou street. A full neof now and lateat styles of patterna constant - y mi inuid. iuulity of woik wnrrtinted, und piiccs uude tu uuit Ihe time. A shure ot publie patona'-re is repectfutly uolicited. Iyl578 INE OB PRINTING üue t the 1 AKI1IIS Sewing Machines TUE SINGER, NEW DOMESTIC, And th.e HOWE And several good Second-Hand Machines at th SEWINU MACHINE OFFICE, Anu Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The very best that are made, and attachin ?nts an parts for uearly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired better therc thnn anywhere else Ín America. If your machine dou't work well, trad it for onc that does, or have it npaircd. All ma chines sold ou easy paymeutü at the oilice. Sccond door east of Post Office, Ann Arbor, Midi. (1M6) 1 1. imm:i,i., Affent. r EORGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the flrm of Clark Cropsky, and A Kkaknkï, lat of Texas, under the lirin name o KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have estaMished themelves at No. 33 South M.-tf 11 st., Aun Arbor, and propoae to do general Crocery Business Thcy will also keep CKOCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WAEE. and a full line of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FKUIÏS. Thcy have filted au furnished A First-class Eating Department, Wherc Mtals can be had at all hours, or board by the week. Casta pald for Rutter, i:íts n, and all Country produce Goods promptly dolivürwl iu auy part of th city. Remembor the ]lace 33 Noutn Main Street. KEARNEY & CROPSEY. Ann Arbor, Apri! 26, 1876. 1580 THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of theCity of Ann Arbor in township t wn south oí rangu six east, compriainf? tïm eaat half of the northeast quarter of aection nineteen ; and thnt p-irt of the west half ol the went half of the northwust quarter of bocLíoii twenty, Iying north of the tumpike ; in all 100 kki aerea, with House, Barn, an (Jnfailing Spring of Water, And about flfty aerea well improved ; ihst class land nd situutiun beautiful. Tvo-th:nU ot the purchase money may remaiu on the laud thrue to íívt' yeara. For terms apply to OEO. E. HA NI), Or U. J. BEAKES, Detroit. Ann Arbor, 1574tf Yisitors to the Oentennial, ISTEWT YORK BALTIMOBE AND WASHINGTON, TAZE 1TOTZCB! Tbat the Cleveland Steamer NORTHWEST, R. N. RIOE, Leave M. C. R. K. whurf, Detroit, dnily At 9 o'clcek p. m., exwpt 8undayB. Thia line ha arriiii..-i-.l a syntem of tickets vin Cleveland whereby over 300 route can be md to Pniladnlphiu and New Vork, going and retuming by any route deaired. No other line onn offer Buch a j nety of routes. Ticket for aale at principal Railrond OSloes, on board Hteainera and at Oompnny' office, foot of Shelby st., Detroit. 15s D. CARTER, Agent. BILL HEADS AND 8TATEMENTS : AT THE ARGU8 OFFICE, Corner Main and Huron Street. I Northern Central R. R. Co. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO TH " CENTENNIAL." Through in 27 hours from Detroit, as per sche ule of passenger trains below : [Via Oa&ada 8outhern Etailwsy.] Leave Tolitlo, 8 10 p m ! 4" i " Monroo, &ff2pm 11 LSai " Detroit, 665 p m 12 20pi [Via Great Western R'yJ P M A SI P M Leave Detroit, G 25 4 20 12 -'tí [Via Grand Trunk R'yJ P H A M A M Leave Detroit, 5 45 2 50 7 30 [Via New York Central R. R.] A M A M 1" M 1' H Le. Niágara Falls, 4 00 7 :S0 1 45 8 10 Suspension Bridge, 4 20 7 88 2 00 8 00 BuSMo, I 35 7 ir, 1 50 9 50 Rochester, 7 80 3 35pm 5 30 12 20 a m [Via Northern Central U'y.J A M I' M PM AH A Le. Canandaigua, 0 45 4 40 ti 66 1 4."i Penn, 11 - SKI 7 4S 2 1J Watkiii-, 1217 7 00 S 37 3 :tó 8 0 Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 OH 8 43 SO Klmira, 180 Sin 9 80 4 30 90 Troy, 888 10 8 r, :u 10 09 Mlnnequa, 1 09 11 06 0 02 10 3 Williainsport, R Id 12 ÍS 7 40 12 2. Xortliumberland, 12 II) 9 25 2ft Sunbury, 12 50 2 00 9 35 2 1 Harrisburft, 2 !"■ 8 "■" 11 ID 4 1 Baltimurc, 7 35 6 25 7 3. Washington, 9 02 9 07 9 0 PhiladeTphift, 7 00 785 880 7 2 New York, 1U 10 10 25 0 45 10 20 Passengers by this ront havo the privilege o Stopping tl' at any poinl, and of visiting VaflAljD ton City without extra charge. ' Nodust. Road thoronghly stone ballasted, am it-s passenger triiins ara oqulpped witli every know tmpnT6UQnt for the convenienceand safety of pas sengers. The tar-famed Watkins filen Ihmh located m (li dlnet line of Northern Centni] Iliiihvay passenger can take it in on theii route to the Centeunial, by taking the Northern Central Kailway. He .sure your tiekets read t-jVi New York (.'entra and Northeon Central líoatl.s. Infonnatiou givt-n on applieatiOQ to WcMtcrn Pas senger Agent. D. M. BOYO, .Irt.. Ood. Piis.s. gent. Sam'l L. Skymouk, Western Passenger Agent Búllalo, N.Y. 159? CeutennUl Excursionista wíii, of course, vrlah to aee all thesights oomfbrta bly and cheaply. To tins end the Canada Bouthen Railway Company has, through its cpnnectton ii he West and Northwest, placed on sale a largt iiumlier of Toiirists' Bxcuraion Tickets at grtiatl reducwl ratea, by whieh pflnnongnrn can Dot ouly visit tbe OenteDnial Exhibiüon ut Fhiladelphia, but can, in udditlun, viit tl ie principal BMtorn cities, with au opportunity of Btoppíbg at au y of thegreal nuiuber of fitmoQs reeorts in New York and Pennsylvania. The Canada Soatbe.n is the oniy line fromdie Weet running directl; to Nia-ata FaOs, givlng pasaengers, froiu the train, a wonderf u 1 panoramio vi w of tbe Migbty Cataract, Horse-shoe Fail, the Great Rápida, and landing tbem directly at the Falls. The track of the Canada Southern iü uu all line, laid of steel rails of the heavieöt pattern ; there ure no curws orgradoa ; wood is uaed tot fuel; CoaehflB are furnishetl with the Wtncheli Patent Ventilator, ensnring perfect freedom f rom du st. With its complete syslriu ] magnlflcent Parior, Sleeping and Draving Kootn Cars, from Chicago', Detroit and Toledo, and its admirable connectiqns at Nlagani FBlIa ahd Bofialo wit li the New York Central and Brie Kailir;;ys, the Canada Southern ie fast beconiíng tlie favorito line to the East. Tickets via this popular UOQ oao b$ procure! at all oitices of poiÚMCtíng Unes, or at the Jompany's own otfiecs. Any Information eau be obtained by addresin FRANK E.8N0W, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Ag't, Detroit. THE ENEMV OF DISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is the tirand oiil MUSTANG LINIMENT "Which has stood the lstof forty yeurs. There ia no Sore it will not beul, no Lfimt-ncts it will not cure, no Ache, no Pain that itíiicís the Human Body, or the Body ol a Horse or othtr iluniestic animal, thttt does nut yield to ita mngü touch. A bottle coBtinz 2óc, 50c, or $I.0U, has often rtiivcd the life of a human U'inv. -nul reatorcd to life and usefulnesfc mauy a valunble horso. , RAILROADS. mClimS CENTRAL K.ULKOAI) MAY 28, 1876. OOIHO WKBT. _tii1 ÉÈat IA. X. A. M P.M. . Jd. l.M. p „ Oetroit.leave. ! 7 00 1 i 05 2 50 4 00 (i 00 y (j. T. Juuu: on, ! 7 15 10 20 3 116 1 16 l. 15 Is ! Wayne Junction 7 57 10 49 3 32 4 50 ö 47 w Ú ïpsilanti, I 8 81 11 lu 3 61 5 ï8 7 12 n VimArlwr, 8 56 11 '20 4 13 5 45 7 45 11 kuiter, y -'il 4 85 ti 06. 6 1 Chelsoa, . 93 4 47 6 23 8 ss " iraasLuke, lu 07 6 15 G 4J 8 S5_ ackiH.n. Ar., 1 10 40 1 a2 5 45 7 15 D 25 ij ,, Tuckson, l.v., 1(1 45 1B 37 il I Ubion, 11 36 l 14 g 10 U i lanhaD, Ú Ú 1 M 5 i 10 58 i BuUleCreek, I l 00 2 i; ♦ ■ 11 Sí US , A. K. Gali'sburg. ' 1 31 'a. m. lï 10, ;■;.,!; i. ;..!,, i 52 a i'3 4 00 12 3! ■., jiwtou. 2 35 4 41 1 05l_" Deoatnr, ! 2 5Í 5 00 i 25 )iv,iif{iiic, '3 16 6 26 l.v, _ Nites, i 3 45 4 n t 10 2 3.JI 4ta ■ luchaiiHn, :; ü9 6 25 2 45 " I'hree (Jks f 4 28 4 K ! 7 04 3 23 5 u .w lluli.ilo, 4 43 6 08 7 21 3 40 Michigan City, 5 10 6 Sé I 7 501 4 05 5 u Lake, 5 4S 6 14 b 35 4 & Ki-nsiDKton, C 45 7 15 ! 9 35 5 42 ; u „hicifro, urrive, 7 80 8 OOI 10 20 6 30 3 OOI NO KAST. 'S & 5 K 5 , f_ _P__1_ I ljí_ A. M. A. M. P. M. I'. M. p. M. ' 'Inculto , leave, 6 00 l 00 4 00 5 15 1) lio Kenaington, 6 45 9 4 4 4f. i 6 57 9 43 I.ake, 6 40 10 20 5 30 6 43 10 '5 Michigan City, 7 :'-2 11 H) 0 30 7 40 11 { New Buifillo, 7 55 11 '2(1 (i 05 11 35 Three Oaka, 8 09 11 32 1 7 08 8 11 11 47 P. M. A Jf. nnchnnan, 8 4 7 50 '12 20 Niles, 0 12 09 8 20 8 55 12 3i Dowaginc, 9 27 8 49 - . 1 01 Deeatur, í' 52 9 15 j 1 u Lílwlon, 10 10 9 35 Kulamazoo, 1 -ti 1 3(j 110 10 10 20 2 lt ailefll.urr, 11 12 1 ! BatUe Creak, 11 2 17 . U 09 3 15 P. M.I -g . M.irahnü, 12 10 !Sj = K 1IJ6 3 Albiou, 1 14 3 16 1 1 ."5 4 11; A.M. tt .Tison, Ar., 2 ('S iSij.ii 12 40 4 5J sjj Jucksun, I.v., -1 1 4 1 u ; uO t 40 i 5j liriifls l,ake, : 2 45 7 3(1 Clielwxi, 3 lü 7 56 - - 6 50lm Dextfr, S ÍS 8 ÍS 6 08 II AnnArlxjr, 8 ÍÍ 5 15 8 36 2 0l 6 28 M VpHiiauli. I 1.1 5 28 8 55 2 211 6 48 11 Wuyne Jnnc, 4 45 t 45 9 23 2 411 7 OS 11 . (r.T. Juoc, 5 30. li 10 10 11 S IS 7 4J - Dttroit, Ar., I 9 45 (i 25 lfl 15' 3 30i H 0(1 U Bunduya oxcepted. löaturdny and tjunduy cepttid. flíaily. H. B. LKDYAED, Cien'l Supt., Detroit. H. I'. Wkstvvoeih, lien, l'ima. Agt., Chicago. jETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI 1 J ANA RAU ROA1). GüINí; WKST. - 187COUI0 EABT, 8TAÏIONB. Mili. Exp.l WTAT1ONS. Kxp. Mii A. M. i'. ,J. Detroit, dep... 7:00 (i:oo ... Ypsiliinti . . . . 8:35 7:15 liaukers 0:00 i Öiilioe. U:20 7:45 lli:', :. : 6:M tt Kriilgewatcr. . 9:45 7:57 Manobester.. Hiló )■ Manchester. 10: 8 8:00 Hiïdgewuter 9:15 IH i-, U. ■■íiiline Ui;10 4 HillaJale 1:1510:00 Ypuilantl.... '10:M fj Hnnkera. . l::o l:lo Detroit 12:30 H llaiii.s run liy (bicuo time. l'o take eliect , April 1U, 1876. W. F. PAKKEE, Sup't, Ypsilsnti. Cëntenni Exil PIHLADELPAIA, PA. J. to cómmemorate the Ooe Hundredth Ainiwsury of American Independence, opened Mayitu and will close November lOth, 1876. AH the & i ons of the World aud all the States and Territtríes oí' the Union will particípate, bringing togetbwr the most comprehensivo coilection of art in uits, in.cliiinical iiivfnlioüs, seleutiñc discorem óaanulbcturlng achievements, mineral BpecbUM aud aKricuItural prodacta ever ezhibiud. 0 grounds duvoted to the Kxhibition are situated m the line of the Pennsylvania Kaiiroad, and etnbroce tour hundred and fii'iy acres of FatroMM Park, all highly improved and ornamental, I wliicli eiected the largest bnildiuga BtrttCtt d, - üve of these COTOriog an aiv;i of ÍU; acres, and oostiag $5,000,000. The total numbeva buildings erected lor Lhe purposea of thu Exbilitioii la overone bundied. The Pnnsylvania Eaihoaö THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. F AST MAIL ROUTE OP THE U.S. will be the must direct, C"uvnuiit and economía way of reftchlng Philadelphia, and this great Eihibltion iroia atl aecUong of the country. Ie I iiain.- to and Croiii I'hiladilphia uill pass tliruiiti . a (BAND CÜ.NTKXMAL DEPOT, which Ut E Company havo erected at the Main Entrance tolkt I ICxltibiiioii liiiHinds, for the accommodatie ! passeiigera who wish tostop at or start fruiu ttc innmTous large hotels conliguous to tliis statM jf and the Exbibition, - a convenienceof thegre&W t value to visitors, and atlörded exclusirely bj : Peuiuyl.-auia Kailroad, which is TUK ONU LINK RUNNING DIRECT ÏO THE CENTENM . AL BU1LDING8. Excursión '.rains willalsu! at the Encampment of the Patrons of llu.sbiitiJ. at Kim Station, uu tuis road. j'-ThcPennsylrauia Kailroad is the granas railway organizatiou in the world. It coutnk I SL'ven Üiouand miles of roadway, farniiiiii -■ uous lines to Pbiladelphia, New York, Jíaltíniort, j and Washington, over which luxurious day Dlght cars are run froni Chicago, öt. Louis, f villot ('iuciunati, lndlanaiulis, C'olumbus, ïoW, r Cleveland, and Brie, without manga- ffif Itü tuain Hue is laid with doublé aud tliird tracb Of limvy steel rails, upon a decp bed of brokefl E tone ballast, and U-s bridges are ail ol' iron of stunt,-, lts passenger traius are equipped with 1 ry known iiuprovement for comfort and safety, i are ruu at faster speed for Kr't''i" distaiH-o tij: the train of any line on the continent. Tbo 'l'-' pa n y has largcly incrcast.-d ItB'ecmipiiient i"r O.'-teuuial travel, and it wilt hv. prepared to built!, i its own shops, locomotivos and passenger cars I 2 short, noticc, sufficient to accommodate any eitt . demand. Tho uncquah'd reseni rees at the coinniaad i ot' the Company guaruktoe most perfect acw I modaÜOIU tor all its patrón during the ( ciitfüi ■ al Exhiliit ion. TUE MAGKIFICENT SCEKERY for wliichtk Pennsylvnnia Hailroad Issojustly celebrated, pff1 e Beate tO the travelerover itd perfect lïuadway ever-changiug panorama of nver, mountaio, landscape views unequaled In America. THE EATIKG-ÖTATI0N8 on tliisline are I sarpassed. Ueals will bc furnished at suita I houra und ampie time allowed for enioyiug I EXCURSIÓN TH KETö, at reduced rates, D besold at all principal Hailroad Ticket utücea ■'- the West, Northwest and Southwest. Ügf-Ilc sur1 ihat your tickets read via the Orí Pennsylvania Boute to the Centen nial. FRANK THOMSON, D.M. BOYD, Je., General Manager. Gen't Pass'r A National öentennial Route TAKE THE fiÉw&OiHi THE ONLY DIRECT KUUTK TO THECENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY ! By thiu line passengeie are Innded at the &? .euniuJ Ground, or at Broatl a nd Pin.e Stretts, to vicinity of the leuding hotels in PbÜadelpbifti htj niay prefer. lioldtr of Tlirou-íh Ticket CAN STOP OFF AT THR ïïational Capital! And visit the Government Buildings and &e muy objeots of interest in and ubout VViiehiugoD Uity. Travelers detirig A SPEED Y, PLEASANT cfc COMPORTABLE TRIP siiotild reme mbtr thut the Baltiraore & Ohio Hailroad Ia celebrated f"r ita elegant Coaches, Splendid H"' t ils. ü and lïc.miiiiil Mountuiu nd Vil? Scendry, and the muny pointö of Historie ioter1 il is line. fFttrc will alwiijsbeasLoW1 LHf b uu)" ullier Line. PULLMAN PALACE 0AB8 KUN THKÜLOIL WITHOUT CHANGE Botween the principal WESTEEN & EASTEEN CITIES. For Through Tickets, Haggage Checks, Moveent of traint, yUepin Car Areommodiitiops, ■' c, at Ticket Offi. e at uil principal polnBi ORTII, SOUTH, EASTORWEST. . R. DORSEY, L. M. COLB, ,. Ass't Gn'l Ticket Ag't. Oen'l Ticket Af' HOS. P. BARKY, THU8. B. SHAKP. West'n l'aauenger Agent. Munter of TrwP ""


Old News
Michigan Argus