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[lo irost yesterday inornmg. 'r[he (Jompanv Putiu-Bay excursión nett J Knowltmi, o I' this city, has patented The public schools of this city open on I „dJ extn turmers' picnic iu aliaron yesterday ;big oue. Thst M. E. Suuday School excursión yes.. jjy numbereü ubout 4Ü0. Bev. B. Parsons, of Saline, will preach theCoiigreijalional qj,,,,. oi1 Sunday next. j„y talk abnut a trost on Monday moruwt There may huve been, but WE didn't Mw Dr. Cowles has laid the foundation of reg1(leuce on the noitU side of Ann st., iof Fifth. Tbe grounds around the Congreprational jetare being gradad, ginng a much bet'.raranco to that corner. W. D. Harrimau and U. H. Bich of this city, ave announced to aiidress pjuiocracy at Djxter to-morrow eveuiug. j S. Miüen left tor New York on Wed■(_ tomake ptirchases for the early fall je He will also look in upon the Centenal -Presiding Eider Ileod preached in the M. jChrth on Sunday moruing last,- exchang, iwith the pastor. No services iu the -The walla of J. T. Jacobs' new house, Duet of William and Fourth etreots, are up üJ the roof on. It promises to rnake a haudjime appearance. -Prut A. K. Spenoe, of Fisk University, diknlle, Tenn., a University gradúate of the 68, is visiting his friends in thia city. ji (ame by way of the Centeunial. -P. H. Abel, of the firm ot Baoh & Abel, ,jtior tlie East on Monday. IÍ ho sbould UtiJo the Uenteniiial en route it wou't prestan early shipmeut of new goods. -Henry Uash 's bnylng considerable grain manchester. Cush huyera are gooil,- and ,i should like to dispose of considerable ríinter's ink paper, labor, &c, for cash. -i dtizen ot the Third ward reports findwiceonaplantaiu leaf at an early hour on aad7 morning. That plantain should have Inteken iuto the house th night belore. -Thos. 5. Hoskius, au old resideut of this mauy yuars deputy sheriff and conablt, andan efricieut officer, died on Sunng last, at Jordán, New York, aged -The rooms of the Ladies' Library Associlïion, navin been closed to euable tlie libra!üd to gather in and rearrange the books, will K open to-morrow alternoon, at the usual ijür, for distribution of books. -Mrs. Hiram Becker, of 8t. Paul, has been rating in this city duriug the week, accom■M by her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Millei, of tan. They carne especially to attend the vterian amiiversary exercises. X. Parkar, a gradúate of tho TJuiversity ii'iitlass of 187Ö, and last year a teacher iu lebáUitioii for the Deaf, Duiab, and Blind íJiiiiias been appointed aoting principal ú;átfiustitution, vice E. L. Bangs, resigued. -ík address recently delivered by Prof. C ÍAJsms before the Pin Beta Kappa Society jf II Umversity of Vermont, on " The Rela:íoíHigher Education to National Pro3is been published íu pumphlet torm-Wm. G. Doty, of Manchester, Township .'.lírmteiident oí Scliuols, was 111 the city on ïonday last, with the design oí attending a teeíingüíthe superintendents, but as only aipntin an appearance no basmess was bmeted. -The first anuual fair of the Horse-Breed'Association of Michigan is to ne he!d at irad Rapids Sept. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16rttpremium list is a liberal one. ïtailroads Oike the usual reduced rutes for passengei's di stock. -lie fitst imuual re-union of the Fourtath Michigan Infantry is to lie held in irdHall, Ypsilaiiti, on Friday next, lt Ut. This regiment ïeudezvau&ed at anti, aud many ot its niembers were resiiis county. -The coming annual fair of the Washte3 County Agricultural and Horticultural " 'y wil] be held in this city Sept. 26, 27, 1 The offieers mean to make it a sjxss, but will need the help of farmers, ügrowers, aud all other citizens. -A Union Basket Picnic, participated in by '■ Methodist, Presbyterian, and Baptist SunJ Schools of Saline, and Ihe schools from ejCreek aud York Church, was held on "tnesday in the grove at the Crittenden Wllouse, five miles east of Saline. -The seventh aunual re-uniou of the Fifth 8&n Veteran Volunteer Iufantry is to be -atBirmiugham, Sept. 2 (Saturday of next k). The Detroit Light Guard Band will fearse the musie, and the good ladies of "■mgtiam will serve out genrous ratons. m namea ol thuse two horse thieves were "■ Bell and Clinton Wade, and they were "'Irangersin Dexter. They were brought froniFenton, taken before Justice Beaiaved examination, and were coinmitted W lor trial at the Ootober term of ccurt. -KJ. Barnett, of this city, a good inasou " diísipated habita, stood ou the railroad ? at Pontiac, ou Monday evening, was "" l)y tSe pilot of an expresa train and in""% killed, his neck beiug brokeu. His re"■" were brought here aud iaterred on rfnesday. " 'iour railroad coaches " were not sent to Jlaoti " to briug up the multitude." The Pttti Democtats chartered one coach in "oattach it to a returning ireight train ' the meeting- fillmg the coach. The Mr evideutly doesn't pattern after George ngtou. It can, will. and DOES LIE. Milán man was in our olfice a few days 'a informed us that a canvussing agent ' Register had sohcited subscriptions in ""and adjoining towns on the grouud that aneutral paper, giviug current political but taking no side, aod that a nuinber of "mts had takeu 'the bait and got taken Swved them right. Let them subscribe 'Democratie paper next time. J-Small boys are a good article, a very good "■ that ia well behaved and in their i'11! places but i a political meeting ng and shrieking wheu thoir elders apthty become a nuisauce that needs Both the Bepublicaus and Demócrata ' tleen istuibcd in this way, and ïf either )' wishes ita' speakers heard arrangements 181 be made to keep the boya out oí make iIn behave themselves. Au official document, beanng the signa oí Jos. R. Bennett, U. S. Marshal, &c , 868 us that a wariant in bankruptcy has "issued agaiust John H. Maynard, of this it V'"1 tUat a cred'tors' meeting will be held 'office of H. K. Clurke, Esq., Detroit., on h of September, at 10 o'clock a. m., to j. ' their 'tebts aud choose au assiguee. The i claims iucluded in the notice foots up ' H-90, the Bmallest claim beiug $5.00 and 'elgHt4,3üO.