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For Tildes And Hendricks

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Camdfn, N. J„ Ang. 1, 187C. Kthan Allen, Cliairmau Liberal National Commi tce : Deak 8ir : You ask me in your letter of tb 21st inst. to " lift ay your (m}) voice and re joice like a strong man for Hayos and Wheeler. I canuot do it, and I will teil you why. In 1872 we fought that gooa fight togethe in which I was proud of your companionshi We then aupported Horaco Greeley for Pros dent - a pure man, a good man, a etatesinan anc a patriot. The Democracy at Baltimore, foi gettiug their auimotiities, joincd u in endeav oring to restore and rebuild, upon tho foun dation of the amendments to the con Btitution, whii-li then promUed and ye proniiüe a regrowth of conetitutioua liberty, through which pure law nba be the meaaure of perfect freetlom Gov. Auntin Blah' (a man respocted au reverod by Mr. Greeley), saya of Mr. Tilden the hoad of the tickot : "He makes no com promises with corruption, and never seekg 1 avoid the enmity of the rings. As a practica reformer ho han led the way to tho restoratio of houest and economical governmeut in th only way posöible by a vigoroua assault upo tho powerful combination of political peci lators wlio have possesaed themselves of th rein of government." Bat you Hay, " Mr. Tiidon is honeet f rom ca culation and not from nature." To uao a homelv proverb, why do you " loo a gift hore in tho mouth ?" Wiiat right hav wo to go into the motivos of a statesman wh has impriHoned or driven into exilo gigant municipal ïobbers, and then trampled i the dust the powerful and defiant canal ring o: tho Stato of New York P Whilo we havo been talking for reform, Gov Tilden bas been acting reform. Tho people cried aloud for a chango of meas ures and men. Massachusett, with addec thousands in overy state, huogeriug and thim ing for bonest government, aakod for Bristow for President. Wo woro told that be wou] apostatize, and Johnsonize tho llepublica party, and Morton and Conkling and Logan cunning in thoir extremity, dodging the rea hho, have givou ns Kuthoi ford B. Hayes, ui known to the nation save that he has bee threo times Governor of Obio. Wo h&v nothing to say against him. But does he fi tho bill ? Tho streatn caunot rise higher tha tho fouutain. The fountaiu is corrupt. Tb itlow poiuon of this admiuistration - alas ! no slow enougli - haa penotratod tbo great cohorts of ollico-holding repnblicanism from tho Cabinet to the Custom House. Will Mr. Hayes bo stronger tlian tho couveution which cried Io Trmmphe to Grant's administration when tho people h;il ropudiatcd it with a unauiinnity unparallelod in history ? It seema to mo "no." Tbo canipaign of 1872 wan baned on generouii sentimont and aotmd polio;. In supporting Hayes you go back, I po forward ! We are at laat a homogonoouH iieoiilo. There is no Nortb, no Soutli ; but tho machinory of Iiopublican politics wavo over us at onco a trunchoou and a "bloody shirt," as if tho war had not ondod Oloven yoars ago ; and Feeks to kiudlo old aniniuHiticH whilo inauguratinga pohcy of passion. To thi policy, which Haven munt be powerltss to rcsiHt, I havo never given, and nevor eau give, my assont. Tne peo)le care little for tlio money iK'htiou. That had no biwincsH in thin oampalgu. Tildón and Hondricks (tho lattor a woll-boloved statoxman of Indiann, fnlly abroant of tho adva'ioed Sbntimentof tho country) stand to-day where you and I stood at tbo Cincinuati Convention of 1872. We bolievod thom Bincero then, whi n, conquoring their projudices, they joined Iüiihíh with is in liglitint; a corrupt p.dmiuistration. And Ibelieve tüern ainpevo now, wlien tUey ilae the poopie in bont idüiini-iti'stion, ■ umi i ïilatfurm wouUl watihiy Lincoln, or ■ Of Greoley. or thtyatT, lint Jiopubiu: mam now mcaus Conkling and Morton and argent and Logan as the power behind the irono; it meanB tbO continued domination of n arrogant and unscrupulous ariBtoeracy of fficehölders ; it meaua power without conciqnfce: iind it tnistakes audacit; for stateumanïip. Poliüfcs is hot, N pröfesHion,: it ia a dnty id bccaiiso 1 believe it my auty t shn'l Jj-föp ato tho olection of "Tilden and Ileudi . Siucerely jours, James M. Scovkl.


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