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The Democratie Dmtiict Convention for this Reppresentative District will be held in Light Guard Hall, in the city oí Ypailantí, on Thursday, September ïth, to nomínate a candidato for the LeKislature, at 2 o'clock p. m. A general atiéndante is requetted By order of THE COMMITTEE. Gov. HeNDRICKS is to make his first speech in the campaign to-tnorrow ovening, at Shelbyville, Ind. Don't FAlL to raad tlio spooch of llon. Samuel J. Kaudall, to bo found on the fourth page of tbis sheet. It will 6i'YevrenchnferfT. TT COKNELL has been made chnirinan of Kepublicaa State Coinmitteo of Now York, which ia to compénsate him for being driven from the gubernational course before thé first heat. NOT having any stomach to even atteinpt a defense of the charges of inaladministration or administrativo corruption the Eepubhcaus are emptyiug liuckets of slush upon tho head of üov. Tilden. It is the old " stop thiof " cry. A Long Buanch letter writor says that President ürant has extended an invitation to Gov. Hayes and wifo to spend a few days with him at his " cottage by the sea," and that the invitatioh has been accepted. And whnt of it? Secret ar y Morrill is roported as having demanded the resignatiou of Mr. Hoinphill Jonea, for twenty-five yoars Doputy First Coniptroller of the Treasury : because he won't do onough dirty political work. (Jivil service reform, that. ■ t m ■ -i ■ The New York Tribune, which supports Hayes, says : "We have rogarded the whole body of railroad accusations against Mr. Tilden with conterapt ; " and the New York Evening Pust, also a Hayos journal, scouts all tho charges inade against either Tilden's personal reputation or " war record."' In TUE Toledo (Ohio) Oongressioual district, Frank II. Hurd has been reuominated by the Deniocrats. Ilis Eepublican opponent is J. D. Cox, a carpet-bagger into the district, and former member of Grant's Cftbinet. Two hard-money candidatos, in a soft-money district. JonN Cochrane failed to carry the Liberal Republioans of New York over in a body to the support of Hayes and Wheeler. His Saratogá Convention. split in two in the middle, the bettur half, brains being coneidered, declaring for Tilden and Hendricks. Ex-OOY. CURTIN, of J'ennaylvania, one of the " war Governors," is on the Btump in Indiana for Tilden. He is aided, abetted, and supported by ei(iov. Blair, Michigan's "war Governor," aiid by George W. Julián, a wheelhor8e of the Indian Abolitionists, Freor Soilers, and Republicans. Hibam Bauney was a Whig candidate for Presidential eloctor in 1848 and again in 1852, and during Lincolu's adininia.tration ho waa the Colleotor of New York ; yet Hiram Bamoy supjiorts Tilden, and for these reasons : "Tho differentie betwoen Hayes and Tilden is that Hayes oannOt acoomplish reform beoause his party is opposed to it, whilo Tilden bas shown abuudant ability to conduct his reform measures whether bis party supports bim or not. He is a candidato to be proud of." And tbat is what Mr. Tilden's neighbors say of him, alwost without distinction of party. Pbecedino tho olootion of 1862 an address was issued in behalf of the New York Demooraoy, an adflress full of the noblest words of patrio tism, in which the writer, speuking both tor hiniself and his party, said : " If my voicö could reacli thO Southern people through the journals oi our metropolis, 1 tvould sny to thom tliat, in no evcnt, e:m tlio triumph oi tliu conservativo seqtfmeñt oL New Wik m tlio electlou mean cuiisStat to disuuioii either now or hcrcafter. lts tru'e inipovt is the restoration, North and Soutli, ot'thut coustitution whioh had securod evary right, ondee Wbote shelter all had been happy and promwrous tmtil you madly fled from its protectiou. " lt wtis your act wliich begau this calamitous civil war. It was your act which disablud u, as wo are now disabled, ïrom shaping the poiicy or limitin the objects oí that war. Loyally as we m liutamed your rights will we maintiun the nghts of the Uovernmunt. We will not strike down its arm as long as yours is lifted against it. That noblest and greateát work of ancestors is uot designod to perish. " We intend terrear once more upon the old and lirm foundation its shattered columns, and to carry them. higher toward the eteraal skies. It the old fiag waves in the nerveless graap of a fauatic but feeble iaction to whoin yon, and aot we, abandoned it ; wo whose courage you have trled when we stood unmoved netween fanaticism and folly frora the North and feouth uliko, will once mure bear it onward aud aloft until it is again planted upon the towers of the (Jonstitution, inviucible by douiestic as by ioroign enehlies. ' Withiu the Union we will give you tho Cünstitution you profess to reveré rene wed with frosh guarautoo8 of equal rights aud equal safety. Wo will give you everything thut local self-governmeut demands, evurythiug that a common ancestry of gloiy, everytlniig that a national fraternity or Christian t'ellowship requires ; but to dissolve the federal bond between tkose States, to di$me?nbor our country t whoever eUe consents we will not. No i nwer ! never ! " Samuel J. Tilden was the author of the addross from which we quote, the writer of those eloquent and burning words. Are they the words of a " rebel sympathizer " '{ Was Samuel J. Tildón the " traitor at heart " which Eopublican slfuiderers now proclaim liim ': Road them again, and reading reinember that by no act and no word of his life are they contradictod. The " Greenbackers " of this State have made nominationa for Govornor and State officers, heading their ticket with C. K. Carpenter, of Oaklnnd, who last year led tho Prohibition forces to ballot ten years ago. Mr. Carpenter seems to be willing to espouse any cause - no matter how hopeless; but it remains to be seen whether as a "greenbacker " he will increase his Prohibition vote of 1874, which was 3,937. In making up their ticket the " greonbackers " accepted Gen. J. G. Parkliurst, the Democratie candidato for State Treasurer (John saya he presumes becausé he is a granger - he httving no soft-money idiosyucrasies), and Mr. Holloway, candidate for Auditor-Goueral (also a granger). Mr. Tarbell, Kepütlican candidato for Superintendent of Public Instructions is given. that position. Is it because ho hus tho softmoney crftze, or becausé they could n't find a soft-money man with intelligence enough for that office ? Kducatiou and culture doosn't iuake softmoney mon. The ticket is tilled out as follows, the candidates bting an average lot of unknowns : Lieutenant-Governor- Levi Sparks, Berrien. íecretary oí State - Albert Stugemim, of Allegan. Commissioner of Laud Office - J. H. Ilichar.lson, of Tuscolo. Attorney-Geueral - A. J. Chapman, of Wiyne. Meniber of State Board of Education - E. B. Clark, of Shiawassec. j. üíj"iotiUW3í"nCt;TífttTtjrftlM ui tilt! 1 Qlrd Congrusaional district havo nooiinuted Hon. Fidus Livèruioro, of Jack son. Mr. Liverinore is well knowa to many AuOUS readers, having lived an average lifo time ia an adjoining county, and having many timos dono eflfoctive cainpaign work in Washtenaw county. He is a man of good ability and great energy, and will mako an activo cainpaign, one that will corapol his opponeut to put his bost foot forward. Two years figo he made the campaign against MrWillard roducing his mnjority of 7,150 in 1872 to 1,198, and a little more of that hind of reduction will givo him a seat in the next House. Ia the North district John H. Kilbourno has been noniinated, who is indorsed as an active, enterprising, intelligent business man, - at present a contractor upon the Chicago and Port Hurón Kailroad, and foriuerly a large contractor on the Grand ltapidg and Indiana road. He has now undertaken the biggust contract of his Ufo : to overeóme the 8,727 majority which Mr. Hubbell received in 187 1. The Stato Board, of Equalization held its se.ssion at Lansing last wook, üxed tho aggregato valuation of the State at tho samo figures as five j'oars ago, $030,000,000, putting up some counties and cutting down others. Washtenaw was reduoud in the sum of $1,500,000 ; Wayno inereased $7,250,000 ; Lenawee inoroasod $750,000 ; Ijivingston increascd $010,000; Monroe increased $50,000 ; and Jaokson and Onkland luf't tho sarao. Won 't our ncighbors boast of their prospority and of Wa8htenaw"s declino ? Quttiug down Washtenaw places Kunt next to Wayno. Stravts.- E. C. Fish, of Sharon, who has just returnod with his family fronj tho Cuntennial, visited our office a day or two ago, and told us tbat during his journey through New York, New Jersey, Ponusylvania, and Michigan, votes woro taken on the train at fifteen different timos, and in every instance there was a'inajority for Tilden, - that. in Now Xor)L boiiig the largest. Aml County Treasurer Fairchild, also recoutly returned frora the Enst, reported a vote With fürty uibjority for Hayes, but boiug askod if thut was the only vote taken, regretfully, though goodnaturedly, confe6sod to other votes - all in favor of Tilden. The Detroit Jivening News haa no leaninge to the Deinocracy and don't road the signa of the titacs through Domocratio spectacles, yet tho Heien 8y8 : Tliu apathy of the Republicana in this Cf.töpaign is reniarkablo. There is no energy or enthusitisni in auything, and u bad showing in November will bo the result." Tho News oan't m;ike the Kcpublicau Bourbons sou a cloud as big um a niuii's hand. Gideon Wells, Sccretary of the Navy underPresident Lincoln, comos out flat-footed and squaru-toed for Tilden and Hendricks.


Old News
Michigan Argus