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Blaino is awfully afraid Haiue will havo to psvy the rebol debt. That's just nbout wbat he thiuks of the supremo law, as found in the Constitution and its anieiidments. - Boston Post, These toxts are for Colonel Bob Ingersoll : The fooi hath said in hie heart that there is no God. The Radical liath said in his heait that there shall be no reform. - Pitldntryh Post. While mechanics who used to get $2 00 and $3 per day have been cut down to $1 50 and f2, Republican organs are raving uiad because the salaries of Republican oÉSce-holdoas were cut down ten per cent by the Democratie House. - Free 1'rens. There is something to render us apprehensive in any gossip whioh connects the name of Chandler with the movement8 of tbe Federal soldiery. - N. Y. Tribune. Cari Scburz thinks Hayos has all the eleujont8 of a reformer. The Governor, howevnr, sat íor tour years in Congres, within eaby reach of the most flagrant abuses and was as silent as the toinb To-day he is the candidato of Graut, Morton, and Cameron - Louutille Courier-Jourtial. Solong as human nature is as it is, it will bo accounted natural for poopie to marvel at a rp"?oQ+i ■- - v.1 juuF. Biaïne, who aas passed froin the gato of doath to a bealthy vigor almost 8iinultaneous with the opening of the active campaign in Vertnont. - frooidence Premi (Ind.) The House of Repre3entatives put the appropriation at a figure sufficient for the real ueeds of tho navy, but not sufficient to support it as a hospital for official favorites, and the Secretary determined not to bo thwurted, maintains his favoritos, but perverts the act of Congress so as to make it an injury to the service and a blow at the best men in tho navy. - iV. T. Uerald Gen, Bartlett, Marshal Willcox, Samuel W. Liowertnan, William W. Gamwell, John W, Ilall, Sanford Blackington Martin Van Sickler, Col. Kobert Pomeroy and John M. Brewster, gentlemen who havo herotofore acted with the Bepublicau party, in Berkshire, Massachusetts, have, with inany others, prououuced for Tilden and reform. Jennings, late editor of the New York Times, writes : " The titno has now couie when the spirit of justioe which animates the Northern people will require the expulsión from the Southern States of the hordes of rascáis, black and white, who have substituted rutbless oppression and pillage for tree govan inent. Hecretary Chandler is earning bis salary as a nietnber of Grant's cabinet by solid work for Hayos. Just at this time he wields no inconsiderable power. He is not only at the head of his own department, but ho managus that of Judge Tuft, directa Itobeson's hnlfpay guillotine, regúlate the allotmeuts of troops at the South without reference to General Sherruan, supervises the assessmont of Governuiont clnrks, and othcrwise filia to admiration the place of Chairtnan of the National Reptiblican Conimitttee. - Botton Pont (Dim.) Attorney-Genírnl Taft is preparing an opinión that thu United Statub Mursliiils havo thü authority, unde' tbe luw, to cali on tho Unitüd-Slates troops stationed in their district, if they deern the tissistanco of the troops uectssary to provent intiuiidatiou at the polls. Aa 8oon as tho opinión is handed to the President an ordur will inform thu several United States Marshals of tbdr authority, and instruct them to exerciseit, if iK'oessiuy. Tliis will prevent tho iJpiiiiicnitio Stilte guvrnments at the Sontli trcun lusist ittpr the euiployni(nt of troops. - Sprinyfidd llepuliliean. ïh imtion is tho groat producer r f mineiiil wcallh. Miilions ot dollars of gold and silver arn beinjj; minod every year. Whore doos it go? Where gold mul silver aro money r' Every our stock of specie run down, and tho gold and silver go whure gold and silver aro used. Wbt the remedy':1 H is to set our tacos resolutoiy toward resumption, going forward without hesitation until the end is reachod. God help tboso who help themselves. Let us be honost, for honnsty is tho only siire road to natinnal prosperity. - Philadtljihin Idjer )Moiiey Article.) Tho United States Army, raised and eqiiipped at the public expenso and for the düfensü and protection of all tho pooplo, is beinj;; usod - openly uaed - to tidvance the fortunes of a political party. The fact is not donied. It is proclaiuiüd from the War Department. Troops are movtd from one point to another at gruat expense to be used like political clubs iu tho oanvuss. The army becomoR a politioal orgauization like a band of Wide-Awakes, and the Democruts aro mude to to pay their sbare of the expense ? Thu whole poople are tiixed to carry on the Huyes campaign. Will the honeat, fuir-iuiuduil electora of the country willingiy and quiotly subuiit to such u usurpution - such a violation of thoir righta ? We do not beliovü they -Alluny Aryus (Dem.)


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