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A fbiohtfüIi colusión occurrea tho other day on tbo Lobigh Valley railroad, near Wilkesbarro, 1'. A large train of emply passenger cara going nortb, en routo f or tho Krio railroad, fortlio purposo of bringmg an excursión to rhiladelphia, collided with a down freiglit train, domolislung both locomotivos and piling the freight oars on the top of ono anothcr. At tho name moment a roar section of the paasiMigor train telescopcd with the preceding ono, piling tho track iudiscriniinately with tho nüns. Tho destruction of tho trains waa complete, but, fortunately, unattcudcd with loss of lifo. The varions banknote companies in tho East aremaking desperate efforts to rctain the printing of interual reveuuo stampa, which the Troasury Department bas decided to havo done at the Printing Bureau. Tuk Philadelphia Contennial buildings were seriously injured, a few days ago, by a violent wind and rain storm that swopt ovor the city. A portion of the roof of tho Main Exhibitiou building and Machinery Hall wero blown away, and injury wa dono to many extiibite They had a CoutonniiU celebration in Nov York city on tho lGtb inst., which was the hundredth anniverHary of the battle of Harleni Plains. The celobration was participatcd ia by the fsmous Soventh Regiment and other military orgauizations. The oration waa dolivored by a grandson of Jobn Jay, of Revolutionary famo. Many distingaishod citizens of other" Ötatos wero present. Twentt-fite or tbirty fiahing-boata were caught in a galo off Erie, Pa., a few days ago, and a number of theai wrecked. Nine or ten of the nnfortunate fishermen lost thoir lives. . . . Edmund Stoncr Janes, a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Cburcíi in America, (lied a few days ago in New ïork city. which bas been hifi place of residenco for "many yearB. He waa born in Shefiield, Mas?., 1807, nrd at the age of 23 becarne conneciod with tho Tüiladelphia Couforence as a minister. Ten years later ho waa appointed Financial Secretarv of the American Biblo Society, and in 1844 was olected Bishop. He waa a man of large ability, and his life was one of earnest labor and distinguished usef ulnees in the donomination. TUE WKST. Durino the progrces of a gamo of ball near Eufaula, Kan., the othcr day, a colored mau irom the Chcctaw uation was creating eoiuo ;turbanco on the grouud, and the captain of he Creek light horno attempted to quiet hini. He drow a revolver, and the officer. in the BtruRgle to disarm him, struck him over the head with a pistol, which was disohargod, the ball sbrikiDg Crawford Thomas in the noso and passing through his head, killing him iustantly. The officer thon shot the colored man dead for continued rosistaiico Hon. John Purcluo a wealthy citizen of Lafajetto, Ind., and the founder of Purdue Univereity, died last weok aged 74. Tnii Government ia about to take etopa to recover at least a portion of the money of wliich the rovenue was defrauded. Tho District Attomey at Chicago has enterod Buit against Jacob Rohm demanding judgment in the srim of ïl.OOO.OOO. Similar suits agaiuat other moinbors of tho riDg, it is said, will follow. Chicago elevators as per oflicial figures contain 1,101,283 busbols of wheat, 1281,890 buehels of coro. 278,579 bushels of oat, 96,966 bushels of rye, and 371,865 buehola of barley, making a grand total of 3.130,583 bushels, agaiDst 1,914,467 bushele at tilia period laai year. A teï,egium from Bismarck says a complete onrollment of Indiana at Standing Rock Agcncy shows only 450 lodges- a total of 4,000 Indians. Rationa have, herotofore, been issued on the basis of 7,000, from which it would appear that nearly 3,000 are absout or else a largo amounl of stealiog has been done. Indians are known to havo returncd fiom the hostiles, but so stealthily that they could not be caught, and an attempt to disarm hoatües has, therefore provod abortivo. Gross, Chiof of the Blackfeet, wan latoly arroeted for harboring and mipidvLQg hostiles. The Indians threatened rescuë but tho garrison was too well propared toresist, and HO the attoinpt was not made. The first scotion of thirty miies of the Cotington, Columbra and Black IJilla railroad has been completed and opened to trafile to Ponca, Nob. The road ia threo and ono-half fooi Sango, was projected, built and equipped tothe present terminus büico the first of March thia year, and is tho first liuk of the projected route via tho Black Ilills and tho National Park to Portland, Orogou. Arrangeraenta have been mado to completo 150 núles tlus voar, and reacb theBlackUilbiin 1877. . . . A disp'atch from l'SitLaramio eays: "Gen. Crook's command left Hart river, JJakota, on the 7th of September for tho Black Hiliij. Gen. Crook has ordors to bring his ontiro commaud to thia post as quickly as possiblo. Gen. Sheridan will meet bim hc-re, and reorganizo for another campaign. They will have had nearly twomonths'constart marchmg. Besides the great diatance from snpply-camp to Hart river, whc-re thej turned homeward, they were huuting and following traila. and wero obliged to ünd graas for the animal, as tho Indiaus buniod tho crasa aftar them. The fact that tho graas waa burnod is Bufficiont cause of failure to overtake the enemy. The troops havo had hard work ant no glory." . Advices from the West give particulars of a aliar]) fight betweon Gen. Crook's froops and a seetion of Hitling BuII'b band. On tho 8th of September a small detaebment, which was en route to tho Black Hilla, struck an Indian camp on the lino of march, and captured somo hundreds of poniee and a quantity of provisïoua. The aavages dashed out of thoir tente t tho first charge, and eacaped to tho hills, but wore quickly rallied and roinforced, and tnrned upon the attacking party. The latter prudentlv sent at once for support from the main body, gallantly mamtaining the fight against great odds for some hours, till Crook himseif and a atrong forco appeared on the scène and rescuou the little band, which was commanded bv Ooi. MiloH, from a position that might havo been critioal. The fctioux fought obetinatoly for somo time after the arrival of Crook, bilt thoy suffcred heavily and wero evcntually disperaed. Among tho apoil captured from thom woro artielea that had boloiiged tü Custer'e men, so tbat thero ia no doubt that this party wero concerned in tho massacre. A largo munber of savacres wero killod. Our troopa lct two killed and eoveral wounded. Twentytwo prisoners, moatly women and children, wero captured. The famotia chief American Horse was mortally wounded, and died two days after. Before dying ho said that tho Iudians .. were scattering, and expressed surprise at the tomerity displayed by the aoldiers m followiug them into that d'angcrous región. It was a bold adventure, tlic cbief Haid, and might havo rosnlted liko Cmter'a attempt had it been made threo weoks oarlier. He ea;d, aláo, that the Sionx wero pretty v,ell tired of tho war, and wore discouraged "by the immense columns of soldiere thrown iuto thoir country. If tlioy wero to be dmarmed at the agencies, he thought they wonld fight to tbe laat. Neither Orazy Hordo nür Sitting IJnll, nor the other wild cliiefs, would givo in, but the tribea for the most part wou d. Ho appeared satisiied tbat the livea of his squawa and children were apared. Gen. Crook appears to be convinced now that a considerable part of Sitting Buil' foices havo got off to the north bevond reach, while anothor división will be found whe.-o Terry'rt command on tho YellowBtono may readily striko them. A Cheyenne diapatch saya "thoWheolor brothers, who havo boen working their fameus claim No. 2, below Gayville, on Dcadwco.l creek. arrived at Fort Laramie laat weck with a paid escort of twenty men. Tiioy bring as the proceeds of their work for sciven months over $300,000-1,900 pounds of duut." Thk small oud of Crook's campaigu againet the hostilo Sioox hai boon reached. His roturning column arrived at Custor City on the í;'íthiOí,Sí3ptemb0'' Breatly 'o 'he delight of the iilack Jiula people, who had begun to f eel the need of military eociety. Tlioro will be no more expedition thia year in ecarch of Indians liiiLdred of milos away Two of Sitting Bulla Geuorals. with 150 of their pooplc biickn, Bqoaws, and papooses, and 100 horses, havo Miirrondered to tho commauding oflicors at ücanding Hoek Agcncy. Thirty of tho men wero ongaged in tho Cufct' r massacre. THE SOUTH. Ex-Gov. IIekby A. Wisl, of Virginia, died lat weok at bis reBidonco in Kichinond, after a prutractcd illiiesg. Tuk yollow fever liaH bccome seriouuly opiilonüc in öavanuali, Ca., the ócaths mimbering froni 18 to 25 per dicm. Tliere 8 eaid to be umclt Huftcring aruong llio peor pooi le, whito aud blaci;. Washington. i ui, tbifty-fourlh cali for tho rcdomption of 5-20 Ixjixlt; uf 18(i5, Miiy and November, hm jntt boon toenèd fi'om the 'itoaury Dopartment. The cali ia for ?10,00ü,000, aa follows : Coupon bonds- ?5, from No. G01 to No. C50, both inclusivo ; Í100, from No. 2,5'il to 8,000, both incinaivo; 500, from No. 'J,701 to No. I ,000, IjoIIi iiiühn.ivo ; $1,000, from No. 2G.001 t No. 86,450, both iuoliiBivo ; totul coupoim, . 7,000,000. Beglsterod bond- $100, from No. 68 to Ho. l,mo, both luoluBive; J600, fromNo. 1.051 to No. 1 100, both inoJusive 91,000, from No. 1,801 to No. 8,700, both tüÜO from No. 1,551 to No. 2,800, both mdimive ■ 410,000, ircmNo.2 101 to No. 3,100, both inclu8ÍT0 ; total regifitore, 43,000,000; ggregato $10,000,000. ïho principal and accrued intOroat on theee bonda will bo ptidDeo. 12, after ivliich date Interest will ccobo. Ookobesmun Walkhu, of Virginia, has purbased Geu. BoHwiap's residenoe for $30,000 .... Tlio work of withdrawing the 5 and fi per cont. bouds deposited by national banks to secure circulatiou Btill continúes lt is cortftin tlmt negotiations are pending for a new treaty with (troat ISritain which will be chiefly dovoteil to extraditiou. It íh understood that the initial tip have been taken by Great Britain. It is safo to say that in any new treaty wbich may be submitted, Great ISritain will bo bound to placo tho Unitod States officials upon tho siune footiug with lior own. This has not been tho case undor tho treaty wliich is novr abandouod. Sine tho paesage of the act nnthorimng tho redemption of the fractioual önrrency in subsidiary coins there has been iseued in silver eoins $18,285,885. Of this arnount thcro vu isHiiod to rodoora fractionsl currency 410,910,242. and in exchange for legal-tender noten aud checlie, 7,375;043. The amaunt issuod at Cincinnati was $l,35f,871 ; at Chicago, 'íl, 552,738 ; at St. Louis, $884,669. muntBAT. Tue proposed scheme to form a tolograph lino bstwoon Now York and Paris has fallen through, failing to rcccivo the üecoasary ubscriptions The International riiie match at Creedmoor has resulted in a substantial victory for tho American team, which wou by 22 in a score of 3, 12G poinlf. Tho second prize is awarded to the Iriali team, whieh made 3,104. The result gives eatisfaction to all tho parties interosted, except the delegation from the land of the thistlc, who protested against the Americans .enlisting the services of Gildersleeve and Bodiuo at tho last moment. John Wajter, tho propriotor of the London Times, and inventor of the Walter presa, is on a vinit to this country. Thk markot reports f rom New York city announce a nsarly unprecedonted activity in tho dry gooda trado, from whicli a very hopeful horoacope cf the futuro business prospecta of the country is cast Tbs National Agricultural Cougresa held its annual aeaaion in PhiladeJphia Iaat week. A number of intcresting papers upon agricultural and industrial topics were read. The following ofticers were elcctec for the ensuiDg year : President, Wilüam D Flagg, Illinois ; Secretary, Horace J. Smith, I'ennsylvania ; Treasurer, Ezra Whitman, Baltimore, and a long list of Vice Presidenta Chicago was selected as the place for the nex meeting. POUTICAt. The Greonbackera of Ohio met in State Con vent ion at Colutnbua last woek, and, after dis cussing tho matter, deeided not to put a State ticket in tho field. Gen. Sam Cary was present, and apoko earnestly against a State ticket, claiming that as many of the prominent greenback men of the State bat participated in tho late Stato Democratie Con vontion of Ohio, which adopted a greenback plank in tho platform, it would be unwiao to go back on that platform Tuo Dplaware Demo crats have nominated James Williams for re election to Congreas Tho Independen Greouback party of Connocticut havo nomi nated the following State ticket : Fo Governor, Charles Atwater; Lieutenant Gov ornor, Francia Gülette; Secrotary of State Lueien M. Pinney; Treasurer, Lorên T. Jndd Comptrollcr, John A. Peck. John P. Philip and Henry 8. Pratt weie choaon Electore-atlarge The Woman Suffragiats of Maaaachu aetts held a State Couvention at Boston las week, and nominatod John J. Baker for Gov ernor. Tue New York Democratie State Convontion to nomínate a candidate for Governor in plac of Mr. Seymour, whodeclined, mot at Saratog on tho 13th inet., and nominated Lucien Rob inson by acclamation Ben Butler haa been nominated for Uongress by tho Eepublicans o he Seven th Maseachusetts District. The Kepublicans of South Carolina hay nominated Gov. Chamberlain for re-election. OniciAL returns of the Haine eloctiou from the wholo State except ono town and six plan tationsgive the total vote of 135,961; Conner 75 710; Talbot, G0.251;soattering, 52S: Conner' msjority over Talbot, 15,á50. FOREIGN. The London Times, in roviowiug tho situa tion at the East, gravely observes thut tho cffec produced by receut reporta of the horrible out rages committed in Bulgaria and other Turkiah provinces is of a most aerious and atartlin) character. It intimatts that uot only in Kua sia, but in other European countriee, public sentiment is assuming a dictatorial characte which can hardly be ignored by tho rulors, anc that it would require ftttle additional aggrava tion to bring down upon Turkoy a retributioi that would end ouly with the utter dismeniber ment of the empire. ■ A Cokstantinople dispatch says fifteon Turkbih officera, who aro impücated in the Bulgarian atrocities, have boon Bent thore un der guard. They are lbo laaders indieteil ii tho report of Blacqne Boy, who has been in veetigating the atrocities. It is said Blacque Boy's report admits that the atrocitios were in deBcribably horilblo, and that the report wil beauppreaaed Serious riota are reported in Amsterdam, cauaed by the Government Bup preasinga fair - Interna] troubles are again imminent in Spain. This time it is in th Basque provinces, where tho greateat di-Kiti faction prevaile, growing out of the modification of the oíd laws, " fueros," by the Cortes. Küssu is endeavoring to indnee tbo Bul garians to emigrate to tho Crimaa, whero th population is deercaaiug on account of the ex tirpalion of Musselmsn Tartars. whoget settlo mente in the Greek provinces of Turkey. The London Timen of Sept. IC, in an articl oj Turkey's basis of peaco, declares that En ropo cancot permit Turkey to oecupy the Servían fortreases, which she held until 1857 Tho European powers wil] be tho best judge au to what military forco Priuco Milán honlc mtintain after they completo tnéir plans. For the sake of peaco tho Porto should waivo the ompty form of Prince Milan doing homago to the Sultan. The only safe condition of those proposed by Turkoy is tho construction of a railway across Servia A Vienna telegram fwserts that Oermany will not movo in aid o Kussia's dounuida upon Turkey, and in the ovent of a war wül lemain abaolutely neutra). The terms on which Turkey expresaos her wuïingness to uegotiato a peaco with Servia includo the paymont of a largo war indemnity or, in Hou thereof, au increaaed annual tribute tho rooccupation of tho fortresaea held by the Poite previoiiti to 1857; the destruction of those built bj' tho Sorviana aince that year; the inveatituro of Priuce Milan at Constantinople tho reduction of the Servían nnny to 10,0ü( men and threo battorioB of artillery; and the conatructiou of a railway acroua the Servían principality. An immonee meeting on tho Eastern ques" tion, at which tho Lord Mayor prexided, was held in Londou on tho lOth of September. An addroes to the Qneen was voted doploring tho outragea of the Turks, and praying Engiand no longer to eupport Turkey irom conaidoratious of political expedieiicy. An amendment expreBsiug confidence in the Government waa rcjected by an overwhclming majority. A niotion in favor of tho immediate coñyocaUon of Earliam.ert was oarried Turkey has ordertd a ceaaation of ho:ti)itics for ton daya


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