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Hayes At Home

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To the Editor of the New York World : Sik : The Republican candidato forPreBidei.t Rutberford B. llaves, wan a resident üf thecit of Cincinnati, O., for abont twenty years pre ceding nis reruoval to Fremont, Ö., aftor hi dofeat for Congreea by Gen. Banuiug iu 1872 His profeeaion waa that oí c lawyer, practicinf. in the city and county court. Ue waa onc eleeted City Solieitor, tv, 'ce elected Governor a position untler the constitntion of Ohio re qniring no talent beyond that poascjwed by a mere iigure-head, once elocted to Congreas and defeated for C'ongress in a distrio that had given a Ropublicau niajority at every Congro.Hsional election for ten years, excep one, when Gen. Cary sneceeded, as a Republi oan, receiving Democratie votes in defeatinj the regnlar nomiuee, the Rood Deaeon Rieharc Smith, of the Cinciiinati Gazette. Hia buf ineae nsscciateti, therefore, for more than twenty yeilá wero the lawyers of the Hamiltqn eöunty bar. ïlicy know hit) capacil} for bttsinees, hiH ability and hia intogrity bottei Hum any any otber class of perrtons do in the Unitecl States. Híb Htanding ainong them maj b(! inforrcd from the support tliey fjavehirn and hore it may bo worthy of uotice tbat parti sanism during this peiic:! of time waa Rt a iiis eouut and merit appreciated at overal c-lec tiona in eaid city for judicial poeltionB, where the influence of the bar waa ruost exerted ; as in showu by the electioim of Judge Hoadley, a Hepablican ; Judge l'aft. a liepuulicau ; Judgo Coflin, a Bepublican ; Judge Tapie, a Domocrat, and Judgo Tilden, a Kepubucau, or non partiuan, to the Superior Conrt benen without oppeition. Now, what is Mr. lla.yta' utanding among hia legal fiicndri and aasociateö? Not a eingle attorney who votod the Democratie tickot dur ing the residenco of Bntherford B. Ilnyca ii Cinoinuati, or who had voted the Democratie ticket siuce hia removal to Frotoont, will support hira for President of tho United Btatcp, but on the contrary, eveiy qne of them is now euuporting Tilden and Hendricks. Judgo Hoadley, who has not voted the Democratie ticket for moro thitn twenty yeara, anc: who waa one of tho Judges of tho Suporioi Cuurt of Cincinnati diiring all the time that Rntherford B. Hayos practieod at the Oincinnati bar, will not snpport him for Preaidont, but, on tho eontrary, is now a very proininout politica] speaker, supporting v.'illi all liis groat power a an orator audj Í 'xater Tilden and Hendriclm. Judge Stailo, forl .orly one of the Judges of the (Jourt of Common I"oas, who !is no votod a Democratie ticket for moro than t.wonty-five yearfl, wijl not HnpporthiH anaociato Ruthorfoi'ü ii. Hayea for President, but on the contrary has already dohvorod a most effcetiye flpeoeh for Tilden and Hondricks. E. W. Ivitridgo, a lawyer with a moat extensive practico during a'l tho time that Iïufcherford B. Hayea was at the Cincimmü bar md siuco, and who uevor cast a Democratie ballot in lus lifo, will not support him for President, but on tho contrary ia now ongagod iu cfl&TASBilUC hiH county ior Tildou and HcndriokH. Willittin S. Groesbtw-'k and CiniiicH lieemelio, old lawyors of tiio Ciurimiïti bar, who have Koinelimes votd tiie Bepablican and sometiine the Democratie tii-Hct, luit who voted for Haycs for Goverpor as agaiTist Oov. Allen on the Bnañeial issucH of tho Ohio campaigu it 1875, aro nowsupportiog Tilden and HéndTicka IVfcd ïlasaurok, tho dintinguiahpd and talcntcd editor, foimoily an asociato of Kutliorford B. Hayes at tho ba", and hore tof ó! e a Republioan, i a watm buporter of Tilden and Ilcndrickn. l'.mil BOftmun, a yonuger lawvcr, xnd Oliicf Deimty Clork of the Couit of Common Pina, wlui ha alwaya vtted the Ropnblimui ticket, is uow supporting Tilden aml Hondricks. Jacob Wolf, an old lawyer, who haa votcd tho lio]ubhcan tiolcc-t for fh'teon yeaiH. now Hnpporta Tilden and Hendricks. Jndge OUyer, wliowas ono of tho Jndges of the Ubtrrl of Common Plciw dnring aml after tlio war. aml wlio at that timo and forseveral ycar supported the Republuau party, but mom rficenily & oofát, supports Tilden nud Hetidrioks. Jndge Mallon, ono of tho Jildges of the Coaft of Common I'Ibrh, immedíatoly pfeccdiug and for the firat yeaf of the war; and a practiwing attoriiey since, who was ft war Democrat and fremiently vqted tho ítepubli!an ticket, !"TpK3rt Tilden and HendriËkt). Ci W. Merrill, S KepnbliCan lawyêr whojoined the Lil'srül lííjpublícftns in.1872, but wlio Rain Bnppottea tuo letmj)!}can Htate ticket iu 1875, now mipports Tildef ' and Hendrlcka. Captain Irwin ]J. Wright, E. 8. Throop, late Adjutaut Sixth Ohio ; James Ma'onev, AsHiataut rroseeutinp: Attoriwy; Ándre Kne)1, Geo. H. Uarries, H. I). Teck, Judión liannou, afoses Kilson, John Hoaly, Kanaf ord Smith and H. F. Brásheafs, Repnblican lawyers wbo joinodtbe Liberal liepubtican niovomcnt in 1872, and have since acted with the Democratie party, now support Tilden and Hendricks. In addition to tho above there are sevcral Kepublican lawyers who have not yet dec'ared for Hayes aod may join theDemocratio party at the ensning election. Sucu is the estimnto placed upon the Bepublican candidate for l'resident bjr those who knöw him best. He Wever diatingnished himsclf at tho bar, tiut always ranked as tt very ordinary attorney, never eicelliiig a seoOnd-tate lawyer. [Ie was iihvayn a candidate for ofïlce. and allied liimself with tho ëands-EggleBton faction in the Kepublican party to aeeuro his nominations. The city of Cmcinuati will vote agaius liim for Prosidout Cincinnati, Aug. 2t, 1876.


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Michigan Argus