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A Word To Workingmen

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What party has controlled the uffair of the natiou tor the past IC years The Kepublioan party. Who has lovim aud collected enorinous tttxes, give uwuy iiiilliuns of acres of our publi lands, plundered the National trt-itsun squandered our revenues, paralyzed ou our industries, closed our nniuis, rollin, milis, furnaoes, forges aud workshops and brought our people to starvation bankruptcy and rum ; throwu thousanc of houest nion out of work aud bauishec them trom their homes to ' tramp upon every thoroughfare and highwa; in the laud in pursuit of employuient I3 it not the Eepublican party that i respousible for all this staguation in buaiuess ; for all this misery and woe ' Shall we give this party whioh ha been guilty ot' these trimos, of this out ragoous career, a uew lease of power Shall we vote for Hayos aud Wheele and thus perpetúate the reign of Grant ism 'i Shall we bo drewn into a deoo; iiiuwiuiiiil aud cajoled into the farce o voting for Cooper and Carey, who can not pussibly obtain a single electora vote, and tb.ereby aid in coutinuing the Kupubliean party in power f ür sbal we act the part of sensible uien, auc vote iu a manner that our ballots wil couut in the great battle for reform which will come off in November. I it, not folly, is it not inadness iu us, who have suffeied suoh deop wrongs at the hands of the Kepublioan party to wast our strength upon this Peter Coope nioveuibnt, which can bring us uo re lief. Shall we not act like wise men anc voto with the army of refurm tha is dow marching on undor the leader ship of thuso fearless, gallant aud hou est leaders Tilden and Heudrioks There is but one escape from our pres ent difliculty ; thero is but one roat which will lead ua out of our fearfu conditiou, but one course left for us to pursue, and that is to vote for Tilden and Htjudrioks. Business and working men, shall wo not do this, and achiove a victory dociaive and complete!'' In the event of the eloction of Tilden and Ilondriclcs, a uow era will dawn upon us, which will rovive trade, set tho industries of the nation in motion, give employment to laborers, mochanics and artisans in every vocation and calling. Vote t'or Tilden, Hendricks and a restoratiou of our orippled industries and a general revival of business.


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Michigan Argus