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Dr. S. S. FITCH, OF 714 Broadway, N. T., Author of Six Lectures on the Prtvention nd Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Heart Diseaees, may be consul ted at Finney'n Hotel, Detroit, Mieh., personally or by letter. He treats all diseases of males and females of all agos. Family PhyMician sent free. Consultations free. Dr. Pitcha means allowgeneroaity in charges. His fame is for curiug bad oases. May, 1876. 1884eowly JPASHIONABLE DBESS MA ICING. Mrs. Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and vicinity to cali at her Dress-Makinfj Room, over the store sf A. Bell, Washingtou street. A full line of new and lateat styles of patterns constimtly on hand. iiuality of work warranted, and pricea made to suit the times. A share of public patronage is respectfully sohcited. 1 y 1678 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS! Ana prices LOWER TgAN EVER. I have pnrchased in New York, for oash, and I am now daily receiving one of the largest and most select stocks of Grooeries in Washtenaw County, consisting of a full and well salected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new orop - including Guupowders, Imperial, ïtuif lly■ons, Hyiom, Japans, Oolongs, For. noaai, oiikuuv, Souchongí, and l'U'HUklt]', Together with a full line of COFFEE8, eonslttïng of the following brands: MOCHA. ULU GOVT JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAGUAYRB.SANTOB and RIO, both roasted and ground ; a íull and well selected stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure 3pices,Cnned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and oomplete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HAÏS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery . Aluo, a choice assortment of Ladies' andGentlemen's Underwear. Cali and examine Good and Price and we will inaure sntisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Muynaid'B cor. Main and Ann streets Ann Arbor. Mich. SrJHi(,'hest nash price paid for all farm produce. "Ö ALL IN WANT OF A COAL 8TOVE Please cali and see the KING OF BASE BUKN EKS and BASK HJSATERS, for sale by L. O. RI8DON, Allll Arlior. THE CROWN JEIKL The moat beautiful stoye, and the best of all the Goal stovcs made. This stove can be found in use in the following houses in Ann Arbor : Alpheug Felch, Dor Kelloeg, G. W. Sharplesa, f. W. Hangsteifer, James Jones, E. Curtís, K. It. Riehardson, Piof. E. Jones, Mr. J. West, Dr. P. B Kose, Mrs. Loomis, Dr. Hallock, R. A. Beal, C. A. Pomeroy, 8. T. Otis, C. M. Cadwell, B. Vaughn, Miss Lydia Smith. A. Roys, K. McDonald, Mra. Whitehead, Charles S. Millen, J. C. Watts, Fred. Sorg, Prof. M. C. Tyler, Mrs. J. A. Polhemu, J. O. Banks, W. D. Harriman, J. L. Burleigh, Geo. W. Cropsey, and Mrs. Hubbaru. Bf?"You will also flnd a f nll assortment of Parlor and Cook btoves for Wood, at L. C. RISDON'S, 31 South Main atreet, Ann Arbor. Chancery Sale. IN pursuance of the decree of the Circuit Court for the County of W&shtenaw, in chancery, made in the cause therein pending, wherein James Arnold is complainant and Isaac Grane, Sarah J. Crane, Seth O. Arnold, and Sophronia Dexter are defendants un original bilí, and wherein Seth O. Arnold is complainant, and Jumes Arnold, Isaac Crane Sarah J. Crane, and Sophronia Dexter are defendants on cross bill, and which decree bears date on the Bixth day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-six, the undersigned, one of the Circuit Court Commisaioners ot said eounty of Waalitenaw, will aell at public vendu'e to the highest bidder, at the suuth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said oounty, on the eleventh day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described landsand property viz: Situated in the city of Ypsilanti, Michigan, and bounded aa follows: commoncing at the northwest corner, of lot one hundred and seventy-three (173) on the south side of CongresB streel, ïunning thence south to the southwent corner of said lot, thencc east flfty feet, thence north three rods, thence east to high water mark on the weit line of the Huron River, thence up the west bank of the Huron River at high water mark to Congres street, tbence weat along the south line of Congrees street to the place of beginning, or so inuch thereof (in the marnier directed by Haid decree) as may be neceisstry to satiffy the requiremcnts of said decreo. Dated, September 23, 1870. JOHN F. LAWRKNCE, Circuit Court Commissioner for the County of Washtenaw, Babbitt & Emeriok, Bolicitors for James Arnold. Beakks & Cüicheon, Bolidtors for Seth O. Arnold. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condttions of a mortgage, executed by Andrew J. Sutherland Elizabeth T. Sutherland, nis wife, to Robert AWhedon, on the eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1875, and recorded ia the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, in líber 53 of Mortgages, on page 106 and alterwards duly assigned to Charlotte Whedon, on the twenty-sixth day of November. 1875, which assigumeut was recorded in said Register's Office, for said county, on the twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. 1876, in liber five of assignments of mortgages, on page 228, by which dofault the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative ; on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, the sum of sii hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-seven one hundredths dollars, principal and interest, beaides an attorney fee of tweniy dollars, as provided n said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law or In equity having been nstituted to recover the amonnt due on said mortgage, or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby giren that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auetion at the south frout door of the Court House, in the city of Alin Arbor (that being the place of holding the Circuit Conrt for said county of Washtenaw), on Saturtlay the 3Oth day of December, A. D. 1B76, at eleven u'clock ijl the forenoon of tbat day, the following uroperty described in said mortgage, viz : All of lot number six (6) In block mimber seven (7), south f luron street, range eleven (11) east in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, said lot beiug on the east side of Thayer street in said city. Dated, Soptcmber 28, 1876. CHARLOTTE WHEEDOÑ, Frazer AHamii.ton, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorneys lor Assignee. Estáte of Candaoe M. Bowen. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washtenaw, O as. At a sesaion of the Probate Court for the county of WaEhtenaw, holden at the Probate office m the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twentyilfth day of Sepeember, ona thouaand eight hundred and seventy-six. Preaent, Noah W. Cheever, Judije of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Candace M. Bowen, deceased. On reading andflling the petition, duly verifled, of Newton Sheldon, praylng that a oertain instrument aow on Üle io this Court purporting to be the lastfwill and testament of said deceaaed, muy b admitted to piobate, and that he may be uppointed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondny the twenty-third day of October, uext, at ten o'clock in tht íorenoon, be assigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the devisees, legateea and heire at law ot aaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to bo holden ut the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, und hou cauBe, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not be granted : And it ia further ordered thai said petitioner give notice to the persons inteiested in said eatate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a oopy of this order to be liublished in the Michigan Argus, a newapaper printed and circulated in aid oounty three succeaaive weeka previous to auid day of hearing. CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, Ww3 Judge of Probate. $fi to ftí?O Per dBy ttt home. Samples worth tt " PrWV fl free. ijTiNdON & Co., Tortland I M-01C73 AT THE STAR CLOTMNU HOU YOU CAN BUY Hl DRESS AID BUSINESS SÜITS. BOT' YOÜTB'S AM) CBILDREH 8UIT8UNDERSHIRTS & DRAWERS GLOVES, MITTENS, &C. PRICES THE LOWEST IN THE COUNTY ! A. L. NOBLE. ; 1601 . Thorough-Bred Pigs AT A BARGAIN ! Intending to make the raising of thorough-bred pigs a pecialty, we undertook to keep several bretds, but, when fairly under way, we nnd that each breed in ite varied conditions, ages, &c, requires bo many pasture lote and feed apartments, that we flnd it impracticable. Therefore finding the PolHnd China'a are but little known in Michigan , we propoae to drop them from our lint, by selling: Pigs, of good shipping size, for $9 each or $15 a pair. Pigs, of extra size, 100 lbs. and over, f20 each. A few splendid 8 to 12 monfchs Sows in condltion to be bred in November, at 40 eaoh. Sows, to farrow soon, from $50 to $00. Our stock is just the thing for any onc wishing to make a speciulty of breedini Poland China's, which in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa are retfarded with more iavor than any other breed, having short legs and immense bodies for their height. HALL, BROTHEKS. Ann Arbor, Sept. 12 , 187Í. KiOOti FOR SALE ! Stone Lime, Water Lime, Cleveland Piaster, A: Plastering' Unir, either at my Lime Kiln or at my shop. J. VOLI,AD. FARMERS. WOOD WA.NTJED tn exehange for Saddlea, Earness, Trunks, TravBliug Bags, Horse Blanket, Whips, Uloves and Mittens, etc., at my harneas shop. J. VOLLASD. 1600m6 QB.PORTER, DENTI8T, 3fice over Johnson's Hat Store, South Main Ktreet, ANK AKBOH, ITIICII. Estáte ot' Cornelina Laughlin. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, su At a sessiouof the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ornee, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eighteenth duy of September, in the yaar one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judtce ot Probate. In the matter of the estute of Cornelius Iaughlin, deceased. On readiug and flling the petltion, duly verifled, of William Burke, Administratoi of the estáte of said deceased, praying for an aewignment of the residue of said eBtate. T hereupon it is orderod that Wednesday tht eighteenth day ol October next, al ten o'dook in the forenoon, beassigcid for the hearing of said petltion, and that, the heira at law of said dnceased, and all othei persons interesttid in said estáte, are required toappear ata aeesion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate offloe, in the city ot Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granled : And it is turther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in sald es tate, of the pendency ol siiid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this ordci to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said oounty, thieo BuccCBSive weeks previous to said day ot hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH Vr. CHEKVEIl, 'WW Judüe ot Probate. [TMnïB. 1111,1,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And (lc;aler n [leal Estáte. Ollioe, No 8, Ojieia Uouse Block, ANN AliBOR. JOHN L,. III Itl lll.ll, Attomey and Counselor at Law, 5 Nortk Main streut, Auu Arbor. Fiaü&i&riííting doue at the Estáte of Florian Muehlig, Sen. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw as. At a session of the Probate Court for thé County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office ia the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tlie hfteeuthday of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the inattter of theestate of Floriau Muehlie 8en., deceased. s' EmanuelMann, administrator dtbmisnnn with the will annexed of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is nowprepared to reuder nis nnal account as such administrator ihereupon it is ordered that Wednesday, the eleventh day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examiningand allowïng such account, and that the deviaees, legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sossion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor m said county, and show cause, if any there he, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said admin27Tf nOtiie to the Persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said account and the heanng thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pubhshed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper pnnted and circulating in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. A, 'e cPy-) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1601td Judge of Probate. Klection Notioe. Sheriff's Office, Ank Arboe, ) Sept. 6, 1876. j To the Electora of 'Washtenaw County You are hereby notifled that at the next General Election, to be held on the Tuesday sueoeeding the Urst Monday ui November next, ín the State oí Michigan, the following officers are to be elected, viz: A Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretarv of State, Auditor General, State Treasurer Commisiioner of the Slate Land Office, Attorney General, Superintendent of Public lnstruction, and a Member of the State Board of Education, in place ot Witter J. Baxter, whose term of office will expire December 31st, 1876; eleven Electora oí Preaïdent and Vice President of the United Statea : a Representativo in Congreaa for the Second Congressional District of thia State, to which this connty ia attaclied ; a Senator for the Pourth Senatorial Diatrict, conaiating of Waahtenaw county also one Representativo in the Btate Legislatura irom each of the several Representative diatricts, as followa : First District- Augusta, Pittafleld, Saline, York, Ypailanti City and Ypsilanti Town Second District-Ann Arbor City, Ann Arbor Town, Northüeld, Salem, Superior, and Webster Third District- Bridgewater, Dexter, Freedom, Lima, Lodl, Lyndon, MahcheBter, Scio, Sharon, and 8ylvan. Also, a Judge of Probate, Sheriff, County Uerk. Lounty Treasurer, Register of Deeda, l'rosecuting Attorney, two Circuit Court Commlssioners a County Surveyor, and two Coroners. You are alao hereby notifled that at said General lilection, the following Amendmenta to the Constitution of this State are to be submitted to the people of the State for their adoption or rejection, An amendment striking irom the Constitution Section 47, Article4,Legialative Department, which iorbida the grant of license for the aale of intoxicating hquors, provided for by Joint Resolution No 21, Lawa of 1875; An amendment to Section 1 , Article 9, relativo to the salaries of Judges of the Circuit Court, provided for by Joint Resolution No. 28 Laws of 1875 And an amendment to Section 1, Artiole 20, relative to the amendment and revisión of the Constitution, provided lor by Joint Resolution No. '0, Lawsof 1875. . M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of a certain inortgage executed by Jacob Fredenck Beek, of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washteuaw and State of Michigan, to Caroline M. lieuneqmn, of the samo place, on the first day of June, in the ycar of our Lord one thousand eight hnndred and seveuty-four, and recorded ou the second day of June, A. D. 1S74, in Liber 51 of Mortgages on page 386, and there is now clainied to be due upou said niortgage and the bond acconipanying the same the suju of six huudred and serenty dollars and fifty cents, also an attorney's fee of thirty-five dollars should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedings in law or in equity haring been had to recorer said sum of mouey or any part thereof : Now, therefore, notice ia hereby giren that by virtue of the power of sale in said uiortgage contained, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder on the tweuty-eighth day of October next, at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for said county of Washteuaw is held), all those certaiu pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being In the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to wit : Comuieneing at the southeast corner of lot number eight in block nnmber three south of Hu ion street range one west, according to the plat of Wm. S. Marnard's addition, and running east on the south line of lot No. nine two rods ■ thence uorth two rods east of the west line of said lot one chain and thirty-six links; thence west two rods; thence south on the line of said lot one chain and thirty-six links to the place of beginning ; also the following parcel of land to wit : beginning at the outheast corner of lot uumber eight (8) in block number three south of range one west in Wm. 8. Maynard's addition to the rillage of Ann Arbor md runuiug uorth along the center line of range jue west, oue chaiu and thirty-six (1.3fi) links, :hence west parallel to the south line of lot num'ereigbt(8)8eventy-threauda half links (78Ü) ; ihence south parallel to the center line ono chaiu md thirty-six link (1.36) to thn south lino of lot Miiulicr eight (8); thence east along the south line )f lot number eight seventy-three and a hall links í) to the placo of beginniug, coutainiug on ■enlli of au acre, and being part of lots seren and ilght in block number three south of Huron street, 'auge number oue wust. Also commenciug oo the lorthwest corner of lot number ten (10) in block lumber three south of Huron street range one west D William S. Mayuard's addition to the city of nn Arbor, and runuiug west parallel with he south line of said block eight rods to rhird street; thence south to the southwest :orner of said block about eieren rods ; thenoe last eight rods to the southwest corner of lot numer nine ; thence north bout eieren roda to the )laoe of beginning, together with the tree use of he stream of water running across said land, with he exception, howerer, of a certain pieoe of land, eing about one-half of a lot, deeded by Jacob ïeinzmiinn nnd wifeto Challes Conradth, on the 6th day of August, A. D. 1852, said deed being ecoided in liber 38 of Deeds, on page 1.17, In the fnce of the llegister of Deeds of Wujhtenaw ■ouuty. August 2, 1876. CAROLINE M. HENNKQUIN, Mortgagee, John N. Gott, Att'y for Mortraj:ee. 1S94 LAUGE SALE OP Real Estáte ! By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, also by virtue of my power 8 Assignee of J. Muehlig & Bro., and Attorney in fact of Mary Muehlig, I am now prepared to solí, and must eoon sell, the three-fourths interest in the entire real estáte of whioh Florian Muehlig so died seized, nnd the twenty-three twentyfourths interest in the "Muehlig Saw Mili prorerty." The store now ocoupied by Jacob F. Schuh tiüd the house aud lot now occupied by Christinn Muehlig ure subject to the life interest of Christina Muehlig in the same. All persons wishing to negótiate in relation to eaid property will please cali on me for further inlonnution in relation to price, loca tion, &c. Ann Arbor, Sept. 11, 1876. D. CRAMER, 1000w3 Assignee and Attoruey in Faot. 1876. 1876. Save Yonr MOney ! W. WAGNER HAS JÜST OPENED THE FINEST STOCK 01 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING To be found In Ann Arbor, comniisins all the NEWEkT STYLES AND PATTERNS, Which he ia offering at prices that DEFI ALL C0MPET1TI0N THE PLACE TO BUY A CHEAP SUIT Is at WAGNER'S My stock of Piece Groods Will be found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUENISHING GOODS. "W JAGUER, 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbor. THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoinlng the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, in townahip two south oí range aix east, comprisïng the east half of the northeast quurter of sectlon ninetem ; and that part of the west half of the west half of the northwest quarter of section uRS&ÓSL.1 of the turnpike; in a11 House, Barn, an Unfailing Spring of Water, And about Ufty acres well improved ; Brst olass land and Bituation btraiitiful. Two-third3 of the purchase money may remain on the land throe to live years. For terms apply to GEO. E. HAND, Or H. J. BEAKEB, Detroit. Ann Arbor. 157-itf JJWKI,H1 ii.m MS FOH SAf.K. A large and very well built bnck hotise, with two or more lots. Two large frnmed houscs. Also a good sized brick house and frame house and a smiill frame house on a good lot, intended for adding a front. For sale on fair terms and a reusonable credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property OTONEV WANTEU... So many wihhing to borrmo money applj to me that I can readily obtain for tenders gnod aatisfactory investments ten per cont. interest. , . E. W. M0R(4AN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 18' 6. iec4 CEND 25c. toG.P, KOWBLL 4 CO., New York, kJ for pamphlet of 100 pa?e8, containiug lista of 3000 newapapers, and estimates honing oost of advertiamg. , QEORGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark t Ckofsey, and A. 1 Kearney, late of Texas, under the firm mime of KEARNEY & CKOPSEY, Have ostalilished themselves at No. 33 South ITÏain St., A 11 11 Arboi') and propose io do general Grocery Business They will also keep CROCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WARE, and a ftlll line of DOMKSTK" and FOREIGN FKUITS. They have fitted and furnished A First-class Eating Department, Where Moals can be had at all hours, or board by the week. Casli palrt for Huiler, Eg-s, and all Country produce. Goods promptly delivBred In any part uf the city. Remember the place. 33 Soul li Main Street. KEARNEÏ & CKOPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 15S0 THE ENEMYOFDISEASE! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is tbe Grand Old MJJSTA.NG LINIMENT Which has stood the test of forty years. ïhere is no Sore it will not heal, no Lameness it Aelie, no Tuin that uffiicls the Human Body, or the Body ot a Horse or other domestic animal, that does not yield to lts magij touch. A bottlo cost.iiff 25c, 50c, or $1.0(1, has oflen aaved the Ufe of a human bein?, and restored to lite aud usefulness manj a valuable horse. jDINSEY & SEABOLT'S 1ÍAKERY, GKOCERY - AND - FLOUR & FEE1 STOIIE. We keep constantly on nand, BEEAD, CEACKEES, CAKES, ETC, FOR WIIOLESALE and RETAIL, TRADE We shall aleo keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHPA r FLOUR, RYE FLOUit, UCk"vWSt FLOUK, OORN MISAL, ÏEED, &c, &o. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, whioh will be sold on as rea'jnable terma as at auy other house in this citv Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country ProSnee generally. J Guods delivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. HIIVSEY Sc SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 187B. 1304 T OFFER FOR SALE iny Brick Store, corner of 1 Huron and Fourth streets, opposlte Cook's liotel. Inis is ono oL the most desirable business locationa in the city, and will be sold at a lran-ii 1398 JOH (I. GAEL. '


Old News
Michigan Argus