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If any one wonderg at Mr. Tildon's popularity with the working classes they have only only to read the foregoing to be enlightened. It is such sentiuients as these that provo this man to bo not only a ret'oriner but a philnnthropist. He is jiist, but his justice is tempered by a reason that is imbuec with the elementa of tme humauity. AT THE STAR GLOM Hüül YOU CAN BUY KS DRESS AND BÜSINISS SÜITS. i BOT lYOÜTB'SANDCHILDREN'S SUIT8 UNDERSHIRTS & DRAWERS GLOVES, MITTENS, &C, PRICES THE LOWEST IN THE COUNTY ! A. L. NOBLE. 1601 Sewing Machines THE SHTG23R, NEW DOMESTIC, And th.e HOWE, And sevoral eond Sccond-IIand Maehinea at the SISWIXG MACHINE OFFICE, Arm Arbof. Also Needies for all 3lachines The very best tliat are made, and nttachineuU and pafts for nwirly all mu.hiin-s. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired better thcrc than anywhere êlse In America. Il' your machine doift work well, trade it for one thrtt does, or have it repair1!!. All machinete aold on easy payuients ut the ottice. Second door eat of Post Office, Vim Arbor, l i.-li. _ (MB8) I 1. 1. 111 l;I.I., A;r.-ii(. MENBVB. Uil,!., ATTORNEY AT LAW, And dealer in Rual Estáte. Olfice, Nu. 3, Opera House Block, ANN ARBOR. Northern Central E. R. Co, MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE " CENTENNIAL." Through in 27 hours from Detroit, as per schul ule of passenger trains below : [Via Canada Southern Railway.i Leave Toledo, 6 10 p ni 10 45 a n 11 MoorOOi fi 52 i ni II 4.JU m " Detroit, (Sip m 12 20 p iu [Via Oreat Western R'y] p a m r m Leave Detroit, 6 25 4 20 12 20 [Via Graud Trunk R'y] I' M A M A M Leave Detroit, 5 45 2 50 7 30 [Via New York Central H. K.] A M A X PK PH I. Niágara Falls, 4 00 7 30 1 45 SI Suspension liridge, 4 20 7 35 2 00 8 00 Hu ítalo, 488 7 43 160 9 5U Rochester, 7 30 3 35pm 5 30 12 20 a ra [Via Northeru Central R'y.] AK I K 1 ■ M A M A X Le. Canandaigua, 9 45 4 10 6 55 II." Pean Yan, 1102 5 53 7 48 2 42 Watkins, 12 17 7 00 8 37 8 38 8 00 Ar. Havana, 12 .'7 7 09 8 48 8 08 Klmira, 130 8 10 9 30 4 30 9 00 Troy, 3 38 10 39 5 31 10 09 Minncqua, 4 09 11 06 .6 02 10 38 Wllliamsport, 6 10 1289 7 40 lía XorthuinWland, 12 40 9 25 2 (ir Bunbury, 12 50 2 00 9 33 2 15 ll:irrsburg, 2 15 :! "Hl 1140 4 10 liallimore, 7 35 6 25 7 35 Washington, 9 02 9 07 ]n" Philadelphla, 7 00 7 35 3 30 7 20 New York, 10 10 10 25 6 45 10 20 Passengere by thïe route have the privilege o stopping oír at any point, and of visiting Washington City without extra charge. No dust. Road thoronghly stone ballasted, and ita passenger trains are equippeil witii every known improveuieut for the convenience and safety uf passé ngt;rs. The lar-famed Watkins Glen beinglocated on the direct line of Northern Central Railway passengers can take it ia on their route to the Centeunial, by taking the Northern Central Railway. Be sure your tickets read via New York Centra] aud Xurtheon Central Koads. Information givcn ou application to Western Passenger Agent. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Gen. Pass. Agent. Sam'l L. Seïmour, Western Passenger Agent Buffalo, N. Y. 159HT Yisitors to the Oentennial, BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, TAKE ITOTICE ! That the Cleveland Steamers NORTHWEST, E. N. RICE, Leave M.C. R. R. wharf, Detroit, daily at 9 o'cleck p. m., except Sundays. This line has arranged syntem of tickets via Cleveland whereby over 300 route. can be mude to Pttilndelphiú and New Vork, goinir and returning by any route desired. No other line can offer such a variety of routes. Tickets for anle at principal Railrond Offices, on toard steamerB and at Company's office, foot of Shelby st.'t Detroit. liS6 D. CAKÏIill, Ai;iit. (arded (be Higbesl "Uilnl ai iciinn. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. .".! l Braad wa-, New Vork. fOpp. Motropolitan Hotel,) 1inufaeturer8, Importen & Dealers In CHEOMOS ana FEAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albuus, Gbapuoscopeb, and Sujtablk Views, Photographic Materials. ve are Headquarters for everything in the w) of STEKEOPTICOWS Ut Jl.UilC I.WTKins, Being mauufactnrers of the MICRO-RCIKNTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO P ANO PTICON, UNIVER81TY STEREOPTICON, ADVBKTISER'8 STEREOPT1C0N ARTOPTICON, CHOOL LANTKRN, FAMILY LANTERN PEÜPLE'8 LANTKRN. Each style boing the best of its classin the market. Catalogues of Lanterna and Slides with directions for using sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money with a Hagic Lantorn. 1571 KyCut out this advortisement for referenci'.'_4t C1kAday at home. Agent wantod. Outfit O 1 and teruis lree. TRUË & CO., Aufurta, Me RAILROADS. KICIIHUN CENTBAL liAIMtOAlT -MAY 28, 18T6. OO1HO WKSÏ!' === A. M. A.M r. M. PM T Detroit, leuve, 7 0 i OS 2 S(i 4oo Son'óï j. 1'. Juucunn, 7 15 1 40 3 08 4 16 6 1" Wayno Junctiou 7 5; 1" 19 8 82 4 u li; ï; ïpsilanti. 8 3 1 -. ■ 1" 3 tl 5 :s 7 , Í, AnnArbor, 8 56 11 26 4 13; 5 45 I ij LuXt, 1' 90 4 85 6 0( 8 1 _J_ Chula, 'j -1 ; _ 4 -17 6 Ja ■ Orass I.:ike, 10 07, 5 15 i; m $ i m TT Jackson. Ar., ,10 40 12 32 S 45 7 151 9 2iiii„ Jacknon.Lv., 10 45,12 J7 il ,ïlj i" Aluion, 11 8Í 1 UI lo 25 ïï V. M. - ' Marshall. 12 26 1 : 3 g m 58 , Bnttle Cieok, 1 IK) 2 1. 7 113; j Jj (ialenburff, 1 31 a. m. Is 10 KaUuiHZuu, 1 52 3 V3 4 1111 1 ■; j . T Lawton, ■_' :15 in M ■ Uecatur, 2 5J 1 : 00 1 05 Uowagiao, 3 lo s je 1 5:, ' Nilo, S 45 1 t.i ■ 8 11! 2 :; 1 lincharían, 8 89 6 26 '4, Tlire.; Oaks 4 S8 1 66 7 04 3 23 TT N;w KuH'itlo, i 48] 6 08 7 21 ; 4(, ■ Michiguu (,'liy, 5 10 r, SC 7 50 4 05 Ta Lake 5 48: 6 14 f) 86 4 52 6 í KensinRton, 6 4n 7 1.') 9 351 6 42! - u Uhica?u, arrive, I 7 30: 8 OOI 10 20 6 30: ooiso bast. " 2_ }jw _? S A.M. A. M. I'. M. P.M. p. K ' líhiciiRO, leave, 500J900 4 00 5 16 900 KeowiURton, ö 45; Í) 4 4 46 6-57 9 43 Lake, I 6 40: 10 20 5 30 6 43 10 25 ' Michigan City, 7 Ü2 1 1 0 6 30 7 40 n S fowBuUn, 7 6 11 '0 ü 55 Three Oake, 8 09 11 32' 7 OSli 8 11 11 47 M. A M. Buclmnan, 8 42 1 I 7 501 1 jo Miles, 9 Oi'i 12 09 8 B0I 8 55 IJ 85 Dowagiac, : 9 27 8 49 l M Deoatnr, ' 9 52 fl 15 1 25 I. iiwlnii. 10 UI 9 85 Kulamazon, 10 46 1 :v, ld 10 10 26 i 15 (ialesliurK, n '- 2 Sí BattleCreek, 11 52 2 17 . 1109 3 15 . -3 m Mnrohall, :12 45 2 61 = K n 35 3 4; Albion, 1 14 :i 10 ? 11 5Í 4 Ij; I A.M. ( y Jackson, Ar., 2 P8 3 M a. m. IS 40 4 53 ijl Jacknon, l.v., 2 12 4 10 7 00 12 40 4 5H tirass Laka, 2 45 7 30 5 23 Sü Chelaea, 3 10 7 56. 6 50 10 u Dextor, 3 25 fi 13 s os 10 Alin Arbor, 8 6S 5 l.r 8 36 2 00 6 28 10 Ypsilanti. 4 15 6 28 8 66 2 20 6 4S 11 M WayneJnnc, 4 45 A 46 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 l O. T. June., 6 30 6 10 10 OU 3 15 7 45. Detroit, Ar., I 5 45 6 2.' 1(1 15 3 30 8 0012 tiundays excepted. 8aturday and 8und;y a oepted. tDaily. H. B. LKT)YAK1), ften'l Supt., Detiuit. H. C. Wentwokth, (jen. 1'nna. A(ít.. (-'hicayo. DETROIT, HILLSDALE& INDI ANA RA1I.KOALI QO1NU WEST. - 187U - GOiyO E.IST. STATIONS. Mili.. Exp. HTATIONS. Jixp. Mil A. M. F. M. Detroit, dep... 7:(o u:iiii .■,, I YpKilimti . . . . 8:36 7:15 Bnnkers 6:00 !;■ BajinB !:2O 7M5 Hillsilnle .. 6:S0 t f Bridgewdtcr.. 9:15 7:5' ilnncBester.. 9:15 tu ManchesUr. 1U:.8 8:00 Bridgewater 9:15 I f r. m. Saline 10:10 tg Hillsdale 1:15 lü:ro Ypilanti.... 'K1' Bnnkers. ... :3o Hi:10 Detroit 12:30 6:H Trains rnn by Chicago ame. To take eflect , April le, 1876. . W. F. l'AHKER, Sup't, Ypsilnpli. iiiial Exlüiii PHILADELPAIA, VA. THIS Ureat International Exliil. ilion, flesignd í to cuiu memórate the One Hundredtb ÁndW saír of American, Iudependence, opened Mayioth t and will close November lOtli, 1876. All r. Liona of iin: World and sil Statea and ries of tbe Uuion will particípate, brlnglng I r Ule most compreheiiivi' coUection of art tnu I ur;s, mechan ical Inven tloDS, Micntilic disco inanutUcturing iclikvt-iiKniíi, mineral spe aud iigricultural produets ever exhibited, groundsdcvoted to thc Kxhibitíon are situated on the line of the Pennsylvanla Raiiroad, and dek f brace four buudred and ñl'ty acres of i'iurütüun; Park, allhigbly improved and ornameatt, whicli are erected the largest bnildinga ever structed,- fiveof fcheÉe coveriog an area of flfty acres, and cottLng f9,000,000. Tbe total nuoiberti buildings erected tbr the purposes of t he E tion is over one bundred. The Ptnnsylvania Eailroaá, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL ROUTE OF THEÜ, S, will bc thu most direct, cotiveiiicni and coiji way ofLreairhing tblladelphia, and tbia great t hibition t'rom all sectious oï. the country. V tiaius to and f rum Pliiluüi lpliiu will paea through t a (JKANÜ CENTKNWIAL DKPOT, wliicli Uu Conipany bare eï'eéted át the Main Entrance to tb Kxliibilion (irounda, for tbe aooonmodatlon ef I pucS4■nvLí wno Vufi to Btop al or start l'roin tbe tnumeroua lartie hotels contiguous to tliis staffól and thc IJxhiltkion. - a convenieneeof thr ■. value to Tisitors, aud aiturded sxclusivi l by the I Pennsyl.-ania Itailroad, wbich is THE O.NLV LINK KUMNXNU DIRECT TO THE OENTENSIAL HU1LDINGS. Excursión irains wlllalS0 9töf al the Emuiiipment of tho Patrous of Uusbuidrf, t at Elm Station, on tbia road. tíi-TUu Penn.sylvania Hailroad is the gnndw railway organization in the world. It coi se ven thouaand miles of roadway, forniingi uousllnesto Philadelphia, New York, Baldmor and Washington, over which luxurious day and F uitfht cara are run froni Chicago, St. Louis, I ville, Cinciniiati, Indianapolis, Coluinbus, TuW'X I Cleveland, and Êrie, without change.. lts main Hm is laid witb doublé and third traokf f of heavy steel rails, upon a deep bed of brokeD ■ stone ballast, and its bridges are all of iroii or stone. lts passenger trains are eqtiipped irlth effr ry known Lmprovemeot for comfort and safety.wd are run at faster speed for greater distancea üiaa I the trains of any line on the continent. Tbe E pany has largely Increued its equtpment fi e teunial travel, aml it will ho prupared to buïld, i its ow n shops, kcomotlT68 and passenger cars t short notice, roffldenl to accommodate any exti driiKind. The aneqoaled resources al tbecommtid . of thc Co tupan y guarantee the most x;rfect I modations for all its patrons during the I al Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT 8CENERY forwhichthfl [ Pennsylvftiiia Uaihoad la 80 jus: I v celebrated, P sents to tbe traveler over hs perfect lïoadway bb ever-changing panorama of rlver, tnountaln, sdJ I landscape views unequaled in America. THE EATING-STATIONS on thlsline are E surpassed. Meals will be fbrnisbed al BuitaW bours and ampie time nllowed for enjoying tlicni. EXCUK8ION TICKKTö.at reduced rats, will beaold at all principal BaUroad Ticket Oitices in the West, Northwest and Southwest. rBe snre that your tickets read via tbe Cïrrt Pcnnsylvania Koute to tbt; Centcnnia!. FRANK THOMSON, ]. M. liuïi). .li:.. Omval Manager. G'n'l Passer As' National öentennial Route. TAKB THE Baltiiore&OiiioRi THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THECENTENNiAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY ! By this line passen gers are latidecl at the Cenennm] Gronna, or at Broadsnd J'ine 8treeta,is icinity of the Umding hot'.'lfl in Plldelpliii aS hey may prefer. floldera of Throuh Tirt.'ts CAN STOP OFF AT THB ITational Capital! Lüd vÏBit tho öovornmcnt BnïidinpH niiirlí mftny objecta of interewt in aud ubuut tVasliiiigtoB ity. TrHvelere debinng A SPEED Y, PLEASAXT et COMFORTABLE TRIP Should remeinber that the Baltixxxore & Oiiio Hailroad : celebratpd for its elegant Coaches, SplcndU H0" el, (irand and Kfnutiiiil JIouDtain ml VnlW bcencry, apd the maoy pointa of Historie inlercs' long UH line. 35a=Fare ivill lwa)ibeaLoal tt3i? by ui) othcr l.iur, PULLMAN PALACE CABS kun rnitobon WITHOUT CHANGE Bet ween the principal WESTERN & EASTEEN CITISS. For Through Tickets, Bñggnge OliPckB, Moveent of traías, Blceping Car Aooommodations, &} c, apply at Ticket Otticos at all principal i)i's' ORTII, SO U TH. E AST O R W EST. . K. DORSEY, L. M. COLB, ,t Aim't Oen'l Ticket Ag't. Gen'l Ticket Ag HO8. P. BAIIKY, THOS. B. SHAHP; Wcut'ii Paengor Agent. Martter of TreWf "


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