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TWICS THR NATIONAI, ftEBT gtEKT IN SIX YEAItS The records prove that tlio public exponditurea duriug the aix years of President Grutit'u administration, endmg Juno 80, 1873, have been -l,0jO,OOO.ono, fllfí SIITíIJON HOI. l lis DEFALCATIONS. The records prove that the defalcatioim bj Republican office-holdera during tlio last sik yoars of üopuhlican adminiatration, amountec on June 19, 1876, to $5,500,585. A HÜNDKEI Mlt.t.tnvfl KOU TUI: W1IIHKY ÜIKCi.S The records prove tht tho robberioB of the whisky ringB, for attemptjnj; t'ó break up which Briatów was driVen tïotn tho Oabinet, aniountec to fully $100.000,000. THE BEl'UBLICAN BINflS INDOBSK THEMSELVES The records p ro ve that the number of cor nipt ring and combinationg aurrounding the Republican administration far exeeeds anytbing pioviouBly known in the history of thia conn try, and that notwlthstapding ' thrt every Republican coneutiïn,. State aiíd national, ii the jfaat eigbt yeara, nas fully indowod tha mhuiuUtration. THE MCMBKB OF OFFICE-HOLDEltS KUARtT DOUBLED. The records prorr that tho numbor.of olfico holders has been increaaed uuring Presiden Gvanf aírnmistíation from 54.2G7 to 94,11!) or at tho rato of more than 6,000 a year ; tha during almoat the whole of thia period the country haa been suffering from gt#at oom morcial depreaaion m1 ne'Iy o"ei'y home ha feit Uta pMoure o iiard times NOT ONE BEFOBM Ï-LEDOE FÜLFILLED. The records prove that the Republican party bas plodged itaelf to civil-servieo reform ii eveiy National and State Convontlon since 1868; that Preeident Grant has asked Cüngrosa to aid him in bringing it about, in Impat every mesaage he hfta ever ivritteni and, that not the first etep has mei been taken toward the ful fillment of that plodgo, except the unimportan one oí tho appointment of a Board of Commi sionerB, which arouaed so much opposition among Republicana that it was abandoned tha Qov. Hayes bas again promiaed civil-aervice re forni Juat as President Oraht promiwed it eieh yeara ago. NOT ONE StEOlE-fcAijTEST I'LEDGE FÜLKTLLED. The records prove that the Republican party has pledged itaelf to briag about apecie pay ment in every National and almoet every State Convention eince 1868; that Preeident Gran haa awliod Congresa to aid bitn in bringing i about in every animal mensago ainoe that time and that not the flrat step has eVer been taken, toward Üie fulflllment öf thst p'eflge Sareb; the passage of a aó-caílod lleauiñption act whlcn Was originally framed as an inflation messure, but which worked somewhat differ ently; that the Kepublican National Conven tion did not dare to commend thia act, and th Democratie House found itaelf comptlled to voto to repeal it; that Gov., Haven lisa prom ised specie paymentS now juat" as Presiden Gïanl piomised it eight years ago. NKABLY TWO HTJNDBED MTLLION'S STOLEN BT TBABOEES. The records prove that President Grant'a reconstruction policy has resulted in the increase of the debts of Boutbern Btnteo, which were almoat nothing at the oloae of th war, o an aggregato rf -f 194, 000,000, and in the almoB complete conüscation of property by local taxation; that the lista of eatatea and farms to be eold for tiixea fill column af ter column aud page af ter pago of tho Southern newspapera ; tha this condition of thinga affecta t.h b'ack'i equally, with the white!), 5hd la the direct resul oí th enohúoua thefta of liepublican officiala A DISAS1BOU8 INDIAN POLICY. The records prove that tho Indian policy o PreBident Grant haa resulted in little elae than thieving and bloodahed, and bas finaily culmi nated iu a bloody and coBtly war brought on b; the violation by this Government of n eolbmn treaty wi(.h the tndianS, A BBIBE TAKEN IN THE CABINET. The records prove that a Kepublican Secre tary of War has been, for almoat the entire period of President Grant'a administration, en gaged in blackmailing hia appointeea ; tha from one poat-trader this Secretary derived in tbis way ftJO,C0O, and hia accomplice $20,001 more ; that he surrounded the approachea to bis department with brokera who sold appointmentu for him, and, in aome caaea, charged as much as $1,000 for a mere personal introduction to the SoCretary; that raauy of theae thlngs wefe exposea n evidence given foui yeare ago by Gen. W. B. Hazen, a distinguisbei army omcer ; that the evidence waa brought to the attention of the President, who made no investigation of the charges, and continnec' the Secrotry in his poaitiou for fbnr yëara 'onger that when the final diacloeuro was made, hia resignation was accepted immodiately by the Preeident "withgreat regret ;' tbat this acceptance enabled him to escape conviction on his trial by the Senato, on the grounc tbat it had no junsdiction ; that of the twentysix Senators who voted to acquit him, all but one were Republicana ; that within a few days nftev thia disclosure, President Grant'd administration was commended by tho Republican ijtate Convention of Ohio, which presented the name of Gov. Hayes aa a caudidate for the Presidenoy, in terms of higher praise than il found for ito own Candidato ; that the National Ponvention at Cincinnati cordially indoraod the President and hia adminiatration ; that Gov. Hayes, in hia letter of aeceptance, amiounced hia full and hearty conourrence in the platform adopted ; tliat noKepublican State convention or nationftl convention, nor hïuj Gov. Hayes, ever expressed the alighteat disapprobation of the crimes of the administration. A OABINET OKFIOEB AWAITUIO IMI'EACHMENT. Ttte records prove that the Secretary of tho Navy has, for years, violated very many of the laws goveruiug his action without rebuke or remonstrance from President Grant ; that for yenrs bis former biisineüs partners, the Cattella, levied blackmail upon those seeking to oLtain contracta with tho department, and tbat during the same period his bank account with the same Cattells shows much larger tranaactiona than could have been found on hia salary ; that he has had hia private furniture mannfactured in tüe workshops of the Government ; tbat he put in peril an enormous aum of Government monoy in the attempt to prevent the ruin of a bankruptbanking-house, and that $800,000 of this amouiit has never been recovered that hia department was found to be houeycombed with fraud, anrt run as a political bureau ; that the navy-yards Were crowdcd with men juat before the electiou, who were all discharged immediately afterward ; that tho House of Repre&entatives authori.ed the Judiciary Committee to conaider the proprioty of his InipeRcJ', nd it will döubtlesa report in favor of such a step ftt tho opening of the next seaaion ; that the Republicans rftportod and voted for a resolntion whitewaahiug Secretary Kobeson, although there wero few Kepublican jonmala which dared to defend him ; that tbe single Bepublican member, Mr. Burleigh, of Maine, who had tho courage to Hign the majority report againgt Secretary Robeson, was defeated fot' rcnomination, nufferiug the aatno fate aa Briatow at Cinuitiuatl nfid Evarto in New Vork ; that Mr. Burleigh'a defeat was ovory where known to be due to his fearleaaiieSs il eïptmiiig Bêpttblioan rasCality. WHEBE THE OAMTAKIN X'OB HAYFS I BÜS. The records proce that under a Kepublican áecretary of the Interior frauda equally upon the tax-payer and the ludían have been committed witii impunity, amounting annually to mndreds of thoueanda of dollars; that "the Jerpetratofs want uupunlahed, Rud the chief perpetrator, Columbua Delauo, retired after years of service with a handeome testimonial from President Grant ; that nnder this same Secretary of the Interior pension frauia were committed amounting to $400,000, which were exposed by a Demooratic House, but tho perpetratora of which are still unpunished by the Republican adminiatration ; that Columbufl Delano's appropriate aucceseor, whariali Chandlcr, haabeen placed at the head of the National Ropublican Cominlttoe, and ia managing the oampaign for Gov. Hayeo, rresentlng a fpectaelo of the neglect of ofliciai decency in high placen uever bofore witneased in this country. h DEFARTMENT OF INJU8TICE. The records pfov that Attoruey General Williams, while at the head of te Department of Justico, oupported his private carrioge and liorsea out of the contingent futid of the department, following in this the oxaniplo of alnvotit all the liepubücan otncials ; that, with another of President Graut's Attorney General, Mr. Akermau, he divertid $84, (KM) of the funda of the departmont to eloction purpoaos in New York - aproceeding for which the President and theae two Cabinel oflicers have been ceneured by a committee of the House ; tha', with tho coanivance of another Attorney Genoral, F.dwards Pierrepont, a letter wai written to Diatrict Attorneys during tho trial of Gen. Babcock for conspiracy, to prevent conclufivo toatimony being givcn againat him by an accomplice ; tuai thia is shown by the teetimony of Bluford Wilaon, late KepubUcan Solicitor of the Treasury ; that the lelter. which Mr. Pierrepout Baid was noi to bo made public, waa given to liabcock's counsel and made public by him ; Ihat Presidout Grant took pain to ascertaiu the ovidenos against Babcock from Mr. JJriatow and Mr. Wilaou, who could uot ref uae to givo it to him, and commnnicated it to Babcock ; and that largely by mean of this proatitution of juatice BabcDck cecaped conviotion. A DISfJKACEFÜI, DIl'LOMATIC SERVICl;. Tke records proüc that uudcr tbe Republicau ii'!ii!'iiitrati(ii), now neaily closeil, the diplomatic service of t'ie United States in been diaraced by almcst uuiveraal corruptiou and üeoiupfiteLicy : tbat almcat thw tirt act of om Brst JUiuiatei abroad. Gen. Suhunc);.. was to rint treatlBfi on poker-plying : tl,nt he aftorward, from corrupt considerations, violated all diplomatic deeoncy by giving the great weight of his nftmo and position to a swindling mining scheme j that the corruptnees of the transaction was Oliowu b the faet that ho paid nothing for bis stock, and by olhei' ovnrwhelrcing ovidenco ; that in the investigation which was ruado by the Domocratio House, Gen. Schonck's testimony was Bhowu to be falne in almoat every iumanco by abundant evidoncs ; that the House óf Repreeontatlves by nnanimous vote consurod him, aftcr he had left England uuder cover of his official poBition to void arrest ; that the Tïepublican Minister to Austria, ei-Gov, Ortb, was corraptly connected with' the Veneüuelan clairns. wblle in Congrese, and being nominated for Governor, in spite of hm record, was finaliy compelled to withdraw, becanwe his defeat was inevitable ; that the President' brothor-in-law, Mr. Kramer. Miristerat tho Dauifh Court, in still retained in his place, notwithstanding the fact that he has frequently disgraced it by dn'.nUomiess and public nppearancea in disreputable coinpimy ; that Gen. Daniel E. Sicklcs, who has been on hi. trial for homicide, was sent as Minister to tho Court of Spain ; that i-Ulan H. Hudson, a relativo of the President, Bont to Guatemala, disgraced blmself there by condoct unbecoming a representativo of the United States ; that none of the acts of theus tnen or of tho administration, of wbich they fornieil a part, were over condemned by the KonnbHci'U pftrfr.y. eicept in the instance wiien public sentiment forced it to join in tho verdict pasaod upon Gen. Schenck ; that, on the contrary, the administration bas beeu profiisely comniended by all the convontiona of tho Kepublioan party, .State and national, espcciaily by thoao which nominated Gov. Hayoe. BEPUELÍCÁN ÜEFOBJÍEB8 BON OUT OF OII1CE. The records prove that Mr. Bristow and Jlr. Wilson, who wcro engaged in the work of pur suing thieves, and did not hesitato to enter the doord of the White House when tho trail led there, were, forrert out of othe b the President ; that WÜLöu letter of resiguation never received auy notice at the hand of the President, while Delano, Belknap, bhepherd and Murphy, the other noted corruptionists and .personal írind o? the Tresidont, were rölireu frum office with extravagant eulogies. ANOTHEB CABDïET REK0K1IER TUBNEI) OVT. TM records prove that under President Grant's favorito Poatmastor General, J. A. J. CroBWoll, tho system of " Btraw bids" grow np, ■ whioh remltins still ttnreformèd .; thftt Mr. Creswell, when he rotirod fróm office, was highly eulogized by President Grant ; that hie sureeasor, who attemptod tö introduce reformB into the administration of the Uepaï tment, was removed, and a political subordínate of Senator Morton was appointed in his place. THE REPÚBLICA; TREATMENT OF WOMEN. The rtcords 'ro'v that President Orant's Commissioner of Pensions, Gen. J. H. Baker, cpmbiued with a pension agent namod Blakelv in an Bttempt to blackmail Miss Ada Swent"; that Miss Sweet had obtained her appoliitniant as Bucoessor to Blakelv through him, in consideratiou of a promise to pay him a large share of her salary ; that tflakely, being a defaulter to the amouut of f3,000, attompted to eompel her to Ranura o the roeponsibility for that amount that 'n this he was soconded by Bakir, then Cpjnifisij'pnei1 of Pnslpnn ; thit the individual io whom the irionevs werü paid throughout was B. II. Campbell, United States Marshal and Gen. Babcock's fatuer-in-law ; that aftor tho Cincinnati Convention promised "reepectful conBidoratiou" to the claima of women, a high Government officer proposod that the reduction of force in tho departments, compelled bv thn 1emonratlB rwdueHon in the appropriaiioas, should be made oy tiie discharge of women, all of them pooï, so as to keep the Kepublican voters on comfortable salaries ; aud that this policy is now beinf carried out as far as possiblo. HOW KEPUBLIOAH DELIKQDENTa ARE FUNTSIIED. The records pt'ove that the public printer was fot'nd by á comraitteft Pf the ikousi to hafe been cliarging exorbitant prices for his work, reportiug iucorrectly the coet of printing the Congressionni Beoord, and drawing money on false vouohers ; that when that office waj aboliahed, and ono slmilsir to it nreittefl, lue President appointed tho same delinquent official to the new oflics, and the Senate confirmed him, notwithstanding these discloaurea. THE SAFE-BOROLARY CONSPIBACY. Tlte records prove that it conspiracy was formed, to which the Presidont's Private Secretary was a party, and of which the Chief of the Secret Servías tíís the prineiTjal instrument, to cómtnit a burgiarj1 in tho ofllce of the District Attorney of the District of Columbia, and implícate in it Columbus Aloxander, au old and wealthy citizen, who was outspoken in denouncing, and fearless in pursuing tho riDg ; that the plot was frustrated only in its fmal stage ; that Gen. Babcock is now under iudictmont for this ofFenue. REPÚBLICA RÏNO-MAKEBS - NOT RINC!-BREAKER8. The records prove that the ring which robbed the District of Columbia as boldly as the Tweed ling robbed tho city of New York, was kept in countenance by the favor of President Grant, and was officiaily recognizud by hia renomination of Boss Shopherd to be a' member of the District Government, after his robberies had been exposed ; that public sentiment was so outraged that the benate, servile as it had been and is, reiected the nominntion : that Shepherd still rtlnains Ono of President Grant's lnost conspicuous friends and trustee! advisers. THE BLACK FBIEAY CONSPIRACY. The records prove thtt the paiticipants in the iufaiuüu-t Black Friday conspiracy of 18G9 wero Gen. Babcock, Gen." Porter, Jay Gould, James Fisk, Jr., A. K. Corbin, tho President's brother-in-law, and Gen. Bntterfleld, Assistant Treasurer in New York ; that, whether President Grant was personally intorestod in tho matter or not, hia order to stop the Government sales of goid was the flrst thing desirod by the couspirators, and that they rsn the prioe up from 136 to 1C3 ; that tho Président finaliy ordered tho sales to be resumcd, whether through alarm or becauso ho found that he had been duped, cannot be deftnitely aseertained : that the reeult was a terrible panic, spreading ruin on overy side. The fact of Gen. Bsbcock's complicity in this oonepiracy waa bronght to President Grant's attontion some months since by written documenta and proofs, but this did not prevent the Prcsideut's rotainiug him as his Secretary and sendiiig him with message to the Senate of the Unitod States. THE GRANT FAMILY LOOKHD AFTER. The records prooe that President Grant bas violated all tho precedent of his office by pensioning very mnny of his relatives npon the Government. THE PBESIDENTIAL PRESEKT-TAKER. The records prove that President Grant, in contravontion of all precedents of his office, bas been in the hatit of receiving valuable presente throughout his entiro administration, and bas frequontlj' appointed persons nidking the largest gifts and the largeat subscriptions to his campaign funds, to lucrativo cñiceii. ARMED IN1T5IIDATION. The records prove that the President bas repoatedly iutertured in thogovernmont of States in the South, without warrant of law, usiug tho anny to intimídate Legislatures or inflnence elections; that, in the case of the infamous Louisiana outrage, tho entire Kepublican Cabinet, aud tho whole Kepublican party concurrod with him. THK SANTO BOMINGO CONSPlBAlY. The records prove that the conspiracy of Babcock and other memDers of the White House ring, to havo the iland of Santo Domingo purjhased by the Uuited States, in order to enjance the value of concessions held by them, was abetted, whether knowingly or not, by the President, and that the cost to the country of this sóbeme waa 2,000,000; and that. for' Mr. öumner's opposition to this scheme in the Seuate, he was deposed, at the express desire of he President, from the place he had filled with honor for many years at the head of the Committeo on Foroigu Kelations. (lUANÏ HEI,PIN(t HIK DKOTHKRS OrERATIONS. records prove, that Gon. Grant, while General of tho army, gave a relativo an ap)ointment on learning fioni him by letter that io was to bo paid for it; that Gon. Grant, while 'resident, has kept his brother. Orvillo Grant, ully informed of vacaucies hkely to occur in )ost-tr h rahipi and ludían agencies, aud that, y tliis mecnn, Orville Grant was enabled to blackmail many applicants into giviug him a sbare in the pronta of their places, in return or his influence : that in this way Orville Grant obtained and still holds large interoBte in postraderships and Indiau agencies, iuto which he ut no capital ; that all these facts were adnitted by Orville (nul inhis testimony bef oro ho Houso Committee. OFFICIAL KIDNAPPINO. The records prove that duriug the investigaion by the House of tho Santo Domingo job, oih'cers of the secret service íorined a conpiracy to kidnap a wilueas, Kaymond II. Pery, npou a fabricated chargo ; and they did not make tóe attempt, which happily failed in the nd, without orders from high authority. THK PARTY IÍÜ1N8 70,000 NHÍJROES. Tlte records prove that the Itepublican party, wbich claimed to be tho especial guardián of he negroos of the South, doludedthem into inrusting thoir saviugs to tlie l'reedman's Savngs Bank, and thou robbod them of evory ent. By this cruel theft 70.003 negro depostoi-B were robbod of f3, 000,000. A BEAT RKPUBLIUAN JOB FRCSTBATED. Tlie records prove that the attempt of the lepublican Senato to revive the franking privlege was frustrated by tho Domoc atic House. VHAT TUE DBM00BAT8 HAVE DONE IN ONF. YEAlt. The records prove that the heads of the tepublican departments estimatod thoir exeiiHes for tho current year at 173,590,822, eing au increaso on tho appiopnations of latt ■ear of t25,425,C98, mado undoubtedly with a 'iew to the pnrposes of the campaign ; that the democratie Honso estimated tbat tho Government c;ouid be honestly and economically adminwteredforiil09,244.H0;that. yielding some oiuts demanded by the Kepublican Sennte, the ippropriationa were flually fixod at $120,611,871; hat tho aving cffoctod by tlio House on tho expendiluro of tho previous year, was .■529,944,252, and on lbo Bum domanded for this yoar was $55,380.650. DIMOOBATIC BBFOBtl IK NKW YOBK. The recoñtsptaDe that the State taxes in Now Link uoder a RepnbHoab adminiatrution iu ,874, tlie vtar boforo (ov. Tilden's iuauguiation. were 15, 727,482 ; tUat in 1876 they are $8,268,196, the rediiction boing very largoly duo to Oov. Tilden'e eoanomies prowing out of his reforme


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