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We have receivrd the first two numbers ot the Bay City Observer, published by A. Mc Millun & Co Maö is the same Mac who receutiy published the Dexter Leader. Now that he lias throwii oif the shackles of ueutraliity he will strike telling blows for the cause ot Demoeracy and reform. Mac is a good fellow as well as a good writer, and we commend liim and the Observer to tbe Valley Demoeracy. ii - ii - ,03-Reniember and bny your undnrwear of .Toe T.Jacobs. New line tbis week. l'urlniicw. From now until (Jhristmas I offer to paiut oilportvaits at reduced prices. Those wishing work done in time for Christmas should eall now. Ann Arbor, Oct. 19th, 187. 1604w10 K. J. E0GEE8. MAMA M)R FAST RIDIMtt. How to Come Hsme from (lic Centen nial. Alinost every uian woman and child has a manía Cor fast riding, and for the benefit of fiying aight-Beekers, we will cali attention to the fastest through taainin the United States. Leaving Phil adelphia by the Pennsylvania Kailroad, at 7:20 any morning; passengers ride over the line hetWMJQ tbe Centennial city and Pittsburgh, 354 miles, in ton hours. This particular train is coniposed of parlor cars so arranged that the magnificent scenery on both ides of the line cannot be overlooked Theold, highly cultivaatd and rich agricultura] districts east of Harrisburg are extremely iuteresting to the traveler, whilst the tnouotain ranges the Horae Shoe Curve, Kittanning Point, the Conemaugh, the Allegrippus and hundreds of cbarming varied views, may be enjoyed during daylight by taking the Jimited fast express. By this train the sleeping cars are attached at Pittsburgh, and passengere arrive in Chicago the following morning, nïany hours in advance of all other routes, and necessitatingonly one night's ride. No other Railway on this continent ean oft'er the induceineut of a lightning train frora the East. C. M. Clark, at the General Ticket orhce, 65 Clark street, thicago, will give all Information, Particular attention given to letters of inquiry. Direct connections are made with the Toledo Braneh of the Great Fort Wuyne aud Pennsylvauia Railway at Toled . Scarclty of Money. Tli ere is no doubt but the present condition of all kinds of business and industry is fearfully de" pressed, and it behooves every family to look carefully to their expenses. Winter is coming, on when children are liable to Croup, Whooplng Cough. etc. Coughs and Colds will prevalí everywhere, and (Jonsumption with other throat and lun disease will carry off many. These diseases shoiild not be neglected, Doctor Bills are expensive, and we would advise our people to use BosCHEKS' Germán Stbup. It ueyer ha faiJod. One bottle at 75 cents will keep your whole family well duriug the winter. Two doses will relieve any ca, Sold in all towns in the üuited States, and by your druggist, Eberbach & Co. -w . . - Ctmteiinial Excursionista Will, of course, wishto see all thesights eomfortably md cheaply. To thia end the Canada Southern Railway Company has, through its conneetiou in he West and Northwest, placed on sale a large nuniber of Tourists' Excursión Tickets at greatly reduced ra tes, by which passenger eau not only visit the Centen nial Exhibition at Philadelphia, but oan, in addition, visit the principal eastern cities, witli an opportumty of stopping at any oi' the #reat number of laiuous resorts in New York and Pennsylvania. The Canada Öouthe.n ia the ouiy line fromthe West running directly to Niágara Falla, giving pasengers, trom the train, a wüüderful panorainic view of the Mighty Cataract, Horse-shoe Fall, the Great Rapids, and landing them directly at the Falte. The track oi' the Canada Southern is an air line, laid of steel rails of the hea viest pattern ; there are do curves or grades ; wo'xi is used tbr fuel ; Coaches are furnished with the Winchell Patent Ventilator, ensuring perfect freedom from dust. With íts complete system of magitincent Parlor, Sleeping and Drawing Kooiu Cars, from Chicago, Detroit and Toledo, and Hu admirable connectious at Niágara Falls and Buftalo with the New York Central and Erie Kailways, the Canada Southern ie fast becoming the lavorite line to tlie East, Tickets via ttíis popular line can be procurad at all offices of connectiug Unes, or at the Company'a owu offices. Any Information can be obtained by addressing FKANK E.SNOW, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Ag't, Detroit. Special Notice. Rinsey & Seabolt take pleasure in informing their customers and the public generally that they are now occupyinc their new store (on the old location) with increased facilities for business. They propose to mak e a specialty of Teas, having avrangcd lor stocks with one of the largest Tea Houset}, and will also keep a choice line of Family (roceries. Flour of the best niills and brands oat nical, corn nieal, leed, fruits and vegetables iu season Cash buyers will tind it for their interest to give them a cali. The " Irou Trui), A spicy sketch descriptive of a trip over tlie Atchison, Tope ka and Santa Fe Railroad, the beauties, scenery and pleasure reaorts of the Rocky Mountaius, by " Nym Crinkle," the musical and dramatic critic of the New York World, sent free on application, togethijr with the San Juan Guide, nutpa and time tables of this new and popular route froni Kansas City and Atchiuson to Pueblo, and allpointsin Colorado, New Mexico, Arlzona and the Sun Juan Mines. The fi nest line oí Pullman sleepers on the continent betwecu the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains without ehange. Bpecial round trip tourists' tickets frOfld the Mlssisslppf Kiver to Denver at JöO, gootl to top off at all points. Address, T. J. ANDKR80N, (ïfu. Passenger Aent, Topeka, Kaunas.


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