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John J. Robison

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I 'rom the Adrián Pnu. Tbo persistent and slanderous attacks of the Adrián Time upon Hon. John J. llobinou, aio recoiliug overy day upon the bead of the slanderer, and winning frosh supporters to Mr. Iiobison's standard. Two years ago, when Air. Robigon was a candidate for Congress, as notoriously niean, oontemptiblo and slandorous a statement as was ever coucoeted by tho unprinoipled brain of a thieving Radical demagoguo, was written up and i'urnisheri the Grant-collared organ of this city, which evolved it from its slumgullion coluum, to dupe its readors iiito the belief that Mr. Robison was, during the war, as rank and detestable a copporhoad as was ono ot the editors of that sheet, and with as vile an anti-war record. Iuiruediately upon its appearance the Pret promptly exposed each and every chargo in detail, stnpping every vestige of guise from the baso caluinmy and loaviug it in its naked disgrace. This year, like tho dog returning to its vomit, tho Times returned to the attack of Mr. Robison, republishing the sainu stalo charges, that Mr. Robison " opposed the war," " was a eopperhoad," " voted twenty-fivo or thirty times against patriotic measures," &o., fee; and again they wore mot and totally demolished through these columns Still, with an abiding faith, that a lie pertinnciou8ly adhered to, embodied the conviction and righteous eluiuent of truth, that sheet has persisted in its slanderous assaults, and succoeded at last in winning the disgust andconteinpt of even Republicana. Despite the able and complete vindication of Mr. Robison's record on tho soldier's voting law, despite ex-Lieut. Governor May's revelation of the fact that Hon. O. M. Croswell, as Chairman of the Senate Judioiary Committee, reported adver&ely upon a similar soldiers' voting bill, as being unconstitutional, the Times has kept its ubsuid sLuider standing iu its editorial columns, thereby crimiii itiug even its own candidate for Governor, in its zeal to besmirch the Democratie caudidate for Gougre8S. Now witnesn the result. Disgusted at the glaring falsity and iudecency of the malignéis of Mr. Robison, his Republican now offer a word in his behalf. Hu has lived long among them and they very likely know what thoy are talking about. The following letter from Mr. James C. McGee, a well-known stockdealer of Mr. Robison's township, with the endorsement and certifícate thoreon is submitted without cocument; it is a sufneient coinineutary in itself : Buaeon, Washtkxaw Co., Míen., Ootober 13, 187Ö. E. J. Smith. Esq., Adrián, Mich.- Deur iSir : In regard to the "war record of John J. Robison, Democratie and reform cundidate for Congress, as " viewed by his neighbors," I have this to say : V hen the Government called for men to aid in putting down rebellion, Mr. Robison was the first man iu the township that suggested the calling of a public meeting to encourage enlistinents. The notices for the first meeting were writton by him. At thut meeting aud at every subsequent meeting held in the township to aid the Govornment, Mr. R. gave liberally of his ineans, and his influence was always directod toward auswering the country's cali for men. This town8b.ip (Sharon) was the only district in the county of Washtenaw that tilled its entire quota every time with enlisted men, and no man did more to accomplish thut result than John J. Robison. On politioal questions Mr. R and myself difï'er now, as we did then, but having known him intiraately for over thirty years, and for the past twenty we have lived on farms adjoining (except the few years he was in Ann Arbor as County Clerk),I feel that Samuel Cushsian A. O. TOHREY, EDHUND L.OCKWOOD,. W . ij. Ckafts, - ■"-"-■KíüJLí.EjXS., Lucí us Fairchild E. L. McGee, Clerk


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