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- Don't fail to go and hear the Hon. (Jeo. V. N. Lothrop this evemng. - The Supervisors have Court House " on the string" for 8 o'clock this forenoon. -The accumulated leaves on nearly all the sidewalks of this city make them sli ppery and daugeious. - Mrs. Mary O'Brien, of Webster, widow of the late Morgan ü'Brieu, died ou Suuday last, aged 62 years. - Hou. John J. Robfson was in town on Wednesday, and reported favorably on the " signs of the times." - Aud still they go : lots of people from hereabouta to the Uenteunial. The " big show " will draw to the last. -On Friday last the venerable Dr. G. P. Williams feil on a bad piece of sidewalk on Fifth street, bruising his face severely. -Nel. Booth and O-eo. W. Moore are building a fruit-drying house on North State street. That is where farmers can sell their apples. i - Jake Martin was thrown twice by McLaughlin, but got " oue fall '' between. Case will give him his fanal throw on the 7th of next mouth. - The " Columbian Orator " is advertised to addresa the Republicans of this city on ïuesday evening uext, Uct. 31. Look out for " m uch noise." -At the recent session of the Women's Board of Baptist Home Missions, held in Lauaing, Mrs. A. Ten Brook, of this city, was elected President, and Miss C. A. Wilkinson, Secretary. -The senior class of the Uuiveraity open the season's entertainment on Friday eveniug sext, Xov. 3, with a concert under the management of Prof. Pease, assisted by wellknown and popular performers. - The Detroit Eoening News calis Mr. Beal's " open letter " to Dr. Douglas a game of "bluff," whereat some one who uuderstauds the game (we don't) saya " yes, and whenever the hands are called Douglas always has the iour aces." - Some days ago the Detroit Post announced that Gov. Bagley had proposed to contribute $500 toward tlie purchase of the Michigan Centenuial Building, the same to be removed and put up on the University grounda ia this city, to be used as an art gallery. - Next Tuesday is the day that every voter in the city should see that his name is registered if he would vote on the 7th of November. Examine the priuted list posted in your ward, aud if your uame is ñot tuereon look to it in person. Don't rely upon auy one to remind you of your duty. -The programme for the coming lecture couree of the Studeuts' Lecture Association inclades : Prof. Tyler, Bobert Collyer, Miss Helen Potter, David Swing, T. DeWitt Talmage, Joaquin Millar, Henry Vincent, E. H. Chapin, the Philharmonic Club of Boston, the. Boston Temple Quartette, and the Smith Whitney Concert Troupe. - The challenge of Mr. Osgood, of Ann ArborTown, to the Centennial Reform Olub, of Northfleld, has been accepted by said club and P. S. Purtel, has beea appointed to mee kim in joint discussiou. The discussion wi 1 take place on Saturday evening, Oct. 28th, at Moe's School House in Ann Arbor Town. - A juuior law student engaged in a " little divarsion " on the street corners a iew eveoiugs ago. Eesult : arrest, and a settlement at the expensa of f 11. It will be fortúnate íor the body of students if the little lesson is re■nembered. Studeuts have the same rights on the streets and in public meetings as citizens: oo more, no less. - On Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, President Angelí will give the flrst of the series oí 'ectures or discourses usualty given in University Hall during the fall and winter, and the present arrangement ia that hereafter there will be two discourses each month, - say on ttesecond and fourth Sunday afternoons, the several professors alteruating as heretofore. -We desire to cali the attention of members of the several ward boards of registration to the following provisión of the Constitution : "No elector shall be deemed to have gained or 'ost a residence . . while a student of any seminary ot learning." No student in the Umvera"y is entitled to vote here unless he was an 'lector in the. ward in which he resided on the % he entered the University. That is the test to be apphed to every applicaut for registration. It makes no difi'erence wnether the aPPhcant is married or single or how long he " been a student. The speech of Hou. C. I. Walker, of De'roit, made in the Opera House on Friday evenuig last was one of the best speeches made in Ourcity during the campaign. It was au indictment and couviotiou of the Bepublican party ad admiuistration from which there is no escape. Eapesially logical, couviucing, and con(ieinniug was his discussion of the centralizing tendenties of the Adininistration, of its uncstitutional interference with the local affaira of the Southern States. In treating of the a'bitrary and high-hauded interferenoe W1th the Louisiaua Legislatura he quoted at Jength from Judge Cooley, also from Judge "ar, Hou. Chas. Foster, and W. A. Wheeler, ■nepubhcan caudidate tor Vice-Presideut. He Waa frequently greeted by applau %e. -The speech was published ia f uil in Tues%morning-s Fret Press, and nothing but ack of 3Pace preveuta us trom giviu it iu our olumna. We do not liold the body of students of the University responaible for ths rowdyiara and villainous oonduct of a small portion of them at thx Opera House on Friday eveniug last, both preceding and during the speech of Hon. C. I. Walker. Neither are we sure that we ought to hold the student who maile such an exhibitiou of ill-breeding and rowdyism rasponsible. Their conduct was the legitímate result of Eepublican teachings : through the public jouruala, from the rostrum and stump, and in iamily and social circl&s. There young men, representativos of the party of " great moral ideas," the party of all the intelligence, the party of decency, the party of virtue, the party of piety, the party of patriotism, have been taught to believe that the Democracy are possessed of none of these qualities, - in f act that Demócrata, individually and collectively, are outside barbarians, with no righfs which their betters are bound to respect. From these tea3hrng8 come such demonstrations aa those of Friday eveniug. It isa great pity that ministers, professors, regents, aud those good, well-meaning, educated, and refined ladies who ao often aigh over the knowledge that this or that personal friend is a Democrat and subjected to such contaminating associations, could not have been present and witnessed the scène in which their pupils friends and pets, were the chief and diagraceful actors. Perhaps it wouhi have opened their eyes and given them soms new ideas of respectability, both iu individuals and parties. Perhaps not. - And just here we have a single word to say. Democratie meetings are open to the public, citizena and students, Republicana as well as Demócrata ; but Democratie speakers, aud the Democratie public by whose mvitation they appear, are entitled to deceut treatment and good order, and hereafter they propose to have it. That is all A dormán Democrat from Freedom was in town a day or two ago, considerably excited over a report, which he said had been put in circulatioii in that and aüjoining towus,- by a leading Eepublican candidate,- that the American Demócrata had conibmed to cut Geusley, the Democratie candidate for Treasurer, and vote tor Fairchüd,- his Republican opponent. Being assured that there was no such couibiuation, he repeated the story more iu detail: "that Mr. Pond and his friends would vote for Fairchild in revenge for the way he (Poud) was cut by the Germán Dsmocrats of Freedom, Lodi, Manchester, etc, in 1870, when a candidate for the Senate against Mr. Manu." And this version enables us, as one of the parties uamed, to brand the whole story as talse. Mr. Poud aud his poUtical or personal friends have no six-year-old scores to pay; and had they, defeating Mr. Gensley would uot right the wrong of six years ago. Besides, we and they are accustomed to support Democratie candidatos regularly and fairly nominateil, - uuless assured of their utter unfitness and unworthiness. And no such charges are brought against Mr. G-ensley. Mr. G. may lose some Democratie votes, as will, perhaps, every candidate associatod on the ticket with him, but it will not be wíth our advice or approval, -nor will one ot them be ours. These stories are set anoat for the purpose of mischief and should neither be giveo credit nor listened to.


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