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South Carolina

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WnEitKAs, It haa been Batisf ictorily sliown to me that insurreotiou and domestie violence exist in sevoral conntie of the State of South Carolina, and tliat cortaiu ctmbinations of men against the law exiet in many connties of aaid State known as "riflo clubs," who ride up and down by day and night in arnn murdering Bomo peaoeablo oUxzens and intinüdating othera, wliicb conibination-!, tMogh forbirtden by the law of the Btate, uannoi bü cjntrollcd orsuppressed by the ordlnary courae of justice ; 8nd Wiikkkam. It in providod in tho Constitutiou of tho Unitad Sta(e tliat the United Statea hall protect evory State in tliig Union ou appliciition of the Legialaturt', or of t'n Ex eentive when the LegXeatan eauvened, against douiOBtic viole:icc Mid Whkreas, In ]:urauanco of the above it 's provided in the lawa of tbe United StatpH that in a'l canjea of inmrrcctiou in eny State, or of tho übatruction to the Iaw8 tlierrof. it h!íi1 lo lHwful for the President of the United Btatee, on npplicstion of tl.o Lcgislatuio of tncli State, or of lbo Exeoutivo whc-n tho I turo cannot be fcohvened, to cali for the militia af any othor State or States, or to employ noli )&r of tho land and naval forco as shall be judged neceseary for the pnrpose of suppressLng such msurroction, or causing the lawa to be diily executed ; and Whickeas, The Legislatura of said State s not uow in sessiou, and cannot bo convcncd in timo to meet the present omergency, and i 10 Exceutive of aaid otate, under íeo. 4 of Art. 2 of the coiistitution ftud aws passed in piutttiance thel'uof, has iherefore made dtio application to me in tho remisos for imoli part of the hlilitary forco of ,he United States h may be neeessary and adequate to protect 8nch State and the citizens ;hereof against domostic violenoe, and euforce :he duo execntion of the laws; and Wbkreas, It is reqnired tbat whonever it may be necessary }n the judgment of tile President to use military forcé for the purposc i'oresaid, he shsll fortiiwith by proclamation command such insurgente to disperse and return poacoably to thoir respectivo home within a limited time; A'ow. therrfort',. I, Ulyssos 3. Grant, President of tho United Statee, do lisreby mal3 proclamation and command all persons engaged in euch unlawful and insurrectionaiy proceodings to disperse and retiro peaceably to tlioir respectivo abodes within three days from this date, and hfcreaf ter abandon said combinations a.nd submit them - selves to tho laws nd constitutod authofities of said Stato, and I in'oku tho aid and cooperation of all good citizens thersof to uphold tho laws Rid preserve the pnblic peaco. In witness whereof I have horennto set my hand and caused the seal of tho United States to be aftised. Done at tho City of Washington, this 17th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1870, and of the independence of tho United States one hnr.dred and ono. [L. a) r.8. Gkant. By the President: JohnL. Cadwalladíji. Acting Secretary of State. Order of the Secretary oí War. War Department,) Washington City, Oct.. 17, 1876. ) Oen. W. T, Sherman, ComiuaiHling Uaited Htates Anuy: Sik: In view of the oxlsting condition Ot aifuira in South (arolina, there is a pobsibility that the proclamation of the President of this dato may be dinregardc-d. To provide againat auch a contiugenoy, you will imraediately order all the available force in the Military División of tho Atlantic to report to Gen. ltuger, commanding at Columbia, S. ( '., and inBtract tl i at, officer to station bis troopa in such localitica that thoy may be most speedily and effectually used in case of resistance to the anthority of the United States. It ia hoped that a colhsion may thuu bc avoided; bnt you will instruct Oen. Ruger to let it bb known that it ia the fixed purposo of tbe I Government to carry out the spirit of the proclamation, and to suutain it by the military force of the General Government, aupplemented, if neeesaary, by the militia of the varioua States. Very reapoctfully, your obedient eervant, J. D. Camkron, Secretary of War. TWEED. How He Was Taken In ifiid Carctl Fr. A letter frorn au oflScer of the United States steamer Franklin, dated off the coast of Portugal, gives the details of the order recoived by the commander of that vessel from the Navy Department relative to Tweed. The letter says that the telegram requested the Consul to detain any United States Government vesfiel passing out of the straits uutil orders could come from Washington. A few hours later a dispatch from the Secretary of the Navy ordered us to remain at Gibraltar for further orders. The next day came telegraphic orders from Washington to proceed' to Vigo, conimunicate with the United States Minister, and receive Tweed on board, place him under strict guard, allow him no communication with the crew, and upon arrival at New York to allow no communication with the shore until instructions shall be received from the Navy Department as to his final disposal. A postscript to the letter, dated "Vigo, Spain," has the following additional : " We climbed the hill to the castle, bnt admittance ws denied us, because the Government had given orders to allow no communication with the priaoner. The people generally are opposed to giving the old sinner up, but the Government had no hesitation in taking him, upon the arrival of the bark Trom Cuba with the fugitivos on board. The Governor of the province went on board and found the Boss in his shirtsléeves, barefooted, in the midst of sciubbing deck. The old Boss lookR quite jolly, and has brass enough to last Sim 100 years. He will bo confined to the cabin during the whole passage, and white in port an officer is always present with him." Co-Operation in tíreat Britain. The following romarka are from the opening puragraphs of Charles Barnard's paper on "A Scottish Loaf Faetory," in Scribner for November : Co-operation, in its more particular sense, refers to the combination or union of a number of people, eiüier to supply themselves with certain staple articles of eonsumption, or to manufacture some artielo that may be sold for their mutual benefit. Wheii it has to do with selling coals, provisions, and other goods, it is ealled " distributive co-operation." The other kind of co-operation, the trnion for work, is ealled "produetive co operation." The aim of both distiibutive and productive co-operation is primarily to benefit the co-operators in a finanoial sense ; but it must be noticed that the original aim of distribntive co-operation was not so much to buy and sell toas and sugars at a profit as to get good teas and pure sugars. If the British shopman resents the advent and progress of the co-operative movement ; if he complains that it is stealing his trade, and bringing ruin to his door, he has himself mucíi to blame. Distributive co-operation began as a natural protest against his sanded sugars and painted teas, his demoralizing " gratuitiep," and his ruinous system of credits. He had sought to win two profits ; and the poor buyers, the flannelweaver of Eochdale, and iíondon postónico clerk, rose in rebellion, andbought their own teas. The city man tucked his single chest under the back stairs of the General Postoffice and doled out tlie tea " af ter-hoiirs. " The poor weavers of Toad lañe made the place famous with their wheelbarrow-load of groceries. Today, the carriage of my lord of the army or navy drives up to a palace, aud his lordship actually buys hisownwines and cigars at the army and navy or civil service stores ; and every mechanic, miner, and laborer in the kingdom knows the way to the nearost co-operative store in his town or villago. The British shopman declaims loudly and bitterly against the co-operative store, and, at the same time, he adopts its healthy cash payments and sensible methods of doing business. Distributive co-operation be gan that the house-mother might have pure tea, that the father might wear good shoea, and that the childreu might have sweet milk and bread. To-day, it accomplishes this and more. It seeks to elévate and edúcate ; it opens reading-rooms and libraries, givos lectures in the arts and scieuces ; it organizes exeursions for children ; it has its social conferences and its congresses, and, withal, it makes nioney. The New York Herald presenta the folïowing bill of fare for tho medical profession : : Boup. : : l'ieudiphly concocted by u tfruel mouetcr. : ; rxBH. : ; " The lamp, pray, till I count these dropa," ; ; INÏItlKH AM) 8OBTIHS. All hourR of the ntght. : ; VEGETABLES. ; : Homeopathie peae. üabbage heads. ; Lettuce seo yoiir tougxie. Pulse. : boakt. ; : Brokeu riba. ; itAfioiT. ; : UUl of lamo duoks. ; : nam. : '. A;;!!: apples (wel] thakeu). : : iea. ; ' Bone-set. ; A cuiuous registration difiioulty Las oceurxed at Carrickfergus, Ireland, wliere thero wore forty-four McAlist rs and thirty-seven McAiileys on the Hsts, mauy being of tho same Onristian namo. On arriving at the first of these ruimeB, duriug tho ï-eviaiou of tho register, ILo town ckjrk said that no mortal mnn cjuld ruideratand the McAlistcrn fuid the MoAuloys. Tlieso uamo wt;rj allowtd to remain undisturbed,


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