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Hayes' Know-nothingism

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[From tlie Now York titaate Zcitung.l Ab we havo berotoforo rernarked, the main point to be considered in Oov. Hayes' connection with the American Alliance is uut o much tho faot that the Itepublican candidato for the 1'fenuleno.y Bvmpathizes with au organiz ation which advocates the norrow and solfinh principies of Know Nothingism, 3 the disgraceful way iu which he and his fri3nds have ought to evade suspieion by quibble, Biibterfuges, ond downright falaehooö1.' The glaring ineoneiBter.Cies in whioh Hajee and his followers have been ilnlB inyolTed piado hiin in such a pitiable light that every atUrnpt to sccnie public eonfideDcein hia promiaee must bo answered with scornfnl lauRhtor. To Bhow the dcaperato efloits which Hayos has made to worra out of the embairaasmerlt into which hi connection with the American Allianca bas brought him, it will be worth wbile to recapitúlate the ukrtt8i?ce of all the statemeute in regard to it, includiug the attempt at cüütradiotion on tho j part of the Rcpuülican candidato. The first statoment in regard to tuis Bubject appearod in the Wcn-M, in which Hayea wís reported to havo written e. letter on the 5th July, 1876, to Lem. J. Tyler, the Secretary of tlio American Alliance, returning thauks for his election as a member oí the alliance, and ! prosaing hia sympathy viith tho purpoea of I that organiüatton. Hayea thereupon had a ] statement publialied, in letter written by hw Socrotary, L. A. Lee, and (lted t Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 14, denyiug that auy Btlch letter as that mentionod )y the World had ever been publiahed, or that thee was a singlo word of truth in the story that he evr indorsed uch sentiments as had been attribüted to him, in writing or otherwiae. This was followcd on j the 4th of öctcVor by the iac simile of Lee letter, wbich he had' tfrittsn by direotion of Ocv. Ilaye8, and in which the reCelpt of a copy I of the reaolutionB of the American Alliinoe i I acknowledged, and a promiee is glven of such aasistance and co-operation, at the proper time, as may seem most advieable. At the sme time it waa explicitly asserted that on the 5th of July, in the Continental Hotel at Philadolphia, Hayes had receivod a depntation from the alliance, wbich infonned him of biü nomination; ttiat another doputatiou vicited him On the 9th j July, in Columbus, and tenderod him a copy of the conatitution and by-laws of the order, and of the oath of memberèhrp, and a certifícate of his eloction to honorary memberehip; that he aocepted the documento, and promised to give bis auswer of formal accoptance in wnting. liy these revelatlons the Republicana were placed in gre&t emb&rraemnent. They did not êeem to know, in the first moment of dismay, how to go to work to weaken the ruinous im ! pression whioh was certaiu to result. Had the etter been a forgory and the reporta about the interviews and noraination been untrue, this could liaVe been proved by the persons named j as the members of the deputations, all of whom conld easily be reached. This, lloweYer, was known to be impoeeible, and Mr. Wiekoff, the President of the Republican Central Committee of Ohio, hit upon the idea of asserting that Lae's letter had been written without Hayís' i knowledge or authorization. This was the best I explanation that ooilld be devis9d, and Lee ', ïümaelf was obliged to confesa a forsrery, and, in a telegram sent to Chicago, acknowledgcd that he had written the letter in which assistance and co-operation f rom the Repnblican party were promised to the American Alliance. without ooneultation with Gov. Hayes and j without bis knowledge. It did not occur to ! thcm that this would mako the dental of the genuiueness of the first letter, to whioh Lee' a Hignaturo was likewise attached, less likely to ! obtain credence. For if tliis man, in his j ter's name, bnt without his master's knowledge or aseont, can accept a nomination and promise the asaiatance and co-oporation of the Republican party, he wil] certainly nave no acrnples abont questioning the genuineness of a letter, likewiae, without hia master's wish or knowledge, particularly when it is desirable thoreby to release Hayes fromascnous embarrassment. Let it bo remembered tbat Mr. Wickoff and Jlr. Lee assert that the latter'a letter, in which, bv direction of Gov. Hayos, the announcement of his nomination by tlio American Alliance is acknowledged with thanks, and aasistanca and co-operation are promised, was written without the assent or knowledgo of the Republican candidato. This assertion, however, is contradicted by Mr. Schurz in a speech, delivered at Akron, Öhio, last Friday evening, in which he says: "Ispokewith Gov. ]layes in regard to the reporte about this affair about threo wooks ago. The who!e thing rests on nothing but a buflinesa anawer whioh tho Governor's Secretary wrote in reply to a friendly letter. I believe I have anewered 8imilarle.t6rsin asimilar way dozen of limes in the courso of my life." AccordiuR to this, therefore, Hayet did know that the Secretary had ans sered the letter received from the alliance. and, if this reply was so innocent as Schurz trios to make it out, why do the Presideut of the Rfpublican Central Oommiüee of Ohio and Mr. Secretary Loe ünd it necessary to deny Hayos' koewlfldge of il? But this is not all. Tho TíméB, a few days ago, published a letter from L. S. Tyler, tho Secretary of the American Allianco, in whicb, while adinitting the gonuiueness of Lee's letter, that person also aaBorta that two years ago the American Alliance, in thO' same manner, offered Mr. Tilden their support a candidato for Governor. And yoaterday a telegram was received from Cincinnati declaring that this same Mr. Tylcr had resigned his poeition as Seoretary of the American Alliance, and saüed for Europe on the 25th of August, while on the Gth of October he ia represented as writing to the Timet as mentioned above. But this is not all. Yesterday's Cincinnati Enquirer is reportad by telegraph to have published the following letter, of which the original is said to be in the poasession of that journal : Coi.umdus, O., June 29, 1876. L. S. Tyleb, Secretary of the American Ali.ianck, New York- Dear Sir: I havo received your iavors of the 9th and 19ihinst., together.with tbe certifleato of memberehip, conetitution, et , of the American Allianco. Permit me to expref my tlianks for tlio confliïenco wbich you place iu me. In the hope that I shall prove myflelf wortby of it, I remain yoxir fellow-cidzen, R. B. Uayks. Hayea was nominated at tho Cincinnati Convention on the Hth of Jnne. In the course of that month the officers of the alliance probablv endeavored to satisfy themselves aa to whéther he agreed with their views, and after the affirmative answer of the 29th of June ho was formally indorsed by them on the 4th of July, for wliich he directed his Secretary on the lotli of July to acknowledge tho announcement of the nomination with thanks, and to inform the officers of the alliance that at tho proper time he would send them f urther advices, which would enable thom ta get tho requisita aid and support in tbeir work. The endeavors of Haycs and his friends to releaee him from the fatal predieament into which he has fallen are but a tiüsue of subterfngcH, falsehoods and inconaLítonciea, which place the Ropublijan candidato for the Prcaidency in the lght of a cowardly demagogue. Had Ilayes opcnly acknowledged that he had accepted tho nsmination and even the honorary memberehip of the American Alliance, without beiug oxplicitly informed astothe principies of the order, or that he did uot consider himself bound thereby, aLouId ho be elected, to countenance its extreme demanda, this might have hurt him with the adopted citizens of the country, but the public coulideuce iu hi tnistworthinoss iu general would not have been ahajen. But siuce he has not the courage to admit a fact which cannot be denied, and with equivocal and contemptiblo evasión neeks to avoid the reaponaibility for his acïs, he creatcs well-fouuded doubts as to how much faith may be placed upon his assurances iu relation to other iuestiona of importance that come up for discuasion in the Pre&idential campaign. Compassion for Mr. Schurz and a number of other gentlemon wlio base their prefcreuces in the campaign npot. the private promiaes made to them by Hayes should at leatt have made that gentleman carcful to avoid aasuming a poeition iu which tho asriertion that they have mado tbeir choice in reliauce upon hie private promises must app-ar absolutely ridiculous. The eensus of Brazil lius just heen taken. It indient s a popnlatimi of 9,930,000 souIk, inoluding 1,540.(100 slaves god 243,000 foreiuei'B,


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