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neawertisemeStí PSR Lasï.' 01L ?a Merchantable Wood Ono lDoubleTread-foffOTOBTruêfa, In compléteos KiO7tf Enquire of A. J. BUCHOZ. j FOK SALE. rPHE underslgned has a number of City lots wlnch he will seil at reasonable pnces. Cali at once and secure a good bargatn. Ana Arbor, Oct. 31at 1876. 1607w-4 CHARLES THAYER. NOTICE. Tíí? rNÜTAL MEETIG "f U'S Germán Farp! "' e'sFiro Insurance Company of Wagotenaw Comity, Jhc ,, wijl be held at the School House in =„ ' PPSIte th Germán Lutheran Church in Scio on Monday, December 4th, 1876, at 10 oclock A. M., for the purpose of electiug officers and for U;,tr:l„3,cti„nafs„ch other business as mayledance of the members is eipected. aclo, November 2d, 1876 1C07w3 WM. F. BUSS, Sccrctary. City Seaveager. T ÍEI,ndersiSne'l offers his services as scavenger. it v, , i iCC'9SpOoIs' et0- Cancel to order, aml at KoimUepncos. (jnlera may be leftatJ.H Anu Arbor, Not. 3, 1876. . AGTI0N"PARM POE SALET" ,nf JMraetioua of Cathcrino E. James we offer for salo the Pattick Cavanaagh farru of einhti acres more orless, in Norlhiield? uo1 e]" Wfco Wants a (íooa Bargaln 1 Ann Arbor, August 25, 1S76. 1596m3 BEAKES & CUTCHEON BM SíopTSí T Su,R 1FHRrALTi: my Brick Store, Corner os li.ti n " Fourtll streets, opposite Cook'i Hotel, iusisoucoithe niost áesirable businïsloca ,ui,s m the city, and will be „oU t a taSl IDt)s JO1IX G. GALL. OEÏÏIIYR. JHlLt, ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, And dealer iu Real Estáte. Office, No 3, Opera House Elock, ANN ARmR GREAT WESTERN RAIL WAY. THE SHORT LINT BET WEEN DETROIT, BUFEALO, NEW YORK, NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON PMlaflelplija, AND ALL EASTERNCITIKS. iLl Q I'l?s.tleSI'O''estï,iiicfrom Uetroit to liullalo and l'oints East. WA C Miles the shortest lino from Detroit to ■Sr " Niágara Falls iind points East. Sur cn"ectioiis at Suapenslon IJridsc anilBiirtala witli tlo JVew Ifork Cenlral andljric llciilways, WnSn !iIul pqniPmepff of the GREAT WESTERN are perlool, and it is mnnnfed with a a view to the SAFJiTY and COMFOET of it" Putron. iTOUEITS AND PLEASUBE SBEKEHS VISITING THE Should bear in mind that the OEEAT WESTERïT Itoüway U the Bhortcst and most Comfortable Route betveen Detroit, Huspunslon Britlgo aud I'.ulialo, ,u.d .sthe only line which crosses Suspension Bridsre in lull view of the falla UBiJe" rou?eruw?otiOn ttLd UCkCt8 Ti"' tbisPPl" O. W. SHARPLESS, ■Bent M. C. R. E., Ann Arbor Jlich. oma ww. -1876eoiKo EAeT. STATIOSS. M.Exp.1 STAIIOK.. Hip. Mil l'otroit, dep...7:'o'o" 6:00' r. m. 835 7:15 Bnnker 0:00 2-30 10 tuke efleot , April Ki, 1S76 l'AKKEÉ, Bup't, Tpsilanti. P3S oagiiPMKe doM m th. AWARDED The First Premi AT THE CENTENNTAL SEPT., 187G, Over ïhonsaiiils of Competitors ! r & j i ! j m í THE CROWN JEf EL The most bcautiftil stove, and the best of all th üoaJ stoves made. Thia stove cun be found in .uso 55L. v í"üowlnS houses in Ann Arbor : Alpheu Peloh, Dor Kellosg, O. W. Shaipless, f. W Uungaterfer, Jumes Jones, E. Curtís, K. M. Rich aidson, Fiof. E. Jones, llrs. J. Weet Dr P B Kose, Jtrs. Loomis, Dr. Hallock, R. A. Beal, c' A Pomeruy, 8. T. Otfa, C. M. CadweH, B. Vnghn Miss Lydw Smith. A. Roja, R. McDonald, fira Whitehead, Charlea S. Millen, J. O. Watts, Frcd Hor, Prof. MC. Tylcr, Mrs.' J. A. PollLmus, J O Banks, W. D. Harri.nan, J. L. Burleigh. (leo W. Cropsey, Mrs. Hubbaru, Geore Hayler ioSYcouoiïtoa ro'i, ;;rül'tment of rar,, a ., ,, . L. C. RISDON'S, Jl bouth Mam atreet, Ann Arbor. JFOIi SALE CHEAP ! pue, the second house south fram tho Medical Ooi %LS!L3ti%& e%. keepins B0Mders Apply to C. II. HULLEN, No.4, S. Main St. For Sale Cheap ! rriIIElarKO ncw doublé .Iwrlling house, situatcd rv7„h r 1?nd Fourïh Sts' two block!i fro" Oourt House. Euquire of C. H. MILLEN. BUILDING LOTS A LARGK number of very desirable buildin Alots .welllocated, ter rale low, small paymêni dowa and long time givo for balance if desired. C. H. MILLEN. ASiftSM"? for-'--P. Ono5of Mortgago Salo. rjEFAULT havlttg boon made in tlio coudih Ú10",8, ' ï cSrUun rtgage made and executed by Braaley K öranger and Susan A. Granger, hia v.i,;, ,,i the city oi AnnArbor, Michigan, to hiiutTt ñ te same place, beariiwdate the Urfrd lny of Ootpber.ln the rear ol oor Lord oae thousand eight Uundred and sevanty tour, and reoordod !w w Of the RcÊIst(;1' ot uI for the roun f of Washtenaw. on ïiw fililí day of Ooiober.A. I). 18 1, at hve minutes past four o'clock p.m., in iber46 ,.1 mortgages, on page 663, on whieh mortrage there is dow clalmod to bodiie two montso interest, araounting to the siim of one bundred and forty doilare, together with an torney s tee of twenty-livc dollars, soould nny proceedings be taken to foreclosethe une-; d deraulthavlng been algo made in (h ■ coudittona oí another eertal nmortgage, madeund exeented by Hie afeovo nanied Bradley F.Granger and Susan A Grnngertotko saai Pbilip Bach, Wring date Ihe twent.y-sixtl, dayof OetoW, n the vrar of omLord one thousand efcht buudred and seventvfour, and reoorded in the office of the Register óf DcedslortheCoimty of Wasbtenaw on the 27th dayof October, 1S7-1, ata;.-; oclock a. m.,in libér 40 of mortgagos on page 674, on which mortgago thero is ckuraed to be Jue, at the date of this notioe, two lnstallmenta of interest amounting to sixty dollars, bogether with an attorney's fee of twenty-flvodoUars, sbould any proceedinga be taken to fotoclose the same, and no proceedings at law or In equity haying been taken to recove? tbe amount duo on eithei of said ruortgages or any part thereoi : Notice is tüerefore hefeby siven IhatbyTlrtneofthe powet ofaolein s;,iH n„,Vtgagee contalned and pursnaat to tbo Btatute in sucb case nuuie and pro vidod, I will sell at pubUc auotlon to tlte highesl bidder, nsnttaiv the tvi:.vm, mi ,,AV,,:' JANUA.BY Dext at tbe' door of the Coart Hoase in the city of A:m rthatbeiag the building in which the i Oourt for the connty of Washtenaw is held) the premises descrlbed in said morl ■ es to satistv the amount due thereon, (two bundr ','i afty dollars attorney's fee), with costsaod ej of sale to-wit: All thál certaln piece or parce! oi land bejng aitnsted In the city of Ann Arbor Oounty „ W-ashtenuw and (State of Michigan knownanádescribedaafollows, to-wit: Urt No i and ihe west one-fourth of lot tío. 3, io block oñe south of Huron street range two east, according of Ann S;KHl 1"llt ül tle UaSe'(nó, Dated, Ann Arbor, Oetober26 I87G ,, ... PHILIf BACH, Mortgagee. By Attorncy. " f60 1ÍAMTEDÍ A Good Germán boy to wurk iu a store. Apply at W01W2 ARGUS OFFICE, ' J Mortgage Sale. Dvingbeen,uadc the condUiona '■Ei operativo; oiiw.i',,,,1:1.. '""' has become be due, at the d"t" of thi H'?Sr m'ï Is claimed t south froSt door of he C, urt PR ' aUCtÍ" :" the lÍMl Dated, Bapteiuber 2S, 1S7G ' Eleotion Notice. Ssebiff's Office, Ann Areok ) T th TT.i Sept. 6, 187(. { ÈËËÈÈÈÈm gtltl alsoone JRepreysutativ" In tlw si , V ?Tnty: mPSmSÊ' fiiSiisHlii ;- FLEMOIÍG, Sheriff. '' Chanoery Sale ilflliiills Sí iítt ';" the south .door of the Oourt xpnlsatii Mietiiean, and boundcd as foílnwa' commencing st the northwes ! corner of lö, o_ hundred and seventy-three (173) on Ihe south .de Bomhiff8 SU'e8t' ""niigthenco sonth to the Unted, September 23, 1S70 IOHN F. LAWBENCE, WaSlvv,01"'4 Commiasion' f C'ounty of Babbitt & Hmkkiok, taUt CüTOBKoÏ?" fr JUmCS ArnOldtíolieitors for Seth O. Arnold. - ■ _ Estato of Q. Hotzeer STIÍ?P -"ClUGAN.countyof Walhtenaw Í7JÍU AnnArbor, on Thursdav, thoütth Present, Noah w. Cheever, Judge of Probate MeLri1 bL the - oi j- . menfnowonttlein thla Fjourt, ,, ,, ío bc' the last wül and Wstament of sii l deraased ni-Tv ?ïrXreof, P6rSn ma' be aWuillted ïliereuMn it is ordercil, tliat Konday, the Jixtn uuy ot November noxt, at len Vloek u the o.enoon be jatowd lor the 'hearlns oi' ,ti „' - .,, and tliat the ,1,. -,,.,,. legatees and hetrs at te re rted in said toto, ure required to appear at a session oi s„i.l Oourt, -tüeu to 00 holden at the 1 róbate Ofloe, in the oity of Ann Arboi and show muse if any there be, why the prayeroi t ie iwlitioner honld not begranted: And it further ordeted ftat said patitionei g1Te notice m the persons intetested m said estáte, of the pendency of wud petuion and the hearing thereof, by eausing a copy of this order to S pubhshed in the Michigan Argus, a newspapoï printed and circulated in said couñty tlireu M CeoeiTC weeks previous to said da5 ofhearin' (A trae oopy.) nü A 1 1 w e u i; ü vÉit lülw5 __Judi_of Probate, thatíiiiSi : : Ioble-i5eated darrlake orboth forïfl "PÏoroaah ot Exohange, elther l!;;;1;1"111 Hwt-clan ï-oung Ilorse or a good _ M4 M. ROGERS. J3 OVjifree. ftratso Co Portland, .073 1876. 187O, W. WAGNER HAS JÜST OrEKED THE FIÍÍEST STOCK 01 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING hiLh he is offering at prices tluit ' DEFIES ALL COMPETITÍQN THE PLACE TO BUY A CHHAP SÜIT Is at WAGNER'S My stock of Piece G-ocds Will bo found conleto and contain all the NEWEST DES1GN.S. Suits Mado to Order. A Large stock of FTJBNISUIXa GOODS. 21 South Maix Sr. Ann Arbok. THE IÍILL FARM FÖR SALE. Ailjofning the West line of the City oí Ann Arbor mi townslup two soutliof range eix east, comnrising the cast half of tbo northeaat qaartèr of sec turn mnetecn ; and that pnrt oí the west half ol tneweathrilfof the northwost quartcr of soction fÏH&giSt.'ÏSS r M turnpike; iu aS House, Barn, an Unfailing Spring of Water, And about ftfty acres well flut dis, landand Bituation beantiftil Two-thi Va of the o&sissaa,0 GEo-E-itèso-t Ann Arbor, 1574tf FOR SALË7 S(c Lime, Water Lilao, Cleveland Piaster, & Plasterlng Hair, either at my Lime Kiln or si ray shop. J. VOtlASD. FARMERS. WOOD WANÏED In ezohange for Saddles, Harnpss, Trunks Trave nr; Bags, Horae Blankets. Whiya, (loVea ' ik! Mittens.etc, at my hamoss shop. UIOVea untt J. VOLLAXD. 1600m8 QEORGE W. CROPSEY, L;ii ■■■ of tho firm of Clark Cbopset -in,1 i Kk.irxey. bto „f Texas, um]cr fiueof KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Grocery Business A First-class Eating Department, Whcre Mcals can be htó al hours, or board by 33 Soiitb Main Street. KEAHXRï & CROPSEY. Ana Arbor, April 20, 1876. i,580 TÏfÈNËMyÖFDiSËASÈr THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AIMD BEAST. is (bedraad oia MUSTANG LINIMENT Wlneh kis stood the (est of forty yenre. ï'here is no Soe it nrtll „ w-i . vrlllnotcure no Aohp nV i ' J ''"nunp"s t Human Body, íh' Bo.u „ . V? thllt "ffiic(8 the mestic aniraKl that oes" not Tf ,Or .olherd"aL3y?S52Lá!Sí2A5iS1 JinseyTsëabolts"" BAKEKY, GROCERY - ANI FLOüll & FEKD STORE. We keep coDstantly on nana, BKEAD, CBACKEBS, CAKES, ETC, FOB WHOLESAUIa RBTAIUTKADH ' We BhaU alm keep u sllpry o, "AL)iiï:i.hi floür, &o., &o. A t Wholesale and tail. A general stnck of GROCERIKS AXD PROVISIONS Paja Butter, ■w.TSÍ %2SSfe otr:!!VcrPd ' Ba" Prt o I. oity with _LA!br1JanITV " POR SiYLEl " ei tmses Irbor, Oct 6tli, 1876 lb0;im;i C. If. KICITMOXD.


Old News
Michigan Argus