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AWARDED The First Premin AT THE CENTENNI A L SEPT., 1876, Over Tliousauds of Competitors ï THE CROWf JEWEL The most beautiful stoye, and the best of all the Coal stoves made. This stove can be íound in use in the following houses in Aun Arbor : Alpheue Felch, Dor Kellogg, O. W. Sharpless, J. W. Hangsterfer, James Jones, E. Curtia, K. M. Richardson, Piof. E. Jones, Mrs. J. West, Dr. P. B. Kose, Mrs. Loomis, Dr. Hallock, E. A. Beal, O. A. Pomeroy, S. T. Otis, C. M. Cadwell, B. Vaughn, Miss Lydia Smith. A. Eoys, B. McDonald, Mrs. Whitehead, Charles S. Millen, J. C. Watts, Fred. Sorg, Prof. M. C. Tyler, Mrs. J. A. Polhemus, J. O. Banks, W. D. Harriman, J. L. Burleigh, Geo. W. Cropsey, Mrs. Hubbaru, George Hayler George Granviüe, Mrs. ühambers, George Walker, Zera Pulcifer, and Rinsey & Seabolt. Bi?You will alsoflnd afull assortment of Parlor and Cook Stoves for Wood, at L. C. RISDON'S, 31 South Main utreet, Ann Arbor. FOR SALE CHEAP T THE new two stojy frame dwelliag house, just completed. Situated on east University Avenue, the second house south from the Medical College. Specially arranged for keeping Boardera, Iloomers, or Club. Terms easy. Apply to C. H. MILLEN, No.4, S. Main St. Por Sale Cheap ! THE largenew doublé dweiling house, situated Cor. North and Fourth Sts, two blocks from Court House. Enquire of .C. H. MILLEN. BUILDING LOTS ALARGE nümber of very desirable building lots, well loeated, for sale low, small payment down and long time given for balance if desired. C. H. MILLEN. A NEW Phíeton Buggy for sale cheap. One of Arksey's best make. 159B C. XX. MILIililT. GREATËSTËRN RAIL Wvy. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DETROIT, BUFEALO, NEW YORK, NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON Plilaiielïliia, AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. S1 Q MlIiEStUeSbórtcstlIne froin S Í ij Detroit to Hu líalo and Points East. "l K Miles shortest line from Detroit to S- O Niágara Falla and points Eaat. Snre Connections at Suspension Hridffe :nil Hui falo wlth Iho IVow York Central aud JErle Kailvrays. The Track and Equipmenls of tlie GREAT WEHTEBN' are perlent, and ït ír mnnased with a a view lo the SAFETT and COMFORT of ite Patrón 8. TOURI8TS AND PLEASURE SEEKER8 VISITINO THE "CENTENNIAL" Should bear in mind that, the GREAT WESTERN" Railway is the tShortest and most Comtbrtable Itoute between Detroit, Suspensión Bridge and Butliilo, alid is the only line which crosses Suspension Bridge in lull view of the falla. For informatiou and tickets via this popular route apply to G. W. 8HARPLES8, Agent M. C. K. R., Anu Arbor Mich. Brícllorelñí Í OFFER FOR SALE my Brick Store, Corner os Huron and Fourth streots, opposite C'ook'l otel. This is one oí the most desirable busines: locations in the city, nnd will be sold at a bargaina 1098 JOHN G. GALL, Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in tho conditions of a certain mortgage made and exeeuted by Bradley F. Granger and Susan A. Granirer, hia wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Phiiïp Bach of the same place, bearing date the third day of October, in the year oí our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy four, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the coun ty of Washtenaw, on the flfth day of October A D. 1874, atuve minutes past four o'clock p-m., in liber 46 of mortgagea, on page 663, on which mortgage there is now claimed to be due two installments of interest, amounting to the sum of one hundred and forty dollars, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-nre dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the sauie; and default having been also made in the conditiuns ol another certain mortgage, made nd executed by the above naraed Bradley F. Granger and Susan A Granger to the said Philip Bach, bearing date the twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventyfour, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw on the 27th day of October, 1874, at 9 oclock a. m., in liber 46 of mortgages on page 674, on which mortgage there is clairaed to be due, at the date of this notice, two installments of interest amounting to aixty dollars, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedingg at law or in equity having been taken to recover the amount due on either of said mortgages or any partthoreof: Notice is therefore herëby given that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgages contained and pursuarit to the statute in such case made and provided, I will sell at public auetion to the highest bidder, on Saturday the twentieth day op Januaey next at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that bemg the building in wbich the Circuit Court for the connty of Washtenaw is held), the premisos described in said mortgages to satisfy the amount due thereon, (two hundred dollars and flfty dollars attorney's fee), with rats and expenses l ,saIf to-wW : All that certain piece or parcel of land being situated in the city of Ann Arbor Oounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan knowu anddeseribedasfollows, to-wit: Lot No 4 and the west one-foujth of lot No. 3, in block one south of Huron street range two east, according of Ann AecbDrded plat of the village (now city) Datud, Ann Arbor, October 26 1876 ByAttorney. PHIL BACH, Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. rjEl'AULT having been made in the conditions , a mortgage, executed by Andrew J. SutherlandElizabeth f. Sutherland;Lis wife, to Robert AWhedon on the eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1875, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, in liber 53 of Mortgages, on page IOS and afteiwards duly assigned to Charlotte Whedon on the twenty-sixth day of November, 1875 which' assignraent was recorded in said Register's Office, for said county, on the twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. 1876, in liber five of assignments of mortgages, on page 228, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage has becoine operative ; on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, the sum of six hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-seven one hundredths dollars, principal and interest, besides an attorney fee of twenly dollars, as provided in said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the amonnt due on said mortgage, or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auetion at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place of holding the Circuit Conrt for said county of Washtenaw), on Saturday the 30th day of December, A. D. 1876, at eleven oclock in the forenoon of that day, the following property described in said mortgage, viz : All of lot number six (6) in block uumber seven (?) south of Huron street, range eleven (11) east in thé City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, said lot being on the east side of Thaver street in said city. ■ ' Dated, Saptember 28, 1S76. CHARLOTTE WHEDON, Fra zer & Hamilton, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorneysfor Assignee. Chancery Sale. IN purauance of the decree of the Circuit Court tor the County of Washtenaw, m chancery, made in the oause therein pending, wherein James Arnold ie complainant and Isaac Crane, Sarah J. Crane, Seth O. Arnold, and Sophronia Deiter are deiendants on original bilí, and wherein Seth O. Arnold is complainant, and Jumes Arnold, Isaac Crane Sarah J. Crane, and Sophronia Dexter are defendants on oross bill, and which decree bears date on the Bixth day of April, A. D. eighteen huudred and seventy-six, the underaigned, one of the Circuit Court Commiaaioners oí aaid county of Wasütonaw, will aell at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, iu said county, on the eleventh day of November next, At ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described lauda and property viz : Situated in the city oí Ypsilanti, Michigan, and bounded as followscommenoing at the northweat corner of lot one hundred and seventy-three (173) on the south eide of Congress street, lunning thence south to the southw eat corner of said lot, thence east Bfty feet, thence north three rods, thence eat to high water mark on the west line of the Huron River, thence up the west bank of the Huron River at high water mark to Congress atreet, thence weet along the south line of Congreas street to the place of beginning, or so much thereof (in the manuer direoted by said decree) as may be necessi-ry to s.itisfy the requirements of aaid decree. Dated, September 23, 1876. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commissioncr for the County of Washtenaw, Babbitt & Emebick, tiolicitor! for Jumes Arnold. BeakKS & CüTCHEON, Solicitors for Seth O. Arnold. City Scavoagor. THE undersigned offers his serviees as scavengor. Vaults, cesspools, etc, cleaned to order, and at reasonable prices. Orders may be left at J. H. Niekel's mcat market, State street, or made through the I'nKtoffioe. W. ACTION. Ann Arbor, Nov. 3, 1876. TAltW: FOB SALE ! By instructions of Catherine E. James wc offer for sale the Patrick Cavanaugh farm of eighty acres more or less, in Northüeld? WUo Wants a (Jood liiu irain ? Ann Arbor, August 25, 1876. 1596m3 BEAKES & CÜTCHEON. UEJIUÏH, HIU, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, And dealor in Real Estáte. Office, No. 3, Opera House Block, ANN ARBOR. YOÜ SALE. IHAVR a Clover Huiler, nearly new; also a Two HorseTHreeSpring Doulile-Seated Carriage, bat I wi 11 sell cheap for cash or Kxcliauge, either or both, for a firat-class Youug Uorse or a good ieaper. 10Ü4w4 M. KOGERS. feK t úi'ÍA Per day at home. Samples worth 9O vu 3Vi tree. Stinson & Co., Portland, Me. 573 1876. 1876. Save Yflir MOney ! W. WAGNER HAS JUST OPENED THE FINEST STOCK OP FALL AND WINTEK CLOTHING To be found in Ann Arbor, coniprising all the .NEWEbt styles and patterns, Which he is ofl'ering at prices that DEFIES ALL CQMPETITION THE PLACE TO BUY A CHEAP SUIT Is at WAGNER'S My stock of 3?iece Groods Will be found complete and contains all the NE WEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUKNISHING GOODS. W SK7VA.ClTEIt, 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbor. THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, in townnhip two south of range six east, eomprising the etiHt half of the northeast quarter of seotion nineteen ; and thut part of the west half ol the west half of the northwest quarter of sectiou twenty, lying north of the turnpike; in all 1011 42-100 acres, with House, Barn, an (Mailing Spring of Water, And about flfty acres well improved flrst class land and situation beimtiful. Two-thirds of the purohase money may remain on the land three to live years. Korterms applyto GEO. E. HAND, OrH.J. BEAKE8, Detroit. Anu Arbor 1574tf FOR SALE ! "tone Lime, Water Lime, Cleveland Piaster, de llair, either at my Lime K iln or at my shop. J. VOLLAKD. FARMERS. WOOD WANTED ín exchange for Snddles, Harness, Trunks, Trayelius Bags, Horse Ulnnkets. Whipa, fctloves and Mittens, etc., at my harneas shop. i. VOLLAJin. lfi00ni6 QEORGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark L Cropsky and A Kearney, late of Texas, under the firm name of KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have established themselves at No. 33 Sontta Main St., Ann Arbor, and propose to do general Grocery Business and FOREIGN FRUITS. They have fitted and furnished A First-class Eating Department, Where Meáis can be had at all hours, or board by the week. Caslt pald for Kuiter, Eegs, and all Country produce. Goods proniptly delivered ïu any part of the city. Eemeniber the place. 33 South Main Street. KEARNEY & CROPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. I tlie Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT Which has stood the leut of forty yeare. There is no Sore lt will not heal, no Lameness it will not cure, no Ache, no Pain that aiiiicte the Human Body or the Body ol a Horse or other do mestic amraal that does not yield to its magii touch. A bottle costing 25c, 50o, or 1.0U has ot tensavedthelife of aLman bein?, and rertoreJ to We and usefulnes manj a valuable h.prse. DÏnsèyTsëabölt's"" BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FLOUR & FKED STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. We shull aleo keep a Bupply of DELHI JFLOUIfc, " J. M. BWIFT & OO-8 BEST WHITE WHEAP FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWEKAÏ FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED &c, &o. A t Wholesale and retail. A general stock oí GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which wUl be sold on as reasinuDle terrue au at any othei house in this city iíSÜi Buttet Egg8t and CountrT aar Goods dolivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. Ann Arbor. jjffgg J' ÜOR SALE! Tbroe Horsfi, three platform Spring Wagons with pole and shalts, two Lumber Wagons, one Skeletou Wagon, Track Sulkey, Wood, Coal and a nioe Feather Bed. Ann Arbor, Oct. 01b, 1876. 16ü:1"3 C. H. RICfOND.


Old News
Michigan Argus