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iur. icvuui, vuiiisiou on me Uelaware, Lackawanna and Western railn-ay. n Ponnsylvanie, iHrisa out to have baen a more sorious airair than firet reporta inaicated. Tha owualtics number ihüg passengers killed aud Iwentv-six enousty mjnrod, sonie of whorn, it in Foareci caanot recover. Ah usual, the accident waá Bie reeult of careles!?, n Cual (rain running mto tho passouger train The anount of grata in tight m tho TT„"itfd States and Gsnftña, onthe28th uit., was 10 440 05C buBh!! of whoat, 10,008,858 biiKhel óf eorn, 3,7,08o bushcls of oatts, 8(59,644 buahel of rjp, and 3,243,245 bnahols of bario" A PurLADELPniA telegram bsj the Centennial Board of Finance hVe resolved to offer at public auotion, xm the 30th of November all the bjiildinp erectod from their' funds. Tlio MnictMiw to como under tho bammet are the Mam bmlaing and its annexe(,: orHage building, the annexes of itaohtaery half, Sboo aud Jjuathcr building, Photograph annex, Art annex, Judgoa hai!, ARrionltural hall, Butter and (,heeo bfiildiüp, Pomological hall. Wagon bttdJiDg, tjarracks and mean housos of the guard and firemen, and others of lees note. ÏN a saloon flght, io Nowark, N. J., oue night laat week, two men, Heury Weber and Henry Maaou were killed, and aeveral others badly cut. Applicatiok bas beon made to Mr. Juutice Osborue, at Albany, by Ilenry Smith, acting for the Attornoy General of New Vock, for an order that the Continental Life ïüaurance Com Pny, of the city of Now Vork, ehow cauw why its buaines ehould not bo closd and The oompany disaolvod, Ha effects distributed and a receiver appointed to superaede tho present on in the action of John A. White ainet u, oompany. The erder L asked fo? oa t e Btreagtb of the report of Acting BuperinCdent rimytl., of tho Insurance Departmeut who has made an examiuation of the affaire of iho company, aud considera their Bsets inRuOicie.,1 Tm th& out8taudiö " ae ordeí TBR WEST. Chicaoo elevators, as per official fi-ures contain 3,295,460 baahols of 1 943 532 bttBhola of corn; 634.35G bushels of m 8 bushels of rye, and 916,181 busheb of barloy, making a grand total of 5,083,967 baahcls r4vnïmremkoin J fumou. Tho Policodraggedonttwentv Xj budi sand about tho eamo namber of wonndeL The Ouneae rofiwod to remlor auy aasist auoe, and the performers eoutinued nkv oeived a eevere drubbing at the fi X óf Vot Miles' cotnmand, who overtook t'je hostiles t CedK creekon tho 21t of OcioC a a foí two days fought and chased them sixtv m'Ira u the du-ection of Fort Pw-k ïh. ii indiana aeparated inío twoakiS he Fbom late Saa Fwnotoco papers we Ice.n for the dnm V ml '?per s rushed taai wttSrb?tCvUsangdmoilT f8 "nd 48 870g8r7riai fUDd' 2.442 189 ; total aPAssKNOKn train going wet ou tho Ohio nnd MMMappi railroad oollided „ith a freight train, ono day last week, near Shoals, Ind , kUlmg Enginecr Scott and Fiieman Keifer bisliHSoSS u raim jonn GiQther, on inepv nr n,n J.„k frftA fiüiíS "iaCe -a committee of twolve from tho Board of Trado „f Chicago waited uponJudgoMcAllister.and preaented him a the sourn. a f MCCÍd?nt ccurred t0 au Ea8teru tra o" teo Memphis and Littlo Rock railroaá, tho fOr"!ril'fnCar E"ndSo„, cauaed bv tho WASHINGTON Tde num'oeror postal-oards ie9ned daring Iho month of October was 23,116,000, being „ mcro of 2,977,500, or nearly 15 per Jnt. Pbesidekt Ohakt, says a Washington corresponaonthaBbeen shaking hands with an TUb:ÍC leb' 8tatemont oí the United Statee Treasurer ehows a reduction of f.3 3W . rre tb? " month of Oot". Appendo'd the ofliei il nKlu - s . Si ix ver cent bond ... ï wu km nui FMotloniü ,. rrenw .670,000 ...... vo,bó,IW Total interest t2183,943,326 Oauh iuTreaeurj: 34,473,564 r;lö0D of certifícales "tePOdit 40,670,600 Tota, i,, TreBSlliy m,m,m SË2Ü "■" o "■", 25,08U,912 -me of Iho promiuont postoffico officiaJs are ilyOIÍ"l" th 108t0Hce Commissionnow orta'if, "' tof raüway mail tranaTthïfaJteT th0 w-eataMfalunent " f tT wat th0 nïtakeUIn Chief Jcbïick Waot ha onnounoed the aeeiaion of tbe UuJted 8ttes Bupreme Ooiirt ur-on the wíofjon of Mr.Bly!A. Iwk. wood for admissixm lo practico in that court. Tüe dc-cis'on was iu tbo negative, it being held that noue but :non may practico as attornoys and counselors before that augut body. fcfcNBftAfc. Te popttlaliób of Buffalo, N. Y., aa taken by the polic9 authorities and just repoited, ie 143,594, boing 25,88!) increaae in sixyaftrü, and 9,021 moro than the Htato ceüittB JftJth last year. Tho work wa dotio by 12Ö poücemen iu two days. ml Iho eompilatiön in two dya moro, at a coat oï !$: í'üe uumber oT buildings ín 23.580 A I'hiindelpbta telegram of the lat nat. saya : " Tbo talai cash admisaiona to the Centennial during tbo pont week were 5G6.023. The caah reeeipts for tho week wore $232,05. Thrj Ë&- hibition ha been open 14 dftJB, Vod during that time the jjoM liütnuer of cash admisaiona bas been 6,924,403, and tho receipts in caah have been 83,279,483.25. Tho total number of ndmieeiona, cash and freo, has been 8,463,923. It iu conmdered certain that tho financia) aucec . of the Exhibition will bo such aa to admit of tho paymont of at loaet 73 per ceut. o tho atock subsoribed. ' This returns of the National Agricultural Depaitmont for October indícate a rodutitioh in the yiold of the wheat erop cf noarly one-sixth, while the (jnality ia aomewhat superior. Every aection of tho Union indicate's a redticed product, except the Middle States, which increased atout 2 per cent. The New England States feil off 4 per oent , the South Atlantic States 2 per cent., the Gulf States 27 per cent., the Southern Inland States 8 per oout., the States north of the Ohio river 14, per cent., the States west of the Missiaaippi river 27 per cent., tho Pacific States noarly 2 per cent. These figures point to a yleld of about 245.000,000 bushels. Tlio rye erop of 1S7C is reported 4 per Cent. loss than hit of 1875, bntin (jviality it averages sonjewhatabove its predecopsor. Tlis ebt 'erop of 187G ahows a falling otf of 87 por cent. cotnpared with its prodecenaoh lïVory soction of the Union is deficioht. Buckwheat is fully an average. The barley erop is 9 per cent. lees than the average. The case of F. W. Gilloy, Jr., applying for an injnnction against tbo Illinois Contra! railroad in referenoo to the bonda of the Miesissippi Central í-ailroad, lias been decided, a New York court refusing the injunction ard bustftiuing tl) position taken by the Illinois Central iiaüroad Company. FOKKIGN. Thebe is troubje in the Nova Sootia Government, and the reaignRtipu cf a prominent member ia anticipated. The difficulty ia of a personal nature Slade, tho American fcipiritu&listio humbng, who was airested in London a short time ago, has been sentenced to throe monthn' imprisonment at hard labor AdviceBfroin the interior of Cuba describe tho eiïects of the late hurricane rs Veiy disaetrons. The eugar erop, which promised to bo exceptionally abuntlant, will bo much redueed A dispatch f rom Belgrado eaya an order has boen readinthe streets throughout the day calliug on all rble-bodied Inen to report tbemselves for immediate Borvico. The Turks lack transportation, and can therefore advanoe but slowly. The great marítimo canal oonnectiug Amsterdam with tho Germán ouean Was oponed on the lat inst. with ittipoetug ceremoniea, at which the King, membora of tho Cabinet, and foreigu roprosentativea were present. The j canal ia eixteen miles long, and bas at the 8ea f end a liarbor covoring 250 acres. Official dispatohee both from 8t. Peters-, burg aud Belgrade, the Servían capital, announeo that tho PortO bas finally compliei with the demnnd of Russia for an armistice, and that a two months' truce haa been areed upon, commencing Nov. 1. The opposiDg armies are to retain the positions which they now hold. The Armeniane, eome 4.000,006 strong, not of the Sclavonic race, now eee their opportunity, and aak the Porte to be freed fiom the Moaloai mie of feudal lords in Asia Minor Prince Eismarck is eeriously ill. Hisphysiciaus fear softening of the brain Tho foreiga Arobassadors met at the reeidenco of Sir Henry Elliott, the British Ambassador at Constantinople, Nov. 3, to p.ettlo upou a method of dotermining a demaikation lioe between the ! bol] gerent armiea Dccroos wero reneutly I issued at Pari pardoning or commuting tho aonteuco of fifty-two Communiste. Contbaky to provailing reporta, no corrospondence bs reoently paesed between the Governments of the United States and Spain concerning an oxtradition treaty. There is now no serioua anbject of controversy between the United Statoa and Spain, tho latfer having in a apirit of friendship acceded to tho views ot the former for the trial of American citizens in tho island uf Cuba accused of crime bpfore civil tribnnals Cardinal AntoneJli. the Pope's Prime Minister, died at Rome ' on Monday last. He was 70 vears of age Tho m6rchanta of Havre, dealing in aalt provisions have petitioned the Frenen Senate to abolwh tho duty of 4 por cent. which waa sdded in 1874 to the duty of foroiun saltings. rheir potition especial ly refere tosaltiugs from this country A diapatch from Paratchin reporta that tho Servían army eau bardly be said to exist. It ia utterlydiaorganized. The roada are covorod with snow. Fugitivos and soldiers are dying lite rotten uheep.


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