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Casting A Bronze Statue

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The lower half of Conrad s status of a soldier, to be erocted in Hartford, was oMt i? bronze in Fisoher's foundry, Forsytii fltr' tièi; on Saturday. The upper half has been &nleheá The figure is heroic in size, and repreSötots a young Union infantry soldier iu uniform, including overcoat, and carrying a muaket Tbe oasting of a large pieoe in bronze ia a delicate öperf#on, requiring care and artistic skill. The iflaking of a piaster mold from the original model, then a piaster figure from that mold, and ñnally from the figure a sectional mold into which to run the metal, requires rnany weeks of skilled labor. The element of luok êfttêfB larjfelj into the culminating attempt to cast,' áS fia1 in the metal often cause failures, imposing' Weeiss of additional labor. Oonsequently the dozen workinen employed on Saturday were vislbly anxions, anda knot of spectators employed the eiltiro aiternoon in intefèsièdl wafching the prooepfl. The large ooi; Uod a' "flask," containing the mold, clampá'íl fiímly with iron, was let down with a crane iütí? a cavity, and flowed over, so that ODly a funnal prptruded. This was close to a great brick füraas; in whioh the bronze was heating over a grëaf, ?oriag fire. The metal, as it was slowly convftrted into liquid, was closely observed by the foreman. A glimpse through an aperture showed it boiling furiously like wstej, and so hot that an iron bar stuck into ii foètëslmè r"ed , alniost instantly. When the iroli ÖouM he withdríswn without any bronze clinging te it, thé compound was deemed ready. An niitiiönse üïetal bucket, attached to a powerful crane, wás Swang under the end of a spout, the furnace wfls tapped, and a molten stream ran out. Sparlis flew in every direction, faces were shielded hastily from the heat, and the dusty piaster images of Franklin, the Vanderbilt bas-relief snd other relies of previous jobs were to glow. The bucket was nearly filled, a íum of the crane took it over the flask, and the liquid was, by tipping th bueket, poured into the mold, from which the suddenlyheated air rushed through vent pipes with a noiae like escapiag steam. Some of the bronze glopped over and set fire to the wood fioor, and the -vrater that quenched the blaze made so rauch oteam that nothing else could be seen for five minutes. The casting was perfect. - New York Sun. His PaihètlS Artieie. On the Bay City train coming down yesterday was a passenger whose strange actioüs drew the attention of every one in the car. He liad a newspaper in one hand and a handksrchief in the other, and he would read for a minute or two and then turn away and weep. After this action had continued for some time one of his f ellow-Dassensrers acproaciied him and tenderly remarked : " My friend, you seem to feel sorrowtx&." "So I do," was the choked reply. " Have you had sorae, great bereavement?" " Not very lately. I was reading a pathetic article in tbis paper, and it calis up old recollections." '' Let me 8ee it," asked the gentleman, and taking the paper he found that the article commenced with í " All persons are hereby forbidden to trust tay wife after this 'date, as she has left my bed and board," and so forth. He didn't know what to say in reply, and as he handed the paper back without a word, the stricken man remarked : " I hateli't been so afleeted in fifteen years !" "Why, whathfts thin to do vrithyou?" was the"surprised query. " Th-there's a iond wife turned out on - on the world," replied the weeper ; " no home, ne cash, no credit. Poverty drives her to sleep in a baru. Dnriug the night she rollë off tlw hay-mow, strikes on the fanning-mill, breaks her neck, and is fonnd dead the next day ! The husband and seven children gather around the body, and- and - but can voü imagine that scène and not weep ? Lend me some of tüat tobáceo and leave me alone with my grief. I feel like & spring up, and I know it's botter for the system than quinine." They stood back and let him grieve, and he didn't seom to get over it a bit until he saw a dog-fight on the platform at a station. That entered nis scral liKe a ray of sunshine, and as the train moVed on he stood up and said : "I'ilbet auy cadáver in this car $5 that the Wall-eyed dog gets licked !"- Detroit Free Press. Thirty Mischievous Boys. Boys are boys even eo fnr away as Madras. Sorne of the studente of the Doveton Protestant College at Vepery recently ent ont the bottom of the acting principal's ohair, and replaced it in its frame rather ingeniously by means of a few pieces of rattan. When the worthy gentleman ascended tiie platform and seated himself in the chair the bottom feil out, and he was forced to assume a most, angular and awkward attitude. As soon as the boys recovered from a delirium of convnlsive cmotion, the good man Set io werh to disepvor the offenders, but was astonished by the density of ignoranoe whioh was manifested at every desk. He finally decreed that there should bo no Saturday halfholiday uuül the misohief-makers wero discovered. When Saturday came, thiri.y of the senior boys abseuted themselve's. Ön the followiiig Monday the principa], witü vengeance ia his oye, gave every one of the truants a tremendous tlirashing. "(Joiug to War. The man who wants to go to St. Petersburg and enlist in the Kussian army to flght the Turks was at the Central depot yosterday to see about his railroad ticket. With his hat on his left ear, pants in boot-tops, overooat belted tightly around, and a fierce twist to his mustacho, he walked up to the ticket window and asked : " What time does the train leave for Russia?" " Five o'clock," answered the agent, nevei smiling in the least. "Good! What's the faro to St. Petersburg?" "Fivelmndred dollars." " Too much. I'll give you $400. "We have but on o rato," eaid the agent. " And you won 't lot mo go for $400 ?" "Oouldn'tdoit." " Then I won't go. I'm a patriot from head to foot, but I can't lot no railroad BwindJB me. I'm tho bloodiest kind of a border wild-oat and Eussia wants me bad, but that $100 opens a great gulf between i - Detroit Free Press. Ïouns Jjidie? whq play croqwf ave kaows as ' maiclecs all for Iftvm. "


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