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The Representative Districts

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FIRST DISTRICT. Henilersoii. Allen. Augusta, 167 179 Pittsfield, 106 178 Salín, 265 215 York, 209 209 Ypsilanti City, 1 w., 124 154 " "2 w., 90 138 11 3 w., 93 167 " " 4 w., 117 67 " 5 w., 222 102 Town, 149 224 Total, 1542 1633 1542 Majoiity for Alien, 91 SECOND DISTRICT. Bealcea. Sawyt'iAnu Arlior, lst ward, 129 205 2d " 144 87 3d " 142 141 4tb " 148 138 5th " 52 118 " " 6th ' 48 113 Towu, 112 187 Northfield, 225 lll Salom, 102 207 Superior, 147 152 Webster, 102 158 1352 1620 1352 Majority for Sawyer, 268 THIRD DISTRICT. Norria. l'ierce. Bridgewater, 209 78 Dexter, 147 70 Freedoiu, 245 22 Litna-, 123 141 Lodi, 222 107 Lyndon, 123 71 Manchester, 305 271 Scio, 303 241 Sbaron, 125 141 Sylvau, 260 274 2070 1416 1416 M .ij. for Norrig, 654 Two AMBITIOUS postmasters, oue in Vermont and tbe other in Oregou, have brought trouble if not tribulation and defent upon tbe great Republican'party by runnning for and being elected Presidential Electora, to which office they wero ineligible under the following clause of the Constitution of the United States : " But no Senator or Representativo or other person holding an office of trust or profit undor the United Sttites shall be appointed an elector." It is olear that beiug ineligible to an appointment all votes cast for woro void, and that a resignation of the office of postmastev sinue their (ippointmeut or election will not cure the fault or entitle them to accept and servo. It is, if not equally clear, t.ln: strong legal presumption that in both Oregon and Verinont one of the Oemocrutic Electoral candidates, if one of them has a larger nuinber of votes than auy othur, is olected. If there shall be no such one, but a tie on two or more, the local laws of tho State must determine the manuur of choice. Ín this State there would be a vaoaDcy to bo decided or fílled by the Eleotoral College whon convened. Tbe Deinoerats desire no electors elected by mistnko and whose votes inay misrepreseut tbe people of a State, but if the voters of Florida, Louisiana, or South Carolina are to be disfrauchised by the Ruturuing Boards and canvassers it is well to hold a rod in piek le ovur tho heads of the machine managers who stand behind such boards. The Detroit Pust aeeks to niiiku a littlo political capital out of the hyenalike attempt to steal the bones of Abra ham Liucolu on the evening of election day. Judging by the mismituagemeut of the detectives acciduntully discüargiug a pistol uud warning the hyenas to "get"- there is room for suspicion that there was really no design to steal the rcmains, and that the whole was a job put up for the express purpose of stirriug up seotional jealousiea. We UEOHET our inability to teil our readers who is to be Prosident. Oregon is conceded to the Republicans, but both partios still claim Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina. Tho Demócrata baso tboir claims ou figures, official and setni-otnoial ; the Kepublicans give no tígures, but cry "traud" and " inütnidation," and roly upon partisan and oorrupt eanvassers and roturning boards. Leading Demoorata are watching the boards in all three States, and the returns cannot be " dootored" without detection and exposure. In South Caroliua, where the canvass was to commence yesterday, the Supreme Court has been apealed to to restrain " rbvision" of the returns, but as there can be nojassistance in Louisiana, affidavits will supplant the ballots The situation is uot satisfactory. The constitutional amendment increasing the 3alaries of circuit judges to $2,500 has been defeated by a largo majority, proviug the voters " pennywise and pound-foolish." The license olause amendment is also defeated, ; and the short-time amendment olause, which ought to have been defeuted,is adopted Tilden has 184 votes, Hayes has 166 votes, and 19 votes are to be dotermined by affidavit and the cussodneBS of oanvassers and returning boards.


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