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Louisiana--the Democratic Appeal

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New Orlkans, Nov. 14. -The following explains itself. The answer will bo forwardod as soon as received. Some of the representativos have not yet arrivea : New Orleaxs, Nov. 14. To the Hon. Stanley Mutthcws, Jumos a Uartiold, John A. Losan, Wiliam ü. Kelley, John A. Kassnn, J. Irvin Ditty, Johu Schoenberger, Williain M. Uvarta, E. W. StoughJoliu A. Dix, aud othors : The undersigned arrived here yesterday. They oaine in answer to a telegiaiu f rom Hon. Abram 8. Huwitt, chairman of the National Democratie, dated New York, November 10, 1876, as folio ws : Citizana of New ürleans urgently request luit a delegation of promineut gentlemen come theie at once to counsel peace and fair aud honuet returua. You are earuestly requested to be one oi teu or htleeu gentleineu, all widoly known, to meet at Louisville, Unit House, Saturday evening, procee'ling directly South, or it' more conveiiient, in&eting at the Bt. Charles Hotel, Now ürleaus, Monday moraing. Your prompt acceptance by lolügraph is requested. This emorgeuoy appeals to your patxiotum. The undersigned are informed you have come here at the request of the President of the United States to see that the boaid of canvassers make a fair couut of the votas actually cast. While in the late oanvass you gave your support to Messrs. Hayes and Wheoler as candidates for President and VicePresideut, and the undorsigned gdve their support to Tilden and Ilendiicks for those offices, they feel assured Uiat all good citizens of all parties regard au Uonest count aud truo return of the vote actually cast of greater moment than the success of any candidate for office, and are ready to do all that honorable uien should do to secure such return of the vote cast at the late clection in the State of Louisiana, whioh assumes more than ever before a natioual importauce, and upon which in this orisis muy depend the very existence of the constitutional governniKnt. The uudersigned, therefore, in view of the unhappy controversies which have huretofore arisen t'rom the action of the Ruturning Board of the State, whoru it action could not in any event change the result of a Presidential election, und in view of the desire of all good men that effect should be given to tho will of tho niajority as lawfully expressed, resDectfully ask you, or such of you as are present, to meet and confer with them personally, or through committees, as niay be deemed most wise, in order that such inttuence as we possess inay be exerted in behalf of guch a cauvass of the votes actually cast as by its fairness and impartiality shall oommand the respect and acquieseenco of the American people of all parties. Yours respectfully, (Signed) Jonh M. Palmer, H. Y. Watterson, Lyman Trumbull, J. W. Stkvenson, Sam'l J. Randall H. D. McHbnry, A. J. CURTIN, O. OlXENUORFKB, Wm. Bigler, J. B. Stallo, J. K. McDonald, Lewis V. Bogy, J. K. Doohttle, J. O. Brodhead, Geo. B. Smith, C. Gibson, Geo. W. Julián, J. Lee Carroll, M. D. Mansox, W. F. Hamilto.v, John Love, W. S. Sum.ver. Wm. K. Morrison,


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