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End Of The Exhibition

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A special to a Chicago paper, dated Philadelphia, Nov. 10, tbus describes the formal cIoeiDg ceremonies: Tbo light of the world a fair of 1876 wont out to-day in tljomidst of a drosry raiu-storm, asea of mud, and a general feeling of excitement and discomfort. A grand stand, with accommodauon for 1,800 pereou, had been built al jng the Western frout of the main building and décorated with the flags of all the nations represented in tho Exhibition. Kacing this waa a eemi-oircle of eeata accoinmodatin nearly 4.000 persons, but it bi'came evident oarly in the day that those arraugenients would have to bo abandoned on acenuut of the coid and (lampness, aud when the ra:n begaa to come dowu at noon the Judges' hail was made ready for the ceremonies of tho day. Notwithstauding thesó drawbacks, ho wever, the attendauce was much larger than the average, the cash adniissiona up to 1 o'elock rtariiing y2 ( 00, aud t 6 oclock the turnstiles registorcd llC 474, including 4,466athalfprice. By 1 o c'ock moet of the crod had paüked tbemselve into the arca between the Maiu building and Machinery hall. President Graat wan etcorted into tho Judgea' hall at 2 o'clock, and then the thousandM changod thoir baee with a rush, 100,000 pcople trjïng to get into a building tliat wou!d have to Btrctch to hold 1,800. Iavitations to att:ud tho ceremonies liad been aent to the President of tho United States aud nis Cabinet, the Judgce of the Supremo Court, the foreign lsgation, tho Scn&to and House of RepreaenUtives, tho Oovornors of the States and Truritories, the Mayors of fifty-fivo eitiee, the United States Circuit Court, foreign Consuls in PhUadelphia, the Juilgcs of Award, CtntenoiHl CommisBiocers and members of Uie Board of Finauce, tho Centennial Bureaus, noted Americw poets, orators and miisicians and euüugh other dutingnishod peraouages to n!l ono or two of tho main buildings. Ou the platform in the Judges' hall wero the Oovernore of Pennsylvauia, Maesachusetts, Mxhigan, New Jeraey nud Delaware, Chief Justio iVttite, tho üuitod States and Foreign Cczitenniai CJommissionors. and many othel-8. The Presidential party, a few minutes afttrward, mterod tho main "hall in the following order: Moeers. McNoiI, ü'akoand Lyucli, of t'e Contennial Co.-mnission : President Orant, eecorted by Gen. Hawley, and Attorucy General Tuft, with Secretarles Fih and Cameron ; the 1U.V. Joseph A. Soisr", D. D.. aiid Goo. W. Oiiilds, escor'ted by Preaideut Welah and Directer Gtneral Goahorn. A row of honor waa Uien formed on the front of the platform, with Pronident Graut ir. tho center ; Gen. Hawley, Director General Goshorn, the Attorney General, Sceretary Camoron, and Geo. W. Cliilda on the right, and ïfes'sra. Morriil, Fiah, Selss, Weleh, and Patterson o the loft. After Wagnor'u inaugural maren had been played, the Iiev. Dr. öeiss opened the ceremonies with prayer. The orcuestra thon performed Bach's choraio aüd fugue, after wbich tho Ucu. I). 3. Morriil dflivcred au appropiiate address. Tuin was foliowed by aeloctions from tlie "Te Deum " by the choras and orchestra, after which Jlr. Jolin Welsh, President of the Centemiial Board of Financo, spoke at length. Theorchostrap9rformedI3ecthoven's "FiitU Symphouy," and Director General Goshotn was then introduced or an addreas. Thcn followcdjtho "Halhelujah Chorus" from Handel's " M'.-iiah," by the chorua and orcheatra, after wbich camo an address by tlie Hon. Joseph K. Hawley. Tho chorus, orchestra, and mauy of tho audienca joined in the performance of "God Save tlie Queen," during which tho original Uuiou flag wab dieplayed abovo the platfunr". lts unfurling was tho signal fcr applatvjo long and loud, and at the same timo a buluto of forty-sevon guns, ono for each State and Territory, waa iired freni Goorge' hill and simultanconsly from th9 United Btates steamer Plvmouth in tlie liarbor. A Federal aluteof thirieenguna had boen ürcd at the same pointa aimultaueously at sunrwe. After tlie music, Gen. HawLey, tuining to Gen. Grar.t, saiil : "Mr. PreskUnt, ve now await your plëaenre." Tlie Preeidont aroso and said : "I declare tbat t!ie Interuational Kxhibition of 187C is now closed." Gen. Uawiev thcu annouDCod that the President would gfvo tho ord6i' to stop the Corhss cngijio, whoreupon President (Jrant turned toward the tclegraph itiblrumenf, nuaed his loft hand, aud ininifiiiatciy ths aigna! waa dinpatched to Mr. Cailii:. It was just 40 minutes aftr 3 o c!ock whui too great engine stoppod. The ceremnnv w ended with the Doxology, ' ' Old Huudrtd " by tbe chorun, nrslieatra and aadiénue. The total uumber of cash admixtión to the Eihibition up to dste is 8 0(!4,2i4, aml t);n total cash receipta from admisaiouu ÍÜ.813,6U3.9U. A California mau was roarried in doublü-qiiick time tbo otüer day. Taking liia affianced with liiin, h drovo in a Luggy to tbe residenco of a Jutico of the JPcace, wjiere ho holtad. The Jnatice thcu went ou with tiio eeremony, ordering the twain in tho oarfiftgi join bands, and in a minuta iro-.n ths titr.o tbs buggy drew up (o door, tixo Bewiy-carritd oourjto we i r-, rii ín thflir quipage w;ftiB.


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