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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OPERA ÏÏOTTSE Monday Evening, November 27 CHAS. H. DTJPEEZ, ManageJ. Still on the March of Triumph. DUPREZ & BENEOICT'S Gigantic Famous Minstrels, BUBLEHQUE OPERA TfiOÜPE AND BRARS BaND, On their twenty-tifth Auuual Toui, Our Centennial Brilliant Organization, Composed of only popular Distinguished Artista, of variou, specialties, forming a strong Corps of Vocalista, Coinedians, Solos, Musicians, Kthioiaa Deliueators, Artistic Daneern and Female [.'ertíonatore, introdueiug Concerta of Merit and Brilliancy. Seuts on on Sale at Donólas & Co.'s Bookslore. TaxPayers' Meeting. Whereab, the Cominori Counoil of the City of Ann Arbor, ou the 20th day of November, A. D. 1876, adopted the followiug preamble and resolutiou, viz : Whereas, It has beeñ proposed by the County of Washteuaw, through its Board uf .Supervisors, ,o ereet, at the City of Aun Albor, a new Court House, at an expense of not less than f.O,0(J0 ; provided the City of Aun Arbor shall contribute thereto the snm of $20,000, in addition to its proportion oí the general tax, and Wheheas, In the opinión of the Coinmou Council of the City of Ann Arbor, the iuterests of said city will be promoted by-the ereetion of said Court House, as albresaid, and by a couipliance on the part of said city with said proviso ; and Wiiereas, To meet the extra expenditure of $20,000 it will be necessary for said Coiumou Council, düring the aeveral years as hereinafter stated, Lo raist; a greater aum of money by general tax than the amount specitied ín the charter of said city au a linütaüon, beyond wbich the tax is uiiauthorized without the cousent of the tax-paying electors of said city, thereiore, liesolved, That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized and direeted to cali a meeting of the [jroperty tax-payers of said city, who are electors, to be held at the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, Decemhkr dtíi, A. D. 1876, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. and closing at 4 o'clock p. m. of that day, to determine whether such electors will, by a ballot vote; direct aucl authorize said Common Council to raise as hereinafter stated, by general tax ou all the real and personal estáte taxable in said city, the sum of $20,000, to be appropriated in aid of the ereetion of a new Court House in the City of Aun Arbor, by the County of Washtenaw, provided the said County of Washtenaw shall also raise and expend therefor the suin of at least $4o,0uO; and to that eud, to authorize said Common Council to issue, sell anddeliver from time to time as the Common Council maydeem proper, bonds to the amount of 820,000, iasumsot not tliau $-r)0, and not more than $500, with coupons jiuuexed for the annual interest thereon : Said bonds to draw interest at uot to exceed the rate of 8 per cent peí anuuiu ; and Bacil bonds and coupons to be executed for said city by the Mayor and Recorder thereof, and be drawn payable at the otticc of the Treasurer of said city, the principal to be payable in ten eoaal annual installments, withannuiil payment of accrucd interest, the first instulliaent to beclme due on the ürst day of Feliruary, A. D. 1878, or at such later date, as the said Common Council may hereafter deeni expedusut, and the other installments yearly for the nine suceeeding years ; provided further that the constrnetiou of said new Court House shall be commenced on or before the first day of September, 1877 ; that said electors who shall at such meeting so called casta ballot having written or printed thereon the words, " For the tax in aid of the Oourt House, Yes," shall be deemed to have roted to authonze the raising of such sum of money and the issue of bonds is atoresaid, to be appropriated as aforesaid ; and sucb electors who shatl cast a ballot at such meeting with the words written or Ïriuted thereon, " For the tax in aid of the Court louse, No," sliall be deemed to have voted against raisiug such sum of money and the issue of bonds ah aforesaid, and that tht: Mayor cause notice to be given of said meeting as required by the charter of' said city, Now therefore, in pursuance of the said direction of the Common Council and of the charter of s;iil city, notice ís hereby given that a meeting of the property tax-uayiug electors of the City of Anu Arbor willbe lieldat the time and piace abovespecified therefor, for the purpose stated in the foregolng rcsolutidii ut' tlit Common Council, at wliich meeting tha proposition to raise the sum of twenty tbouwAd dollars to aid in the ereetion of a new Court House at Ann Arbor, and for that purpose to issue bouds as set forth in the abovc resoiulion, will be Hubmitted to the vote of the said tax-paytiig electora by ballot; and the for mi of ballot to be voted at such meeting, will be as speeitu-d in said resolution and with the ottect as heruin specili.'d. Dated, November 23, 1876. E1MVARD D. KINNE, Mayor. y ISIT1NG CAKDS- NEW 9TYLES AT THE ARGUS OFFICE, AWARDED The First Premium AT THE CENTENNI A L SEPT., 1876, Over Thoiisamls of Competitors ! THE CROWN JEWEL The most beautiful stove, and the best of all the Ooal atoves made. ïhia stove can be found in uee in the following houses in Ann Arbor : Alpheus Felch, Dor Kelloeg, . G. W. Sharpless, J. W. Uangaterfer, James Jones, E. Curtís, K. M, Riehurdsou, Piof. E. Jones, Mra. J. "West, Dr. P. B. Rose, Mra. Loomia, Dr. Hallock, R. A. Beal, C. A. Pomeroy, 8. rJ Otis, C. M. Cadwell, B. Vaughn, Miaa Lydia Smith. A. Roys, R. McDonald, Mra. Whitehead, Charlea S. MilLen, J. C. Watts, Frod. Sorg, Prof. M. C. Tyler, Mra. J. A. Tolhemus, J. O. Banks, W. D. Harriinan, J. L. Burleigh, Geo. W. Cropsey, Mrs. Hubbaru, Goorde Hnyler Georgt Granville, Mrs. Chambera, George Walker, Zora Pulcifer, and Rinaey & Seabolt. SiaT You will alao flnd a fnll asaortment of Parlor and Cook Sitovea tor Wood, at L. C. RISDON'S, 31 South Main treet, Ann Arbor. FOR SALE CHEAP ! THE new two stojy frame dwelling housejjust completed. öituated on east Uuirersity Avenue, the seeond house south from the Medical College. Specially arranged for keeping Boardors, Roomers, or Club. Terina easy. Apply to C. H. MILLEN, No.4, S. Main St. For Sale Cheap I THE large new doublé dwelling house, situated Cor. North and Fourth Sts, two blocks i'rom Oourt House Enquire of C.H. MILLEN. BUILDING T.OTS A LARGE number of very desirable building lots, well loeated, for sale low, small paynient down and long time given for balance if desired. C. H. MILLEN. A NEW Phfeton Buggy for sale cheap. One of Arksey's best uiake, 1596 C. H. MIIiLEU. GREAT WESTERN RAIL WA.Sr. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DBTKOIT, BUFEALO, NEW YORK, NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON PhilaflelBüia, ANI) ALL EASTEHN CJTIIX "1 O MH'EStlieShortest from g JL ï7 Detroit te Ruffalo nnd Poiuts East. ' A Milos the ghorteat line from Detroit to ,(Ëi4: t) Kittgiira Fallsaud pointfl Kast. Snre Coimectioiis il Suspension Bridge nnd Huí fulo willi the New York Central a.ud Urie Kailways. The Truck and Equipmente of tlie GREAT WKSTEHN aro perlect, and it in manajred witha a view to the SAFETY and COMFORT ol its Fatrona. TOÜRI8TS AND PLEA.SUIIE 8EEKERS VISITIPÍQ THE "CENTESMIMIAL" Bhould bear in mind that the GREAT WESTERN Riiilway is the Shortest aud most Comportable Etoute betwecn Detroit, Suspensión Bridge nnd Butfalo, ai.d is the only line wliicli crosses Snapen8ion Bridge in Inll view of the falls. For inforniatioii and tickets viu this popular route applv lo G. W. SHARrLEÖS, Agent M. C. li. E., Anu Arbor Mich. Bníltoralr Sale. Í OFFER FOK SALE uiy Brick Store, Corner os Hurou and Fourth streets, opposite Cook'l Otel. 'l'liis is (tin1 oí the most desirable busiiu's: locations in the city, and willbe suld at a baigaius 1598 JOHN U. GALL, Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions oí a certain mortgage, beariug date the twenty-sevemh day oí March, A. D. 1875 (the aame having been given for a part of the purchase money of the premises therein described), made and executed by Conrad Heselsehwerett, of Bcio, Wash- tenaw County, Michigan, to Thomas J. Rice of Hamburg, Livingston county, Michigan, and recorded Ín liber .44 of mortgagea, on page 298, on the 29th daj of March, 1875, at four o'elock p. m, of said day, in the office of the Regibter of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, which said mortgage was assigued by said Thomaa J. Rice to Dennis Corey by deed of assignment, recorded in said Register's office, in liber 44 of mortgages, at page '298, on the second day of October, A. D. 1875, at 10 o'elock a. m. of said day, and there being ciaimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage and the note accompanying the same (the said assignee having elected to have the whole sum become due accordinff to the terms and eonditions of said mortgage), the sum of three hundred and forty-nine dollars and twenty-eight cents ; aleo an attorney 's fee of thirty dollars as provided ior in said mortgage : and no proceedings at law orin equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of a power of sale in said morttrage contained and of the statute in euch case made and provided, I will Bell at public auctiou or vendue to the highest bidder, on Haturday, the tenth day of February, A. D. 1877, at eleven o'clook in the forenoon of said day, at the South door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place wherein the Cireuit Court for the County is heldj , the premises in aaid mortpage deacribed as follows: Village lot No. live f5) in block No. two (2},in the village of Delhi, in the town of Hcio County of Washtêoaw and State of Michigan, to satisfy the amouat due on said mortgage and note with the interest accruing themm, and the costa and expenses allowed by law, together with said attorney 's iee. Dated Nov. 6th, 1876, DENNIS COREY, D. Cramer, of Mortgage. Attorney for Asaignee. lüiN Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made iu tho conditions of a certain mortgage made aud executed by lïradley F. Uranger and Susan A. Granger, hia wife, of the city of Anu Arbor, Michigan, to Phiiip Bach, of the same place, bearing date the third day oí October, in the year oí our Lord one thousand eight huudred and seventy l'our, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county of "Washtenaw, on the lifth day of October, A. D. 1874, at uve minutes past four o'elock p. m., in liber 46 of inortgages, on page 663, on which mortgage there is now ciaimed to be due two installments of interest, amounting to the sum of one hundred and forty dollars, together with an attorney's iee of twenty-tive dollars, should any proceedicgs be taken to foreclose the same; aod default having been also made in the conditions oí anothcr certaiu mortgage, made and executed by the above named Üradley F. Granger and Suaan A. Grangurto the said Philip Bach, hearing date the twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight huudred and seventyfour, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washteuaw on the 27th day of October, 1874, at 9 oclock a. m., in liber 4G of mortgagea ou page 674, on which mortgage there is ciaimed to be due, at the date of this notieu, two installments of interest amounting to sixty dollars, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedings at law or in equity having been taken to recover the amuunt due on either of said niortgages or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said niortgages contained aud pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, I will sell at public auct ion to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the twentieth day of January uext at the south door of the Oourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the connty of Washtenaw is held), the preinises described in said mortgages to satisfy the amuuntdne thereoo, (two hundred dollars and üfty dollars attorney's fee), with costs and expenses oí' sale to-wit : All that certain piece or parce! of html being situated'in the city of Aun Arbor, Couuty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, kuown and described as folio ws, to-wit : Lot No. 4 and fcho west one-fourth of lot No. 3, in block une south of Huron street range two east, acoording to the recorded plat oí the villaje (now city) of Ann Arbor. Dated, Aun Arbor, October 26, 1876. PHILIP BACH, Mortgagee. By Attorney. 1606 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haviiig been made in the conditions of a mortgage, exeeuted by Andrew J. SutherlandEIizabeth T. Öutherland, his wife, to Robert AWhedou, on tbe eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1875, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ior the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, in liber 53 of Mortgages, on page 106, and afterwards duly assigned to Charlotte Whedon, on tlie twenty-sixth day of November, 1875, which assignment was recorded ia said Register's Office, for said county, ou the twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. 1876, in liber five of assiiumeuts of mortgages, on page '228, by which defauit the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative; on which raortgage there is ciaimed to be due, at the date of this notice, the sum of six hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-seven one huudredths dollars, principal and Interest, besides an attorney fee of tweniy dollars, as provided in said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law orin equity having been instituted to recover the anionnt due on said mortgage, or any part thertjoi': Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I hall sell at pabilo auction at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenaw), on Saturdny the SOth day of December, A. D. 1876, at eleven o'elock in the forenoon of that day, the folio w ing proper y described in said mortgage, viz : All of lot nuniber six (6) in block nuniber seven (7),sputh Of Huron street, range eleven (11) east in the City of Ann Arbor, Couuty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, said Int being on the east side of Thayer street in said city. Dated, September 28, 1876. CHARLOTTE WIIEDON, Fkazer AHamilton, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorneys for Assignee. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHÍG-AN, County of Washtanaw, as. The uudersined having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, ComiaiKsionerö to receeive, examiue tind adjust all claiiuB and demnnds ot all persunn againet the estáte of John (i Metzser, late of waid ounty, deceased, liereby give notice that aix months from date ore ïllowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creriitors (o present their claims iiguinst the estáte of said deceased, and that thf y will meet at the resulence oí Michael tíüerle, iu the town ot Saline, in said couuty, on the od day of February and on the 6tn day of May next, at ten o'cloi'k A. M of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, November fith, A. I). 1876. 1608 i Comione,, City Scavenger. THE nntlersigned offers hlsaerVleea as scavenger. Vaults, cesapools, etc, cleaned to onler, and at reiisonable prices. (Jrders may be left at J. H. Nlekol's meat niarket, State utreet, or iinuleMmniuli the Postoffloe. W. ACTION. Anu Arbor, Nov. 8, 187C. $ f iüiA Perdayat home. Samples worth 'J w JpwUl free, Stinson &Co., I'urlliiud, Me. 1073 187G. 1878. Save Yonr MDney ! W. WAGNER HA8 JUST OPENED THE FINEST STOCK 01 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING To be found in Ann Arbor, comprising all the NEWEkT STYLES AND PATTERNS, Which he is ofte ring at prices that DEFIES ALL COMPETITION THE PLACE XO BUY A CHEAP SUIT Is at WAGNER'S My stock of l?iece Groods Will be found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FtJRNISHING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbor. THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, in township two aouth of rang-e aix eaat, compriaing tho eaat half of the northeast quarter of aection nineteeu ; and that part of the west half ol tiie west half of the northweat quarter of eectiou twenty, lying north of the turnpike; in all 100 42-lOu aerea, witb House, Barn, an CTnfailing Spring of Water, Anil ubout Üfty acres wt;ll impioved; flrst elass land and situation btrautiful. Two-thirda oí the purehase money miy reinain on the land three to tlve years Forterms apply to GEÜ.B.HANÜ, Orïl. J. BBA.KEÖ, Detroit. Anu Arbor 1574tf FOR SALE ! ntoue I.iiiic, Hmrr I.inm, Cleveland Piaster, & Plastering Hair, eitber at my Linie Kiln oi' t my shop. j. roLLAM. FARMERS. WOOD WANTED In exchtinge for SadJles, Harneas, TrunltB, Trnvelinu Haga, Horse Blftnkete, Whips, U-loves and Mittena, etc, at my haruesa shop. J. VOLI.ANI). lü00m6 lEORGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark & Cropsey, and A. Kearney, late of Texas, uuder the firui name of KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have established themselves at No. 33 SoulU Vluiu si,, Aun Arbor, and propose to do general Grocery Business They will also keep CROCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WARE, ana a full line of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRUITS. They have fltted and furnished A First-class Eating Department, Where Meáis can be had at all hours, or board ly the week. Cash paid for Rutter, r.irL. and all Conulry produce. Goods promptly delivered in any part of the city. Renieiuber the place. 83 Som li IWaiu Street. KEARNEY & CROPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 "THTËNËMY OF DISEASEr THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. la theGraud Old MUSTANG LINIMENT "Which has stood the test of forty years. There is no Sore lt will not heal, no Lamram it will not cure, no Ache, no Pain that aíñicte the Human Body, or the Body ol a Horse or other domestic uniraal, that does uot yield to its miigh touch. A bottle costing 25c, 50c, or $1.00, has ot ten aaved the life of a human being, and restoreJ to life and uaefulneas man; a valuable horse. "piNSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FLOIIR & FKKD STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., FOR WHOLE8ALE and RETAI1 TRADE. We öhall aleo keep a supply of OELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & OO'S BEST WHITE WHEA T FLOUR, KYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MKAL, FEED, &o., &o. At wholeaale and retail. A general Btock of iiiHH KK1KS AND PROVISIONS conatantly on hand, whieh will be sold on as reaöonttble ternia as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country ProSnct) generally. fc#" Goods delivered to any part of the city with out extra ofaaxge. UI1VSKY Sc SEABOIr. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 1878. 1564 POE SALE ! Three Horsos, three platform Spring Wagons with pole aud shafts, two Lumber Wagons, one Bkeleton Wagon, Track Bulkey, Wood, Coal, aud. u nioe Featfaer Bed. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6th. 1876. 1ÜU3U1Ü C. H. RICHMOND.


Old News
Michigan Argus