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Wm. H. Payne's grain and flora mille and oievator, at Two Hnndred and Twenty-ninth I b reet and Second avemio, New York cityv was b :vrucd the other night. Loss heavy. A joint resolution ban passed the Yermont IIouso ol Representatives to inetract Congreernon to Ufe their inflnence to Becure the permanent rcBumption of specie pavm'ent rs early Hs January, 1879 By the Binking of a cual barge in Boston harbor, recently. seventcen persons are believed to have been drowneá. The return of William M. Tweed to the aoene of his f ormer exploits is an accomplmhed faot, He reachod New York last weck, after a long and tedious voyagefrom Vigo, theSpanish port in whloh ho wj discovered and turned over to the United States authorities. He was takrn in a carriage from the pier to hia old quarters in Luillow ttreet jail, and is once more in tho custody ol the law oflicers of that Btsto. TDK WESt. Ï"kom Northern Dakota reporte have been received at Washington that Bitting Buil ia . beiiifi eupplied witli ammunition from Brilish temtory H h unid that immense quantities liavn been purcliased up there and nhipped aorcws the counti y by wagons. Chicaoo elevatora contsineti, lact reek,2.F32, 683 busbels of wheat ; 422,403 buelieis of corn ; 435,254 bnshels of oats ; 1G7.0Í11 bnshels of rye, and 1.TB3 377 bnabels of br!ry making a frrxnd total of 4 'J10.808 bnshels, agaiirst 2,555 296 buebele ut tin period last year Oarloa 8. Oreely and Henry Villard. recently appointed Ueccivera of the Kansas Pa - oiflc railway, took popeession of all the pioperty of t'iat rod recently under an order of the Dii-triot Court of Kansa City. Robert wa appnintnü General Manager, and T. F. Oakeg General Superintendent. The Board of Tndian Commiseionrre, consJeting of Gen. O. O. Howard, Hon. W. Stickey, A. E. Baretow, D. H. .1erome and Col. Wood. appointed by the Government tn confer witli the Nex Porors, with a view to an adjuatmontof the exioting diflicultiee relativo to the poc8efeion of Willrw's valley, have returned to Fort Lapwai. The Conamiösioners held a four days' conference with the Cbief Joseph with ïegard to the question whether settlere or Indiana are ei titled to poesess the valley. Good feoiing and barmony oharacterized the conference, and it is thought the qnestion in dispute will be amicably stttled Tlio Christian Convention of tne Nortliwost held a convention in Chicago last week. llany prominent evangclifts were present, andgrcai interest was mai.ifeöted. SHBRrrr GnooM, of Clay county, Ho., ono night laat week made a deecent on the notoriou James boys, the rauch-feared bandits, at their homo, near Kearnoy, with a poeee, but as usual the desperado proved tqo much for the offioers. Groom and one of bis men fired at the brothers, bnt the weapons faileci to obfiy. and they escaped. A new revolntion has brokon out in Lower California, in the interest of Disz, the rebel who haa given the Mexican President so much troubleof late Jndge James K. Knight, of the 8t. Lonis Circuit Court, shot himself, one Oay last week, un:ler such circumstanees as to leave littlo room for donbt that it was intentional Navigation has suspended on the upper Músissippi. Tjra Illinois State Warehousa Registrar, in his animal report for the year ending Oot. 31 1876, says the receipts of graln at Chicago during the year, foot up 56,066,410 bushels wbich came in 122 913 railroad cars, 1,240 cana boats, and 11 vesaels. The shipmenta were 53.551 895 bushels, coroprising 42,186,419 bushels by water, and 7.859,087 buehels by rail 3.508,387 bushels were teken from store for city consumption In a fir. , at Chicago, one morning recently, four persons - two men and two women - periehed in the ñames. TBE SOUTH. The Virginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church boutb, in seseion at Bichmoud, Va., last week, unanimously approved of the resnlts of the meeting between the Commistioncrs of the Methodist Episcopal Churoh North and the Episcopal Church 8ou?h beid at Cape May last August, and reeo'.ved that " we regard the action of the commiesion as autboritative and a final settlemcnt of the question at issue, and buiding upon all ministers and menibers of the two hurchea." A telegram from Louisvüle, Ky., has the following: "A decisión of court that one of the principal gamblers here must pay a fino and puffer six montbs' imprisonment on account of carrying on the game of faro, has jarodneed considerable stir among that clsss of Ihe cotnniunity, because of the precedent. Hereloforo by paying finea the gamblers wero permitted to continue their game. The present case will bo carried to the Court of AppeaJs, and there tested 80 far as the imprisonmeut i concerned. Brethren from Chicago. New Yoik, and elsewhere are here to raise $10,000 by which to test the caae." A Bkownsville (Texas) dispatch saya: "A courier arr;ved to day from Guanajuato, the native state of Iglesias, Chief Justiee and excfticio Vice President of Mexico, with news that Iglesias had aesumed the powers of President of the republic in default of a legal elec tion, and that l:o had apponted a full Cabinet and other Federal ofticere. The people of Guanojuato were emhusiaetic in hia support, and had raised a large aran of money to eustain the Government. The Diaz revolutionists all recognize Iglesias ab the logitiraate Prosident. Five American citizens went over to M&tamoraa yeaterday on a visit, and were inmted and asaauJted by Mexican officera, and then arreeted and throwu iuto prison, ai:d wero fined this morning $20 to $70 each, or two monlh' hard labor on the public works. Ttiis outrnge bas created profouiid cxeiiemeut on tbis side, and offers of hundreds of men are coming in to aii in ttieir rencue, if necessary. Unless our Government take steps to prevent a repetition ol thee outrages. thero ia great dauger of an early conflict ou this border." WASHINGTON. The SOth day of November bas been appointed a day of inttrecsaion for the missions of the Cliiudi of England througbout the world. Gen. Sheemau's report eay : The territory of Ihe United States ia divided into three military divislons, viz. : of the Missouri, Atlantic, and Pacific. The División of the Missouri embraces tbe States and Territories bordering on tbe Misrii.i-i pi and Missouri rivera, extending westward po as to include subetautially tbe entilo Rccky mountain chain : is commandtd by Lieut. Geu. P. H. Sheridan, with bis headqiiarters in Chicago ; and is compesed of five separate departments- flrst, thtt of Dakota, commanded by Brig. Gen. A. H. Ttrry, with heaxiquartors at Bt Paul ; secoud, that of the Platte, commanded by Brig. Gen. Gtore Crrok, with headquarters at Omaha ; tbird, that of Missouri, commanded by Brig. Gen. John Pope, with headquarters at Fort Leavenworth ; fourth, that of Texas, comí, acdfd by Brig. Gen. E. O. C. Ord, with headquarters at San Antonio; fifth, that of tlie Gulf, cammauded bv Brig. Gen. C. C. Augur, with headquarters at $ew Orleaus. The Military Divis.on of the Atlantio embraces the State which border ou or are near the Atlantic coast; is oommanded by Maj. Gen. W. 8. Hancock, with headquarters at New York city; and is compoeed of- first, the formcr Departmouts of the Lakea aud Éast; econd, the Department of the South, commanded by Col. I. H. lïuger, Brevet Brigadier General, with headquartera at Atlanta. The M fctary División of the Pacific embrücts tho States and Temtoi ie which border on or are ntar the Pacific uoast; i commanded by Maj. Gen. Irvin McDowell, with bis headquarteru ia San Francisco, and is composed of throe departments : Firat, that of the Columbia, oommauded by Brig. Gen. O. O. Howard, with headquarter at Portland, Oregon : second, that of Califoi'Dia, commanded bv Maj. Gen. Irvin McDowell, with hcadqnartera in San Francisco ; third, that of Anzoua, commanded by Col. A. V. Kautz. Brevet alajor General, with headquarters at Preacott. POLÍTICAS. Tut ofiictal vote in Pennsylvania is as folIowh : Haycs, 384.148; Tilden, 306,204; Cooper, 7,201; 8mith (Probibition), 3,182. ïue oflicial vote of Wiscoaein at tho recent eleotion was : Hsvc-e, 130,067 ; Tilden, 123,926 ; Cooper, 2,045. Hayes majorityover Til den was 6.141. In Miseouri. out of a total vote of 350,583, tbe Tilden electora received 202,687, the Hayes electora 144,398, and tbe Cooper electora 3,498; Ti'den's majority over Hayas, 58,289; over Ha.ves and Cooper, 54,791 The complete official returns of all tbe counties in tbe State of Iowa sliow the following figures on Preaident : Hayea, 171,327; Tilden. 112,099: Cooper. 0,001; Anti-iieoret Society, 26. HayeB over Tilden, 59,229 over all, 50.201. The total vote is 292,453 Tho ofücial voto of New HampHhireis : Havee 11,522; Tilden, 38 449; ecattering, 74 Mr. A. II. 'ireen, late Ccmptroller of the city of New Yorlt, hia boen appointed Cpmptroller of New York State, lo eucceed Luéina Bobinaon, the Goveruor-elect AWrich, Democnitio contetting Preaidential elector iu Vermont, bas eervea npon the Governor a protest againa t the iisauing of a certificate lo Sollace, tho Qppnbltcan. ...Hayca' majority in Minueaotawaa 24,008. A New York diapatch of Nov. 23aay "Conf;ressman Ciarksou N. Potter bas written a ong letter to tbe Ilerald. The Democratie House, he says, will maintain that it eau oiudo frandulent votea, and will exercitie that Sower if they find it nccossary. If either canidate f ails to receivo a legal majority of the votes in the official count. whlob wonld be the case if Louisiana waa throwo out. then tlie IIouso rtmst immediately procoed to elect a President. ÏUe Tlerald editorially says this letter shows tho Democratie programme ia the case of Louisianabeing cotmted for Haies. The Democratie House will bo preeent in f uil force, and wben the Loniniana ceitiflcates are opened obiectione will bemade'o counting those voteB. Jf the two Roiifleö disagree, the Itepreacntalives will adhere to their own decisión, and, as the connt will docide that there has been uo oiioice by tho Electoral College, proceed at ouce to olect a President." Retotns at the ofBco of the Socrctary of State give Pacheco (Rcpublicau) a majority for CongrcsH in tho Fourth district of California of eme vote. Tuf. official majority for Tilden in Georgia is 85.185. The official voto of TenneBsoe givea Tilden 133,166; Havcs, 85,566; Porter, 123.740; Thomas, 73.695; Manty, 10,436: Yardlej, 2,165; total vote, 210.036 All dixpnten concfcniiug the niajoritv of Hayes over Tilden in UlinoiB are endëd by the official canvasof the returns, which, taking the higlieitt vote on each toral ticket, places ít ;it 19 (31. The flieial canvapfl of the voto for niombom of tho Lginlaturo shows the Republicana to liavo 79 in tlie House. agiiiuBt 74 for tlio Dumocrat and Iiidep ndents. Of the Scnatore-olect. 11 are Republicana and 14 are Demócrata an1 Ilkdependente, niaking the Kente stand- Republicana, 22; Dcmocr&ts, 24; Independent, 5. Üpon joint ballot the Republicana bave 101, Demócrata 08, and Indept m!ents 5 R. H. Cree, Senator from Heñry and Bf&disorj oonnties, Ind., died the other day. The vacaney will be filled by eleotáOD, probably giving the Republicana an additional meniber of the Senate. Creo was elected a Independent, hut alwHvs voted with tbe Demócrata. Tliin will mako a Republican majority of four on joint ballot. GKNKI5A1. The case of D. W. Munn, Illinois Supervisor of Interna] Rtveime, indiotcd for complicity in whisky-ring írauds, come to a curions end the ether day before Judge ireat, at St. Louis. A dmurrer wna made to the indictment by the dofendant, upon the ground that it set forth tliat the offerse was committed "intheyear eigbteen hundred and scventv cents," the document so readinr. Judge Treat held that the date fixed must be held to mean 1870, and, as pnniohment wcu'd have been proscribid by the statnes of limitation, hu orderort a nolle proseqni to be entered, and Munn and hla surety were discharged. There wil) be five German-Americans in the next House of Ropreuentativos. All of them. excepting Jlr. Brentano, are Democrats. Schleicher, of Texaa, ie the onlv Daive Oerman in the present Honse. . . . John Horrisaey haa allowfd the witbdrawal of election bota in hts custody on payment of the regular commission and by agreement of the principáis. A TOiTHEK general reduction of rates between all points lying east of the Missouri river is annouuoed by the Atlantio and Pacific Telegraph Company. A circular issued by the company denies that it is uot carning its cnrreut expenses ; states that it is free from debt, except for conBtruction material now in process of erection ; has more than $8,650,000 of ita own anthorized capital stock in the treaeury, and owns more tban three-fourlbs of the capital stock of the Franklin Telegraph Company. Utter paralvms neems to have fallen upon the iron trade in England. Milla are cloeed or closing everywhero, worhmen are idle, and the inevitable distrees is painfully visible. Tbe cause of the sudden and complete stagnation does not seem to be fully undêrstood, but the faot that it extends tbroughout the principal manufactnring dintricts of the continent makes it probable that the threatening attitude of Russia and the unsatisfactory condition of affairs in the East may have something to do with it Commodore Paul Shirley of the United States navy, died rocently on a railroad train at Columhus, O. Tiie reduotion of the price of admission rocently voted by the Board of Directora of the Chicago Industrial Exposition, from 50 conte, as heretoforo oharged, to 25 for adulta and 15 cents for children, is to be commended as a wise mcasure. The great succeea of the ExpoBition heretofore, through whioh the magnificent building and its appliances have been paid for out of the profito, bas lef t the Btookholdera free from debt, and e.nabltd the Directora to so reduce the price of admission as to insure a large atteudanco and the annual recurrence of the industrial exhibition for years to ome. FOREIGN. Hajiilton & Son's foundry and car-works, covering about three acres of ground on King etreet, near the Don river, at Toronto, Can., wero entirely deetrojed by fire one morning latoly. The buildings, with contnts, were worth $350.000, and were ouly iutmred for f30,000. Two hundred men were thrown out of employment. The British steamer Leonor and the American brig Francés Lewey, from Swatow for New Chwang, China, havo been in collieion. The latter was snnk, ond eix of her crew and paaeeDgers drowned The long-projected marriaííe between King Alfonso, of [Jpaiu, and the daup hter of the Duke de Montpensier is now ro])orted di-finitC'ly arraDged. The Lieutenant Governcr of Becgnl, India, Sir Richard Temple, declarea that 251, C00 persons periahcd by the recent great cyclone that swept Southeasten Bengal Subscriftions in St. Petersburg acd Moscow alone to the loan of 100,000.0(10 roubles, authorized by a Rassian imperial ukaso of Nov. 18. exceed that amount. It is stated in a London dispatsh that Capt. Allen Young, who commauded the Pandora in her recent trip to the Arclic regionB, will, next spring, again attempt a Xorthwostern passage in tbat vosHtl.


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