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_ The Treasurer of Ann Arbor towuship p9 open shop " at, the storn of J. ï. Jacobs _ The Board of Supervisors ara to meet in djourued sesaion on Mondajr next, Decerubei 18. _ The Ypsi'.anti Sentinel loses no time in tskii'f? position in opposition to a new cour house. . _AmonL the recent organizations in the rjmversity ore a chesa-club and a foot-bal sociatiou. - The seniora in the law department have uppoiuted a committoe to "arrauge for olasa photographs. „James Flowers, of Detroit, has presentad to the Univeraity a very tiua brasa model of a turbine water-wheel. _ ltomember the Organ Concert at Zion L'liuich this eveniug. Prof. Frieze and other wel!-known musicians wil) assist. _ B. W. Cheever, assignee in bankruptcy ot j H. Maynard, is making creditors glad jt payii'g 30 per cent dividend. _. The 3tudents in the law department are mikiiig au e01" t procure the services of job Iugersoll tor Washington's birthday. The public schools of this city will close jnFriiay next, Dec. 22, for the holiday vacititii( - openiug again on Monday, January 8. -Edward I. Sears, LL D., the original Mllege "bull-dozer" and black-raailer, is dead. ffill the Chronicle come out draped in mournMÍ -Jack Frost " bull-dozed " one of the glass kees oí the city clook at Ypsilanti a few mghte iío: broke it. What won't the fellow do „est? _ Daniel Pratt, the great American traveler has been talking to the University boys dun„g the week. It is glory for him but fun lorthem. _ A postal from Jas. Morwick, dated Brain,id, Mmu., Dec, 9. says "mercury 32" below Bro this morning." Glad we don't live up at Briinerd. - A regular sessi n of the Regente of the l'mversity is to be held iu the Preaident's room, University Hall, ou the 29th inst., at 10 o'cloci: k. K. - U. H. Millen & Son aunounce appropriate induseful holiday goods, - and useful goods ire just what the people want in these days of ïnaucial depceBSion. - On Weduesday evening Prof. Prescott, of this city, lectured iu the room of the Detroit Scientific A&sociatiou. Subject: "The Matirisl Resources of Life.1' _ Estiniatiug the population on the basis of one vote in five, the Ypsilanti Sentinel claims , population of 6,000 in that city, and that it 15 only 500 less thau that of Anu Arbor. - The Ypsilanti Commercial says, " but we don't propose to cultívate only our legitímate Held." Then make the field as large as you please, and let " spread it thiu " be the motto. - Alex. C. Angelí, J. C. Crombie, and A. F. Hoffstetter represeuted the Ohristiau Associatiou oí the University at the convention ot Chnstian Associatious held at Grand iiapids cd the 8th inst. - Edar A. Cooley, of Bay City, soa of Judge Cooley, of this city, was married in St. Paui's Church, Flint, yesterday afternoon, the bnde beiug Miss Addie L. Seymour, uaughter of Mrs. A. Brownell. - Note the changes in the Michigan Central time card as pei the latest schedule put iu operation on Suuday last, especially ín the two forenoon trains going west, aiid in the Jacksou Express going aast. - Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were lbout as snug winter days as are necessary. Mercury reported all the way from 2 deg. to 16 deg. below zero. Grood thermometers aarked 10 below Afonday moruing. -Ourneighbors of the Ypsilanti Sentinel v&Voniniercial, singular aB it may seem, are' ijreed in one thing : in pitehing into the pubéer of the Courier. Those " Supervisors' fraceedings" are the aggra vating cause. - The .proceeds of the Fair recently held ander the auspices of the ladies of St. Thoms' Church have been apportioued as follows : 1800 for repairing the church, $400 to the church cemetery, and $200 in aid of the poor. - The Young Men's Literary Association of Dexter is agaiu in blast (for the s ason), with J. 1'. Houey, Esq., President. Last Monday eveuing it was to settle this question : Renlved, That genius has accomphsued more tbaa energy. - The foüowing ofneers of Fraternity Lodge No. 262, F. & A. M , were ïustalled last eveniug : W. M., John P. Little ; S. W., Chas. E. Hiscock; J. W., Wm. A. Hatch, Jr.; Secretary, Albert Sorg ; Treasurer, W. B. Smith ; S. D., Juhn Armstrong ; J. D., Foster Eeeves ; Tiler, W. B. Everest. -Col. Thos B. Weir, Seventh United States Cavalry, Gusters's old regiment, died in New York on Sunday last. He graduated from the ffniversity m 1861, and is reniembered by ma5} "i our Citizen, both for his scholarship and jcial qualitics. He was a cousin ot Mrs. Geo Smith, of tliia city. - Mts. Clara Doty Bates, wiíe of Morgan Bates, of the Marshall Statesman, and daughter of S. B. Doty, of Aun Arbor Town, hat written a book which she christens " Classics of Babylaud." It is to be published for the the holiday trade, illustrated by her sister, Mre. H. P. Finley, of Detroit. - Cornelius, Donovan, class of 1872, and son of Patrick Donovan of the Fifth ward, has been ppoiuted to a position in the Uuited States Engineering Corps, and ordered to Eastport, ís-, to assist in the Mississippi River surveys. nother son of Mr. Donovan, William, who iraduated in 1865, is Chief Eugineer of the faal Western Railway, with headquarters at Haruilton, Ontario. - We were hesitatiug about accepting a preposition to publish the prospectus of The 'ithodist when the Lansing Repubhcan 's atk upon that Journal turned the scale. It ill be found in another column, and we know -tte Republican's display of venom being all '■'■' Vroof we need- that it is a paper the conrvative and putriotts citizen, of whatevor "ligious persuasión, can safely " tie to." Ciecdit Court JUBOE3.- On Tuesday the "Üowing named persons were drawn to serve jurore at the next term of the Circuit Court, rtich commence8 on Tuesday, Jan. 2d : ■nn Arbor City - Eli Moore, Duucan Mc'lu, Chas. H. Kichmond. Arm Arbor Town-N. B. Covert, Isaac N. 'ster, Cornelius Tuomy. Bridgewater-F. M. Palmer. Dexter- Patrick Fleming. Freedom-Yfm. Beuerle. ma- John E. Cooley. George Johnson, Tames Sage. Lyndon- John K. Yokum. Voríe_Michael Howard, Jr., ThomaB earney. ■fem-Charles P. Wheelock. Scio -Patrick McGinnis, Edward Moore. tyiran-John Cook, Frederick Happe, Edard McManara, Jacob Schumacher, Thomas " ilkinson. W'eftsier - ihilip Duffy, Juróme B. Lamyork -Albert Saulsbury. Vpsüanti 07-Philander Hascall, Manly Bolbrook. ptilanti Town- O. B. Hinman, Samuel Kobbinj. The January number of Godey's Lady's soi comes early to our table. Ainong its illutrations is a superb chromo, "Pet Rabbits," wrth the pnce of the number. The table. of cntents is good, and the fashion and work ePartments well filled. A good time to subn i! a year with premium chromo The Mother's Joy." L. A. Godet, Philadel13 's dey' tha chrom. d tbe Abous for


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