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The Final Outcome

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Samuel J. Tilden is the lawf ui President-eleet of the Unifod States. It only remaius for Congress to aacertain, determiue, and declare the resnlt. lint a rovolutionary conspiraey among iufluontial persons deairiug to overrule tho decisión oí the country and set np by fraud and force an exccutive usurpation has baen formed to hinder, and, if possible, prevent, the determination of the fact iu the usual way. Ey tho most arbitrary and lawless act. tho "conepirators have overruled the lawful decisión of the voters iu Louisiana and Florida, and probably in South Carolina, and have procured tho issue by corrupt oflicials in tbose States of certiücKtos of clection to porsons who were rejected by the peoplo iu place of tboso who were electod by large majorities. The next step iu their rovolutionary programniG was to hava boon to artitranly include tlie votes of these bogus electora in the Ojngicisional cnunt, and to arbitrarily exclude the votes of the elector actually chosen, by ignorinj; the popular repreuentative branch of Congrcea altogether, aad proulaimiog Gov. llave as President upon a mere pronurwriado of tho porson acting as l'residont of the Senato. Tuuh tho citizon really choáen by the country for Preeldent was to havo been set aside, aul a citiz n whom the country had reieotcd was to have boen placed in the execu live office. Thw revolutiouary programme of executive uaurpation h9 beeu blocked by the votes f the elector a QreKou. less, thfe i3 every feason to bcliefe that the rtvjlutiODÍHÍA wilftbfow every possibio ötwlaöle in tho way of a doterrïiination of the restïlt by tbe iiBrtal mede. But öno íhing can bo rogardctl as netled béyond any fnrther (fii?ntíon, nanioly, that Cön grcsB most acd wtil go bebind any coriificate of any Governor or Buldrntúg Jioavd. Theïo can bo no mte dipnte on that jrt. Thé result will doubtleea be irrecoucilable diMglM I moutj botiiecn tho Sonate and llouse. Tho Senate will olj et to l'io vote of tLo actually I choson eloctore in Louioiana and Florida, and tho IIoiiBO will ol,el, tr tho vot ent ui? bv tho bogus elector, "countd in" by order of the conapiratorft. On both sides persons have voted aa electora who wero not qualifiod a the oonsiitution requires. Hore i ampie ground for more objeotioiiH, whicii will iinduubtvdly be made. The inevitable upahot will bo that Oougrees Can not and will not attempt to declaro an eletitiou upoh the electoral votes. The decisión of the matter will detolvo, in pursuance of the constitution, npou tbe Houso of liepresontative. Tho Uouso will olcct the Tresidect and tho ciü.en wham the Houne will eiect 'm Mr. Tilden, wbom the couutrj' ha already elected. Tbu tho decisión made by the Country will prevail. But the Senate will olect tbo Vice P fesident, acd the citizen whom tho Sonate will proba üy t-lect is Mr. Wbeeler, whom the country ha rejoctcd. In this part of the outcome, the decisión made by the people will bo overruled by a body oomposod upon tho plan of the "rottou boroughs '' of Eogland. Hut uch will be tbo ontconi9 of the Presidenev contest, which has already absorbed the attontiou of tbo country for almOBt half a year.


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