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The Gricultural Society

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The annual meeting ot the wasutenaw County Agricultural Society was held at the Court House in this city on Tuesday. The attendance was very small and evidenoed anything but a lively interest in the affairs of the Society. The reporte ot the Treasurer and Suprintendent were read, discuased and adopted. The Treaaurer's report showed that the receipts of the Society failed to meet the expenses of the year and the premiums awarded at the annual fair in the sum of $283, to which indebtedness must be added Í300 accrued interest,- making an mcrease in the debt of the Society of nearly ffiOO No blame was attached to tho officern of the year, but the detieieucy was charged to the weather of fair week. The following officers were elected ; President - Samson Parker, Lima. Vice President!- C. H. Richmoud, Ann Arbor City: Hirn Arnold, Soio ; George W. Phelps, Webster ; E. D. Lay, Ypsüauti Towu ; Jesne Warner, York. Secretary-Wm. A. Lovejoy, Ann Arbor. Trmsurer- James J. Paishall, Ann Arbor. Kxecntive Treadwell, Ann Arbor City ; Coruelius Tuoniy, Anu At" bor Town; J. Webster Ohilds, Augusta; D. W. Palmer, Briigewater; Chauncey Howoll, Dexter ; Jacob Breining, Freedom ; Jessup S. Wood, Ludi: K. A. Nordman, Lima; Frank Burkhardt. Lyndon ; Frank Spafford, Manchester; E. E. Leiand, Northneld; David Cody, Pittsfieli; George S. Wheeler, Salem; W. H. Dell, Saline ; George A. Peters, Scio ; John J. Robison, Sharon ; Ransom Townsend, Superior; Walter A. Holcomb, Sylvan ; L. D. Ball, Webster ; Heury Goe, York ; Walter H. Hawkins, Ypsilanti City ; Edward King, Ypsilanti Town. A meeting of the Executive Committee is to be held in this city January 27. On Thursday of last week 3-eorge Henning and Nathan Rumsey, met at Dexter and engaged in a coutroversy about some money which the forraer claimed the latter owed him. Heuuing'sought to enforce his demaads by a resort to violence and administered kicks in the región of tho stomach and bowels, from the effects of which Rumsey died on Monday last. Mr. Henniug was arrestad at Saline on Thursday and is now in jail awaiting an examination on such charge as may be prefarred against him. A Tribune Dexter item says of the above affair : Jusfice Appleton, of this place, had a jury irapaneied and held an inquest on the body of Mr. Rumsey, who died yesterday (the 18th), from the effect of kicks inflicted by Geo. Henning one yeek ago. A post-mortem examination was held by Prof. McLeau, ot Michigan University, assisted by Drs. Ewing, Howell, Taylor and Lee, of this village, who testified that the deceased came to his death by infiammation of the intestinee, followed by mortitication re8ulting from external violeuce. An abscess had also formed in the abdomiual wall of the lett groin or inquinal región, where one of the kicks was received, and the medical men were unanimoue in the opinión that the cause of death was produced by the kicks. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict in accordauce with the facts above stated. Mr. Rumsey, of Leslie, Ingham county, brother of the deceased, has started with the remains to 13 atavia, N. Y., for interment. The following paragraph is clipped from the ast issue of the Ypsilanti Sentmei : A few nights since a party of vandals, as et unknown, broke into the Normal School mildiüg, uot, as it appears, for the purpoae of plunder, as uothing was taken away, but purely to destroy property, which they did to the amount of several hundred dollars. Library books were torn to pieces ; articlea in the museum destroyed, and a fine piano greatly damaged. It is conjectured that the outrage may have been committed by students from Ann Arbor, but so far as we know this is only conjecture, and we are loth to believe that such can be the case. The whole afiair is enveloped in mystery. Unless the Sentinel has something tangible to base conjecture on it is groesly unjust in throwing auspicion upon " atudents from Ann Arbor." It ahould not have given publicity to mere conjecture. We do not believe that " students from Ann Arbor " had anything to do with it. Even students have some reason or motive for the deviltry they perpétrate, but the outrage referred to was one without motive,- -not even student fun to be got out of it.


Old News
Michigan Argus