Real Estate Sales
The following are the recent transfers of eal estáte in this county, deeds ot which have een recorded iu the Kegister's office during ie past week : Albert Case to Albert W. Spencer, a parcel f land containing 56 rods off section 2, Manhester. $200. Jesse Morey to Elisha Comstock, 7 acres off ection 30, Salem. f400. Huid ah Vanatta et al. to George Holmes, 80 eres off sectiou 28, Salem. $3,500. Lnke Guinon to Miehael Hensey, 10 acres ff section 22, Manchester, $575. Chas. H. Kempf to Elizabeth Gaus, lot 18 in lock 6, Chelsea. $400. Louise Brehm to Christian Klaeger, 80 acres ff section 36, Scio. $4,440. Nancy Brooks to John C. Taylor, parcel oi and adjoining M. C. E. E., Chelsea. $800. Paul C. Alvord to Miehael Hansey, 30 acres ft' section 22, Manchester. $780. The Atlantic Monthly for January; the initial nuniber of Vol. XXXIX., is on our table, and its attractive table of contents includes : The American, by Henry James, jr., chaps. XVII. and XVIII. ; The Herons of Elmwood, by Henry W. Longfellow ; From Ponkapog to Pesth, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich ; January, by H. H. ; The Blackbirds,- Comedietta, - by J. B. Greenough ; Lett Out, by George Parsous Lathrop ; Birthday Verses, by James Russeli Lowell ; Weimar in June, by Bayard Taylor ; Sister Beatrice, by Edmund C. Stedman ; Old Woman's Gossip, XVIII., by Francés Aune Kemble ; Some New Books of Poetry, W. D. H. ; Characteristics of the International Fair, VI-, Closiug Days ; The Contributors' Club; Matinee Song, - words by Bayard T lylor and music by John K. Paine, a new feature in the Atlantic ; with full notes on Recent Literature, Music, and Education. $4 a year. Hotjohton & Compant, Boston. The Atlantic and Abgus for $4. 75. Those Bay City book dealers who hang out thatehow-card " Helen's Babies for sale here," are not without opposition, as the following advertisement from the Observer proves : " Notice is hereby given to those persons who wiah to adopt childreu, that they can now be supplied." They are to apply to the overeeor of the poor. For the accommodation of our subscribers we will club the Aeöds for 1877 with the following periodicals and . papers at the prices named, the cash to accompauy the order in every instance : Atlantic Mouthly and Aequs, $4 75 Scribner's " " " 4 75 Harper's Magazine " " 4 7 Eclectic Magazine hu 5 6 St. Nicholas .... 39 Godey's Lady's Book " ' 3 8 Demorest's Monthly " " 3 0 The Nursery .... 2 6 Including premium.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Albert Case
Albert W. Spencer
Jesse Morey
Elisha Comstock
Huldah Vannatta
George Holmes
Luke Guinan
Michael Hensey
Charles H. Kempf
Elizabeth Gaus
Louise Brehm
Christian Klager
Nancy Brooks
John C. Taylor
Paul C. Alvord
Michael Hansey