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HILL'S OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY ? FRIDAY, JAWUARY 5th. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. AFTERNOON at 3, EVENING at 8 o'clock. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock. SYLVESTER BLEEKER, - Manager. The Great Original and Renowned GEN. TOM THUMB & WIFE, Together with the infiinitessimal Miss Miuuie Warren, And the Hkatorial Phenomenon and Comic GeniuSf Major Newell, Will apgear in a variety of NEW AND FASCINATING PERFORMANCES' Consisting of SONGS, DUETS, DANCES, , DIALOGUES, COMIC ACTS and LAUGHABLE SKETCHES. In addltion to their attractiveness as the most perfect, reiined and intelligent Ladies and Gentlemen in Minlature in existence," their entertainments are unequaled for Sentiment, Fun, Frolic ! At each entertainment the Ladies will wear several new and elegant Oostunies, roagnificeut Diainonds, &u. AIHISS1O-, ONLY 25 CENTS. Children (under 10 years), 15 cents; Reserved seats, 50 cents; Children (uuder 10 years), to Reserved Seats, 25c. Ladies and children are considerately advised to attend the Day Exhibition, and thus avoid the crowd and contusión oí' the Evening Performance. GEO. PECK, Agent. _ totice. PROPOSALS will be received up to January 25, 1877, for $2,000 five year bonda of School District No. One, of the City of Anu Arbor, hearing 8 percent, annual interest. To be awarded to the person ofïering highest premium. Ann Arbor, December 28, 1876. 1615 PHILIP BACH, Treasurer. ■jOTICE. THE ANNÜAL MEETING of Forest Hill Cemtery Co., of Aun Arbor will be held at the store of (eo. Grenville on Tuesday, January 2,1877, at 2 o'clock p, m., for the election of omcers and the transaction of such other business as may come be5ore it. Ann Arbor, December 28, 1876. 1615 GEO. GRENVILLE, Clerk, rpHE ANNUAL MEETING Of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the Court House, in the City of Ann Arhor, on Weduesday, January lOth, 1877, at 10 o'clock a. m. 1615 N. SHELDON, Secretary. &o11iilTil Is the name of the most elegant French OU Motto Chromo ever isaued. The motto is surrounded by one of the most exquisite and richly-colored wreaths of beautiful flowers on dark background, and ia perfect in all its details. It is 11x15. We send this motto chromo and th e BOSTON WEEKLY GLOBE, a large eight page faraily, atory and news paper, with agricultural, chess, puzzle, household, and all popular departmenta, 3 montha, for only 60 cents. Chromo and paper, 6 months for $1. A beautiful holiday gift. Agenta wanted. Address, WEEKLY GLOBE, 238 Washington street, Boston, Mass. TREES! TREES!! FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL. R. G. SMITH, at his Nursery, West Liberty street, is ready to take and fill orders for fruit and ornamental trees, including Apples, Pears, Peachen, l'liims, Cherries, Quinces, Eïergreeiig, llorse Chestnnts, Klunarnock Willows, Grape, Small Frutts, Roses, & Ornamental Slirubs. B3"Buy of reiident dealers, and don't be cheated by unknown traveling ageuts.O Prlcea to Suit tbe Time. R. G. SMITH. AnnArbor, Deo. 20,1876. ldUyl ALL AND SEB THE JACKSOJi TRUSS ROD WAGON. Abo, the TSew Rlihl-Hand Uurrull Irnu l'uiu sbeller, at M. ROGERS'. FOR SALE CHEAP ! THE new two stojy frame dweiling house, Jus completed. Situated 011 east University Avenue, the second house south from the Medical Col lejje. Specially arranged for keepiug Boarders Eoomers, or Club. Terms easy. Apply to C. H. MILLEN, No.4, 8. Main 8t. For Sale Cheap ! THE large new doublé dweiling house, situated Cor. North and Fourth Bts, two blocks from Court House. Euquire of C. H. MILLEN. BUILDING LOTS A LARGE number of very desirabie buildin lots, wcll located, for sale low, sniall payruen down and long time given for balance if desired. O. g. MIIiliSlT. YICK'S FLORAL GULDE, abeautiful Quarterly Journal, flnely illustrated and containing an elegant colored Flower Plat with the first number. Price only 26 cents for th year. The flirt number lor 1877 iust issued in Germán and English, Vjck's Flowkb & Veoetablk Oabden, in pape 60 cent ; with elegant oloth covers, $1.00, Vick's Catalogue - 30 illustru tions, on y 2 cents Address, JAMES VICK, Kochester, N. Y. City Scavenger. THE undersigned offers his-serviees as scavenger Vaults, cesspools, etc, cleancd to order, and at reasonable prices. Orders may be left at J. E Niekel's meat market, State street, or made throug the Poatolfloe. W. ACTION. Aun Albor, NoT. 8, 1876. " EXAMINE T THE JOB LOTS IN ! SUITS AND i OVERCOATS i A.T THE PEICES TOO LOW TO TALK ABOUT. Gloves and Mittens OF ALL STYLES. A. L. NOBLE. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS! And prieta LOWER THAN EVBR. I have purchased in New York, for eosh, and I ara now duily receiving one of the largeat and mout select stocks of Grooeries in Washteuaw County, consisting of a í ull and well aelected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new crop - including Guuponileri, Imperial, IlyHons, Hysons, Japans, Oolong-s, Forniosas, Congrousi Soinliouffs. uiid Twiuikay, Together with a full line of COFFEES, consistine of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MARACAIBO, LAGUAYRE.SANTO3 and RIO, both roasted aud yrouad j a full and well aelected utock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Spices, Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice íiasortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen' XJnderwenr. Cali and examine Goode and Tiiues and we will inuure aatisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " M.iynaid'B cor. Main and Ann streets Ann Arbor, Mich. K7Higheat cnali price puid for all farm produce. "SJS nWELUM) IHUSUS FOR SAI.E. A lnrge and very well built brick house, with two or more lots. Two larga trained houses. Also a good sized brick house and frame hous ; and a smull frame houae on a good lot, intended for adding afront. For sale on fairterms and a reusonuble oredit. Also other buildingB, lots, arid property. ITIONEV W ANTEO- So many wishing to borrovj money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor lenden good satisf actory inveatments ttíu per cent, interest. B. W. MOEÖAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 18"6. 1564 JOHN L. BÜRLEItíH, Attorney & Counselor at Law No. 5 North Main Street, INN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ENRI R. IIH, I., ATTOENEY AT LAW, And dealer in Real Estáte. Office, No. 8, Opera House Block, ANN ARBOR. Tf ASHIONABLE DRESS MAKINQ. Mrs. Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and vicinity to cali at her Dress-Muking Room, over the store sf A. Bell, Washington street. A full line of new and latent atyles of patterus constantly on hand. Quality of work warranted, and prices made to suit the time. A share of public patronage is reapectf ully soheited. Iyl678 Eta üfOíi Perday at home. Samples worth ipö M fl)w V Jl fres. Stihson & Co., Portland, Me. 1673 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions ot a certain mortgage, bearing date the twen;y-Bevemh day ot March, A. D. 1875 (the same ïaving been given for a part of the purchase money f the premises therein described), made and exejuted by Conrad Heselschwerett, of Scio, Wash:enaw County, Michigan, to Thomas J. Rice of Samburg, Livingston county, Michigan, and recorded in líber 44 of mortgages, on page !98, on the 29th day of March, 1875, at tour o'clock p. m. of said day, in the office of ;he Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, which aaid mortgage was aasigned by said Thomaa J. Bice to Dennis Corey by leed of assignment, recorded in said Register's ofiice, in liber 44 of mortgages, -at page 298, on the ïecond day of October, A. D. 1875, at 10 o'clock %. tn. of aaid day, and there being ciaimed to be iue and unpaid on said mortgage and the note ac3ompanying the same (the said assignee having alected to have the whole sum become due acoording to the terma and conditiona of said mortgage}, the sum of three hundred and forty-nine dollars and twenty-eight cents ; also an attorney's fee of thirty dollars as provided for in said mortgage : nd no proceedings at law or in equity having been Instituted to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of a power of sale in said mortage contained and of the statute in such case made and provided, I will Bell at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder, ou Saturday, the tenth day of February, A. D. 1877, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the South door of the Court House, in the oity of Ann Arbor Ithat beiag the place wherein the Circuit Uourt for the County is held} , the premises in said mortgage described as followa: Village lot No. five C5 in block No. two C2),in the village of Delhi, in the town of 8cio County of Washtèoaw and State of Michigan, to satisfy the amount due on aaid mortgage and note with the interest accruing ;hereon, and the costs and expenses allowed by ,aw, together with said attorney's fee. Dated Nov. 6th, 1878, DENNIS COREY, D. Cbamer, Assiguee of Mortgage. Attorney for Asaignee. 1603 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in tho conditions of a certain mortgage made and executed by Bradley F. Granger and Susan A. Granger, hia wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan to Phiiip Bach of the same place, bearing date the third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seveuty four, and reeorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the coun ty of Washtenaw, on the fifth day of October A D. 1874, at üve minutes past four o'clock p m in liber 46 of mortgages, on page 663, on which mortgage there is now ciaimed to be due two installments of interest, amounting to the sum of one hundred and forty dollars, together with an attorney's lee of tweuty-flve dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same: aud default having been alo made in the conditions ol another certain mortgage, made and executed by the above named Bradley F. Granger and Suaan A Granger to the said Philip Bach, bearing date the twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventyfour, and recorded in the office of the Register o Deeds for the County of Washtenaw on the 27th day of October, 1874, at 9 oclock a. m.,in liber 46 of mortgages ou page 674, on which mortgage there is ciaimed to be due, at the date of this notiee, two installments of interest amounting to aixty dollars, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-nve dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedings at law or in equity having been taken to recover the amount due on either of said mortgages or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given thatby virtue of the power of sale in said mortgages contained and pursuant to the statute ii such case made and provided, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on Satcjkday the twektieth day of January next at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that beingr the building in which the Circuit Court tor the connty of Washtenaw is held) the premises described in said mortgages to satisfy the amount due thereon, (two hundred dollars and flfty dollars attorney's fee), with costa and expenses of sale to-wit: All that certain piece or parce of land benig situated in the city of Ann Arbor County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan kuowo and described as follows, to-wit: Lot rfo. ■ and the west one-fourth of lot No. 8, in block one south of Huron street range two eaat, according to the recorded plat of the villa-e (now city of Ann Arbor. Daled, Ann Arbor, October 26, 1876 i'HILIP BACH, Mortgagee. By Attorney. " f6o6 Mortgage Sale. pvEFAULT having been made in the condition i ,,{, mortSiSe. executed by Andrew J. Suther land blizabeth T. Sutherland, hls wife, to Robert A Whedon on the eighteenth day of June A. D 1875, and recorded in the office of the Register o Deeds for the County of Washtenaw and State o Michigan, in liber 53 of Mortgages, on page 106 and afterwards duly assigned to Charlotte Whedon on the twenty-sixth day of November, 1875 whicl assigument was recorded in said Register' Office, for said county, ou the twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. 1876, in liber flve of assignments o mortgages, on page 228, by which default the pow er of sale contained in said mortgage has becom operative ; on which mortgage there Is ciaimed t be due, at the date of this uotice, the sum of six hundred and aeventy-six dollars aud sixty-seven one nundredths dollars, principal and interest, be sides an attorney fee of tweniy dollars, as provided insaid inortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to recover th amonnt due on said mortgage, or any par thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given thatby virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction at th south front door of the Court House, in the city o Ann Arbor (that being the place of holding the Cir cuitConrt for said county of Washtenaw), onSatur day the 30th day of December, A. D. 1876, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the followln property deseribed in said mortgage, viz : All o lot uuiuber six (6) in block nuinber seven (7), soutl of Huron street, range eleven (11) east in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State o Michigan, sairl lot being on the east side of Thaye street in said city. Dated, Bapteniber 28, 1876. CHARLOTTE WHEDON, Frazer &. Hamilton, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorueys for Assignee. SherifFs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte naw, ss. John F. Lawrence vs. Catherin Vaughn. By virtue of one writ of execution is sued out of and under the seal of the Circu Court for the County of Washtenaw, in th above entitled caube, to me directed and delivered I have on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1876 levied upon all the right, title and interest o Catherine Vaughn, in and to the following de soribed real estáte situated in the Couuty o Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to wit : Th west half of northweat quarter, exoept ten acre acres oö' the northeaat corner, in section thirty-two town one south, range 6 east, Washtenaw County State of Michigan ; which above described prop erty I shall expose for Bale to the highest bidder at the south door of the Court House, ia Ann Ar bor oity, on the 8th day of February, A. D. 1877 at ten oclock in the forenoon of feaid day. Dated, December 20th, 1876. , 1614 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. TXTISH TO SELL. A good Steam Saw Mili and sixty acres of goo Timber land at Mooreville. December 7th, 1876. l(U2w6 D. CRAMER, Asaignee. ylSlTlNG CARDS- NEW STYLE8 AT THE ARGUB OFF1CK, AWARDED The First Premium AT THE OENTENNIAL SEPT., 187G, Over Thousauds of Competí tors i W TB" ' V ' f711 ï m"m' ""SH Bvb'1 THE CROWN JEWEL The most beautiful stove, and the best of all th Ooal atoves made. This stove can be found in use n the following houses in Ann Arbor : Alpheus Felch, Dor Kellogg, O. W. Bharpless, J. W. Uangsterfer, James Jones, E. Curtís, K. M. Richrdson, Plof. E. Jones, Mrs. J. West, Dr. P.B. Kose, Mrs. Loomis, Dr. Hallock, R. A. Beal, C. A. Pomeroy, 8. T. ütis, C. M. Cadwell, B. Vaughn, Miss Lydia Smith. A. Koys, R. McDonald, Mrs. Whitehead, Charles 8. Millen, J. C. Watts, Fred. Borg, Prof. M. C. Tyler, Mrs. J. A. Polhemus, J. O. Banks, W. D. Harriman, J. L. Burleigh, Geo. V. Cropsey, Mrs. Hubbara, George Hayler Georgd Granville, Mrs. Chambers, George Walker, Zera Puleifer, and Rinsey & Beabolt. USTYom will also flnd a f all assortment of Paror and Cook Btoves for Wood, at L. C. RISDON'S, 31 South Main treet, Ann Arbor. 1876. 1876. lm Yflnr MOney ! W. WAGNER HAS JÜ8T OPENED THE FINEST STOCK Oï FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING To be found ín Ann Arbor, comprising all the KEWEeT STYLES AND PATTERNS, Wiiich he is oiFering at prices that DEFIES ALL C0MPET1TI0N THE PLACE TO BVY A CHEAP SUIT Is at WAGNER'S My stock of Piece Goods Will be found complete and containa all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUKNISHING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Ann Abbob. ? EORGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark l Cropsky, and A. Kearney, late of Texas, uuder the firm name oí KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have established themselves at No. 33 Sontli Main St., Aun Arbor, and propose to do general Grocery Business They will also keep CROCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WARE, and a full line of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRUITS. They have fitted and furnished A First-class Enting Department, Where Meáis can be had at all hours, or board by the week. Casb paid for Huiler. Eggs, and all Country produce. Goods promptly delivered in any part of the city. Remember the place. 33 South Main Street. KEARNEY & CROPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 THEENEMYOFDISEASE! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. !■ the Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT "Which has atood the teat of fort y yeaM. There is no Sore it will not heal, no Lameness it will not cure, no Ache, no Pain that amicte the Human Body, or the Body oí a Horae or other domestic animal, that doea not yield to its magi: touch. A bottle costina 2öc, 50c, or $1.00, has ot ten saved the life of a human being, and restoroJ to Ufe and uaefulnesi manj a valuable horse. "DINSEY & ÖKABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - ANDFJLOUR & FEED STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BEEAD, CEACKEES, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE akd EETAIL TRADB. We ahall also keep a Bupply of DELHI FLOUR-, J. M. SWIFT & OO-8 BEST "WHITE "WHEAr FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, &o., &a. At wholesale and retail. A general tock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS oonatantly on hand, which will be sold on aa rea onitble terms as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Proïnce generally. S3r Goods deliverod 10 any part of the oity with out extra charge. ni!VSEV At SIAIIOI T. Ann Arbor, Jan. l. 1876. 1564 Ü0E SALE ! Three Horse, three platform Spring Wagom with pole and shafts, two Lumber Wagons one Bkeletou Wagon, Track Sulkey, Wood, Coal, and a nice Feather Bed. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6th, 1876. 1603in3 C. H. RICHMOND. SEND 25c. toQ.P, ROWBLL 4 CO., New York, for pamphlet of 100 pages, containing litts 01 3000 newspaper, and estiuiute shof ing oost of advtrtiiiug.


Old News
Michigan Argus