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CnioAao elevatora oontain 3,102.377 bushels of whoat ; 338,015 bushels of corn ; 515 233 bushels of ote ; 105.169 bushels of rye, an3 1 126.055 bnsb'ls of barley, mnkirg a grand total of 5.186,849 bmhot. Milwaukee erators arp ntor-d witii 1,407 276 br.sholsof who&t, 2.274 builieJ of corn, 108 302 bu-hel of oats, 32.054 busbel of rye, and 231.663 bushele of berley. Two HCKDP.ED and riFTï friendly Indian acouta have jast joined Gen. Crook's command .... California ha boen suff ering from a protracted drought, and tbo firet rain for a long time has ju;t fallen on the sontberu part of the State. - Thb Cuioago Tribune of Dec. 22 eays : " Tno most remarkable metecr obaerved in recent years pafsed over Kansas. MifBouri, IllinoU, and Indiana last night at 8:30, going nortlicaiítivard. At Bloomingtoti the aerolito preeented a disk threo times the appareut eizo of the full moon. At all plaoes reportsd fiom, the roar caused by the passago of thia great maas of matter ihrough the fíense atmosphere of the earth was alarmingly audible, and the tremondous friotion to ■nhich the sm fncc-part wero subjected eauaed continuous euptrüoial disintegr&tion, with accompanyiug cxplosions. filling the air with multifariotïs poiut ef light tinged -with eve;y hue. and presenting a very beautiful phonomonon. At Mouc'ota and Garrett, in Illinois, the inbabitauts wero mystified by a andden illumination of the atmosjihere, acoompaniod, in the laUer place, by ft detoimtion ouder and ehsrper thun an ordinary cannon." Caft. J. W. Hai.i., of Detroit, who has jnst prepared the marine statistica of 1876, places the numb&r of laVe disasters at 630 ; valuation of the property lest. SI. 173 263; the losses of timb. r rafts ou tl. e likcs amount. to about 9101,000. The greateet lofses duriug auy I mouth wtre iu Sopttmber, amounting to Í276 - ! 133. Tho numbr of disasters this year is 417 i les tha i in 1875. The total numberof ácathf, eith6r on b.aril liip or on shore, amoug seais 155. of wiiicü nurober 36 wre veaselowuers. Finaueially, the season %.f 1876 is the worst on record. THE SOÜTH. The Hampton Legislatura of South Carolina has elocted M. C. Bntler to the Uuited otates Senato, n placo of Mr. Kobertson. The Chamberlain Ligialature had previously choaen D, T. Oirbin to fiH the same vac&ncy Little Boek. Ark., wal vieited by a second disastrona conflígration on the uight of Dec. 19. HttcU valuablo bimmea property was burnod, involvhig a los of abüiit $200.000. A Colcmeia (8. C.) diepatch of Dcc. 20 eays : 'The Seuate to-day decided, byaatrict party vote, to adjourn with the Itapubliean House ' 8ÍDO die on the 22d int. Tlieir tax aud appropriation bilis pasar d a sccond readmg in the SenHtP. The tax Jevy aggiegates aeventeen milis, exelnhive of local tsxes, and in ujuttl to $2,010 000. Besolutions pasned in the Dumocratic Houfe to-d iy inatructing Gov. Hampton to ifcue a procl-mation calling opon the citizene to poy to such persons a ho may desígnate 25 per ocnt of the State aud couñty U for the laat fi-cal ycar, and the pereons paying snch taz phall recoive cort.ñcatea receivable ior taxes hereaftcr." The House Louisiana InTcstigating Committee, sitting at New Orleana, in exocutive aeasion on Tiiursday, instructed Mr. Morrison, ita übairnian, to report the membera of the Biturning Board to tlie House for contempt in ri:f nniiif! to produce the records callecl for. The committee has been diyiíed np into eub committees and dispatched to differeut pirtiona of the Btaio for tbe purpose of investigating tlie charg s of intimï'lation aud bulldczing. Messr. Mornson, Jenki'. and Tonusend will rumio in New Orleaus aid continue the investigaron of matters of a general na'urerelatingtome lato elcction in sections notinoludi d in thedistricts aVolted to the riib cjmmilteea. The ïnvestigation wül probably not be conoluded before the lat of Febniary There ia considerable apprehension of trouble in New Orleans on tho 8th of Januarv, when the O.ivcrnor ia to be inauguraood'. Both Packnrd and NichollB will be inaugurated. The Bopublicai a, it is said, will not oppoae the inaugnration of Nicholls, bnt should he attempt to exerciae the fuuctions of the oftice be will In all probability be resiatd, and a cali will be made for troopa. 1,100 of w:oaiaienowatati.,rjod in the cty.. .. A Charleston (B. C.) (lii-ptitcli of the 22 1 aays : "At au inmieuno meeting of conservativo taipavcra last nigbt, resolutiODS were uuanimnuriy adopted rocogniziug Hampton and Simplón as lawfully eleoteil, and pledging them mral, financia!, and ma erial aid." Liiti.k I!ock, Ark., had still another coullagration on the night of Dac. 21. IiOas abüiit $100,000. TUis makea three heavy fires in that city within a week- all incendiar?- ontailing a total loas of 400 001 Bjth of tho Bouth Carolina Legielaturos have adjourned sine die The Florida Bupreme Court has isaued an ordprdirecting a recount of the vote by the S' ato CanvaseinK Board, and a declaration of the reault as ahown upon the face of the returns. Bümobs are current in New Orloans of a coalitiou botween Warmoth, Pinohback, and the Ucmocrats, by which a Democratie Legislature Is to elect them to the United States Sen&te, and they are in return therefor to BSBiet tbe Democrats in inatalling Nioholls as Governor. WASHINGTON. Masbachttsettb has preserted the Capítol with two marblo etfltues of Winthrop and AdamB The report nf the Sionx ' ] Bioncr lian be6n traufraittod to Washington. It ' give in dotoil thcir LnvéátlgaTtona into the i 1 subject of tho lata Sioux w.r, and liucls that i the IihUhuh wero greatiy wrouy cd, anct that ' Uier werp juatifled in thoir outbreak by tho ' 1 poated violtf ionb of Hit trnt made with them....The Consular aud Diplomatic propriation bilí, un reportad by tho House I mirtoe, appropriatea f 1.135 000. or from ! 53O,OOO to50,000 1esflthan tho bill paeged at tUe last Bestión. The House Commiltco on tho Pacific Railrosds baa referred all the bilis and propcsitiona in regard to the Tt xas Pacific railroad to , Rpnbcomoiittee, conaiating of At-kinu, Lamar, O'Neill, Gaifield, and LuUreü. The Democratie mefe:ger bearingthe Democratie electoral vete of Florida c&lUd on Acting Vice President Ferry ono day laat I week, and handed htm an envelops contniüing ; the callod clecto.r&l voto of tho State. Upon beiug intorrogated, the nifsengor said thore '.vas a oonteat in tho Htate aa to the electora, wherenpon Mr. Ferry déclined to givn any rece pt forthe pacliage 1 auded to hini. Mr. Ferry said thtit in the caao of ilie contested Stiltes ho woujd not give a receipt or voucher to either of tbe mesaengers. for the rendon that he cannot broak t!;o ata'aof tho packagcu to acortain whieh aro the proper returns, that being a matter which cannot be decidod until tho accoud Wcdneeday iu February. Tuk treasurv has anothpr rob.ry caeo on hand. A package of 410,000 paased from the i redemption divisioc throngh the treaanry proper to thö oxprees company for delivcry to the Illinois National Bank of Chicago, which delivered the pacUage aa recoived. On openiïig by tho caehier of tbo bank, it waa fonnd to contain onl brown paper. The treatsury i claim thht tbe money wan dolivered to the cxpret-ö companvT and charge the loss upon tho comuany President Grant haa again bren iütírviewed by the Asaociatod Presa agent at Washington, to whom he exprtapcd no fear of armed collision over the Preeidential imbroglio. Hcremarkod to the interviewer that be abould wclcomo tho pproaoh of tbe 4th of Marcïi with pleaenre, aa it woald reliove him ■nüolly from tho care of office, nnd enablo him to carry into effec a pro jf cted tour to the West Indita before returning to hia home at Galena, 111. Ho aya he will promptly recogniz as hiaaacceBSor the man who ahall be bo declared, whoever ho may bc, and thi.i without regard to hia own political preferencea. FOLITIOilL. Mn. Wbight, of Iowa, has introñnced in tho Senate a bill to eatabliah a court of trial of Preaidential election casen. It proposes au an a'ijtiatmont of the diöicultiea that, afior the count of the elecioml vote by Gongresa in joint convention, either candiiate, wkeu dia8d.t:afied with the ra-ult, may lile an appoal to the Ciiiof Jusüce of the Supreme Court, who, if he rinda tho appoal baaed upon goid and tuffioient evidence. xhall appoint L. board of arbitration conniuting of eeveral meinbora, of whom he Blall be one and the other eix choaen from the DLítrict and Oircnit Jungea of the United Statt e. three of each poliiical party. Thia board ühall convene vilhin ten dayc after tho appeal ia flled, and the appeal, tnking procedence of all other basinea. ahall be heard at onoe and a decisión rfcndfred aa aoon aa poeBible. If the appellant is not eatif fid with tuis arbitration ho may appeal to the Supremo Court oí the Uuited Statee, which shall ba the final tribunal.... Tiie total vote cast for President at tho recont cleclion - counting the votes of Lonioiana, South Carolina and Florida, as reiurned by tho canva Hing boaiVa - it 8,425 977 againflt 6,457.815 in 1872, ud 5. 710 788 ia 18C8 Tilden received 4,290.187: Hayea, 4,042.726; Cooper, 82 926: Smith (Prohibitiouiat) and acattering, 10,138. It ie reported that Senator Conkling will retire from pubiic Ufe at the close of his Senatorial term. The Democratie State Committee of Illinois have callea a oonvention of the parly, to moet at the State oapita), on the 8th of January , f or the purpose of ronsidering the political nituation. . . . . A Washington correspondent of a Chicago journal has inttrviewed President Graut. Tiie latter iuqnired the probable ohancea for Gen. Logan 'a re-election to ihe Senate irom Illinois, and then ufMvl the f ollowing langnage : ' ' My oM friend, Hcuerliton, of Galena, suggesUd my name for United States Senator from Illinoia a Logan'a sucoeeor, and the suggostion was copied approvinely into one of ihfi Chicago papera. When I saw thia article I iinmediately wroto to roy friends in Illinois thut í coiüd not be a candidato for throe rcasonfl. First, altiioush I consider myself acitiaenof Illinois and uot a cit:zen of any other State or Territory, vet I do uot tliat I have rc-sided in tlio State continuously enough dnriug tho laat twenty years to entitle me to n candidacy for the office of United Stktce Senator. Second. I havo bet n a aervant of the publi for the laat Bisteen yeare, and on the 4th of March ntsc I propoae to Beo how it wiil scem to be a sovereign. Third. and more important than ail, I am in favor of the re-election of Gen. Logan as against any other candidato." We print below a table ahowing tho popular voto for President at the recent election. The returns are complete in all tho States with the excepción of Aiabama, where ouly the niajority is declared for Tilden in one county. and Mieyissippi, from wbich one county iw laokiag. The vote of Sonth Carolina, Florida and Louiaíaua is giveu as returned by tho State Canvagging lioavds. Thci total vote of tlie country ie 8.425.077. againBt 6, 457.315 in 1872, and 5.716.788 in 18G8. It wül be sseu that no returns are made of tho vote for Peter Cooper, the Greenback candidato, and Green Clay Bmith, Prohibitionist, in a large number of States : Ilayeii, Tüliin. Cooper, Smith Statek. Urp lkm G'b'k. .D cat. Alabama 68.230 102 618 Arkan as S8 1109 68,083 211 California .. ..! 78,611 75,845 41 . . Colorado 14.1B4 13.316 Counectlcut . . .. 69,(34 6.1934 774 378 Dclaware 1",691 13,:i79 ! Florida 53,8.9 22 923 Georgia 49,35 12!),í85 .. . Illinois 278.232 2-i8601 18,241 427 Indiana 2 8,111 213 526 9.533 Iowa 171,32 112.' 9 9,001 36 Kanea .... 78,33'2 b7,9i)9 7,771! 133 Kcntucky 97,490 160,108 2 0C3 898 Loulslaua 76,135 70,6B6 '. Maine. 66,3001 49 9H L63 Maryland 71,98'. 91,781 .... MaBuacluisett. 150 078 1(8,976 873 Michigan 166,5Si 141,005 9,Pfl(l 839 Minnesota 72 962 48 799 2,i89 Miwiis-il'l'i 61,8!" 108,2 ■! Missouri 144,39 2(-2.68" S.498 277 "ebraBka 3,916 17.664 2,32 1.0M Nevada ll,28t 9 197 .. „0 K. Ilan.lishirc 41.6i2 38 448 76 tUwJemey 103,517 lis,9 6 712 43 New York 489.50S 52 0 3 2,( 3'J 2,859 NoHh Curoüna 106,402 1 2,580 Ollio 3iO,(i88 323,18.! 3,(5: 1 712 Oregon 15,214 14,181 5 0 4 l'cinsylvania. . 384,148 366.'04 7,204 1401 Rbode Island . . lr,78! 10,7 2 00 South Carolina 91,8711 90,908 Tcnneese 1 89,riC( in.i66 Teian .J4,.'iEi2 108,612 Vc.-lnont 44,091 21.254 . Virginia 95,665 139,67(1 ...' Wot Virginia.. 42. Ü8 50.455 1,373 Wiaconein. .. 130,070 123,93 l,í09 32 Totala 4 042,72C4 290,187 82.92'; 10,138 A MEEHNQ of the leadmg Demócrata of Minnesota, held at St. Paul last week, declared thoir firm convictiou tliat Tilden is elected, repudiatod the aeuumption tbut the 1'reaident of the Sonate ha tho dettrmination of h'l queetions in disputo with K-gard to the e eotoral voto, and dtciared that tho of ItapreBentativs has an eqtul tigbt with the Senate in snch a settlomtnt; and it propoeee, in. common with all patriotic citizens, ïo support the House in the oxercise of it coiwtitutional righta. Thk Stato Comcaittoe sf the Oregon Democracy met at Salem iaat week and issued an addrena calling for masn-mcotinga to be held in every county of tho Stato on tho 8tb of January to conuider the politioal eituation. Tilden and Hondrictos were declared elected, and the conree of Gov. Grover in ÍKsuing a certifícate to Cronip was approved The Domocratic Btate Cocumittee of Illinois, at ite recont noesion at Spriügficld, aftirmed "the constiiutïonal right of the Sonato and Houee of Itepresentativos, aftc-r the President of the Seuata Bhall have oponed all the certifleatea received by him. to oount the lectoral vote for President and Vioe President of tho Uuited Statea, and declare the result of euch count;'1 denied 'the xbtsnee of any constitutional right or power in the President of the Senate, indenendently of authority from tlio two houees, to oount ssid vote and declare the reduit thoreof, and wonld regard such a prooeeding as revolutionary." A conference of the leading Demócrata of Pcimaylvania was held at Harrisburg, last week, at whioh they declaroil tlioir conviction of tho clectiou of Tilden and Hendricka, and called upon Congres to adopt auch lawful meana as may lead to the official declaration of that result. ÜENKKAL. Thk report of Gen. Crook, giving a history of hia operations agninat the hoatile Indiana during the paet year, has been reccivod at Washington. Gon. Crook aaya that tho minera iE the Black llills did not viólate the Hioux treaty till long aftor tho Indians had ceaaed to regard it, and they have not suffered au much from tlie Sionx einoe they wont to tho Hilla as they did while living on the border. He seems to thiLk that the Government haa troatcd the Sionx nation with unparallekd hborality,wliich they have repaid by raiding along tho border of the reaervationa, limited only by the euduranee of their ponie. GEf. ÏIilfb. who bas been fightlng Sitting Buil all BUDimer and feil, and who haa rcuoutly had two long oonncils with tbo greiit oavsgo learter, gives it a bis opinión that tho 8:oux war i closfld, at least for yearH to c-onie, ai;d thfct if the Indiana are properlv troatcñ- i. e., if the treaty obligatioos ave falthfully dbMrve i on tho part of the Government thore will nuver be anothor ludían war. Gen. Sliorman is credited with concurring in thia view. Tuis Board of Directora of tho Weetorn Union Telcgraph Company, at a meeting in New York, unanimously adopted areaolutien tutborizing tbe Prcsidont of the company to makn all proper legal resistunce to t!:o domaud of tbe House of Repnseutatives and its imraittee for private and confldential papors ; aJso giving tbs maLagers of tlie compauy power, and directing tbom to deslroy original copies of all messages at) xoun a tliiu may be done without interfering with audiiing accounts. AimcES frotn Chihuahua, Mexico, state that Meeers. Degoton, Miller, Mollovan,JEernt% and Fisber, prominent foroignera residing in that city, wliilo out in tbe m;untains, coar by, endoávoi iuf; to lócate a gold mine, were nil kidnapped by u Jloxican Danditti, and will be bold until rausi med. Degoton ia Oorman Consul at Cbibuahna, and Miller was a former resident of St. Louis. The statistician of the Department of Agricnltnre in his December report makos tbe corn erop only 2 per cent. short of tbo great erop of laBt year, and fully 60 per cent. greater than the erop of 1874, The aggn-sete, subject t possible future revisión, ia 1,295,000,000 bushela. That monater aerolite which shot atuwart the htuvens on the eveuing of the 21gt of December was a most startliug anü wonderf ui pbouomenon. It is varionsly deecribfd by psreons along ita line of progrese throuK' Southern Iowa. Central IlhnoiH. Indiana and Ohio. From ome points of observación it eer-mid more than doublé tho sizo of tho f uil moon, very bnlliant, witb a train of star-like fragmente foilowmg in ita wake ; from other looalitiea ie lookcd liko an illutninatcd barrel, out of which pourcd a flood of luminosity of variouH colors, as it sped onward. At eome poiutá along it-i line of movement, it explodcd with a terrible noise, causing the eartb to tremble, a portion of it mas flying off in üeiy fragmpiits. From all accouuta, ita path waa d stant f om tbe eurth batween forly and tifcy miles. As far as now known, it was firut seen in Kansas, and it finally disappeared from vuiw in Eas'ern Ohio, and the time of its pastage frora Lawrouce, Kan., tn Dayton, O , was lets thau half an hour The bulüon ehipmeut f rem San Francisco to China, from Jan . 1 to Oct. 26, 1876, have been aa folio 's, according to the nport of the Riractrr of the Mint: Tr-de dollars, Í4.255.378 ; Mexican dollarH, S1,820,H40; fino silver bars, $2,055,575; gold coin, $191,093; total, $8322,086 The faBteöt voyage and quick'iBt ume between England and America is recorred in favor of the steamship Britannic, Capt. Tbomson, which bas just made the voyage from New York to Queenxtown in eeven dnys and thirteeu honrs. FOKEIGN. The Greek Cbamber of Deputies has uuanimonsiy pp.ssed the bill raining the strength of the military forcea to 200,000 men A telegram from ConPtantinpple says the appointment of Midhat Pasha, as Grand Vizier, is very favorably received by the eutiro populatiou. The Turkieh people, wUile willing to accept reforme, nwolutely object to any couceesious detrimental to the dignity of the empire. . . . Oalls for protection by . the Uuited States are continually made by Americana in Mexico, who suffer all sorts of robbsries and ontrayes from tho lawless "groasers." Heavy rains and floods are reported in England, causing much damage to property and great diutrees among the people A cruising Anstrian war vesael on tbe De nube was fired upon, the other day, by, a Servian fort at Belgrade, and great is tLie excitement in consequei oe. Atlast adviefs the Servian Government bad made an apology and diemisaed tbe indisc;reet commander of the fort, aud this will probably allay the Austrian indignation. A anERU fatnino existg in Montenegro The Captain General of Cuba has publiabed a decreo probibiting ciphermeeaagea to and rom the island The Emperor William closed the fcBpRion of the Oerman Pariianieut wiili a speech froin tho throne. He eaid, in roferenoe to foreiifu affaire: "The negotiationa of the powere on the Eaetern quoötion, aa far as prooeeded with. justify the hope íliat my ffforta and mutually-conciliatory tmS peaceful intentions of (he powcrsimmediatclyconcernod, will be auccepsful in solving tho pending q:ieationa without prejudice to the goGd relationa existing. Germauy will continué, by friendly and lUsintercsted mediation. tolend ber co-operation for the altainmont of tbis end.". . . .A dispatch from Conatantinoplo etates tbat the reforme adopted by the preliminary conforocce are very RweepiDg. They include the adruiseion of Obristiaue in the Ottoman army, aud tbe traiií-formation of tbo villayet of Sophia into a Chriatian province, Uüder a Goveroor. Opinión ia protty 6venly divided aa to whether tbe Porto will yield to the recommendation of tho porcers. A CoNSTAxmNOPLEdispateh of the 25th Haj-8 : 1 ' The ür aitting of the Plenary Conference wafl held ytsterday. Savaet Pasha probided, and in an addresa opening the conference referred to the liberal views o f the Porte. He said tho Porte wa ready to grant to iU snbjeota all the privilegea whioli wero not contrary to the dignity and integrity of tho empire. Duriug the fitting Haivus of artiltery were heard. Saveat Panha explained that these salutos were fired to aunounce the promulgatiOD of tho conf-titution, which wonld effect a complete chango in the state of Turkey" A aucee-afnl revolut.on in Bau Domingo haa deposed González and restored Baez to the Prf sideucy of that repnfclic. González ba quittcd tho country, anc Baez will resume the reina of goverumeñt.


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