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l!i;iTHA Yon Hillkun, of Chicago, has 8ioceeded ia walk ng 350 milea in eix daya, at Bos011, Masa., her lait and greatost undertakiug. Tbia effort han attracted the attention of many ientific persona and leadiug phyaxUnsthero, sud hor Bucctsa la regardod as a surprieixig deinouatrfitiou of tho poneibiütie of wumaii'n endaraooe. Two ruojuNeNT citizons of Now York - Otis D. Bwau, a bu kor, and Coles MorriB, a lawyer - have rúa away with large amounts of other poople'u moDey. Both wrre connocted with wonlthy and loug-establisbed familiee, and tiieir defalcations liavo caused gometbing oí a Beiisaliuu iu tho metropolis. CïX)SE on the hte'.a of the Ashtabula railroad cataetropho comeB the intelligurca of a ahipmreok on the Long Talmd ehorp. in wbich tnenty-uint men of a wreckins pi"ty lost their livee. '1 1 e b! ip had gronudi d atd lean abaudonèdbyUio citw, and a wrteking company hfcd ttktiu puteesi-ion No boa ts or other meaua of eecape liad keen provideci, it seeme. and whcii t!io sli-p went to piecía tho men wtro at tlie mercyof tha fnrious eea that waa raging. Four men cf the lhirty-t! ree on board were waahed aehore on pitera of the wreek. THE WU8T. McVickfk's Tbcatrr, Chicago, ie probably tbo best coustructed tbcater of any in tbo country, and the' most perfect in disciplino. Wbile Ui e cntiro andiruco go in at ono entrance - eacb priBcn bavng a ccupou for a Beat - thty eeirate in eleven diífeieut waya to uinlio tlu-ir oxitB. Thero are five outletg on the lirst floor, tbreo ou tho eecoud, and turee on the tl'ird lt uiay be called a model theater, snd itB plans sl.ouid be ccpitd by all wbo deeire to Bert e the public, CmcAtio elevatora oontain 3,263,6-13 bushels of wheat ; 555,863 bushtls of oom ; 537,837 busholi of oata ; 151,724 bushelö of rye, and 1,147 307 btifbclB of barley, makiDg a crand toíal oí 5,C56,474 buhele, againBt 8.542,711 btish,ela for tlie corresponding period last jtcr. Lakok numbera cf what are cailed Gulf catt e are dying ia the counlica of Central Illinois, caueed by the intense cold of the present wiuttr.. . . John L. Bittinger, one of the MiaBouri 'crooked" whisky convicto, has Leen jwrdoiiefi uurt releaaed from prison The Miunttoia State Board of Health bas tegoed a circular for distriuvion tbroughout the State, recomniondirjg vooeioation si)d revare catión to guard Epaiunt the probable iiilr.iduciou of emall-pox from Wis cousin Mumtoba The fire fiend ap peared in Chicago 474 times duriug the year j utt closed, and devoured $389 820 worth o properly Eigbt tbcueand huLdred an( thirty-six Chieagcaiis died during the vear 1876. The mest appalling railroad cataetrophe tha ha3 happoned for many months occurred a Af htabnla, Oliio, on the ovening of Friday Dtc. 29 The Pacific expres train from the liast on the Michigan Soutbern and LakeShore road, due at Aehtabula at 5:15 p m., arrivcc abont two bous late, being delayed by the fenrful stom aLd grea drifta of snow, tnough drawn by two enniues. As it was about to cross tho bridge over A-litabula rivcr, Dear tbe station, the train nu til" the tiack, probably on account of the driftB of snow, and wen off the rsils upon the bridge. Ttie bridge, an Iron truss of perhaps 10i feet span, gave way witti an awfu crash. T e forwaid engiu6 had passed aafely over, but the coupliug connecting it with the nc-xt enpine broke aud all the rest of the train ;onsistini of twofliutclass cjacheB, ono smok ing car, onedrawiug-rooni car. throe aloeping cara, aiid foor expresa and baggage care, wit] one of the entines was precipitated iiito the abyas, a dittauce of sixty-five feet. There wer upwsrd of 200 sseugers on the traiu rnrre than 10U of wlinm perinhod in the flamea, whicii broke out soon after the fal of the train, aud which consuuuw every car. The alarm was souuded iromedi ately, aiid all poemble help sent at the very Booneat minute, and all that coutd be was don to save thoso who were still aiivc. Thoshripk of tbo wouuded and dying wcre awfui. and th eceuo of tLe burning' cars in tho deep an narrow valley was heartrenéing beyond de ttcription. In the midst of the deep siiow ant the furiooa storm tho citizens of Ashtabul diii all that hnmau beinga eculd do. The p&s gengera saved were couveyed to the hotel anc private honscp, at.d eveiything -?one for them that posa bly couid be. DraiNo the year 187G Chicago has reccived 3,C41 373 barre's of florand82,791,628busuels of grain. Darinc the same time she has dis triüntcd 2 700,636 barrels of flour and 7C, 863,08 buhhels of grain. O' hoes she has receivti 4,3 0,000 and8hipptdl,191,000. ISTtxijiiKNti! of a moat shocking case o miirder and suicide reaches us f rom La Crotse Wís. Dr. E. Chamberlain, an old, wealthy anc respectad citizen, while sitting in his cutter in frout of a store in a busy street, was approached by a man mmd Oicar Wieeenger who presoLted aahotguu, heavily loaded, and without a word, discharged the löad of shot in the body of. Dr. Chamberlain, íríhcliüg almost instant death. The n.urderor then placed a pistol to his own hcal and blew his braint) out. No motive is aesigued for the deed Threo white men were recntly killod and auother badïy wouud et), by agency Indiana, wbile on route from Sago Crefck, Wyomiog, to Red Cloud Agency Amoug tho victima of the Lake Shoro railroad disaster, few will be mourued by a wider eircle of frlends throughout the North weet Ujcu Jtr. 1'. P. Blies, of Chicago, so Wall aud widely lmown throush his goopel song services, which have bsen ecarce less tffectivo ia tlie wurk of roligious revival, in i he had long bsen engaged with Mal tue, tlian were those of Mr Sankey in hiH work with .Vr Hoody. Mr. Blies was en route to C.uea-o to Uko part in the revival services a.tke tabernacle. Ho and his periahec in tne diasstfr at Ashtabula A statement o tho t-roduce trade of Slilwankee for the year lb6giv the following finurcs : Eeceipts o wbeat, iiicludmg flour reduted to buBbe!s, 28, 147 481 buehela ; Bhij menta 30 005 797busliels lo al ceipti of rain, 32.884 255 buahola shipmonis, 32 809,323 bushels. THE SOUTH. A kesoi.ution was adopted by the House InveBtigating Committee, at New Orleans, on the 24tli, ordering tbat the refusal of Prcsi clr nt Orton, of the Western Union Telegrapl Company, to appear and produce ctrtain tol ogruina be roportcd to the House, and thu tho Hoi;ks beasked to proooed against him fo cont mpt. A Taij.ahas.see (Flcrida) disp&toh of the L7ih nlt. taya : " Atty. Gen. Cocke mado the canvasa of tho vote this morning, after the othtr meitVer-. of the board refuecd to can vjm. Tina giv( k Drew 497 and Tilden J4 ma jority. This csnvess he filed ia the Cierk's oflice in to the orcier of tbe Court. Sub-.c qneutly thu otber membere of tho boan agrf cJ to recanvaps, and the fnll board m6t at 4 p. m. Tbcir canvaes gives Drew a majority of 195 aud the Haye electora 2C6. Cocke filed a protest." Louïsia.n-a'h cotton product, this seaeon, is estimated at 300,000 bales A Columbia, (8. C.) telegram eays " tlio sub-committeo of the committíodelefíf.ted by the House of KeprepentaiitcH. to ii quire into tho election of Preaidentiai electora In South Carolina, aftera carcful rxamisation of the returns from all the precmete in the State, find that all tha Haves and WhecUr electora have a fair majorityon tho faco of the reimus, and that Wade Hámpton has amsjoiiiyof the votes caet for Governor." The city cf New Orleans was, on the lat inat,, the scone of tho usual biennial excitemant incident to the asBembliug and organizing of tbe Logislatcre of Ixmisiana. At noon of that day, tbe dispatchos iuform us, the Democratie members, acconspamed by about 500 persona, oalled at the State House and dcmm!ed admissisn. The officer on dntv replii-a that the members couid enter, but the crowd could not. Col. Busb, tho spokesman, tbon callcd upon Clerk Trezevant to cloar thn obstructions, barricades, pohce cic, wbic!i prfveute:! the ingrees .f membirs. A formal dtmaud was thon raado by Tri 7." vant upon Gen. Badger and other oilicials for tbeir removal, which, bcing deciined, Col. Busb. read a papor protenting apaiiitt the srmed occupation of the Btate Houae, u copy of whloh wis preaouted toGov. KeiiOgg. ffie latter replied that, en Governor aud counfrvLt"-r of tlio peaco, he considcred thut it wt:s hirt duty to keep the pólice there, as ho wasoi the belief tbat there wan danger of tho orfe-anization of the Goneral Assfmbly bemg interfertd with by violent and illega) meaus. Tho CKrk of the House, l'rezeviint, rrfuuod to cail the roll of tho House under the circuaifctancea, and oce of tbe membors, t.t the reqnest of the fcecretaiy of State, calied the roB; Tho Democratie Legislaiure met at 8t Patricli'H Hall. Louis Busb waiielected Speaker of tuo Hoii-u. BiKli Lceislaturea clainied to legal quorum. Ti;e üopublican body paan a a roBomtioii ectiing forth thatarmed reslstacoe to tho State auUoriti. s exists in tLe ti'Me, aud calling upon the Preaiilent to afford the piotoction (,-aaranteed by the conutitntion. At Augusta Ky. , tiieother dav. seven young mon, all uLkuown, wbile on the iue üi thS Obio at that pomt, woro suddenly drowned by uto j fT f 8Orge' AU beloueed t0 WASHINGTON. Tuk treaturjT haa auother robbetjr case ou Laud. Apackageof iilO.COO paaaed from the redomptiou división throngla the treaeury proper to tiie esprees compjjy for delivery to - J tho Illinoia National Bank of Chicago, whioh doliverfd the pachage as reoeivod. On opening by the caebier of the bank, it was found to contain unly brown paper. The treannry claim that the money wau delivered to the j prets company, and charge tbe Iobb opon the comuany President Graut bas again been iutf ïviowed by the Asaociated Press agent at Waahineton, to whom he expreseed no' fcar of aimed collwiou over tho Piesidential imbroglio. Heremarked to the interviewer that he sbould welcome tho apinoach of the 4th of Msrch with pleasure, as it would rolieve bim wholly from tbe caro of ( Mee, aud enablo hun to carry into effeot a projeoted tour to tho West Indiee before returning to bia home at Galen, 111. He saya lie will promptly reoognize as bis succeBor tbe men who shall be so declared, whoever hc may b and thia without regard to hia oim political preferencee. The President sent to the Bonato laat week the corrospoudeuce betweeu tbe Unitod States and Great Britain on the subject of extradition. Home of it, save a Washington correspondent, bas heretofore been published, and the conolusiou is tl'.at the treaty bas been restored to vitnlity by tbe act of Great Britain receding frem it former pesition, and the consfijiioat BurreudRr of Brent. the LouiBville (Ky.) forgor, to tho United States. Our Government is uow prepared to con&ider the question of an aoiendment of tbe treaty, o as to iucrease the olass of otleueeb for wbicli extradition may be ciaimod. The correepoudence is regarded by the Kenate, at preeent, as confidential, and heneo thcro is no access to it for the publio. . . . Thrcugh tho premium on bonds and accuraulation of intereet, the Alabanm claims fund ba gained about -f G,0OO,üf0 ; and tho clairaai'ta who fftiled to get in on tho fir&t dividend sre growing daily more importúnate for a share of the cash. It ia expected that a bul oí hobu! sort will get through at this sesaiou for the dispoeition of tho remainder of tho fund. The Senate Cotnmittoe on Privileges and Elections commcuccd the inveatigation of the Oregon electoral case on the 29th uit Commiesioncr of Patonts Dnt-U has rosdgned. Ik the inveetigatión of the Oregon electoral case by the Renato Committeo on Privileges and Elections, Secretary of State Chadwick, of Oregon, tcstifiod that lie canvaased the vote on the 4th of December, the day preecribod by the statntes of Oregon, at which time nothing was eaid by any one present about the ineügibility of Vatts,"but such inuligibility was subsequently discovered, and, on account of protesta in the matter, he did not make out the lists of clectors nruler the seal of the 8tatec Theee liata wero propred by Gov. Grover, who had invi atigatei legal precedente and wan eatisfied of the correctness of nis view. The point as to whetherthe Govemor had right to appo ut Croniu was raised the day after the oanvasa, and one day before the meeting of the Electoral College. Upon a hearing of the case by tbe Govtrnor, Mr. OJoll filod a protest against (.Irouin's appointment. On the day the college met he (witnoss) handed certificd liata from the Goernor to Cronin in tbe presence of all the H' -publican and Democratie electora, llr. Odoll's evidonce was to this effect : On tho d&y the college mst he, in company with Cartwrigüt and Watta, they bomc; the three Republicana, claiming election, went to Secrotory Chadwick and domanded certificates, which were refusbd. They were referred to Gov. Grover, who informed them that he wou d deliver the certificates to the parties entitled to them at the (lapitol at 12 o'ciock the same day. Secretary Chadwick at the honr nientioned handed Cronin au envolope coutaining a certiöcate of the Governor, which was rcad by Cronin. He (Odell) asked Cronin to produce the ct-rtificatee of eaoh member for the guidance of the college, which was declinod. Watts tbon reaigued. Af t( r sotne conversation Cronin aaid to witnese : "Do I uaderatand you to refuee to recognize me ?" To whioh tho witness replied that he wanted the certificates produced, and wonld act with any ouo legally elected. Cronin tuen left in anger, and the two Republicana appointed Watts to iill bis own vacancy. A Washington dispatch of the 30th uit. says ; "The Senate branoh of the joint committee on counting the electoral votes had two long eessiouB yeBterday. Ail tho seseiona, tima far, have beendevotcd to the preliminary work of examming and disoussing cbo nistorical records hearing on the general subject, and no propesition bas yet been formally preaented to the committee by any of its uitmbtr. One of them said that the indicationa are that no conclusión on any point can pogèibly be reacbed by the Senate branchof the committee for eeveral da' a at least, and that the tcattera now before them are in snch an uncertain condition as to preclude any reaat-nable conjecture as to the tesnlt of theirdeliberations" The work of i rinting all the debates on counting the electoral vote, from the formation of the Government up to the present time, has boon comploted by the Government Printing Office. The volume makea a book of 800 pagos. Theke ia a rumor that Justice Clifford, of the United States Supremo Court, is to be replaced by Judgo Shipley, of the Upper New England District. Clifford is entitled, on account of age, to retire at hia own option on full pay for life. Clifford ia a Domocrat, 8hipley a Republican. FOL1TI0AL, The Washington oorrespondent of the New York Evening Post claims tD have been assurcd by "awell known Democrat who recontly visited Gov. Heudricks at Indianapolia" that the latter expreesed an entire williugness to havo the Presidential imbroglio "adjasted by the election of Tildeu by the House and Whoeler by the Senate. Gov. Hendricka eaid that he had uo denire to re-euter pubüc lif 6 in Washington, and, if the difficultiea could be eatiafactorily a'ljusted, he would much prefor accepting tho mii-sion to England or Prance." Thf. election of Mr. Blaine to the Sonate from Maine is aaid to be assured beyond a a doubt. Secretary Morrill deniea tho etatcraent that he is a candidato for the potition. Wade Hamftion hae addrcised a letter to both Gov. Hayes and Gov. Tilden, in which ho saya: "I deern it proper to declare ihat profound peace prevails throughout this State; that tho conree of judicial proceedings is obetruoted by no oombination of citizonii thoroof, and that the laws for the protection of its inbabitants in al! il:e righta of person, property, and cil izenship are being euf orcei in our courta. Whilo the people of this State are not wanting either in the spirit or niCHUs to maintain their righta of citizeuahip agalust the uanrped power which now defies the supremo judicial authontv of the Stato, thry have that faith in the jostico of their cauto that thf y propcBí to lea ve its vi ndicut ion to the proper legal tribuna', appealing at tho eaine time to tho patrïotiim and public Bentlmont of tiie whole countiy. Theinflummatoiy utUrancss of a portion of t!io public prefs rendtr it perhaps not inopportmie for me to state that, a!tl;ough the people of Sonth Carolina viow with gravo concern tho prospect of a critical conjuncture m tle affairs of our country which tnreatens to aubjocc to an extromo test the repnbüoau systom of Government itself, it is iheir ñrm and delibprato purpose to ctncii mu any aolution of (xitting politieal problema that involvea tho exhibitian of aimtd foroe, or that moves through any other channel than the prescribed form of the conatitutiou, or the peaceful ageuey of the law." The followiug are the figures for Presitlenüal electora in South Carolina as O.eU rmined by the Hoiiee Congressional Committee: llaves e!cct:Hs- Bowen, 92.327; Vinnmith, 92,363; Johneou, 92,434 ; Hurley. 93,26fi t Naah, 92,331 ; Oook, 92 340; Myer, 92.358. Tilden electora- Barker, 91,416; McGowan, 'Jl 402 ; Ingram, 91 416 ; Wallace, 91,416 ; Erwin, 91,444 ; Aldrioh, 91,44'); Humphries, 91.106 Judge Stanley Ma tbews. of Cincimiati, will contest tho seat of Hon. Heury B. Banning in thonext CODgrtBB. OKXEKAl, Post3iastp;r Gen. TYNEBhas received a cab!e dispatch from tlio Britiah Postoffice Department annouucing that it htis diacontmued ocean subsidies and adopttd tte United States plan of paying for tho service pcrforiiiod Chrietmas uight a firo broko out in the Convent of wt. Elizabeth, nine milna from Joliette, Can., and ;u a f o w moment tho wh Ie structure was ablaze. Tho convent waa a two-atory briek building, il was occupiod by Sisters of Charity. fifty adv boorderf, and some fifty charity ciiiidren aud iníirm persona. Whon the lire broko out dl was panic and confuuion. Thirteen of tho nmates, moatly children under 11 years of ago, W6re burned to deatli. TUe remainder baroly oscaped in their night-clothea. Hon. Jahes W. Nyb, formerly United Stetea Senator from Nevada, died laat week at White Plaius, Wes.-ohestor county, New York A cargo of war muuitions, valued at $1,500,000, was ship]ed from New Haven, Ct., to Constantinople last week. They are intended for the Turkish Government A fonnid ble revoluion, headed by Gen. Serna, has broken out in the Mexican State of Sonora. Serna seeks to organizo an independent Government, with the ultímate dosign of snnextng the Stato to the American Union. Success to Serna. Accobdiku to the latest statiatical publicaiou the population of the globe 'm 1.423,917,00. Europe has 309,178,300 inhabitanta ; Asi, 824,448,500; África, 199 921,600; Australia and Polyncma, 4,748 600 ; America, 85,519.800. 'neincreaee in America for the year ia given at 1,200,000 It ia stated from Washington hat tho Postmat ter General is conaideringthe propriety of reqniring Postmasters to report mouthly inatead of quarterly. FOKEIOM. Latz advioas from tho City of Mejcico furQisli tbe following interestiog itexa regarding i the progresa of the revolution In tht unhppy oouotry i The IgleBia Qoverpment i i tablishf d at Queretaro. The States of Guanagnsto, Queretaro, Agua, Calientes, Zacateca, Durango, San Luia Potosí. Jalisco, Colima, Sonora, Sinoloa, and Tabasco recognize IpieaiaR. TUo States of Mexico, Hidulco, Puebla, Vera Oniz, aud Oaxaca are ocenpied by Diaz troops. Iglesias lian about 12,000 good troops, while Dírz han 18,000 of every grado, but he is well provkkd with utillery, in which Iglesias is doüoieut. Ou tho 6th inst. 6.000 men, with twenty fleld howitzers and ten rilled camión, left Mexico for Qneretaro. Iglesias haa about 7,000 troop in Querotaro, with bíx pieccH of ertillery. Tbis forcé ia euflicietit to ganiaon the placo, wbich íb atrong and easily dofended. All parties aro anxious to bo recognized by tho United Btates. Mayfbaba, with eleven other leaders in tho rocent inurroction iu Japan, were bebeaded Dec. 3. Others were varionflly punished by imprisonment and doprivation of rank Tbo largciit file in Tokio, Japan, eince April, 1872, ocenrred Nov. 20, beginoing juat before midniglit, and laatirg about fight honrs. Sixtvflve streets, coutaining 5,000 lionscs, wcre deatroyed. Fifty Uves are believed to have been lost. The loss of proparty is estimatcd t f 10,000.000. The resideuce of tbo Austiian ÏÜDisttr was burned. That of the Uuited States Minister narrowly escaped.... The Rusuiau Gfn. Nikitin arrived at Belgrado the other rtay. to take coromaiid of the Bervian army, vico Tchernayf'ff. At the review of the miman divioions Gen. Nikitin doclaredthai he had come to Servia ly order of the Emperor of Ruasia to asaume command of the aimy. He said that all foreigners aervinfi in tho Husiai coipa in Servia would be considered a part o: tho Busaian army. ■ : The Londou (Eng ) 8ohool Board haa propcBed a radical cbaouge in the preaeut system of spelling, and thero ia a warm discuasion going on ae to whether the adoption of the phonetic ByBtim would be a reform A diapatch from Para dated the 2i)th uit. aays tliat the Sultan, in auswer to Lord Salinbury'a friendly represontation, declared that his peraonal "aifety woold be compromiscd if he conceded all that the powera doinanded. No threats pansec) at the interview between the Saltan and Loid Salisbury. The London Times, in a leader discuatiag the propoeals of tho poivcrs. says t "The agreoment between Ruisaia and England implies that even 1 altould there be chauge of detail, the main linos will rem&in flxed." T..c plague has again made its appcar&nce at Bagdad. All the secnunta from tho Old World agree that England l:aa deQuitely reeolved to take no part in tho defeune of Turkey, but to preserve au attitude of neutrality at least until it may become necoesary to act for the preBervation of her road to India. The intentiona of Austria, however, are not quite 80 clear. 8he has very quietly gathered a powerful army on the froutiers of the diHtiirbed proviucee, and is evidently fully aware of (Jie trnth of Bjemark'a aaeortion that her intereets aro more direotiy and immediately threateded than those of England by Ruesia's policy. Tnn 300 mile walking match between Daniel O'Leary, of Chicago, 111., champion of America, and William Howbo, of London, was flniohed on Deo 30, and resulted in the defeat of O'Leary. He left the track utterly fagged out alter he had walked 209 miles. Howae continued to 241 n. i ':-'. when he too a opped walking becauso O'Leary gave up tho match. Betting waa 5 to 4 on OXeary. . . .It ia announced froin Conatantinople that the oonferODCO of the powera bas prolonged the aimietice to the Ut, of Mirch, 1877.


Old News
Michigan Argus