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Agricultural And Domestic

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Be oarnest in thy calliug, Whatevor it n-ay bo ; Time'fi Bands are ever falltnfí, And will not wait for thee. With zoal and vigor labor ; And tbou wilt BurMy rise; Oh I suffer not tby neighbor To bear away tlio prizc. Bo earnest In devotion, Old &e i" iravnni! neiir ; A bubble in Iííi-.'b cccan- Tbou soou wilt cïisappear. Around the Farm. A pebson who has liad expenence in fattening swino on barley says that it makes most excellent pork; that it is not oily, not quite so firm as that made from cora, but has a milder, pleatanter flavor. If you wish to drive the rats away alive, take pulverized potash and nut plenty of it into all their hiïlea about the house and barn, If the potash is pulverized and lef t to the air, it becomes pasty, and can bo daubed on barrels, planks, etc. Lack of ventilatiou makes as niuch difference in the healthfuLuess of poultry-houses as in that of human dwelunghoudes. No poultry-houae should be without the nieans of admitting a constant current of fresh air, both by day and by night. Foul air brcods disease and encourages vermin. A suocessítjij English farmer attending the Centennial was asked how he managed to keep up and pay the enormous renta necessary to be paid in hi country. "Easily enotigh," said he; " I do it by feeding my land bef ore it is hungry, resting it bef ore it is weury, and weeding it before it is foul. " Some people favor whitewashing the body of fruit trees. It ia no better thau washing with weak lye, or clear lime water, and there is not the unnatnral color of white trees. The lye is a good wash for trees, and destroys the eggs of many insect, and makos the bark bright and healthy. A wash of linseed oil is also highly recommended. The American Agriculturist saya " The best gïain for a horse is certainly oats ; the nest is barley ; oorn as a steady feed ie not wholesome at all. Oats have about the requisito qwantity of nutritious and indigestible matter to be healthful, and barley approaeheetvery near oats in this respect. Tne actual values of these grains are as nearly as poeaible equal to their usual market values, the latter being in reaiity based upon the former." The Scientific Farmer says : ' ' The greatest of wastes on the farm is the not using of our braina, for this is at the bottom of all other wastea. A little thinking of ten saves much labor. A f ter accomplishing almost any kind of work, the most of us can look back and seO how we could have improved on it, if we had but thought. The wastes arising from ignorance can be very readily climinished, and are íd a large part excusable, but those ariaing from carelessness are not deserving of syrapathy." How to KiLii Hoos. - Turn the animal on his back, and let one man stand astride of him and hold the fore legs firmly against the chest of tho hog. The sticker then places one hand on the under jaw of the swine and prenses it down until the mouth of the squealer is c'.osed. Lot the jaw be held down firmly. Then with a sharp knife cut a. slice two inches long midway between the jaw and the breastbone, in the middle of the throat. Now aim the knife directly toward the root of his taü and tliruot it in to the handle and draw out the blade quickly. When stuck in this manner we never knew a hog fail to bleed satisfactorily. " ScABöEiiï a mail," says the Journal of Agriculture, "butbringsus someinquiry about sick hogs. Bome teil us how thehogs are affected, whileotherwishus to publish a cure for the disease. Were we feeding or raising hogs, we woul-i feed, water and salt regularly. Were any to get sick, would remove them at once. We are inclined to the opinio that worms or parasites are the priniary cause for the so-called hog cholera, and onr medicine would be such as would be prescribed by a veterinary surgeon or physician. Oopperas, charcoal, wood ashes and turpentine are to some estcnt worm destroyers, and caO be profltably given to either growing or fattening hogs. A subscribes writes to the London Live Stock Journal : " I have tried the plan of hatching hens' eggs under turkeys, and fhid it an admirable ono. In fact, it has quenched n longing I entertained to nossess an incubator, and in future I hope to use the poor foolish turkeys, that will bring out brood after brood of chickp, and, far from tirmg of the oonünement, seem only too well pleased when they find a fre.h nest full of eggs, and grow fat and glossy as well. Not so foolish, perhaps, af ter aU ! ior the weather was very cold, and I fed thsra well and kept them snug and warm. I set them eariy in January, and kept them eitting for over three months. I removed tho chicks at once on being hatched, and have brought them all up." About the House. Bekzine and common clay wil! clean marble. If you buy carpeta for durability, choose small figures. Kerosene and powdered lime, -whitr ing, or wood ashes, wiil ecour tms witü little trouble. A few drops of ammonia m a bowl of water will remove all gi-easiness and diaasiroeable odors from the persoü ; added to a foot-bath it will absorb all noiwns smells. When your refrigerator needs cleaniug scald it with hot suds ; rinse vdth vinegar and water flrst, and after with soda in cold water, and wipa thoroughly dry. For Scaelbt Fevkr.- An eminent physiciw of Chicago says lio cures nM6ty-flüW out of every hundred cases of scarlet fevcr, by giving tlie patiënt warm lenionude with gum aramc dicsolved in it. A cloth wrung out in hot water and laid upon the stomach should ba removed as rapidly as it becomes ocol. On ion s cut in slices and placed in a room wïere a pcrson is sick, itis atated, will absorb tho poison of the disease and prevent it from spreading. They should bo changed every hour. IE placed in a room wÜBre there is asmaüpox prfcienf, thoy will swell up and oommenoe to decay'at once. It is a simple experiment, and worthy the attention of nurses. To remove f reshly spilt ink from carpeta, flret take up as much as possible with a teaspoon. Then pour cold eweafc milk upon the spot and take it up as b( fore, pouring on milk until at last tbo carpet becomes only slifchtly trage rt with black. Then wash with cold watt r and absorb with a cloth without, too much rnbbing. Hor Sirup fok a Cocöh. - To one ounoe of hops and one pint of water add one table-spoonfiü of flaxseed. Put al! in a saneepan and boil it till reduced one-half. Strain it off, add half pint of mobsses, or, for thoso who prefer it, a qnarter of a pound of brov.u sugar. Boii this until it becomes a thick sirup. When cold take a spoonfui at a time. Furnitübe Tolish.- If you wih one of the eimplest and best, get a pilit bott'e and lili it with equal paits of boiled licseed oil and kerosene oil ; any druggiat has the former ; mix and appiy with a flannel, and rub diy with a second flannel. It will remove all scratches and white marks aade by brrdsmg. Destroy the rags or keep in sight, na oiled cloths j have been knpwn to ignico spontaner


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