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Washtenaw At Lansing

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The Washtenaw members are sponsors for the following proposed legislation, having either noticed or introduoed the following bilis : By Senator Burleigh : A joint resolution proposing an amentlment to section one, article niue óf the constitution, relative to the salaries of j utlges of the circuit courta. A bilí to coinpol persons elected to effice to take an oath that they did not use mouey to secure their election. A bilí making appropriattons for the current expenses of the Uuiversity for the vears 1877 and 1878. A bilí to continue the School of Mines in the University of Michigan. By Representativo Allen : A bilt to amend the charter ot the city of Ypsilanti. A bilí to próvido for the iniurance of all State buildings and personal property liable to destructiou by flre. A bilí making appropriations for the current expenses of the State Normal School lor the yeara 1877 and 1878. A bilí making appropriations for an additional building for the State Normal School. A bilí to amend chapter 211 of compiled laws of 1871, relative to aummary proceediugs to secure possession of land. By Representative Sawyer : A bilí to amend sub-division number 17 ot section 477 of the compiled lawa of 1871. A bilí to amend section 2,201 of the compiled laws of 1871 (a section of the general banking law). A bilí to amend the charter of the city of Ann Arbor It 18 a small item comparatiyely, and may be according to precedent, to pay tho clerks and other officers of the Senate and House inileage the saine as meinbers ; but it is a precedent better honored in the breaoh than in the obseryanoe. Why not proyide remuneration for the several dozen dissapointed candidates who gathered at Lansing at the opening of the session, unbidden and of their owa motion ? Legally they are just as much entitled to mileage aa the auccessful candidates. The Ypsilanti Sentinel comes to the front with a charge that the electiou of W. K. Childs to be Sergeant-at-Arins of the House was the "price" paid for his withdrawal as the Prohibition oandidate for the House, in the First district of thig county. And it looks very muoh ai if the üentinel had " hit the nail on the hd." If ÏT 18 absoltttely aeoeaiftty for the Legislaturo io inórense the patronage of the State printer, it had better order oopies of all bill printed by order of either House sent to the newspaper publi8hors of the State, instead of copies of the " Legislativo Journal" to each town clerk, aa is proposud, if uut already ordered. The " Journal" sent to town islurkg will rarely ever be taken out of the wrappere, and probably never read, and the name may be said of nine out of ten of those sent to oounty officers and other officials. But the bilis would enable publiahers to Kuglixh auch phrases as this, "Mr. A. J. Sawyer, previous notioe having been given, and leave being granted, introduced House Bill No. 29, entitled a bilí to amend subdivisión 'No. 17' of section No. 477 of the compiled laws of 1871." We speak for the bilis. CEKTAIN visionaries who imagine theniselves explorers in the interest of geography or scienoe, are besieging Congress and asking an appropriation for the establishing a colon y at ome point north of the 81st degree oflatitude, from which expeditions may be made in aearoh of that North Pole which has heretofore persistently refuaed to be diacovered. It strikes us that enough of life and treasure have already been expended in that direction, and that any future expedition in aoarch of an " open sea," an imaginary pole (or the place where the pole ought to be), or even after the remains of Sir John Franklin or other loat explorers, will involve a useless waste of both life and money. Congress should turn a deaf ear to all such schemes. Talking tunnel is just now the favorite amusement in certain Detroit ciroles. Anybody can talk, but talk won't put a tunnel under Detroit Kivur. Thoso landholders and capitalists must C. O. D. with the "stamps," and that liberally. JuDöING by the votes taken in the joint oonventions of the Illinois and Massachusetts Legislatures on Wednesday, Senators Boutwell and Logan are likely to find their occupation gone.


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