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Lücillb Westebn, the well-known actroae, diod in Brooklyr, a íew days ago, of congestión of the hiiigs. A portion of the roof of the Grand Central depot, New York, ma eroshed by the weight of Bnow, and foll witu a terrific crash, the other day. Fnrtuuately thore were no passenger traiiie lu the depot Kt the time, and r.o loss of Ufe atteuded the accident. Ki a meeting of the International Booiety, in New York, the other day, resolutiona were adopted applauding the Molly Jlaguirea, of Penosyivania, and protesting against their eiecution on the ground that thoy were convioted by hired witnessee It seems to be pretty thoronghly eettled that Jamos Qordon Beunett bas )eft the country temporarüy. He sailed f rom New York f or Liverpool in the Bteamer Riohmciud. THE WEST. A diabolical attoDipt to wrcok a paseengor train on the Chicago and Northwestern ra il- road WdB recently discovered aud frnetratec hy detectives. A point near Ames, Iowa, where there i a lone;, eteep grade, was selected for the perpetratiou of the deed. A detective from Chicago wonned himatif into the conüdeuce of the scoumtrols, and pretended to be eager for a hand in the job. TUey were to tbrow the train from the track, atúrate the cara with kerosene and Bet tb?m on fire, and use chloroform upontho passengerD where they coald do bo to a'ivantuge. They Jbo intendeá to murdor tho exprese meavonpor and rob the expresa ear. They were on tilO ground propared to carry out their plans "when a body of men, who had been instructed by the detective, Burprised and captnred tho whole outfit, and the passenger train pauaod on without the passengere being aware of the darger that had tbreatoned them. Chicago papers record the demiso of Mark Sheridau. a well-known and prominent resident of that city. He had beid various local offices, and was the reeognized leader of the Oeltic element in politics Milos Ogle, with evcral aliases, one of the most skillful counterfeitcrs in the Weet, was arrested iii cincinnati a few days ago. Many well-executed plates were found in bis posse&mon. Hpbinoïtel, ni., ia eaid to be infestad rrith the worst gang of thieves and tbugs who have viflited that city for soveral years, the recent assembUne of the Legislaturo aud the large number of viBÏtorg wbi h has been drawn tb ere being the immediate atiraction. The new bridge across tlie creek at Ashtabua, Ohio, the ecene of the recent railroad disMter, has been completed, and trains are again running over the chasm The annua] statiati38 of MinneapoUs, Minn., show S1,OCO,000 worth of buildings put np during 187G, and 5,400,000 bushels of wheat ground into flour. Tke libel euit of the Rev. 8tuart Robinaon, of JuoniBTUle, Ky., agaiust McKee, Fmliback & Houser, proprietors of the old Rt. Louis Democraty was brougbt to a closa laet weok, at 8t, Louis, by defeudante confeasiDg Iudgment in thesumof 880,000, acd agreeing to pay all costa of snit, including attorneys' fees of plaintiff. The original damage ' aakcd waa Í50.000. The libel eonsisted of a charge that Bobinnon was engaged in a plot during the rebellion to introduce yellow fever infected clotliing into tlie Nqrth Farmers of the groat 8tate of MiDneaota have taken hold of the treo-planting business in earneet. Over ten millions of outtings wero eet out during the paat year, most of which sre doing well. The voung troes consist largcly of cottonwoods andwhito willowH, but thore is alao a liberal eprinkling of maple, larch, white oak, etc. Bob Bcbdette, the firony man of the Burlington Ilawk-Eye, has made hia debut, en the lecture platform, ana is pronounoed a suci-eea - Soveral billa have been introduced in the Illinois Legislatura haviug for their object to make silver a legal tender in the payment of all debte. A bilí haa aleo been introdneed to malie wolf scalps a legal tender at a valuation to be fixed by law The Chicago Tribune givea cuireney to a report that the Michigan Southern Ilailway is not diepoaed to make a stttlement with thoae injured at Aahtabtda.orwith thosewho lost their baggage by the burniug of tho cara. The widows and ohiltren or otler relaives of the ilead are aleo, it is aaid, to be denied snv comrwnBation. .The company, it ia eaid, ' claim that the accident was 'an act of God : :' and, ïnaemuch aa the railroad officials could no oontrol the sotion of tho froet on the bride they ought not to bo he d liable. The project of tunneling the Detroit rivf r i being warmly agitated by the people of Detroit ee whether it woald be possible to raiee the necessary fnnda for the work. A Datenpobt grain merchant, who has been investigating the matter, finds that two-thirds of tlie oorn erop of lowa ia stiU in the hands of tbe farmers. . . .The loss of propt rty at Cincinnati by the recent break-up of ice in the Obio STrfn ui ".fffn at tweeu SSOO.GOO and $400,000. which falla prmcipaliy upon tho cial dealers. About 80 loaded d 150 emptv lmduf r016 BUnk r cmied awa? irom tué THE 8O0XH. Tdesday, Jan. 9, w&a one of the most exciting days witne,B8ed in New Orleana for aome yeara. Early on tho morning of that day ihe partisans oí Gen. Nicholls, the Democratie olaunant to the Governorahip of Louiaiana aeflombled in largo numbers in Lafavette Bquare, armed and cquipped. From thenee Jiey made raids upon and captured the eourte and pouce stations. In f act, they were in poaaesaioa of the who.'e city before OTemng the Packard Government and Legislature meantimo takiug ïcfusre ín the State Houae. Gen. Nictolis 9eued8a proclamation, as Govornor of LonwUna, urging the people to retire peacefully to their hornea, and abstain f rem all execasea whatever. At Washington the matter was made the Bubject of a special Cabinet session, which reeulted m a dotermination to take no action which conldbe conatraed as an attempt to etUo the politica] statua of either side to the contest further vhan to direct Gen. Au"ur the cpmmanler at New Orleaiw, to prevent bl'ood stied. Instructionii to thia effect were accordm 'ytelocmiphed to Gen. Augur by the Seore1n the Packard Legielatnro, at New Orleana, on the lOth inst., a reaolution waa introduced by ei-Gov. Warmoth, a member of the lowcr house, lookiug to J oomiromiae between the coutending foroca of the rival Govornors. It propoeed me appomtmont of a committee of eight to confer with a imilar cemmittoo of thoNicboils ovwrnraent, te deviso moasuree for apeaceful and Uwful oetUotaent of the contest for the poseeesicn of the State Government. The rnsolirion vent over under the rules tui anotlier revisión of tho Hontb Corouna Blection returns haa been had. Thia third connt, which, itaeems, was made bygentlerunn repreaentii.g both poJitieal partjes, rtaulte in linding that a majarity of voten were cast for tóe Democratie candidatca for Govf rnor State fteasurer and Atturney General, all tho other Kepublican candidac8 for State officers receivïng a majority of the votes cast. The situation in New Otleaua on tho 13th inat. remained unohanged. Gov. Packard tated to a prass correapondent that it waa difficult for hia Government, which depended in a large dogreo upon the colored poonle, to malïo a succeesful 8ght against the whitea without tho aid of Fedoral troops. All eyes, it is atated, were turned to Washington, watchiiiR oveutH there. Packard had ansiBnod Gen. A. & Badger to the command of tho State militia, vice tiougstreet and ho was busily orgauiziuK bis forcea. The Nicholls militia hal taken pos - ST of,,t.he I!ec"Iar of Mortgnges gm! e giste r of Couvoyiinces. It waa afieorted that Pmchback liad spiritod awaay tho four absent liepublicdii h-uator, acd tbne brokeu a quorum. Tüey wcro on Lake X'ontchartrain ñahing, and would not return ixeopt to secure Tiuchback h eleotion to the United States Sonate. Both Goveruora woro besieged by applioants for oöioe. Gen. Augur told a ! newapaper roporter that he thought the muddie would be peaceably aettlea, and roitoratprl hia determiuation not to interiore, cxctpt in oase of riot and bloodshed, or in the event of any attempt boÍDg made to interioro with either of the two Legislaturas. Pinehbaek's friends claimed that be was master of tlio Son.itoria' situatiou, and were jubilant. Paokard said ho intendod to re'.ako the Supremo Court building, bnt would prooecd under the forma of law, and avoid a conflict. Bomt. idea of the sevority o tlio late "cold snap " in the South may be gathored from the fact that the Mississippi river was gorged with ice at a point aa far aonth as Ozark Island, nearly 100 milos bclow Hclona, Arlr. Only once before in the memory of that vcnerablo chronologiat, "the oldet inhabitant," hag Buoh a thing occurred, and fiat waa in tlio exceptionally cold winter of 1838. The eceesion of P. B. 8. Pinohl-aok and three other Stato Senators fiom the Kepublictn LegiBlature, and the allianoe of their fortunea with the Nicholls Government, prodnced aometbiiiK of a Bensation in New Or.'eans. Pinchback made a personal einlanatíon, in whiob, accordmg to tho Aociated l'reua roportB, " lie said that the action of himself and these Senators was deoided upon after mature deliberaron. Thy intended to stand the hnzard of tha die. Tht y bal come there as Republicana becauee tbey believed in the Interests of the State above paity. He denounoed the Republican party of Louisiana ín unmeasured trniu, and said Uayes, il inaugurated, could lot aflord to bou hia administraron with bis bliht upon the prosperity of the people. ío Kcoused ex-Gov. Kellogg of eocnring hiu oleotiou as Senator ly corrapt moans Oh tUe 15th inst. the President telegraphed to Oen. C. C. Augnr, commanding the troopB at New Orleane, as íoIIowb : "It has been tbe policy of the adminietration to tftko irá part in the settlement of the queatiou of righl bf govornment. in the State of liouisiana - at least iiot uutil the Congreseional committco now there havo made their report. But it ia uot proper to pit quiotly by and boo tho State Goveruroent gratlnally taken poeseüsion of by one of the olaimants for gnbernatorial honore by illegnl menns. Tho Supremo (!ourt Bet up by Mr. Nicholls can recoiva uo more recognition tlian any other equal uuu'bcr of lnwyoifl convciuid on the oall of any other oitizon of the State. A romrning board, existing in accordance -wíth law, and havinR judicial as wcll as ministerial powers over the count of the votes, and iu doclariag the resnlt of the late elcction, has given eer ifieates of electiou to tho Legislatuie of tlit Htate. A legal quorum of each Hou ie holding such certifica' ea met and deolared Mr. Packard Govtrnor. Should there bo a necessity for the reooguition of eithtr, it must be Packard. You m&y furoUh a oopy of this to Packard and Niohollo." Packard, on the same day, publighed & proclam&tion characttrisicg the Nioholls government as 'a lawlcns nud trcasonnblo conopiracy," and commandiog its itumediate dispersal. FOLITIUAL. ' Tuk TenuesBce Legislature baa chosen exQov. Iaham O. Harria United Btates öenator from tbat Bt&te for ix years, from the 4th of Maroli. Ho sucoeeda Mr. Cooper J. B. ostia bas been clected to tbe abort Senatorial erm from Ijouisiana by tbe Nioholla Legislanro. Tnr, Kopublicau Legislature of Louisiaus ïas cbosen ex-Gov. Kellogg Unitod States Seuator from Louisiana for six yoara from tbe 4tb of March The Republicana of New Hampbire met in State Convont'.on laat week, and nominated Benjamin F. Prescott for Qovcruor. iesolutions were adopted declaring tbat Hayee s tbe legally-elected President, and tbat be ougbt to be inangurated. The dead-iock in tbe New Jersey Legislatura has been breken. Aftsr aeveral days' balloting a compromiae was effected, reaultiug in an equal división of the oinoea, tbe Demócrata aeouring tbe Speakerabip. Skuuktaby of tbb Interior Chandleb. in responde to a eummonB, appeared before the Eooae committee on the privileges, powc acd Duties of Congres in counting tbe electoral voto, on Saturday, Jan. 13, and, in rejponae to tbe interrogatory as to wbether be bad eent any dispatcbe to Florida niñeo the November election in relation to money, replied that be had not. Being afked whethcr be had aent a diapatch to Florida stating tbat troopa wonld probubly be sent tbere to keep the peaoo, he acswered he probibly had. He was then aakedwbother he had aent it upon hiu own inotion or upon aome one's else, and he declined to anxwer tiii question, basing bis reiusal on the ground that he was a Cabinet ofiicer. The oommittee decided that ho must answer, and gave him until Wednesday, the 17th inst., to comply. Hojf. Wiixiam A. Wheelee visitcd Washington last week, and, af ter epending a few dsys, leturned bome, whore he will romain until the quostiODs connecteiwitb the electoral oount are deciieil He aays that botb Gov. Hayee and himself are coufidont of üieir election. The Democratie members of tbe Delaware Legislatura met in caucus, tbe other day, and unanimoualy nominated Mr. Saulsbury for 10lection to the United States Sonate. WASHINGTON. The Becretary of tho Treasury ha issued a cali for the redemption of 610,000,000 fivetwenty bonds of 1865, May and November. Principal and accrued interest wil! be paid at the treasury on and after tue lüth of April next, and the interest on bonds wijl ceaso that day. Following ato tbe descriptions of the bonds: Coupon bonda, ílfi0. Nos. 17,001 to 21,350, inclusive; f500, Noe. 22,101 to 20,700, inclusive; $1,000, Nos. 53,301 to 62,400, inclusive. Total, $7 000,000. Kegistered bonds - L50, Nos. 201 to 300, inclusive; $100, Nos. 3,451 to 4,500, inclusive-, $500, Nos. 2,751 to 3,250, inclusive; $1,000, Nos. 10,001 to 12,000, inclusive; .f5 000, Nos. 4,151 to 4.750, inclusive; $10,000, Nos. 5,151 to 8,200, inclusiva. Total, 43 000,000 The Sacretary of War, on the lOth iust, tolegraphed tho following order to Gen. Augur, at New Orleans : " It is reported that the $al&J.Jnsr JntB'gi'ilbtny ja pefSoWísiite" perse, and compel a compliance with voor order. It is the determination of tue President to see that the Logielature is not molested. When he has full knowledge of all tbe facts in the premiaos, he will decido which should be rocognized." Enos Rchyon, (he New York banker, appeared before the Senate Committeo on Privileges and Elections, the other day. and purged himself of contempt by giving the name of Conrad N. Jordán, the caahier of the Third National Bank, of New York, as tho customer who obtainecl a draft for $8,000 on Oregon The House Committeo on Pacific Raüroads havo unanimouslv agteed upon a report recommending the p'assage of the so-called "Compromiso'' Texas Pacific Railroad bilí The House committee on the privileges, powers, and duties of the House of Representativas in counting tho electoral vote havo ilniahed their report on that subject. Their conclusiona are : First- That the power to couat electoral votea is not conferred by the constitution upon the President of the Senate. Secorul - That this power ia conforred by tho oonstitution upon tho ijcnate and House of Representa Uves. Third- That in tho exeeution of the powor to couut tho electoral vote, the House of Representativcs ia at least co-ordinate and oqual with the Senate, and Fourth-Thtf, in counting tho electoral votes ne vote can be connted against the judgment and without the assent of the House. These propositions were agreed to by a strict party vote- Representatives Knott, Tucker, Marah and Sparks, Demócrata, in the aftirmative, and Representativa Beelye, Burchard of Iiliuois, and McDill, Republicanu, in the negative. A nephbw of Senator Morton, named Hart, committed suïcide last week, by shootiDg himsolf. He was a clerk in the Treaeury Department - Tho President, has appointed Stewart L. Woodford Uniied States District Attcrney for the Southern District of Nivw York The inveetigation of the charges against W. J. Mnrtagb, lately bounctd from the Presidency of the Washington Pólice Board, bas cunsed something of a toiisatioii. Sometime ago the Kepublican newspapar, of which he is editor, beau a war on tlio pólice and detectives, charging them with blackmailing gambltrs. The detectives retorted with a etory that while the naval invc stigation was (roing on laut winter Murtagh, in behalf of Roboacn. endeavored to liavo them inveiglo Mr. Whitthorne, Chairman of the committee makiug tho investigation, iuto a bawdy house and then arrost him, with a viewto have something to hold over Whitthorne's head, and modi ry bis conductof tho inveaUgation. The Cliief of Pólice tesifies that Murtagh, as President of the Polioe Board, instructcd him to havo such a plot carried out. "In the event that Senator Ferry abould reaign tho Presidency," tolegraphs tho Washington con ejpondent of a Western journai, "itis said tbat somo of fae leading Souators are seriousJy consideriug the plan of electiug somo person not a Sonttar as Vico President pro tempore. The autborities have been examined, and the bett law.vtra in t'ie Senate aro said to be in accord that tbero is notiiing to prevent the Senate from eJecting to that ofiiee a person who is net a Senator." The Iiegishitive, Execntivo aud Judical Appropriation bilí has boen complcled and repj) ted tj the House. It providea for a reduction of about 10 fer cent in tho salaries of uoarly all the civil ofneers thronghont the country, and alsofor reddflisg the clerical forcé to abiutthe nuoiber proposetl by the House last year. D. M. Froat, tho alieged ineligible doctor from Missouri, testified last week before the Committee on Privileges and Elections that he was ohosen elector and received the certifícate. Did not attend the Electoral College, however, and hia place was nlled. Proilucod a pardon romoving bis pslitical disabilitics. Usned by Proiidcnt Johnnon Oat. 23, 18G5, and hia examination trminated. The President has pardoned px-Distriot Attorney liHhor, convioted a few days ogoof abstracting olüc al pspetH from the office of the Clerk of the District Court GK-NKKAL. A BussiAN fleet of five war veeselo put into Charleston, S. C, last week, for coal and provieions. Ouo of the voesel ia comme.ndod by the rand Duke Alexis. Tho fleot will Bhortly anchor in New York harbor, when the Grand Dako will visit Washington and otlier citiea. . . . The steainers Seminóle, from New York to Boston, and Moatfiomery, plying between Havana auit Now York, collided aboutthirty miles off Cape May, N. J., last week. The Montgomory wa cut down by the collision and eunk in six minutes, carrying down with her tho fonr passengers and nine of her orew, who ivere drowned. The balanco of the orew, numbering 19, were saved. A corkehtoxvext of the New York Times, who was au eye-witneera of the hostilo meeting betweeu Frederiok May and James Gordon ' Bennett, at Marydell, Md., givee the followiDg I particulars of the affair i "Amistake in the I i bearinga caused tbe conteet to take place la Maryland, thoügb. the Intentie n was to have it in Dolaware. Bonnott left Now York Sunday cvening. accomponied by S. II. Ilobbina. Dr. Charlee Phelps, Louis Lorillard, Carroll Liviugekmo, and a sorvant. Lorillard and LiYingötone stoppel at tbc Continental at Fhiladelphia. The othere went on to Wilinington. Hcre ticket wore bought for Easton, !?&., bntthe party left tbe train at Marydell and started across tbe country on foot in the direction of the Delaware State line, as tbey suppesed. They wero joiufd at Marydell by May and bis Becond, Dr. Frederick May, of Baltimore, who drove up in a sloigli from tbe direction of Wilmington. Tbey walked south ou the railroad track about a mile, and Uien turned to the left and orosaed over a eruall bilí into a glade which Roparntea the Chaptauk river from the road. Here a spot was Beleoted, the ground mcasnrcil, and tho combatatit placed in position faco to face at twenty paces. The 8Ocond loaded the pistola, gave them to the principáis, and, aftor the UBual preliminaiies, ordered 'Fire.' Tbore was a single report, and, wbon the emoke cleared away, both roen were standiDg unhnrt. Two more shots were exohangod with üko re. solt. Then the Beconds interíered, an amicr.ble settlement was effected, and tho partiea left immediately for the Korth.', Hon. WnxiAM A. Wheei.eb paid viait to Colnmbos, Ohio, last week, and was in coneultation with Gov. Hayos. The two visited the General Aaeembly, and Gov. Hayes pcrgonally introduced Mr. Wheeler to tbe memben. . . . The Comptroller of the Currency hs callod upon the National Banks for a statement of Ihi'iv condition on the 22d of December laat. TnE sad news bas reached Gloucestor, Mae., tbat ten schoeners of the fishing fleet from thst port are missing, and h&vG doubtlesa boon lost. It in probable tbat the orews of oight of them have perished. The trae story of the Bennett-May duel has at last been given to the public by Mr. Leonanl Jerorae, of New York, an eyo-witneae of the affair. lt agrees with the ftrst reporta, save that one shot only was flred, iustead of threo. As soon as the shot was fired Mr. Bennett declared his honor satisSed, and made apológica, moreover, to Mr. May f or bis past condnct. Of cúnrse Mr. May could do nothing but accept, and the parties quietly vacated the spot. The shippiug in the npper Ohio river has been the scène of ono of the most disastrous calaruitios ever iuilictod by the elements in that región. The immense field of ico, avorat;ing Cfteon inchea in depth, that had coverort the river for weeks nbove and below Pittsburgh, gave way on the morning of the 1-tch inet. The ce, piled into immense bc r'i?, swept down the river, mingling and destroying all within its path. Bteamboats, bargee, arjd evtry species of craft were as playtbings for the raging torrent of ioo and wa'.er. For nundreds of miles they were swept from their moorings one after another. and, twirling in the vortex, were cracked like egg shelle, and suok out of sight. The stream, all along the route, was dotted here and thero with tho wreckn of boats and bargfs that had represented thonsands of dollars. It ia naid that the grinding roar of the ice oould be heerd for miles along the country side, aud thousands of people floclted in alarm to the banks of the river to tiHoertain the cause of the unearthiy din. The nurober of lost river eraf t it is estimated will reach into the thousands, and the loss ia figured at between $2,000,000 and $3,000.000. The Western Union Telegraph Company has reduced its tolls on mesagea between the East and the West to the lowest rates of the ccrapoting company Recent lires : At PekiD, IQ.. Reisinger's diatülery- loss, 560,000 ; at Edenburg, Pa., $100,000'; at Scranton, Pa., $100,000 ; at 8t. Catherines, Ontario, $120,000. The East and West raüway Unes have made another advance in freight rates, to the great disgust of shippers The United States 8apreme Court has decidod that land grant railroads are uot bound to transport troops anc property of the United States free of charge by reaaon of that fact ; that they are only to aïlow the Government the free use of their tracks in return for grants : and that they are oach entitled to compensation for all mei tranepoitation they have perfornied, excep the CHnying of the mails, subject to a fair dedaction for the uae of their several roads. FOKEIOM. A DI9PATCH from Constantinople says it is rnmored there that a Russiau army in Turkistan, 40,000 strong, has been destroyed by an uprising of the inhabitante. A CoNsTANTTKorLE telegram of the 12th says euoe which further demonstratcd the existence of differences between the European powers and the Porte. The Turks persisted in rejecting the proposals of the powers, espocially ihoso for subjecting the' appointment of Oovernors of the provinces to the approval of the powers, and for an international commission The Europeans remained nnited throughou the discussiou.". . . .Hamoa wants a commeroia treaty with the United States. A Brownsviixe (Tex.) dispatoh saya tha Revuelta has surrendored'Matamoras to Cor tina, representing Uiaz. The failnres in Canadain 1876 were 1,728 with liabilities amounting to $25,007,391. in number and emount they were much lees than in 1875. A DisPATCH from Constsntinople of the 15th inst. says : "At yeBte-day's sitting of the conference the Marquis of Salisbury, in the name of hU European colleagues, commnnicated to the representativos of the Porte the last croposals of the Powers, whose demanda weré reducen aud softened. After raaking bis communica tion, Lord Salisbury announced that if the Pcrte did not agreo to the proposals now made he had instructions to quit Constantinople.'


Old News
Michigan Argus