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Forty-fourth Congress

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Conaideration was reaumed of resolutions aubmitted by Mr. Wallace in regard to the count of the electoral vote, and Mr. Shcrmai spoke at length in regard to Louisiaua, claiming that the evidenoe before the Returning Board in that State jiujtifled the board in turowing out the retorne from certain pollingplaoea, on account of the violenco and intimidation which prevailed. Mr. Sherman said tho electora of Louisiana had met and reeorded their vote for Gov. Hayea for President and Mr. Wheoler for Vice President. Their vote was duly authenticated aad deliv6red to the Preeident of the Senate, and was entiUed to credit. He argned that Hayes and Wheeler wcre lcgally entitled-to the vote of Iioiiwiaua for President and Vioe Preuident. If Gov. Hayes had been returned as elected wrougfully he oould gain no honor from such a high office as that of President. It waa known that Gov. Hayea had not strugglod for office, neither had he purchascd it, yot if it had been conferred npon him in pnrauanco of the conatitation he would exerciso liis power. He wbb not to bo tricked out of office. He (Mr. Sherman) would accept any plan for a fair and honest connt of the votes, and feit aure Gov. Hayo rightfully received the vote of that State. The law waa perfectly clear that if theao returning ofticers feit thore had been intimidat on sullicioat todttermen from votiug au they desirod to, tliey wtre iu duty bound to thro'-v out the vote of the preoinctí where aucti intimidatïon waa preticed. Crimea had been committed all over tbe Htate, but no oue punished. Tho very moment thia Bjëtem of intimidat-ion extended to other parta of the country, and poisoned electiona ii tho Noitheru and Weatern States our Goveruraent would be at an end, becauso law-abiding men and property-holdera would rather submit to a deapotic government than have our eleciiona oontrolled by the worat men in society. It waa becauae such men controlied tho eïeotion in Looiiana tbat he argned that tho inauguration of Mr. Tildón would be the greateat miefortune which conld bofall the country. Mr. Bogy aaid ho had just heard the moet painf ui and hnmilialiug eflort ever made upon the floor of the Senate of the United Statep. He wae amazed at the apeech of tbe Senator frem Ohio (Sherman), a apeech that waa incomprehensible. If the facta related by the Senator from Ohio were true; if the eucial condition of Louisiaua wua as repreaentetl by him, tlion tho country had retrogrded back to the darkest agea of barbarism. If the people of Iiouiíiana weremurdenrj and asaasaun, it was not only a disgraco to the people of that State, bnt a disgrace to the wholo nation. Tho mony qnoted by tlio Senator from Ohio consimted of amdavit taken in New Qrloana long aftcr olection. Tüey woro affiduvÜM merlo by Yilluins and per jurera. Ho (JogyJ wouU not reply to the speech of Mr. Sheiruan to-)ay, becansi tbe tcaitnouy tnkeu by the Democratie ooffiiiiitteo bad just been printed, and ho had ïiot had time to oxxmine it; bul at ome futuro timo lio would ask permi'eion of tho Senate to oxpresa hia vieK. Most of tho crimes u L-.uisiana oonld be oxplaiuod. Many of thorn worebroaghtabout by thefactthatalarge numberofcolorudpeople, rtcently emanoipattd from boudagc, weru uot iu condition to enjoy tho privilege ivun tliem by the constitiitiim Taukard, Kellogg, and such men, who had no interest in lbo Htats, were rewpoasjble for the bi;d ooudiliuu of things iu Luuimana tc-day. The "hite pcoyle of Uiat State were as peaueable aud lüw-abidiug as the people of any other Btate. If it be true that the Democratie parly elected Tilden by the nieans (Jetail)d bv tlm Senator f rom Ohio, of oourse ho should not bo iuaugurated, büt be was fairly and honestly eleoted. The eflort mado hore was to wreüch from tbo people of Louisiaua the free Voto wliuii they gave for Tilden. Mr. Boutwoll inquired whothor tbe Senator from Missouri (Bogy) deniod the faot that prime exiuted as set fortb by tbe Senator from Öliio, or wliethor he admitted tbe fact and olaimed tliat the crimes were committed for other tban political re.iHo:m. Mr. Bogy replied that bo would be ablo to give a moro intelligent answer aft6r he examined all the tastimony. Tho crimes in many cases wore committed by colorod men theraselves. Mr. Bontwell said it was sonie relief to tl ink that tbeiïo crimes proceeded from political canses, bocauie be shonld dislike to believe tbey existed as the norma! Condition of eoeisty. If thitt was tbo case there was little to be hoped for. inutoad of being alarmcd at the statement of the Senator from Ohio (Sliorman) as to the crimen committed in LoniBiana, he feit to some extent relieved, bccauBO a yoar ago there was a more alarming condition of aflaira in MiLbiseippi, and the fact that it was nol so bad in Ijoiusiana ahowed that there migbt be somo improvement. Mr. Bogy said he believed that the testimony taken !n fitissisaippi f. year ago, like tbat Just taken in Louisiand, was groatly exaggerattd. Tbe worst men were brougbt forward as witnesses. AH theso etories were foundcd on fslsehoods. Mr. Boutwell said if tho Senator had read the testimony of Capt. Wm. A. Montgotnery taken by the committee in Miftaiasippi ho would have een that he was mistaken entirely in tbe character of the witnessen. if tbe Indiano upon tbe frontior had perpetratcc sncb crimes upon the settlere as woro ier petrated npon the blacks and Republicana in tfissiaeippi the wholo country wonld havo ra! lied to thoir relief. It would be one of tho marvels of histöry if tte poople of the Nortli who had sacrificed hnnilreds of thonsands o lives and expended milüous of treasure for the perpetuity of the Union and the freedom o the slavoe, quietly looked on in the mneteenth centnry while all these aota of violence were jeing perpetratcd in the South. Mr. Bogy Baid it would be one of the marvels j of htetory that in a ftee country an effort was made by a party, aud for party fmrpoaea, to jlackcn and disgrace on&-half of the peoploof ;he country. 7he Demócrata in Mississippi and elsewhero were the peere of the Senator Trom Maasachusettf . The pecple of the South jad been oompelled to talie the law in their own hands to relieve themselves of the miserable goTernments Bent there by the Senator from Massachusetts and his friends. The I ministration of Qov. Ames in Mississippi was a disgrace to the country. In Missi;sippi now there was neace and proeperity, and the black men, raauy of whom wero worthy of respect. ; were treated with as much or more respect thau alack men were in Masaachusetts. White men ,n tho South had been forced to resort to violence, as the people of San Francisco had to jome years ago. It was not lawfnl, but it was ;he great American law, the right of ; defeusp. Mr. Boutwell Baid the Senator now admitted j the fact that there was violence in the South. Mr. Shermans aid the Senator from Miaaonn (Bogy) had admitted that violonce existed- a j principie whioh, if carried oat, would Boon stroy the Uninn. The Demócrata, by theii' platform, had promiaed that the colored people shonld have the right to enjoy the electivo franchise. Mr. Shermau again referred to tho aoenes of violence in the fiouth, and eaid they would not be attenipted in the North. Tte people of New York city, when robbed of milliotis by Tweed and his associates, did not resort to violenco. Mr. Bogy sfid the ifhites in the Southern States had tne right to rebel against a Siato Government foroed upon them by the Federal Government and sustained by Federal bayoneta. When a minority gOT emed the majoritv, and tiïd so at the point of the bayonet, the psople had tho right to rebel. Regular Froceedlng. Tüebday, Jan. 9.- Senaíe.- M. Wallace olutiou In regard to the eountiug of the electora] ; Tote by CongresB was called up. and Mr. Shermnu ■ made a long speech upon Louisiana affairs, ing that the evidoncc bef ore tho líe tn rain Board justiñed the throwlng out of votes and givlng . the StatO to Hayes. The question was further discussed by Mesera. Bogy and Boutweil - By unanimons voto, and without debate, the House ; bilí lo abolish the Board of Ccmmissioners of the ■ Metropolitan Polier of the Piftrici of Columbio, I and to tratififer it dutlcs to Commiasioners of tiio ; District of Columbia, was paesed .. A resolution ordering the arrest of Enas Runyon, of the flrm of Martin& Runyon, baukers and brokers, of New York, and tho recusant witucss In the Oregon i electoral investigaron, passed without división. House. - Prof. Seelye introducod a bilí for tho j abolishmeut of all import dut ie on books Speaker Handall reported WiUiam Orton, ' dent of the Western Union Telegraph Company, to j the ïlouse as amenable to proceedinge lor j tempt, for not delivering to the Louisiana Envestíftatiug CommlttOe oer'ain telegrama relating to the Louisiana election. Areaolution requiring the Ëitracts" from the proceedinge of tbc New Orleans Investigating Oommitiee in the case of mombors of thn Loufwiana Ketxirning Board were submitteil, and the matter referred io the Judiciary Committee. . . A bilí was introdneed by Mr. Wattereon to regúlate tno commerco among States Mr. White (Ky.) asked leave to offer a resolution reciting that fearR are entertained thut theie ehall not be a peaceable settlemcnt of the Ptomdentlal question, and declaring that any attempt ' to prejudíce and excite the public juind in ad vanee I of the óecision by the authority providod by tiie constitution Ib uuwíbo, nnpatriotic, and full of danger, and that it is the dut y of all good citfens to Dcacefnlly and fiitlifully abido by the resulta reached in accordauco with the conatitution. übjected to. Wednesïay, Jan. 10. - Sen-ate. - Severa! bilis of no public importance were introduced. . . . i Mr. Edmunds preBented tho annuat report of tho Librarían of Congress. Ordored printed. The j port shows that tho nnmber of bound books in I the library is 311,097, and of pamphlets 500,000 Mr. Wright introduced a bilí extending for two years the aot establiBhinf? a Board of Soulhrrn Claims ConmiiBnioners. Keferred. Home- Thn bilí authorizing a bridgo across the I Ohio bet ween Cincinnati aud Covington without pivot draw was rejected - yeas, 74; iays, 133.... Mr. Whitthorne, Chairman of the Comiuittee on Naval Affairs, report f d a bilí authorizing the formation of a mixed commission to iuquire and report as to thn future naval policy of the United States. Made the special order for tho 23d of this month The Diplomatic Appropriation bill was uuder consideratiun in tho House. TuuitsDAY, Jan. 11. - Señale. - The Chai laid before the Senate the credentlals of E. II Rollins, Senatcr-elect f rom New Hampehire. . . .Mr. Morton, from the Oommittee on Privileges and Electione, subniltted a reftolutiou diacharging Knoe Runyon,nf the finn of Martin & Runyon, bankers and brokers, Now ïork, from the cuetody of the Sergeant-at-Arinfl, he baving test int d before the committee Agrcod to Mr. Hainlin reportod back the House bilí to CBtabllsh ccrtain poet routes, and naid the comniittec had coneúdered the disagreement of the two house In regard to the faut niail service, and directed him to report in favor of the Senate ineistiog upon ii nnieudment, and moved that a commlttco of conference beappolnted. Agreedto, and Mesara. Ilaralin, Paddock and Maxey wcre appointed on the comraittce. ..The fienato theu went into executlvc seseion, and. when the doore reopened, aiijoum:d. Bouec.- Holuian'8 amendment to the Consular and Diplomatic Appropïiation bill decreasing tho salarios of Mipiutors and ÜodsuIb was defcatod - C'J to 100. All tho amandtnents to the bill were veted down, and the bill wafl paüHed... .The Military Appropriation bill was talt"n up and passed without amendment. It appropriatee $205,1tU. a reduetion of $129,919 from the eetimate, and & rednetion of $24 901 bvlow the bill of last KrsBion Oonetnt wan givrn for the printlDK of the teatimoriy takn by tho coinmittce on the ülection in Florida The Joint renolution for tho appointmf-nt of an international Silvor CommiHSiion was eonsiilered. Fiïiday, Jan. 12.- Senate,- Mr. Frelinghuyflen ircsented a petition of persons represeniing the iinancial, commercial, manufacturing and biiBinoRs interest? of Ncwark, N. J., aaking that ín counting the electoral vote all party considorations be laid aside, and that pure, uneelfiBh, patriotiBiw guide tho action of Congrcss. The petition waa read , and, af ter a brief speech by Mr. Freliughuysen, rcferred to tho sperial committeo vï soven Honators ai)pointoit to consider the Precidential dllnculties Mr. Bootü callod up a rcsolutlou mibmitted bv him on tlie 8th inst. in regard to tho counting of the electoral vote, and poke at leugth in favor thereof. .... Mr. Gordon íntrotiuced a bill to créate a Binking fund for the liqiiidalion cf Oovernment bonda advancedtotho Pacific railroad companie. Ilofored . . . Mr. OhatfBO introduend a bill to abolibh the ttae of stovcfl for heating passenger railroad oars. Bef ntd. Boute- Mr. Knott, Chairman of the Judieiary Committee, reportod in tho case of Barnes, the recalcitraut manacrer of tbe Now Orloans Western Uniou felegraph office, that the House bae tfao riRht to ooiupol tiio production of telegram by olUccrs of tolegraph companioH. Mr. Barnes was ijrought beforo thé Iiouner auddeclared tuat bc íb not now in charge of the, Now Orleans, bul Hhonid he again bo placed iu charge of tliat office, and shoukl telegrama deinanded be thiv, bo would williugly produce theui. Mr. Knott then offered a resol ution deelaring that tho responde of wltnosB was not suflicicnt, ana rcmauillníí bim to tbo custody of the Sergeant-atArnis until he sball havo produced tdegraiue or boon dlacharged by order of the House. Adopted - yeaB, 131 ; uayn.72 ..Mr. Knott f rom tho Committee to aycirlalü the privileges of tltc Uoubc in counting of the electoral vote, mado a report frfm thatcommittco roconimeucling the adoption cf the f olio wit ■# rewolutlons : " IieHotwd, Tliat tUe Oonfltltntton of the Quitod States doeti not confer on tlie President of thoStimU1 powf'rto r xamine and ascertain the votes to he. coQulfld &a oluctoral votes for President and Vlcc President ot tho United States, Second. That tïi onlj power which the coustitution confore on the President of tho Senate in rcKard to tho electoral votCB for ProHidrüit and Vico President Ifl to recoive tho sealod lists transmitted to hüii by tho eeveral electoral clerku, to Jcocp tho name pafe, and to open all certifícate, or Uioho purportinjf to !)0 siu;ht iu tho i.roaenco of thu Senatu and Iluuee of Kepraentativee. Third. Ihat tho couMitntion does confer on (he Senate and Houbo of Representatlven tho power to examine aud asoert&iu tho votos to bo counted as elcc'o-a) votes, Kourth. Tliat in the exectitlon of that power i u respeet to tbe pctinting of the electoral votes tho Uouse hati at ivuni jual power with th? Nenate. ï'5fih. That, in tho countínfí oí' the electoral vote. no vote can be counted againsl tho jutlgn-t nt ;mhI determiuatiou of tbe Huutío of Hu)n .sr; wtivis. Sixth. That tho eoniniittea have lea ve to it dXiu, and report h4reuf)er tnrtber matter for the couBiderutíou of tho House." The report , together with the miuority ropurt subnutted y Mr. Burcbard, of Tlllnoíp, waB orderod priuted. Mr. Knott gave not:co that he would cali up tho j Oflolutions for aotlon oö Wednc-sday. Mr. Enott , lao askod tbat two ádditioiial mombora be ' wintert on the cotíHDiitcc to acertain tbr rtgntfl j1 .nd privilc g(-a f the Hoilse of K?preecntative9 Jü I ' omit-ing the oUctoral voto. The Speakor ' il Meser. Fií'Ul and Iiawrfiíifie as euch addit fonal I nerabere. Mojïday, Jan. 15.- Retinte.- k reeolution waa pasped to print o:,000 oxtra ooplcfl of the tBtimony alten by the Ccnimittfle on Privileges atid Elooions in regard to tho lato e'rction in Loutataha, Floritla and SüUtU ' aroliim. and the rastirg nf thfi sloctoíai voto Mr. Gonkling prèeenled rouolu.ioiiH of tl:e New York Charaber of Commeree aahíííí tUat iiicasures bn adoptcd for conveumg au nicruat tonal moiioy oongrrBB to iix tho relativo value cf gold and silver. Rferred - Mr. Jonee, from tno Bpccial coinmittae appointed ;t the last HORHion to intjuirc Into chautffB whfch ■ ■. ■ taitón i'laco in the relRtivo value of r froltl rmd allverf the caxifio thcreof, etc. sfiid the quefltionn wero broad in Ilieir soope, and sliouUl aay lngislatioa be had npon the report of the comöilttoe, it whould not be untll aftcr the committee had fully inveBtigated thi aubjeot. ITe BUbmitted a concïirront roBoiution extfiul dr the timo for tho corainitlee to BUbmit its report f rem Jan. 15 to Feb. 15. AgreecV to Tbr Sonate patd a hlfíli compliment to the ictogrity of Mr. Winclom, of MinneHota, In votlag ïmantmotiflly ngaiiiet the adoption oí a rcsolxition, offor'd by Mri A'ïu'loni, callini? for tho iuveatigatiou. hy a committee comoeed of thrcr ':■.' ■ crata, of certaia charge of bribory preferfeil against him by one Ctiapman, a disappointod aj plieane for the offlco of Sntvnjor General of ft'asrÍD{ítn Territory. Wllllam Ürku, President of the Weatern Union Telogxaph C'ompany, was bofore tho bar of Iho House, attended by connpel (Lowwy). to answer the charge of being in conimpt of tho Houao in not appearing bef oro tho Louiaiana Investigating Commitife and producing cortaln tclefíraniB. Mr. Orton'B anwwer pleadccl 111nees as an excuso íor Wb non-attendant':j. The anRwer and the wholo matter was referrnd to tho .fudlciary Committre, and Mr. drton wdö rt-manded to tho enstndy of the Scricoaut at Arms Mr. Cochrane mored to BnP-pend the rulos and adopt the renolntion iiiBtructi-ns tile .) ndciary Committee to inquf re as to the propiiety Of rovokinc any conrf.sftionB and prlvilogea held by the Western Union Telegraph Company uadw tno .icíH of Congrcss, n eowwqüence of the coiituwacy of the oompany. The motion was üofeated - yeaR, 141; naye, 35- Kot the necoasary two-tliirde Mr. Hotch moved to suspund tho rules ud pass a bilí for Iho rollef o) tobawo-growere. It próvidos that tolmoco-Rrowers phaU havo the liglit to eell leaf tot'foco frec-. fron: auy tax, flue or olher restrictlon. cfeated- ycia, IW nays, 99- two-tblrds üot votiiig in the afflrmative....Mr. Oaulfilit moved to suKprnd the ridoa and pass a bilí proviaing that it shall be nnlawfut for m re than 0110 regiment of infantry, one company of cavalry, and onc battery of artillery to bo stationed at tho capital of the United Stalen, and that no porliou of that force shall be allowed within half a milt ni the Capítol during th aeaBtona of Conarras. D.if estf'il - yeas, 'M) ■ nays, 97- not two-thinlB in tho jiilirmutivo.


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