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NNUAL STATÈMEN'l? For the year cnding December Sist, A. 1). 187B, of the conditloD and a 0 airs of tlie GERMÁN FARMERS' MTJÏU AL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Located at Scio, organlzed under the laws of the 9tat6 of Michigan, and doing busine&s Ín the county ut' Washtoaaw, In said State. SIMON F. IIIBTH, Piesident. Wm. F. IÏUÖS, Secretury. m kmijerships. Kumberof membera i1'cember 31;t of previous vuur. 7 4." Numberof memVwrs addcd duiing the present year, 74 Total, 819 Deduct number of ntflmberi wiLhdrawu during the year, and canceled policlefl by reason of sale or othf rwisi'. 16 Number of inembers now belonging to Coiiipauy, 803 RISKS. Amount of property at risk December 31st of previons year, S2.177.367 00 Aiuoimt of risks added during the present year, 196,932 00 Total, 2,374,211!) 00 Deduct risks cancelcd, withdrawn, or turmiiiated, 61,265 00 Net iiiiount uow at risk by couipauy, $2,308,034 00 RESOURCES. Amount of premium or depoelt notes now in force, none Amount of cash preiniuniii or assessmentsactually on hand, none Amount of outslanding assrsstm'nts not canceled, none Nature and amount of all othcr resources, viz : none Total resources, none LIABILITIES. Claims for loases duo and payaable, none Claims for losses not matuml, none Claim for losses resisled, noue Nature and amount of alf other claims, viz: Borrowed tnoney by coiupany, $635 5U 1686 56 INCOME. Amount of premium ou depoalt notes tüken duriug tht) yoar, none Amount of cash premiums reccivcd duvins the year, none Amount eoUectéd on assessment.s whicli were leviod duriug the present year, none Amount eolleeted this year on assesbincnUi which were levied iu prior years, 89 19 Amount recelved (rom inuminTship or policy fees, 235 25 Arnount received frora percentage ou increased or decreased inauranceh none Income from all other sourcey., vu: from nioncy luaned, interest, 28 81 Total income for the yoar, $0'.i 25 kxïenuIti:rk-'. Amount paid for losses during the year, (of whicb 4,629 imj occurred in prior years), "i,72lJ 45 Amount of salary and rees paid to oiüi ■■[ and directora, lis per items in Schenule A, 238 05 Amount of all oïlicr expeudituraa during the year as per schedule B, 60 80 Total expenditures during year, 4,028 30 SCHKDÜLE A. NAME OP OFFICER OR DIBECTOR fcO WHOM PAID. Simun F. Hirth, President, $17 00 Wm F. Bus, Secretary, 51 50 John Schenk, Treasurer, 80 50 Jacob Jedele, Director, 3Ü 50 A. L. Feldkamp, " 18 00 Michaei SUebler, " 19 00 Jacob Raab, Agent, 29 00 Michael Schenk, Agent, 19 00 John Keppler, Agent, 9 00 Daniel llcininger, " 2 00 Jacob Raab, collecting fecs of outstaoding assessments, 62 Ja4-ob Jedele, " " 40 John Kcppler, ' " " 30 Wm. Aprül, " " " 1 97 John Schenk, " " 26 Total Schedule A, 238 05 SCHEDÜLE B. 1TF.MSOF "ALLOTHKR KXl'KNSKS." Printing bill for advertising last year's reortt 12.50 M " ' anuual meeting, 2.35 For the use of the house for anuual meuting, 3.00 New blauks fox polloics, 13.50 . " " " applications, 4.00 For the use af the house lor anuual meeting, 3 00 New blank for póffcfes, 13 50 " " applications, 4 00 Stationery, 1.50 Share of assessment returned, 2.40 Interest paid on borrowcd money, 21 15 Total ftMteteflaiLOUB QUESTIONS. 1. How many BSSessments have been made during the year.' Ans. None. 2. What is the amount of all the assessments made during the year? Auh. None. 3. What is the rate per cent of such assessmeuts on the property insured ? Ans. No jer cent. 4. What is the rate per cent of such ftswssueDta on the premium ur deposit notes? Ans. No per cent. 5. What amount was re-assessed for assessments that were not paid? Ans. None. 6. What amount oí Lomes úe allowed to accumulate before an assessment is levied? Ans. No oertain amouiit. 7. Does the company, in making an assussment, pruvide theruiu for any surplus fund over tbc actual tossea acerued ? Ií so, how mueh ? Ans. Not aJways; although there may be left Mmetlmes a certain amount from an ftSÓeesuteat in treasury of the Company. 8. What pionortion of the actual loss sustained by a policy holder does the Gompany pay ? Ans. The fuU loss sustaiued. STATE OF MJCJBÈIGAN, ) COUNTY OF WaSIITENAW, ƒ " Simon F. Hirth, President, and William F Buss, Socrotary oí said ('ompany, do, and eaofa for himself doth depose and bbt, that tluty hare read the foregoing statement, and know the content thereof, and they have good reason to believe, and do believe, said statement to be true. SIMON F. HIRTH, President. Wm. F. BUSS, Beeretary. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arhor in said Statu and couuty, this lSth day of Junuarv' A. D. J677. '' ELÏHU B. POND Rotary Public, Washtenaw Cotmty, Mieh. THE SUN. 1877. NEW YORK. lSlT. The different editions of the ï'un during the next year will be the ame as during the yesr thut has juut passed. The daily edition will on wnek days be a sheet of four pages, and on tjundays be a sheet of eirht pageB, or 56 broad columns; while the weekly ■ will be a sheet of eight pages of the same diniensions and character that are already t'.uniihir u our irïondb. The Son will continue lo be the strenuous advo cate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitutionof statesmanship, wisdom, and inleirity for hollow pretense, imbecility, and fraud in the adminiiitraiion of public alfairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the people and ior the people, as opposed to government by frauda in the ballot-box and in the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. It will en deavor to supply lts readers- a body not far from a million oi souls- with the most carerul, complete and trustworthy accounts of current events :ind will employ for this puipose a numeroua and cftrefully sclocted stuif of reporters and correspondente, lts report from Washington, especially, will bc full, accurate, and fearlcss ; and it wiil doubtless continuo to deserveand enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the treasury or by uaurping what the law does not fpve them, while it will endeavor to ment the contldence of the public bydeiendini; tlie rujhts of the people against the encroachments of uujustitied power. Ttepricoof Uiedaily Sun will be 55 cpntn a month or $($.50 a yeur, post paid, or with the Sunday edition Í7.TO a year. The Sunday edition alone, eiirht pages, si.idi year, poat paid. The Wkekly suN.eight pages oi' 56 brond colulmns, will beturnishedduricg the year 1877 at the rato of $ 1 a yenr, post paid, The bencflt of this largo reduction from the pievioue rate (or the Weekly can be enjoyed by individual subscribera without the neces.sity of making upolubs. At the same time if any of our fnéndfl deaire to aid in extending our circulation, wo shall bc grateful to them, and every such perHon who sends us ten or more aubecribers from m place, will be entitled to one copy of our paper for himself without charge. At one dollar a yenr, poatngppuid, the expenses of paper and printinj; are barely prepaid ; anil , considering the ize of the sheet and the quality of its oontenta, we are ooikfldeirt the psople will consider the Wbbkxt Hdm the cheapi'st newxpaper publislied in the World, and we trust ulso one of the very best. Addrtss, THE SUN, New York City, Y THE ENEMY OF DISEASÊ7 THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. I theGrand Oíd MUSTANG LINIMENT Which has atood the test of forty year. There is no Sore lt will not heal, no Lamenees it will not cure, no Ache, no Pain thst atfiicte the llimiiin Body, or the líoy ot a Horse or other domestic animal, that rtoea not yield to its magi: Uiuch. A bottle coating 26c, 50c, or #1.0(1, has ot :en aaved the life of a human teing, and reatoreU .o Ufe and usefulnesfc mauj a valutible home. I I A NNUAL STATEMENT Kor the year ending December 31st, A. D. 1876, oí the couilition and alï'airs of the WASHTENAW MUTUAL F IR E INSURANCE Ö0., Located al Anu Albor, ornnized under the lawsof the State of Michigan, and doing business iu the Couuty of WiishUüiaw, In said Stat. ALLEN CRITTENDEN, Plcsident. NEWTON SHELDON, Secretary. MKUBKKSHIPS. Nuinlicr of meniban December Slat, of prerioiu year, 1,918 NutiiImt o í iuViiiIh-is addcd during tho present year, 122 Total, '2,040 Deduct number of members withdrawn durin the year and canceled policios by reason of sale or otherwise, 174 Numbcr of inembers now belOnging lo rompan y, 1866 RLSKS. Ainount of property at risk December 31st of preyious vears, $4,394,075. Amount of risks added during present year. By changtng all policies, the net at i isk i.s as statcd below Nct amount now at risk by compauy, $3,878,520. KRSOUKCHS. Amount of preniiuiü or deposlt notea now iu forcé none Amouut of cash premiums or asae-sssnients actually ou hand, 8749 88 Amount of outstaudiug aasessiuents nol canceled. 2,837 46 Nature and amount of all other resources, viz : Premium, 8196 84; policy iee, $118 14, 314.48 Membcrshiis, 91 50 Interest and discount, 28 84 Total resources, $4,022 16 LIABII.ITIK3. Claims for loases due and payable, $20 00 Claims for loases not matured 1,540 00 Claim for losscs reslsted, none Nature and amount of all other claims, viz : President Allen Crlttenden, 49 74 National Bank.borrowed, 1,538 21 Socretary N. Sheldon, borrowed, 640 00 Total Liabillties, 88,787 95 IMOOHK. Amount of premium on deposit notes taken during the year, none Amount of cash premiums received during the year, 8196 34 Amount collected on assessments which were levied during the present year, 7,641 11 Amount collected this year on assessments which werc levied in prior years, 7,935 77 Amount received from membership or policy fees, 209 64 Amount received from percentage on increased or decreased insurance, none Income from all other sources, viz: from Interest and discount, 28 84 Balance December 31, 1875, 158 86 Total income for the year, $16,155 06 KX1-KNDITURK8. Amount paid for losscs during the yesr (of which $4,6ö6 44 occurred in prior years), $11.796 17 Ainoiint of salary and fees paid to omcers and directors as per items in Selmiule A, ü,349 65 Amount of all other expenditures duriug the year as per Schedule B, $1,259 36 Touil expenditures duringyear, $15,405 18 StlHEÜULE A. NAM F. OF OKFICKR Oli D1KKCT0B TO W1I0M PAID Andrew Campbell Director, 33 U0 Allen Crittenden, " 188 80 " " last year's account, 50 95 II. M. Mowry, " 320 80 " " last year's account, 66 35 Fctcr Cook, " 195 05 .ohn .1. Uobison, " 114 15 N. Sheldon, " and Secretary's salary, $500 00 ■ " " " last year's account and interest, 233 75 John Cook, Assi.stant Director, 66 25 J.S. Henderson, " 207 00 Wui. K. Cnilds, " " 97 50 James W. Wing " " 74 80 T. B. Goodspecd, " " 102 50 I'airick Fleming, " " 32 50 N. E. Crittenden, " " 66 25 Total Schedule A, $2,349 65 SCHEDULE B. ITEMS OF "ALL OTIIKR KXPK.N3KS." Expresg, 83 50 Stationery, 4 50 Investigation of losses by Secretary, 6 00 Refunded, 2 96 Postage, SI 41 Wood for Office, 26 80 Towu Ageuts, 809 50 Printing and Books, 166 75 Kent of Ornee, 13B 00 Interest, 248 04 Borrowed, 312 35 Sundries, 22 55 Total Schedule B, $1,259 36 1. How many assessments have been made duriiiK the year? Aus. One. 2. What is the amount of all the assessmeuts made duriug the year? Ana. S10.468 57. i. What is the rate per cent of such assessments on the property insured ? Ans. .0272 per cent., or S2 72 per 1,000. 4. Whai is the ratc per cent of such assessmeot on the premium or deposit notes? Aus. No per cent. 5. What amount was re-atstited for assessment tnat were not paid ? Ans. Colleet all collectable. 6. What amount of losses are allowed to accumulate before an assessment is levied? Ans. All to uaenment, but pay in 9t)days by horrowing. 7. Does the coiupany, in making an asseasinent próvido tlierein for auy surplus fuud over the actual losses accrued ? II so, how much? An Yes Estimated expenses for one year. 8. What proijurtiou of the actual loss sustained by a policy-holder does the Company pay? Ans. two-thirds the amount on personal property, and the "hole amount insured on buildings, as the Coinpatiy insure theni at only two-thlrd their cash value. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 CoOHIT of Washtenaw, J MAllen Crittendeu, President, and Newton Sheldon, Secretary of said company, do, and each for himself doth depose and say, that they have read the foregoing statement, and know the contenta Ihereof, and that they have good rea3on to believe and do believe. said statement to be true. ALLEN CKITTENDEN, President. NEWTON SHELDON, Secretary. Sworn and subscrlbed before me, at AnnArbor in said Sute and county, this 16th day of January, A, D. 18 . PETEK II. ABEL, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Michigan. THE OLD EELIABLE Fire Insurance -A-ca-nsTa-sr oop C. H. MILLEN. H031E OF NEW YORK, Capital and Surplus, $G,OOO,OOO. CONTINENTAL OF N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000. NZACAEA OF 1T. T., Cash Assets, $1,500,000. GIRARD OF Phil adelphia., Cash Assets, $1,000,000. ORIE1TT of Hartford Cash Assets, $800,000. Policics issued at as low rutes as iu any respousible Company. C. II. MILLEN, No. 4 Si.nt li .Mam Street, Ano Arbor. shanahanTbrökaw HAVE opened a Moat Market on North Main utreet, throe doors uurth of Hall & Marble'a, where wül be kept a full line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Sumí, iil Ham, SauaaKe, l.nnl, eCc. All orders promptly lilkd. 6ml618 I A dny at home. Agenta wanted. Outüt PA'"' and terra free.TUUE & CO., Augusta, Me $fi t u"ik Perday at home. BnmpleB worth f ro JJ)iUi free. Stiksom & Co., Portland, Me. 1673 FINE JOB PRINTING don ut tb AHUUS ÜFÍ'ICE. , IF YOU WANT A GOOD OVERCOAT AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAP, ÚO TO WM. WAGMEB'S Por He U Selling OvercoatS at Cost. IP YOUR BOY WANTS A BOX OF COLLARS 8END HIM Tü YM. WAGNER'S FOUTHERE HE CAN (iET THE BEST FOR THE LKA8T MONEY. IF YOU WANT AGOODSUIT MADE TO ORDER, go to WM. WAGNER'S 21 South Main St. Ann Arbok. A DOLLAR SAVED JS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS ! And prices LOWEK THAN KVEB. I hnve purehased in New York, for cnsh, and I urn now diiily receivins one of the largest and I most select stocks of Orooerie in W.-ishtenaw County, i;()iiiotiiiï of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including uupowders, Imperial, on ltj . sous. llysons, Jnpant, Oolonga, Forluoitua, uiiu.-us, lionas, and 'l'waikaya, ToKether with a full line ofCOFFEES, consistin; of the followin? bninds : MO:iIA, OLD OOV'T JAVA, MAHACA1BO, LAÖUA YRE.ÖANlOHnnd KIO, bnth rousted and ground : a full and well selccted uloek of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with Dverythinfr in the line cf Pure Spices, Canned fruit, and Vegetables. We have a full und complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a cholee nasortment of Ludio' HndOentlomen's Unilerwear Cali and examine (Joods and l'rices and we will insurusatisfaction. JÍDWARD ÜUFFY. Muynard'e cor. Main and Ann treeta Ana Arbor. Mich. Kyniphest cash price paid for all farm ', produue.%A RAILROADS. MIC H WAS CEÜtËaE KAaioAn5 NOV. 10, 1876. eoiMo wistT J===aa i.rrrli ffljjl M. A. M I Ft, " - - Detroit, leave, 7 00 aio 4 M ■? ü. T. Junctiuu, 7 15 1 9 Í5 4 Z J5 11 1; WayneJunction 7 40 9 60 i 5 la 10 Is Ypnilanti, 8 15 10 1-, (h -""' Ann Arbor, 8 35 10 86 6 12' L S " S Dexter, B 00 ,-, h H - , Ohülnoa, 9 18 liM-IS Graes Lake, 9 47 JJ - Jackson, Lv., 10 20 12 0 gn . ' Albion, 11 04 12 46 ' . : II ,= ?? 1 Marshall, 11 60 1 30;_; }J J 1 t, BattleCreek, 12 20 157?1 „, Ualesburg, 12 {5 ; " W in Kalamazoo, 115 2 8S 4 oÓ ftf; Lawton, 1 66 4 41 , !!■ ' Decatur, 2 15 6 o - Dowagiac, 2 41 5 26 . ïï - - Mies, 3 II 4 07 6 10 ,",- liuchanan, 3 25 6 6 5 , s ThreeOaks 3 56 4 4a: 7 04 ;?'- NewBuftalo, 4 13 14 06 7 21 í25: Michigan City, 4 40 6 20! 7 50 Í?rLke, 5 23 5 59' 8 35! í J ■ 4i Kcusington, 6 20 6 40' 9 40 Chicago, arrive, ' 7 06 7 25 10 25 QOINO EABT. M Tö ; 8 1 in i'j A.M. A. M. [■. m. ÍT' llhiCBKO, leave, 6 00 8 30 3 50! in" Kensington, i 6 45 9 12. 4 35 „ Lake, i 6 40 9 &4i 5 23 S,!' Michigan City, 1 7 32 10 40 6 261 - H New Bulfalo, , 7 56 11 00. 6 61, F" Three Oak8, '8 09 1113 7 09 Tñ'jí Buchanan, 8 41! 7 60 l Nilea, 9 0IM1 66 8 20 1 u ; Dowagiac, ' U 27 1 8 48 ZZnï Decatur, ' 9 52 S 15 ' Lawton, l0 10 p. h. 9 85 _ 'r Kttlamnzoo, 10 50 1 15 10 10i 10 "T Oalesburfr, UU , __' j Battle Creek, 11 47 1 67 'S (i 11 15 Í! Marshall, 12 4S 2 40 ? 11 T" Albion, 1 lu ÏOÏ -HÍJ Jackaon, Lv., 2 15 3 46 ;' ím ,„ Grass Lake, 2 45 7 53 li u J Chelsea, 3 10 8 2u il! J Dexter, 3 25 8 37 , Delhi, ! 8 37 1 i 8 Í0 S Ann Arbor, ! 3 52 4 66' Itj n )c, TT Ypsilanti, 4 15 5 101 9 27 2J „ Wayne June, 4 43 5 29 1( 00 J ■!; G.T. June, I 5 J0 6 00 1045 Jíí Detroit, Ar., i 6 45 6 15 11 00 j J Sundays excepted. IBaturday nd 8iadtii cepted. tüaily. ía' H. B. LKDYARD,Gen'18upt.,Detrat H. C. Wentwobth, Oen. Pass. AkL, Chicago. Córner Main aod HurooSieo DETEOIT, HILLSDALÈÏÏNDÏ ANA RA1LEOAD. To tnke effect December Slat, 18)6. OOINO WEST. aODIOlU!. station. Fr'ght. Maii. 1 tatioks. Hall fi a. m. r. m. Ypailanti.... 7:00 6:00 i-H.f.i Saline 7:57 6:35 Bankera 6:0 liridgewater.. fc:30 6:65 Híllailale &1 C Manchester. 9:10 7:18 Manchester.. ím ii r. m. Bridgewatet s:si (a Hillsdale 12:35 9:17 Saline SSt ; Bankere.. 12:55 9:30 Ypuilanti.... í;j. ■ Traius ran by Chicago time. To take efiect , Dec. 31, 1876. W. F. PARKER, 8op't, Ypiilufc GREAT WESTERN RAIL WAY. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DETROIT, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON Fliilailelpliji, AND ALL EASTERX CITIES. r.A -1 ( 7III,i:silieSliorlstI,inelr DS' A 7 Detroit to Buffalo an 1 1'oints Lut. tSr A r Miles the ehortest line from Detroit u #é-t O Niágara Palls and points Kast. Connections at Sunpensioi ltricluc niel Iluffsilo Mi thc New Vork Central aud Erie Tlie Track and Efitpmenta of tbe OEli". WK8TERM are perfect, and it i managed illi ■ a view to the SAFKTY and COMFORT ol k Patrons. TOURISTS AND PLEASURE SEEKEE3 Should bear in mind that the GREAT WESTBBS ■ Kailway is the Shortest and moet Com.'oiliii Route between Detroit, Suspension Bridge I Buffalo, ar.d is the only line whicb crosses f ion Bridge in lull vier of the falla. For information and ticket via thupopolu ' route apply to G. W. 8HARPLBSS, Agent M. C. R. R., Ana Arbor Hut. trÜsTtoÜsh FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL f R. G. SMITH, at his Nurscry, W. : street, is ready to take and fill orders for fruit I ornamental trees, includiug .Vpples, Pears, Peacheü, Pi mus, ('herruis, (tuncos. Evergreens. Horso ChestniitN Kliinarnock WUlows, Grapes, Smull l'niits, Koscs, & Ornamental Sfcrrt ■aTBuyof resident dénier, and don'll''181' ed by unknown traveling agente."ifl Priceu to Suit tbe Times. R. ti. SMITH. Ann Arbor, Deo. 20, 1876. ""J1 ' INSDKANCB CÜ11PI Capital, - - $3,()00,0l Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inclndit? Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86Net Surplus over Liabilities, incluW Re-Iasurance and Capital Stock' $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, aWai EORGE W. CROPSEY, Late f the finn of Clark 4 Cropsky, ai" li Kkarnky, late üf Texas, under the firm DBt' KEARNEY & CKOPSE Have mtabUshed themselves at No. 33 seB, tfnlu Si., Aun Arbor, and propos l" general Crocery Business They wlll also keep CROOKERY, Oljffl WixiDKN WARU, anda full line of W 'B j and KOKEIUN KJKUiTS. They hare dü fumished A First-class Eating DePart' ment, Where Meáis can be had at all hours, ' lKro the week. Casb pald tor Rutter, Egt, ?%%■ touulry produce. Guixls pw11!1',',,!) ered iu any part of the city. Remember n S3 Soutb IHain Slrect. KEAUSKV & CKOI'-SE Anu Arbor, April 26, 1876. BriííSüinflr'álf Í OFFER FOK SALE iny Brick BtoW.Co Huron and Fourth streete, "PP08," h„.in otel. This is one of the most deslrable MJg locations in the city, and wil) b sold .P??i,, 1598 JOHN O, bA


Old News
Michigan Argus