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Sioux Against Sioux

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Since the return of the last expedition ngainst the Sioux, and principally the hostiles under Sitting Buil nnd Crazy Horse, the headquarters of the Department of the Platte in the field have tempoinrilf been ostablished at tliia poiat. To-night they were somewhat startled by the intelligenoe that tho Indiiins had run off ovei twenty-fl?e head of stock, mostly horaoB, from the iafJöhes of Maxwell and Pbillips, on the C'hug, and between Cheyenno and Laramie. Neithcr the Black Hills stage line nor the Government transportation have been r"olosted, but feai-3 are entertained that these marauders will not rest eatisfied with mere theft. A few days ago Sergt. Berry and two privates from the garrí son of Fort Laramie were attacked by Iudians, badly wounded, and Iheir horr=es killed. Truly, the Sioux do not appcar to be so nearly subjugated as has been reported, but, on the contrary, seem spoiling for a fight. Present appearances indícate that the operations of last summer - God grant without the horror of another Cantor massacre ! - are to be repeated. Fruitless, or at least indecisive chases, i out and starving troops, and exhausted horsefl -sh- thfse are the expensive bardships of Indian canipaigns. They will not vary for at least two or more decades. As soon as his services as witness before this court martial can be dispensed with, Gen. Orook will proceed via Fort Laramie to Red Cloud and Spotted Tail afferrcies to organize anotber expedition against Orazy Hor3e. It is said tbat Maj. Mason, Third Cavalry, trill command, and that his force wili De composed Jargely of volunteer Sioux - Ogallallas, Kiociea, Brules, etc. Indeed, Spotted Tail has proposed and nsked to go out with his entire individual band. The President, it will be remeinbered, conferred upon him the title of Grand Sachem of the Sioux Nation, but his ere a troublcsome people, and unfortnnately there are some who f ear neither him nor tho Great Father. Frank Gruerd, the noted scotit of Gen. Orook, will again accompany him. It seems to be the policy of the latter to light Indian with Indiau, or, in other words, to inflame the various bands against cach othcr. This plan he pursuod in his campaign against the Apaches in Arizona, and it was eniinently succossful. Tho Sioux difficulty is likely to be yet scttled by those who taused it. The early Rpring will see an influx of miners hito the Black Hills that nothing can stay. Even now they are assenibling and outfitting at this and otlier contiguous points. There will not be sufficient gold to supply the demand, and thousands of unsuccessful 'jien will eithor return or devote their attention to agriculture and stock. Towns will spring up witli botter ingrediente of stability meute possees, and the Sious will be forcea to retire from their hunting grouuds. The Northern Pacific railroad niay be buiit; and, whether it be or not, the country immediately north of the Black Huls and about the Big Horn mountains.will become great and popuous regioñs because of their intrinsic value.


Old News
Michigan Argus