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State News Brevities

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It is estimated ttmt tbere aro over 100 sporting dogs of fiue breed in Detroit, their total value, as estimated ly üog t'anciurs, being over $8,000. Dr. Geo. B. Jocelyn, President of Albion College, died on Saturday last, aged 53 years. The Northern Michigan Poultry Association will hold their seooud annual exliibition at Flint, commencing February 19 and closing February 23. Sagiuaw City is complaining of dark □esss made visible. The Curumon Council refuged to pay tho gas coinpany $4 per 1,000 for material, and as a cousequence the Street lamps are " grand, gloomy, and peculiar." Stephen C. Rose, of Coldwater, one of tho oldest residents of Branch County, oiico county clerk, and for ruany years activoly identified with the railroad onterprises of that section, died on the 23rd uit., aged 60 years. Lapeor having suffored in the past from iinpure water is about to introduce improvod drive wells. They are tubod with crystalized iron or glass, and are pronounced unequalod for procuring pure water, as thuy prevent the introduction of surftice soakings. Mrs. Jamos Pickford, of Romo, Louawee, Co., made and sold during the year ending Junuary lat, 1877, two thousand oue huudred pouuds of buttor from ten cowa, reooiviug tharafor $125. This, besides furnishing the family of ten persons with but'er and rnilk. A Wntortown farmer was in Langing last week witb a bandsoms, fashionable, f'ull Ruit of clothi'S, including nu overcoat, all the product of bis own farm and household. He raised the shoep, and bis good wife spun and wove the olutb, and then ut and mude the guit. The earningg of the Dett-oit & Milwaukee Railroad during the year 1876 to $972,(507 03, dn inerease of $83,972 5(1 ovor Uib earning of tlie year 1875. Tho board of supervisors of Kont County held a uieotiug at (Jrand Kapids rimrsil iv nighi of lant weck, to discus tho proposición for a new court houg, to oost $100,000. Quite a divorsity of opinión wan rxpivsBed, and the meeting, whii-'u was i:u .iy attended hy residente of the city, djouraed without any decidud resulta. A two-ypiir oíd son of Norman McLain, of Wüllrtceburg, clambcred upon a chuir and reaohed a bottle of whisky upou the hu r 'nu in his futher's bedroom, from whioh he drank so deeply as to die in spite of all modiual aid. Th citizens of Wenona, Banks and Salzburg, tho viüagos on the opposite side of Saginaw River, held a meeting Saturday night to couRtder the question of consolidating with Bay City. This was voted down. Steps were thon taken toward consolidating the three villagcs aud the fonuation of a city. The population of the villagea is about 3,000. Mrs. Elizabeth Mickelson, of Manistee committed suiuide oue day last week by culting her throat with a razor. Her husband was absent in the lumber woods, and shu being in feeble healtb, it is thought took her life through dread of burglars who infest that city. It has been estimated that the amount of logs to be put into Muskegon River and its tributarios would be from 250,000,000 to 300,000,000 fet. A statement from a lumberuian who has made a careful estímate makes the amnunt to be put in above Crotón '275,000,000 feet, and probably the amount put in between Crotón and Musekgon will increase the amount to 300,000,000 feet, which will be about the amount of logs to be cut iu Muskegon next season.


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