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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuesday, Jan. 23. - Sonate, - The Sonate reRumcd consideration of the bill in regard to coiintng the electoral vote, and Mr. Sherman Bpoke ia oppoBition to it. He eaid it was paiuful foi Hm tu diesent froui the views of inon whom he eBttomcd so hiRhly, bnt ailerthc hrk-f íoramination ho had glven the measure he thoufiht ft wua his duty to opP'.bü it. The bill was to xnuko a court to decido a cawe alreiuly made up, and thore wero provisions in it inconjpatiblo witli tbe coustilution. Sch a law au this evll examplo, and it could not sustained uüíIít tbfl oonatuuüon. Mr. Sherman argued tbal tiio bül waH unconBtitutional, and be iiartieulurly oppoeed tho clauBe providii?g for the selectiou ol üvo Jurist of the Huprrme CQurt as mmbers oí th ! coniiüisBion. Ue alao oppotted tho ineafluro becauBO J it underlook to delogalo powor conferred upou i Congrega to a oommiBBlon. He argucd (hal tho bill was intcndod to appiy to a case pam onded and oonolnded, wbich wan thercfore unconntiUitlonal. Another feature of tho bil! Which violated tho spirit vt Ule couetltutlon wa8 that autkorizing the appointment of a coinmiltee of flvo moiabcrB of each houflo aH njenibtirn of a cominlstfioii, iiot to take depouitions and reiiort ae othcr coiumittccs, but to bo boyoud tho coutrol of tho iwo htniKes after beilif? orgahiicd. Ue approved of ! only Olie fcaturo of the blM, and that #U th:il ; ncithrr hotwo hait the right torcjrcttnc electoral vote of a State. Mr. Khcrm.-ni va followrd by Mr. Coukling in a two houra' npcech In favor of tho bilí. Mr. Conkliug contended that H wae tbo rlght inil iluty of Congress to ancertalu and vcrify (he electoral votos, and declare tho truc result of I'rosidontial elcciiona, or clse, by an asnertion of tho law-makine powor, to declare hovr those act : I. .;'ri be óone. Ile clonled tht the power to count tbc votes was voisted in tbc President of the ! Scuate, and said if the constltution gave all tho power to odo üian, it wa& not easy to R"O not ConBress coull witnens or verify tho ftct. Tö opbh (eftifleates was purely a üilnieterinl aot, but to count tho VOtöa van Botuctliiug inoro. The good ivHuït'ates iuutt bo asorted fromtbe bad ones. Mr. CoLkiing Bpoke at somo longth as to tho constitutinnality of the Wil, and arted, did not rcaöon and fitness of things inform the Henato that our fathera inteudédtbat thepoworto vitiate, oa tho allegntion of fraud or irreffiilarity, iho electoral vote of a State, and tima turn nn election. ohould noi be ropOBt-d in ouo man ? Tho.y kuow it would be safor repofied in the Ainerican CongreS!. It wae uot doRígued to committbie vast power to one man, pspeclalIV a8 that man mlght bo the oole judge in hls oWq caso. Mr. Conkling was Unablo, on Etceount of ilnes8 to conclude his remarke, and further coDsiderátiou of tha bilí VM poetponed one day. Rotisc.-The President sent to the House amoeBageexplaining hiB reasons for fonding troops lo the South juet before the recent Presidential election. It was douO in response to a rceolution adopiod in December Iaat Tbe resolutions rpported by the Stleot Committee on Ffivilegi's, dftolarniR tbrtt tho Trceldoiit ni tho Sonate han DOt iiud that Congress has, the right to couut and d.clarfï the electoral votes, wero taken up. Prof. Scolyo aocüred tho fioor and dcHvered a strong sjxiech in support of Ulo Coiüpromiee bill. He donouueed tho report of tho Gommittee on Privileges, and wariied the House not to indoree a doctrine wliich, ho claimed, -would result in niaking the Presiaent the creaturo and the, tooi of tbo Boubo. As to the methods of the laet election and the tefrtimony taken by both parties iu tho Southern committees, Prof. Seelye paid that tho only thing that is cstabliahed beyoud dispute le, thftt both parties acted as wrongiiilly as tliey could, reetrained by 110 conwclcuco, uy no sense of honor or rectitude. Mr. Williams, of Wiscouein, argxied ín favor oí the counting of tbc electoral vote b? tho t President of tho Senate. He wan followed by Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, in a threo houre' speech in favor of the Compromiso, bill .... Mr. lïutt ;■, was admitted as a member froiu South Carolina, and took tho iron-clad oath. WSDNESDAT, Jan. 24. - Señale, - Conaideration of the bilí in regard to the electoral cotmt was remimed. Mr. Conkling, wlio was entitled to the floor, not being present, Mr. Sargent took the floor and spoke in oppoBltton to tbo bilí. He saiil lio díd uot bc lieve the measure woulcl acoomplish the ícsult ttiined t. There were suRpioiouB of unfnirnefi ivbout ít; it gave ímproper powora to tho tribunal which it créate d. He argued that tho fr.merB of the constitution never intended to delégate to CongresB the power to count the electoral vote or discrimínate bot ween tho return b; that fnuetlon, he claimed, was lodged iu tho President of tho Scnato. Mr. Sargent iurther opposed tho bill bocaune, as he claisied, it depraved tho SupronioCourt by brlntring the jndges down into the muddy pool of politics, and compolled thuin to wado througii it. At the conclusión of Mr. Sargent's speech. Mr. Conkliiig took thï ñoor and rcsuniod his remarks. Ile argued tbat in 110 inst&ncc had the Pro sul ent of the Benate attemptod to do anything in preBiding ovor tho joint couvontion to count the electoral voto oxoopt by command of tho two houses, and citod nunierous precedente and authorities to ustuin hifl poRition. Keferring to Mr. Morton's aasertíon that the bin was a political coutrivance, he said if there evor was a íícontrívance"it was tho bill which paesed at the last sestsiou ; it was "a political Hell-gate, paved end honeycombed with dyuainite." Mr. CünkHng aid ho bolieved Gov. Hayea had been e.ected, uut he askcd him to tako a titlo to tho great office which no ono could question. If thiB bill wal a compromiso of tnith, of law, or of ritjht, he was against it; but ho deuicd tbat it was any coinpromise, and, above all, it did not compromiso right, principio or constiUition. To coutost a claim was not to compromiso it. To insist upon an honeet, fair counting of tho doctoral voto wae not a compromiso. A Presidencial clection had occurrod, and nnless there was a tie soniebody had been chosen. To establiah that fact was no compromiso. Mr. Conkling' was followfd by Mr. Morton in a vigorous speech in oppOBitlon to tho bill. Mcesrs. Üayartl, Christiancy, lhurmau, Stevensou and Morriil all spoko in favor of tho uicasiiro, and Mr, Morton again Bccnred lbo floor, aud, at 1 o'clock a. in., began his third spciech agaiuBt the bill. At tho conclusión of his remarka Mr. Waiue eecured the reco.Kuit ion of the preaidlnr-ï otllcer, and spoko in opposition to the bill.' He did not believe Oongreas poneesecd the powers wiiich it was propoeed to transfer to tho couamission, and therefore oppoHcd it on constitutioual groundt. In conclusión he urgod upon Oongresa to preparo at tho present seasiou and eubmitto au expectanf pooplo a conetitutional amendmeut which would relieve the country iu futuro from similar diföcultios. Mr. Howe Buccceded Mr. Blaine at 2:05 o'clock in the ïnorninti (the Senate, by a lar#e majority, having repeatedly voted down motions to adjourn), and bogan by denoliucing Mr. Morton's imoniperato asperPionp- He exirwMi. i kw ti.t oQ rao,IO vroma reeene a unanimous vote fromxho ltepublicau party in tho two houses. House, - Conaideratiou wae resumed of the resolutions roported by the Committee on Privileges, and Mr. McDjll, of Iowa, took tho floor, and spoke in favor of the roaolutious Buomitted by the muiority of the committoo. He taid if the proposition of tho majority was tmc, that no vote could bo couoted without the consent of the House. It would give the House a practical veto power over evory clection by the peoplo. He wae followed by Mr. Bright, who took the oppoeite ground. Ho maiutaincd that tho constitution gave uongros control of the whole subject, and that no Be turning Bjard could ouflt of ita juriediction Mr. Tayne. from tho Committee on Banking aud Currency, reported a bill to amend existing lawa in regard to Naïioual gold backs Mr. La mar. from the Pacific railroad committee, reported back favorab!y the Senate bül extending for eignt eara the time f or the corupletion of tho Northern Pacific railroad . . Mr. Lamar also, from the same committeo, reportad Riippltmeniary to aud auiendatory of the Texas Pacific Kailroad bill of March 3, 1871. Mr. Kaason made a mlnority report and Mr. Landers offered a substituto. All wcro ordcrod printod and roferred to the committee of the whole on the Btato of the Union.... The message of the Proeidout iu regard to tho use of troop in the South at the late elcction, was, after a nplrited partisan debate, referred to a Bdect coinmitteo of eleven to inquiro whether there had been an exercise of author.ty not warranted by the constitution and laws in the use uftroops for which the President ie justly responsable, with power to eend for persons aud partios. Thühsdat, Jan. 25.- Senate.- Tho debato iu the Senate on the bill reported by the select committee in regard to counting the electoral vote was continued all night. M, Morton continuod bis speech in oppoaitton to th; bill. He claimcd that the bill was fiagrantly unconsütutioual, that tho commision could not carry out its provisión b without going bchind tho return, said the bill was spriokled all ovor with vcry white, pretty mcal, hut tho Deuiocratic cat waa reposing benoath it, and oarneatly urgcd Bepublican Senators tovote agaiuHt it. Mr. tUainc followid Mr. Morton, and opposed the measuro on constitutional giouuris Ue ii ad desired earuestly to supuort tho bill, if he could (io it consistently. The argunu-ntB adduct d in its favor had persuaded him of its unconstitutionality,and he feit hinisdf compeUe(i,howevcr roluctautyhe diflerod from errtaiu Seiiators, to record Mh vote aga'-ust the measure. Mr. Howo, of Wipconsiu, made au speech in advocacy of tho bill. ile charactcrized it as tho proudest tribute to American statesmauBhip that had been prepared ei"cc tho convention which frame d tlifi ooaetttution adjournod. Ho would nayebeon glad if it had receiveil tho unauiinouR approval of the commitlee - then ho would havo feit ülte ono Rreater tban himself feit when loctking upon tho infant Bavior. Ho would bavo folt that he had f oen : the salvation of hia people and of hi country, Mr. Thurman poke in favor of the bill. Mr. byte, of Maiyland had doubts as to its constituilouality, j but would voto for it na a tempor.1 ry reme dy. Mr. Katon, of Conuecticut, the only Dcmocrat opiwrfng the bill, denouncod it as unconstitutioual, taiï the ■ power to count the electoral votes was vested in tho two houses ol Congreas, aud that " thiw bill, this contrivance, should sink into tho oarth." Mr. llurnside expregscd tljo hope tliat the bül would . Mr. Edmundë clo-ed the debato with an earncst apptal iu behalf of the bill, at th" concliiBicn of which a voto waa taken, aud rcsultod as follows : Ycoh - Alorn. Aliiaor, liarnum, Bayard, liogy, liouih, Boutwdl, BiirDSide, Ohaffte, CïiriBtiuncy, Cockroll. Coi; kling, Coopcr, Cragin, Davi, Daweé, innls, BdmandB, FreUagiknyBeo, noUitliwaitf, Sordos. Uowc, JttlñiBoo, Joucr (l?"la.), Jonea (Ncv,;, Kelly, Kernau. McUrox'ry, McDonahi, Mc Mi lian, Marcy. Merrimon, Morriil, Prief, Randolpb, Ransou1, ItobfriKun, Saulsbury, Sliaron, Steviuson, Teller, Thurman, Wallace, Whyte, Windom, liben. W'rigïit- 47. Nca6 - Blaino, lïruce, Camarón (Pa.), Cameron (Win.), Cla;.ton, Conover, Oorpf-y, Eaton (Dein,), tlamilton, Hamlin, Iugalls, BlitobeU, Morton, Patterson, Sargent, SUerroan, Weft - 17. House. - TueHouae tot)k up tho Electoral Tribunal bül, and Mr. MoCrary, of lowa, a member of tho joint committee, oponed the debate. He Fid tho country wan in the presdnCQ of a vory great and vc ry danser mub emngODOy, Tho present was a criRÍH in uaiioual nfl'airK which tho father of tho republic had forescen in J8C0, and which at various pcriods iu tho nation'B hit-tory great stateemeu bad forftsoon and hal dradctl. Tho country was confroiited, not only with fjri-at aud j widespread dlffi'rence of opinión on tho ] merite of the queuUou, but it was confronted i witli what was a th'UHnnil-fold moro perilous, with tho fact that the American peopl1, American statepmen, American lawyors and jurmts wero almo1 1 (fliuilly itivided, not only as to tho merite of the qufhtion, but as to authtriiirs to b4 citiii. :snlimitted that that statosman wuh íaisc to Jiíh lnt ; ' that that luau lid not cmo up o tho exigencies of tho occasion, eet en'loavors to provide nooio lawful mode for tho decisión of tiiia question by a tribunal wbose authority nobody coukl (jui Blloo, ai d in who;e I ion all meu wouid acqiÜCBCe. Mr. Huntnn, of ! ginia.alsoa mciubcr f tlicoiumiit ■-'■ o i W'cifcd tho ■ measuro. Ho beid t!it juut as the toJlors pro1 Idod for iu tho twcuiy-f-C'-oinl joint role wero but tho organs of the two houHf:nf bo tlu cpininisaion providiïil for in tho bill was but tïioir ornn to do for thom what thoy (hfiuaelyeB migkt do. Ho also hñld that aa tho two houatH had tho right to oount the vo'es, bo they had tho ri#ht of coucurrcnt action to agree to any mo.ic of oountlBff that mlgbt Büeux beet to tbeni. Mr. Hoar poke in favor of tho bill. Nothing, he t aid. oonld be moro injurióos tothe republfc than that a man should be put i n tbe PrandeoÜal ofllco whom at least oue-bRlf of the American peopli wou ui regard ! as a OSUTper, Ho could not co:icoivo tliRt the fr-imerfi of tho oonlitution bVdrtbOOgbt of jit-Idii g to tho President of tbe ttaoaie the vnst p wer of l counting tho electoral vot h. That power wM in the two houses of Ocngrss Just au the BaglMÚt l'.tr.i uní nl had fr öënturii s ix'uatoi hII quvir.B atTo."tiug the. Buocesslou lo ïUfl orow d. in aonQlttrffii Mr. HP m ld! " The act which we are tibout to ■ o wil! In my judgmont be oue of ti;e vcry bravtst in huuian biBtoty. Our nnnuls have been crowdcd 'vïth great scliiev-, wc ctfl in war, ?n poacft, in arts, iu literatura, ;:i conuu1 ree ; but oounbiei havo crjutled ub In tb o e pari: alirs, but ia1 this great act we ?tnd wttnout a rival and witliout ■ an oxamplo. For a thouHand yeara mir childron, with teara of Joy and pride, witl read that whilo in Üorce strifo for oxocutivo iower the mm of other ropublica after a ehon bwt brilliant dfty hos i:"n" dowii in darkncBB nul in blood, iu th ir own country, too, tbe samo #reat Utrifo ha8 arisen ; that their eky has bcoa darkened bv tho eame clond ; that their Bhip, with lts costly fnight of love and hopo, Oncountered tho samo storm, and was driyen nearthe eamc rocka, but that, iu thfi midst of the storm aud darknese and conflict, t)io buguH and BtfftÜ flgnre of tho ïaw foso over the face of tho water, üttoring ite ái lnOj controllinff mandato, ' Peace, be r still.1 " Mr. Ilale, of Mainc, spoko in oppoeition to tho bilt. He Bald tiie iiicaBtiro Btartlod hini by tho bold aBsumption of the power of Conirrefts to resul ato anti control the eloction of Preeidoiit, whion ptiwiT, in hi judgnitnt, had no.vor bien lodged in tho two housee by tho framors of tho cnostitutioD. hatevor tho popular impulso niiRht bo now, this bill would not be siiBtaincd by the Americau pcop'.e whcu they fhouid have timo to meastirn alid contotuplato i te conPOquoncoB. lt etrnck a blttw at tho Seloctoïal Ctíllpgo, whiöh lood a high in the oonfltitution ás tho Presidency Itself, and shatterod H f rom turret to foundation atone, and it BUbstituted [(ir it t'uo power of CougreHB, vhich might at any time thwarl tho will of the people and ronder nugatory its delibérate and expressed judgnient. 'lite debato was cozttinued till 11 o'ciock p. m„ ïlowitt, of Now York, Caldwell, of TonnoBSeo, Springer, of Illinois, and Willard, of Michigan, ppoaking in favor of tho bilí, and Monroe, of Ohio, Hniitb, of Ponnsylvania, and Garftcld, of Ohio, in opposition. Fiuoay, Jan. 2$.-8ettate.- Tho aoeeïon of the Senftto Vas brief, and no business of importaace was traneacted. Mr. Jones, of Florida, calied up the petiüon of the Democratie Presidential Mectors of Florida, recJitly preseuted by him, aKlug that their votes be counteá as the true return, and addreBeod the Sonate at length in regard to the recent clection in that State. Be argued that tho Tilden electora wcre legMly olectcd, and bad been deptived of thciv rights by tho State CanvaBoing Board. Utmse.- 1?be dlsëUssiott of thö Í31ecU)ral bilí was rsumed, and Meeste. Höker(Domocrat, of Míhsíheippi), Uartridgo (DomocratT of Georgia), and Jb'1 ton (Deiüocrat, of Georgia) spoke in favor of th lueasure, and against tho claim that the Preaident of the Senate had the right to count the electoral vote. Mr. Mills (Democrat. of lexas) oppofledthe bill, vet said there were some gootl things in it. Mr. Baker (Republlcan, of Tndiana) Bpoko atfain&t the bill dcclared it unconstitiuional, and criticined it for exoludiug from tbe commisRion the Chif J8tico, chafaCteriüng tho diecrimination as au odioiis and imjust refleotion tipou a wiae macintrute. Mr. Watterson (Domocrat, of Kentucky), spoko In favor of the bill. He said if the two houses failod to agree npou somc plan the country would sec the Sonate declare tlayee elected, and it woüld sec the PrGBident of tilo TJníttid Statos, bUiportcd by the army and navy, prepared to Beat him in olnco. Mr. Lamar ( Democrat, of Mis8ï88ippi) advocated tho mcasuro. Ho said it oliminaled the Bword from tlie controversy, and eont It to a tribunal whose charactor guaranteed jimtice, rigbt and truth in its decisions. Mr. Hill (Democrat, of Georgia) gave the bilí hie hcarty and warm approval. Mr. Singleton (Democrat, of Miaaissipii) and Mr. Lapliam (Repui lican, of New York) opposed the meaHure on conatitutional grouncle. Mr. JQlaud (ptmocrat, of Mieeonrl) HtiHtained the bilí becauae it providod a remedy for cxisting diftlcultícs, but he expressed his belief that no consütutíon or law conld bo devised which would secure honesl elections, or which thíeveB and robbers could not flnd 8orüenifnsof evadin?, MrSouthard (DemOcrat, of Ohio) nustalncd the bilí, but süpg eBíod that it should be o ameuded as to provide for RÜbmitting to the commisíiion the queetion as to thc right of Colorado to vote aa a State. Mr. Vanee (Democrat, of North Carolina) opposed the bill as uncongtltutional, and bceauso CongresB had no right to delégate its authority. Mr. Harrison (Denioorat, of Illinois) gavo the mcasuro his hoarty support. Mr. Foster (Ropublican, of Ohio) bcïieved that Oov. Hayos was fairly elected, but he was in favor of the bill. Mr. Landers (Deniocrat, of Indiana) spoke in favor of the bill. Mr. Towneend (Kepublican, of New York) was convinced that llayes waa elected ProBident, and he did not propose to put in jeopardy that election ; henee ho would oppose tho ineasuro. Mr. Lynch (Bepublican, of Missiesippi) opposod tho bill on constUutional Krounds. Mr. Kuutt (Democrat, of Kcntucky) did not think that Oongrcfs had the right, under tho oonstítution, to delégate the power of couuting the electoral oto to a coiniiiis.sion ; ho thc-refore opposed tho bill. Mr. Oarr (Democrat, of Indiana) opposod the bill on constltutioual grounds. JSIr. Duimell (lioyublican, of Minnesota) opposed tho measnre ; ho thonght if it werc pa&eed lt would becnio a precedent, and the same great farce would be played over again tour years henee. Mr. Hardanbergh (Democrat, of New Jersey) spoka in favor of tho bill. Mr. Pratt (Repubhcan, of Iowa) opposed it as at variant-e nith tho wholocourse of coustitntional precodents. Mr. O'Bricn (Democrat, of Marylann) supported the bilí. MesBrs. Lawrenoo (Rcpublican, of Ohio) and Blackburn (Democrat, of Kentucky) opposed it on oonstitntional grounds. Mr. Jonos (Democrat, of Kentucky) opposed it, not eo much on account of tho unconstitittiousLt; as the impolicy of the measure. Meeers. Field (Indcpoudent, of New York), Brown (Democrat, of Kontucky) and Raudall (Democrat, of Louisiana) spoko in favor of the bill. Mr. Payno (Democrat, of Ohio) Ohairman of tho committeo which reportcd tho bill, closed the debato in a brief but earneBt epeech in favor of the ineasuro, and tho Speaker announccd that tho vote would be taken on the flnal pasfago of the bill. The Ulerk proeccded to cali tho roll amid the most intenHc interest and exoitoment, with tho following result: nu Mr. Speaker, Hardonbergh, Power, Abbott, Harris, Mase., Rea, Adanes, Harria, Ga., Riajjn Ainhwoitta, Harris, Va., Iteilly, John Anderson, liarrison, Iteilly, J. 15. Asho, Hartridge, Hice, Atkins, Hartzell, Rlddle, I Bagby, Halchcr, Kobbins, K O., Hagloy, Geo. V, Hathorn, Robbins, Pa., Bagley,John h., Haymond, RobortB Baiming, Heuklo, Roes, N J , Beebe, Hereford, Sampson Bal], Hewitt, N. i'., Saváge Bland, Hewitt, Ala., Saylor, liss, Hill, Scales Blount, Hoar, Schleicher, Boone, Uolnian, Seelye, Bradloy, Hooker, Sheakicy, i Bright, Hopkins, Southard, ! Brown, Ky., Hosklns, Sparkp, Buckncr, Houso, Springer Iturobard, Wis , Hnmphreys, Stanton, Burleigh, Hunter, Btrait, Cabell, Hunton, Stenger Oaldwcl!, Teun., JoukB, Stevenson, Campbell, Joner, N. H., Stone, Candlor, Kchr, Swanu, Caulfleld, Kelley, Tarbox Chapin, Lámar, Teese, Chitiosden, Landets, Icd., Terry, Clark, Ky., Lamiera, Coan., Thompson, Ciark, Me., Lañe, Thomas, Clymcr, Lcavenworth, Throckmorton, Ccchrane, LeMoyno, ■ Townsend, Pa. Cook, Lcv-y, Tucker, i Cowan, Lewis, Turney, Cox, l.uttrell, Vanee," N. C, Crapo, Lynde, Waddell, Culbcraon, Mackoy, Wa'ker, N. y., '-'"tl'T, Mnrsh, Walker Va Dairall, McDougall, Wallíng, ! Davis, McCrary, Walsh, Davy, McDUl, Ward, [ Delolt, Mcl'arland, Warner, I Dibreü, McMahon, Warrea ! Dougla, Meade, Wattewon. i Duraiul, Mcicalfo, Vtll Mo Brten, Miller, Wollo, Miss., El!l, Morcy, whitehouno, Faulkner, Morgau, Whitthoruo, ; l'Yltou, Morrison, Wike, Field, Mutchler, Willard Finlay, Neal, Wiliiaiics, A. 8. Foster, New, Mich., ! Frauklin, Nort m, Williams, Del., j í'nllcr, OBrion, Williams, W. B. Gause, Oliver, Mich Ibnon, Payne, Willig, Glover, Phcli, V lUbln, Goode, Philips, Mo., Wliaon, ". Va., Goodin, Pierco, W IIkoo, Iowa. Oraiier, Piper, Wood, N. Y., Mlanillton, Iml., Platt, Yeatcs, i Jíainilton, N. J., Potter, Young - 101. ! Hancock, NYS. Baker, Ind,, Oarliold, I'urman liaker, N. Y., Hale, Kaiuey, Ballou, Uni'alí-on, Robinson, j Bauks, Hondeo, Iíuk, niackbnni, llenderson, Siugleton, lünir. Hoge, SlnOlCkKBlj ! ItradfortT, Hubbell, Slemons, Brown, Kan., Hnrd, Smalls, Iíurchard, Hurlbnt, Bmith, Pa., : Butta, Hyman. Smith, Ga., i Caldtvell, Ala., Joncs,'Ky., stowHl, Cannon, Joyce, Thomburgh, Carr, Kaason, Townsend, N. Y., ! Ouwell, Kimbali, Tuft, Cate, Knott Van Voorhíes, Conger, Lnpham, vaneo, O., Üronnoe, 1-awronce, x ait , Danford, Lyncl), Wa'.drou, Donisoii, Buuoobi Wallac1, 8. C, ! Dobbln, Milliken, Walnce, Pa., Duimell, MilV, White, Dnrhaia, Mouroo, Whitnev, Evans. Nash, Williams, N. Y. Hamos, O'Neill, Ailllams, Wi., l', Packer, William, Ala., Forncy, Page, Wood, Pa., Fort, Plaisted, Woodburn, Freeman, Poppletcn, Woodwo.-th- 86. Frye, Pratt, Sr-ven Dcmocrats and seven Itnpublicans were abecnt, namely : King, Collins, Egbert, Wigginton, i Lord, Huyes, Basa, Steven, Carson, PhilllpK of j Kansas, flchumakfr, Odoll, Ross and Wheoler. Satdruay, Jan. 27 - Mr. Allison introducid a bill to construe section 12 of the Pacific Kailroad act of July I, 3802, and to determino tho rclation of the maln lino and branchos. Ito ferred . . Mr. Wríbi called up the Sonate MU to ! extend for two years f rom Iho lüth of March nexi i tho act establishing the Board of Commíssíonrrs of Southern Claime. Paesod . The bul to ratify tho ligreeniont wlth certain bmds of Sioux nation Indlans and with tfie Northern Arapahoo and Chey enne Indins paased ITottjU, - The House, by a party vote, and amid much genera] oxoltoniont, declarad the membes of tlie Louisiana líf-lurning Board in contempt, for refubing to j roduco the returns and othrr documen'p rolatlxm to the J,ouiiar a olectior. The niornlx-rs of the board submlttod a wrltten uufmir, ín which tliey der.ied the rlgbt of the lïmihe to Irmalid the pup tf , (lonoíii clrc tbe atteniptof Ilio eoj:nnMt''! toC'iüpit thi-it' j)ro(hi'tion :ip usurjiatioii, ptc.( and caünlng tLat tlio dootiuoata In 'lUCKtion wore beyoud thcir r'vch, beiuc in msuessjon of (ho Lonisiar.a Scorotatyof lale. After tho iLJidinc of the auflwor, the bou::o passed rr.snlutfons orderiiif? tho priponere to bo hol'l in tho cuntody of tlio SerReaüí-at-.rms uutil tbey produce Ibü pape... Mr. Kuott, Chairman of tho Jud:eiaiy Coinmittee, made a report favoring tho aömisrion of Mr. lielford aR the Representa ti ve from Colorado.... Tho Indlan Appropriation bill wa pa'ised. Republican Cauctu.- S. caucui of Ihi R publican luembers oí the Houi-e was h-.-]tl in tln evenin(, at wfaloh M'ars. Gftrfleld and Hoar v( ro chocen as i-. ;.i ■ tifaíivf h ol' t.he narly on the Hourc brauch of the eièototal tribu iaï, Aíonkat, Jan. 29 . - tenate - á. speciul JIusage wüsroccive I from lb.0 President ar.nonnclDg his approval of the Eli etera' Ar'ni' ration lill. 'J'l e !■..■ 'i'Tit ívijh he beli( ves tbe bill gtvos a8arane6 t'iatt:i-re alt wil! be aooeptf d w.toout i " amtanCQ ir. mu i he supporter of tho dlntppotnted oandidat, ai.íl thai thi? Lighent ofneer th'"l uot f.old hi placfl I wiiji (ietioned titlf oí right The Meag also alludea to tho imminout prrll tho country has eueapcd through the &4optÍOD OÍ tno biJl. Tho President f urtber declares that iu no instanee has tfcf President of the Sonate cxeroieed the power of declding dlRputtol elccticm returns. In uch a caeo as thïs, where tho rosult is involved ín doubt t is the duty of the law-making power to próvido n advancc a lawíiil mode of aottling tho dinVultv. Ono of tho two caudidateB nust havo been lected, and it would bc a dcplorablo Bight o wituesa any controven; y at to which liould receive or hold tho office. . . . ir. Robortfctin called lip tr. (iordon'H rfisoUition ackuowlodging the Hampton Oovornííícnt in 8o"lh Carolina as the legal Öovemmmt, and made an addrpB Buiiporting the resohition. IIo denied hero WM any nitimUïalion on the part of the whitcs towurd tho blacks. On tho contrary. ir had no doubt many blaoks wero doterrcd 'rom votíng tho Domocrutic ticket by Ue)itblicaiiR of thoir own color .... Mr. Sa rïont siibmitted to the St-nate the majority rejort of the special committrn appointcd te investiiat(ï thn Ifttp flecllon in Florida. Thfi report tvU Mat thoeltctoí-al Vote oí' tbitt S'itn vras fr.i: '. ■ :or Hayos and ffliwlcr, ciid JoBtlflea tbe Kotlcm of tlnï ConvasPinR lïoard iu Uirowing out oertam returns on tlie grüiiud of (rand and intiniHlation. Tho following bilis wero introduced and reforred: By Mr, lianninpr, flxing tho timfl for the regular mcotings of CongresK. It próvido tbat tho flrut Bession of every Oongress Bball bogiu on the 4th of March ; by W. ïi. Williaun, de (tí a ring forfeited totheUnitrd States certain laudp grantot! Michigan lor railro&d purposeB, and providing for thoir Frtle to actual settlers ; by Mr. Hubbell, chartnring a freicht ailrcft 1 compttny rom tlde-water on the Atlantic to tbe Missouri ï'iver.


Old News
Michigan Argus