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- The júniora " hop " to-night. - Lofely Spring about these daj-s. - Milieu & Sou have a new ad. ïu to-day's ABGUS. - Bead the " Auction Sale " ad. of Geo. W. Cooke, and go and buy the farm. - "Over to BigelowV: that is where the seniora are to go lor their class photographs. - Manchester is haviug lts charter revised, perhapa improved. - Examinations in tho Literary Department of the University are on the programme for next week. - Next Tuesday night the masqueraders hold high caruival at the armory, - the Turn Vereiuers. - AU quiet at tlie Gregory House, the inyestigatorj having transt'erred themsulvos to Lansing. - Naxt Friday eveuiug the University 0rche8tra propose to discourse "sweet music' in Univeraity Hall. - Gen. Edward Clark talhed 70 oq Monday last, and is as industrious aud steady a workeras when iu hia prime. _ We are requested to 8iy that there will tanoservico in Uuiveraity Hall next Sunday afterooon. - The youug iadies of the Congregational Churoh are arraugiug to bring out "Mra. Maloney ou the Chiuese Qaestion." There is uheap of iun in it. - Durmg Monday night last, au unoccupied house in Dexter, ownod by Q-eo. Putello, was burued. luoeudiary. Amouut of loss or injurance not kuowu to our mformaat. - The last report of the First National Bank, of Ypsilauti, shows a deposit account oí $121,193,09, and louns and discouuts aggregating $134,584.13.

- George Townsend Fox, formerly of this city, and a graduate of the literary department of the University, class of 1871, died at Vienna, Austria, on the 13th of January, aged 28 years.

- Bro. Blosser, of Manchester Enterprise, is a philanthropic chap. Hear him : "We teep the Legislativo Jourual on file at our office, and any oue wishing to peruse them is nvited to cali." - The Yp8ilauti Sentinel favors banishing itoves or heatiug apparatus from cars : which wouldn't at all lucouvenieuce the mass ol people who dou't travel in winter (or any other time). - Prof Wilder completad his course of lectures in the medical departinent of the Univerity, - a very popular course,- and iinruediately departed lor Cornell. We uuderataud that he s to come agaiu next college year. - Mr. A. Bradish, au artist of some note. once professor ot fiue arts in the University, sod who painted and bust-ed Dr. Tappan (a piaster bust), is temporarily stopping in our ourcity,- doiug some portrait work. - The shoe shop of J. J. Foster, on Huron street, wus burglarized on Thursday mght of last week, and six pairs of boots carried off, (lp to date the search for the thiof and his pluüder has beeu bootless.

- Elliott H. Brush, a graduate of the literary department of the University, class of 1873, died at Santa Barbara, Cal., January 29. His funeral is to take place at the residence of, his father, Hon. E. A. Brush, Detroit, to-day.

- The fourth lecture of the Kev. C. H. Brigham's courae on the Beformation, will be pven ou Sunday evemng naxt, at the Unitanan Church, on " The private life aud character of Martin Luthei." -The Ypsilanti Commercial asks . " What hall be done to the man who prefera Ann Arbor to Ypsilanti, who makes his home there in refereiice to our glorious Ypsilanti ? " Frank Imerick is the cause of the conundrum. -Weudell Phillips drew a large audience safriday eveuiug last, in which we noticed inomisual number of sous and daughters ot tle"Ureen Isle." His eulogy pon Danie UCoiinell was received with great favor aud applause. - The marshal is now hauling saloon keepers who have not paid their last quarter'3 license fee, over the coals. With the aid oí Justice McMahon he coaxed Ï25 out of Wm, Fauth on Monday. Fauth is also held to anBwerto a charge oi selliug liquor on Sund.y. -The Sentmei (Ypsilanti,) cordial Iy seconds the Manchester Enterprise' s objection to the new court house schema, that is that a plan hu not beeu adopted and contract price irreTOably fixed before voting on the proposition Well, ü the county votes down the proposition Aun Arbor will save that f 20,000. -The Courier is certainly mistaken in saying that it ia seventeen years since Wendell Phillips lectured in this city. He haa discoursia upon " The Lost Arts" here within a few yeara, and we think has been here twice within the seventeen years. The Courier's story bout a mob, the clubs, the gallant student c, is equally a myth. -In the list of pupils published in con nectioB with the bieunial report of the Board of Trustees of the Michigan Institution for the Edatation otthe Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind, i notice from Ann Arbor : Ludwig Heinzann, Frederick üoetz, and Mary Schaible, : Kaf and dumb, and James (Jonley, blind. Th ! liitnamed graduated in June last. -At the surgical clinic on Wednesday ' 'md, Dr. Maclean removed a tumor weighing Surteen pound8 from the inner thigh of a ' nale patiënt from Ohio, by the name of ' wand aged 45 years. The operation involvjj the severing' and tymg of several large ' Nood vessels, including the main artery. The ' putient manifested but little sense of pain, and ' "uuderstood to be doine well. -Isami Kawamoora, one of the youngest ui brightest of the Japanese students former'J pupils in our schools, but who leit for hia tome m the Oriënt in April 1874, bec ause of death of an uncle who supported him, d"ion the22ad of December. While here mi lived iu the family of C. H. Worden, "1 Mrs. Worden is the fortúnate possessor of 'keautiful set of decorated china which he therfrom hia island home. Er. Angelí read a very pleasant and enlertaining paper on "National Wit and ""mor," at the reeidenca of Mr. H. W. Rogers, Tuesday even ing, under the auspices of the "Jles' Library Association. It analyzed and ""pared the wit of several nations, and gave y une specimens. On the evening of the ■W _insf, Prof. TyIer will read for the ladies "bis own resideuco. The ladies have evieu"ï hit upon a series of entertainmeuts that "U be socially and intellectually profitable, iï6"i if they do not overload tueir treasury.

- A beautiful memorial to Mrs. Gillespie has been recently placed in St. Andrews Church. It is an Eagle Lecturn (or reading desk) elegantly carved in black walnut, the standard bearing the inscriptions: " Rebecca  P. L. Gillespie, A. D. 1876." " Blessed are the Pure in Heart. Amen." The Lecturn was the suggestion of Mr. Hall, rector of the church, and the $150 it cost was the cheerful Christmas offering of the congregation, who still cherish a warm affection for their former rector and his deceased companion.

lvely 'mes iu prospect. Mr. W. K. Childs '"diguaut that auy one should intímate that was the least connection between his "Wrawalas the prohibition candidate for 8 Wislature, and his election as sergeanttms of that body. No sir, ee, bob ! He II stand no such imputation. He is going PiWi into us awful. We don't know what Per he win select M his orgaU) but we await event "Come on McDuff, and damned "e, ïf you dou,t oatch euougn _ Ypiilanti "mei.