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- Rev. Dr. Cocker preached in the Congregatioual Church last Sunday, - in the forenoon. -Prof. W. H. Ryder, of Oborlin, will preach in the Cougregational Church nexi Sunday. - The " Lord'8 Meat" was the subject of tho sermón at the New Jeruaalem Church, Ypsilauti, on Sunday mormng laat. - The M, E. Church of tlüs city numbers 597 members in full communion, and has an indefluite nuinber of probationers. - The subject of Eev. Dr. Brigham's next Suuday evening lecture, at the Unitarian Churcb, will be : The private life and personal qualities of Martin Luther. - The Congregutional Society held a meeting last evening for the purpoae of " calliug " a pastor. " Surf ace indicatious" lead us to suspect that l'rof. Ryder, of Obeilin, O., is the coming man. - The second quaaterly meeting of the conference yoar was held at the M. E. Church on Suuday last. Tha admimgtration of the sacrament of the Lord'a Supper took the place of the regular mormng sermón. - Prof. J. B. Steere will giva a lecture before the Ladies' Beuevoleut Society of the M. E. Church, on Wednesday evening next, at 7:30 o'clock, in the lecture room. Subject: The Upper Amazon and Andes. Admission 25 cents. - Mrs. F. W. Gillett, Uuiversalist, was ordaiiied at Manchester on Thursday of last week. Kev. Mr. Cruin, of Bay City, preached the ordiuation sermón ; Kev. Mr. Gilman, of Logansport, lud., formerly of Manchester gave the charge ; and Rev. Mr. Sissou, of Te oumseh, the right-hauil of fellowship. In the last Register "G" bringa out anothei municipal cour plan, having learned trom the Arghjs that the justices of the peace could neither be legislated out of office nor their junsdiction in civil cases taken from them. His uew plan is thia : " The remedy offered for this condition of affaire is the establishment of a Pólice Justice's Court. The election of an additional justice of the peace, under the provisión of the constitution providing for the increase of the number of juscices iu cities, by the Legislature, wbo shall have exclusive jurisdictioii in criminal matters and of offeuces agaiust ordinaucea of the city, and concurrent jurisdiction with other justices in civil matters, receivíng a salary from the city. In all cases, except wheie a city is defeated in an action, he shall tax the saine fees as are uow aüowed justices by law, and pay the same into the city treasury. He shall make his charges against the county, which, wheu paid, shall also be turued over to the city treasury." " G " thinks that an eutirely fit man can be got to run such a court for a salary of from 1,200 to $1,500, and that he will coliect and turn over to the city fees amouuting to $2,000, making the city a gamer. " G " forgeta that to the judge's salary musï be added the salary of a clork of the court, - if it is to be a court of record, -j urors' fees, officors iu attendance, rent of a court room, ruel, and all the other expenses of a municipal court. The public, and especially the bar, will be rejoiced at " G's " assertiou that he is not a lawyer,- an assertiou scarcely necessary to couviuce his intelligent readers that he is ignorant of both law aud courts. -As "G" seems to think that every one save the editor of the Abgus aud three or tour justices favor some new faugled municipal court scheme, we may say that we do not believe it is favored by three lawyers or ten intelligent citizens. Chaeteb Amendments. - We permit " Tax Payeb" to discuss several proposed charter ameudments in our columns this week. In doing so it is well to say that his knowledge of the needs of our city, and his experience as an ofticer, combine to make his testimouy valuable. We concur with him in his objectious to making the Mayor aud Alderoieu salaried officers, and iu the view he takes of the sidewalk tax question. We appreheud that the Supreme Court would not sustain a charter provisión authoriziug the Council to levy exclusively special taxos of their own motion. - There are a few desirable amendmeuts, whether propoted or not, which we should be inclined to favor : 1. As the support of the poer is now a city matter, a director of the poor, with a legitímate method of providing him with fuuds. 2. Á single street cominissioner iustead of the three now provided for, and the abolition of the power of the Council to lay Í1, 000 on each ward on the simple motion of the Aldermen. A reasonable number of ward tax payers should be required to sign a petítiou asking such an appropriation and tax. 3. Au increase of the salary of the Recorder, to at least $600 a year, the several accounts he is required to keep having largely increased the duties of his office. And, 4. Makiug the Treasurer a salaried officer, as suggested by the Aequs several weeks ago, which should b for collecting, disbursiug, and keepiug the books, at least $800. The Coldwater Reporter of the 8th inst. had this at the expense of its local cotemporary : " There will be no social at F. V. Smith's on the eveuiug ot the 8th, as announced iu the Republican. The social in question canie off ou Tuesday eveuing last (the 6th), and was u, very recerche afïair." To which the Republican of the 9tli responded : " We published tlie item according to copy in that reapeot. It was turnished us for publication, and the party who wrote it must iather her own production." Which moves us to ask what sort of a her that party was f When we were a Goldwater editor the kers were n't expected to father our locáis or anything else. How times have chauged " over there." The Washtenaw inembérs of the Legislature seem to be lookiug closely after local intersests. Senator Burleigh has several bilis in charge making necessary appropriationï in aid of the University ; Representativo Sawyer has introduced one making an approprfation for a museum building ; Representative Allen has the Normal School bilis in charge, also a bilí amending the charter of Ypsilanti ; and Representative Norris has in a bilí ameudiug the charter of Manchester. - The University Committees are still pursuing the investigation of the laboratory deflcioncies, but the reports of the testimony are very meager. We invite attention to the communication of Joe T. Jacobs, in another column. Joe meanfl what he gays, and if forty-nino more of the same mimi, liberality, auit enterprise eau be found, the Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Railroad will be built, and that nght speedily. Purties eau be found, in fact, we undeistand, stand ready to take hold of the road, construct, equip, and opérate it, if thev can be assured of ]ust the co-operation of our citizeus Mr. Jacobs promises. Who will follow his lead f


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