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THE OLD RELIABLE Fire Insurance .a-tisrc-ür of C. H. MILLEIM. HOME OF NEW YORK Capital and Surplus, $6,000,000. CONTINENTAL OF N. Y., Capital nd Surplus, $3,000,000. 1TIAC AH A OF 2T. 7. Cash AKsets, $1,500,000. GIRARD OF Phil adelphia., Cash Assets, $1,000,000. OBJLE1TT of Hartford Cash AsmiIn, $800,000. Policies issued at as low rates as in any responsible Company. C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 Sonth Main Strpot, Ann Arbor. IF YOU WANT A GOOD OVERCOAT AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAP, GO TO WM. WAGNER'S For He in Selling Overcoats at Cosí. IF YOUR BOY WANTS A BOX OF COLLARS 8END HIM TO WM. WAGNER'S FOR THERE HE CAN GET THE KEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY. IF YOU WANT AGOODSUIT MADE TO ORDER, go to WM. WACNER'S 21 South Main Sr. Ann Akbob. Sewing Machines THE SINCER, NEW LOMESTIC, And th.e HO WE And severa] good Sccond-IIand Machinen at th SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Ann Arbor. Als Needies for all Machines The Tery best that are raado, and attachmeuts an parts for nearly aU machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired botter thorc than anywhere else in Araerica. If your machine don't work well, trade it for one tbat does, or hare it repaired. AU ma chinea sold on easy jiay imnu at the office. Srrond door eaat of Post Office, Ann Arbor, TOicb. ■ (1556) 1. I,. CRINNELL, Agent. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! o NEW GOODSI And pricw LOWER THAN EVKR. I hare purchaaed in New York, for eaah, and I am now daily receivincr one of the largrest and moot select stocks of Groeeries in Wnshtenaw County, cousisting of a f uil and well select ed LINE OF TEAS, All of the ncw erop - including Onnpowden, Imperlalii Vonnr Hrnon, Ilysons, Japans, Oolongs, Formosai) Conloas, Souchonfi, and 'I'M IIUUU) , Together with a full line of COFFKKS, eonaistïne of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAUACA1UO, LAQUAYKE,8ANTOS and RIO, both rottsted and ground ; a full and well selected ntock of SUCARS. SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Bpicea.Canned fruit, and Vegetables. We have a fuli and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIbo, a choice aaaortment of Lndies' and Genllemeii'ti Underwcar Cali and examine Gooda and Prices and we will inaure satisfaction. EDWARD DUFFT. " Mavnard'B Bloc-v cor. Main and Ann streets Ann Arbor. Mieh. ■aTHihest cash price paid for II farm rüduce.bS n f f rtCanH bc made by every agent every V l IJmonth in the business we furoish, but RHHH thuse willing to work can earn a doxen 1 KJ J idollara a day in there own localities. lave no room to explain here. Business pleasant nd honorable. Women, and boys and girls do as well t b men. We wilt furnish you a complete outfit ree The busiuesa pays botter than anything else. Vo will bear expense of startlng you. Particulars ree. Write and see. Farmers and raechauics, heir sons and daughters, and all classes in need of ayiug work at home, should write to usand learn II about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Addrew, Tri-x á, Co., Augusta, Main. 13 1 RAILROADS. MICHIUAA eENTRALAÏLB5AÏr Nö . !0, 1816. oomo webt. ======a Ai M. a.m !t-u !T" Detroit, leave, ! 7 0(1 9 10 i m1 ,ï; l, O. T. Junction, T 14 i 9 55 4 36 6 ií " 1: WayneJunctioni J 48 9 50 '1 ig c ï, w ïplanti, i 8 15:10 17 ï ï{ H Ann Arbor, ! 8 35 10 3Í ! 6 lï i H "i Ilhi, 40 eJ; 8 W.U M Chelae, 9 18 ■ J ," ! J - Ora Lake, . ■ - 7 1 S oi Jackson.Lr., 10 20 1200; 8 00 o4 Albiou, 1104 12 4a _ ia?!.11' Marshall, 11 JO 130 ! X!!:14! BftttleCreek, 12 M 1 57 ? -J : ,, „ Oaieaburg, 12 ÍS j J JJ 2 So Knlamaxoo, 115 2 S8 (l ijï; Luwtou, 168 Í 4 41 "Jí1 Decatur. 2 I5 4 00 „ - Dowagiae, a 4Ü 5 26 j í - Nilen, I 8 11 ! 4 07 8 10 Ï ?, -- Buchanan, : S 25! 6 28 i S ThreeOaks í S 46 4 43 ; 7 041 - ' New Buffalo, 4 13 4 5S 7 21 ' Michigan City. 4 40' 5 20' 7 50! i u " Lake, 4 231 5 59 8 35 J } Kituington, 6 20: 6 40 9 40 Chicago, arrire, i 7 06! 1 25 10 25 í 6 ! J U OOINO KABT. '_L.iL_i_ cL A.lí. A. H. p. M. p"ÏT Chlcufto, loave, 6 00 8 30 3 50 5 ls Kenumiftün, . 6 45 9 12 1 4 íi Lake, 6 40 9 S4 5 23 S - la S Michijan City, ■ 7 32,10 40 6 5 ! Jí New Buffalo, 7 5Í 11 00 b 61 -_. " Tbree Oaka, 8 09 1113:7 09 íll'ií Bachanan, 8 41 - - 7 50 .P Nilea, 1 9 0'lll 65! 8 20 8 55 ÍH Dowagiac, 9 27 8 48 -!_■, Decatur, 9 52" 9 15 !{! Lawtou, 10 10 p. k. 9 6 " Kalamaroo, lioso 1 1L 10 10) io a Ti7 (lalesburjr, 11 12 ; . _J; J BatUeCreek. ! MJIi le sj Marshall, 12 ?5 2 40 ? i. „ "T; Albion, 1 lü 3 02 _ J" A. H a ï Jackson, I.T., 2 16! S 45 ;a jiï ,. Ora. Laks, 2 46 7 5S12 50 Ohebwa, 3 10 i 8 9u; 2 Dexter, S 26 í 8 37 t Delhi, j 8 37 . 6 50 '" Ann Arbor, 3 Sí! 4 M 9 (■} i io Tü Ypilanti; 4 15 5 lll 9 2J ! 2i , Waynt! June, 4 43 6 29 1( no 2 g jS Ü.T. June., 5 30, 6 00 10 45 SM -í Detroit, Ar., 6 44. 6 16 11 tu j 55 J Sundayi excptd. ibaturday and yundw n oepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYABD, Oen'l 8upt., Detmt H. C. Wektwobth, Oen. Pass. Agt., Chiesgo. Córner Main and UuronSlntu DETEOIT, HILLSDALE&DÍi. ANA BAILROAD. To take effect December Sist, 18)6. wo wmt. 001110 un. tatiobb. Fr'ght. Mai:. tation. Htil ïiéA. V. F. M. Ypailantl.... 7:00 6:00 .. Haline 7:57 6:85 Banken 6:M M Bridgewater.. C:30 6:65 Hillsdale .. 6:1! !J0 MancheaUr. 9:10 7:18 Manchester.. 8:B 61! . m. ; Bridgewater S:i ts nillsdale 12..Ï5 9:17 Baline 8:50 ; Banken 12:55 9:30 Ypsilanti.. . . WÍ UI Train run by Chicago time. To Uke efieet , Dec. 31, 1876. W. F. PAKKER. Bup't, Ypsiluil GREAf WESTERN RAILWAY. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DETROIT, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON Philadelpiiia, AND ALL EASTEUN' CITIKS. ""! O MlIEStbeSbartetI,inefroa l L7 Detroit to liutfalo anj l'oiote Lut. A C Mile the fhortest line from Delroit 0i"-i ' Niagarn Falls and points Ksat. Surr Connectiona at Sxinpemiu ' Buffalo vrith the KeW Vurk ( inlrill llllillrii Huil v:iy s. The Trck and Equipmenla of tle GREit WK8TERN are pertect, and it ismanaped wiii a view to the SAFETY and COMFORT 01 :i Patrons. TOUR18TS AND PLEA8URE SEEKEES Should bear in mind that the GREAT WESTEBS Railway is the Shortent and moat Comfoiub.t Route between Detroit, Suspension Bridgi I Buffalo, aLd in the only line which croiMt Saipasioii Bridge in lull vier of the falla. For information aod tickets via thi popuUl route apply to O. W. 8HARPI.E3S, Agent M.C. R. K., Aun Arbor Mitb. TREES! TREES" FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL R. G. SMITH, at hls Nuraery, West Ubi street, Is ready to uke and fill orders for fruit w ornamental trees, lncludioK Vpples, Pears, I'pucIics, I'liinis, (,'herrlcs, Quinces, Evergreens, Horso i:hestnnli Kllmarnock WIUows, Grapes, Small Fruits, Hoscs, k Ornamental Slirnte9-Bar of resident dealers, and don'tbe I td by unknown traveling agnM- Prices to Snit tbe 'J'imes. K. H. SMITH. Ann Arbor, Deo. 20, 1876. 5?ietist a 1N8URANGR OWJft Capital, - $3.000,01. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.9S Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391-71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incluM Ke-In8umnce Reserve, $4,735,092.86Net Surplus over Liabilities, inclu Re-Insuranoe and Capital Stof $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent. Aim Arb, -lEORGE W. CEOPSEY, d ALate of the flrm of Clark A CropsM. (C Kearxky, lato of Toia, under tbe nrm KEARNEY & CKOPSí; eneral Crocery BusinesSa Thcy will also keep CROCKERY, GW c VOÖDEN WARE, and a full Hn. ' tlei d nd FOREIGN FRUITS. They urnished n ..r)' A First-class Eating ePsr ment' rMrfW Where Meáis can be had at all houn, w the week. pald lor Butler, ;"" L[ :.unlry produce. G00J Pjffiie ? red in ny part of the city. Remomber 33 South Mal !'el KEARNRÏ&CUOPSE Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. ___--' BfiStopiS?; T OFFER FOR SALE my Brie k Sffe' Huron aBd Fourth .trecu, oPP biio otel. ThU is one o( the '"Í .„M ♦ Ifí ocationi in th. city, and will b wM GAd. 1SV8 Jun'


Old News
Michigan Argus