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- The Abous and Harper's Bazar for 14.80 a year, a saviug of 70 ceuts. See prospectus. - Mack & Schmid advertiae new goods in this Aeuus. They offer rare iuducemeuta to buyers. - Foley and Norton, arrested on a charge of highway robbery, were discharged by Justice Beahan ou Weduesday. - On Tuesday mormug four fine sheep were stolen from the yard of A. J. Murray, uear the Free Chureh in Superior. - Exercises were suspended at the University yesterday : Washingtou's birthday and the day of prayer for colleges. -Dr A. W. Chase has sold his rusideuco on Dirisiou street to Prof. Morris, and proposes to remove to Toledo early in April. -The High School juniors have wisely determiued to iorego the pleasure of a highpriced band for their coming exhibition. - Yesterday was about as beautif ui a spring day as the almanac maker could reel off, such j day as Washington1 birthday has not often bsen. - Ou Mouday, Jujge Harriman entered an order committing Mis. Ellen Carroll, of Aun Arbor Towu, to the Insana Aiyluin at Kalamazoo. - The University Chronicle has opened ita annual crusade agaiust Commencement ipesches : for waut of otber attractire subjects, we auppose. -The concert of the University Orchestru nd Olee Club last Friday eveniug was musiuilly a success. Fiuancially, it just escaped bemg a f allure. - The Manchester Enterprite of the 15th list. says : " We are inforined by the physiuaus that they do not know of a single case of sc&rlet fever in town now." -A Bed Ribbou Club, 400 stroug, has been organized at Ypsilanti, with D. A. Wise as President. The first fruit of the shaking up Dr. Rsynold8 gare our neighboring city, - A Republican County Convention is to be heldin this city on Friday, March 2, at 11 o'clock A. M., to appoint delegates to the State ! Conveotion to be held at Lansing, March 7. - "Twenty-one Valentines, and all from youug ladies : " that's the number the editor of the Ypsilanti Commercial records. There ought to be a curtain lecture or two in that fainily. -A Students' Leoture Aasociation has been organizad at the Normal School, Ypsilanti. Prof. Tyler, of this city, was to open the course on Friday eveuing laat, but f ai led beciuuö of sickness. -War on the butchers has been again commenoed,- for slaughtering on forbidden groutid. Michael Weinmann is the flrst whose head is brought to the blook. We shall see what we shall see. -The local market for country produce is not very brisk. Dealers pay : for wheat, il 40a$l ÓO ; for corn, 30a40c ; for oats, 30a 40c; forpotatoes, il 00; for butter, 18a20c ; and for eggs, 12 l-2c. - Those of the Abgus subscribers who have not paid their subscription for thecurrent year should hurry up if they would save that 50 cents. After the first day of April tvro dollars will be exacted from the tardy. - Company (i, of Jackson, came down yesterday, on a special train, and joined Company A in celebrating Wimhingtou's birthday. The two companies made a fine appearance on the streets. We went to press before the grand ball came off. - Mrs. Livermore is advertiaed by the Students' Lecture Association for thia evening. The reputation she has made for herself, in University Hall as elsewhere, ia better than my "puff," and will secure tor her one of the Urgeat audiences of the season. - üur thanks are due to Hon. A. J. Sawyer fora complete file of Seuate and House bilis o iar as printed at the date of making up the paolcage. If they should all pass into laws the fabled Philadelphia Iswyer would be iucompetent to the task of unraveling the snarl. - L. C. Noble, of the Houston and Texas Central Kailway, gave us a cali yesterday. He came by the way of New Urleaus and reporta the people quiet m that city. Don't take any stock in the attempted assassination of Packard, and says Nicholls will be Governor. -A Board of Public Works, a Board of Pólice Commissioners, a Board of Fire Commissioners, i Board of Poor Commissioners, a Board of Estimates, a Controller, a $100 Mayor, Aldermen paid by the session (Í2 each), and the Lord only knows what other boards and iinprovements. Are n't we a mktbopolis. - The Ypsilanti Commercial is more thau utiífied that the Common Council of that city refused to allow its bilí of Í25 for publishing its Jiquor tax assessment for 1875. Iuasmuch as the Supervisors audited its bilí for the lame advertising at the December session, was it not a Jittlo cheeky to present the bilí to th Couucil ? - There is more in the following Chronicle item than the writer intended : " One of the Proís, has been giving a course of lecturas 'ince Dec. 15, and in this time has favoied his clíüses with but twelve lecturas. Such bolting i a student would lead to a correspondence fita the miers of our little educational kingdom. - Dr. Wm. Parmenter, of Vermontville, is lo deliver the address to the graduating class "i the Medical Department of the University 't the coming Commencement, March 29. Dr. hrmsnter graduated from the Medical DePtment in 1857, since which he has won the Kputation of an honorable and intelligent. P'actitioner. - R. A. Beal, of the Courier has commenced '"'agaiost Dr. A. W. Uhase aud the Anu Arhr Publishing Company, laying his damages 120,000. We suppose the claim is basod nthe oíd contract with Dr. Chase, under kich the Supreme Court sustained the inction. The Court did not confirm Judge tane's award of damages, leaving Mr. Beal bring uit at law. -Ann Arbor has 'u't al] the naughty boys college oront), as witness the following nm a recent uumber of the Ypsilauti Senttí: "Friday, evening, before the exercise wamenced at the Normal, soaie boys, thiukSi no doubt, it was fun, besmoared the posts lod fene in such a marmer tbat no one could ave the yard without taking a circuitous "uta. It is hoped the offenders may be caught "'d punished." - On Thursday next, March 1, W. W. ToM will sell his farm adjoiuing the village of )eter at auction, if uot soonersold; also, "eral fine horses, iucluding a trotting hors, 'rotting mare, and a number of promising ■"3 well-bred colts, a thoroughbred Durham ull.two thoroughbred Durham cows, some " Berkshires, and a full liue of farm im'ments. Persons in want of good stock or "o!" should make a note of this sale. - Prof. Tyler was so sick as to be unable to 'M Tennyson's new drama betore the Ladies' 'torary Society on Tuesday evening last, or ' have the entertainment at his residence. It 'M therefore held at the residence of Dr. "geil, and Eev. C. H. Brigham generously "ae to the aid of the ladies as Prof. Tyler's ibjtitut. Dr. Brigham, in a semi-couversanal manner, personal reminiscences and 'etchee of four prominent American statesHi- John Quiucy Adams, Daniel Webster, lward Everett, aud Kufus Choato,- all of orn he had seen and heard on different asious. The conversation was listonad to 'th interest, and would have interested a lrger audience. Two weeks from the same 'ing some iriend of the ladies will read or ' ll t the residence of Judge Cooley. Thse j etainuiiiit, giv promis of bting popular, i - On of tb. proposed charter amendmeuts provides for an iucrease of three supervisors. Now, uoless it is necessary to provide thres additioual places for somebody, there seems to us very little merit in the propositiou. Six supervisors canuot manipúlate and control the aotion of the board of supervisors auy better than three, or one, and one may have j ust about as much influence with the board as six. The inerease would involve additional expense to the city and msiiro no better service in return. We have reason to suspect that thi ill-digested propoaition will be an effective club in the Innds of the opponents of a new court house. - According to the Leader the Dexter " lock-up " ia a worse place thaa that capítol dungeou in which Wells, Anderson, and their two colored associates are stored away : " We looked in at the lock-up the other day, and ceaaed to wonder that our marshal ref used to shut any oue up there duriug the winter There is not a siugle urticle of furniture in the building, -not even a sleeping buuk or a ttove. Simply an entrance, a room for an office, and three celia about seven feet square. If the place is ever to be used, it should be better arranged. A man, though a prisoner, should be treatad better than a hog, to whom every man throws at least a little itraw to lie upon." -On Tuesday evening last, a student named Charles L. Tisdale, who was returuing hom a visit to the Third ward, waa assaulted by two persons, knocked down, and robbed of JH.ÖO Mr. Tisdale fired two parting shots at the highwaymen but unfortunately missed nis game. The same evening the News and Express office was eutered through a rar window, and small change to the axnount of two or three dollars gobbled. An atterapt was also made to enter the clothing store of S. Sondheim. The bar fasteniug the back window shutter was wrenched off, the head of the bolt f steniug the window broken off, and the window raised. At which point the rascáis were probably frightened away. - The graduates of the Unirersity living at and near Chicago mt on Friday last, at the Palmer House, and orgauized " The Michigan Uuivarsity of Chicago," with social, literary, and Bcientific aims, and the perpetuation of the memories of alma mater. The tollowing officers were elected : President, Hon. James M. Walker, of '46. Vico-Presidents, Duane Doty, '56 ; Dr. Edrauud Andrews, '49 ; A. D. Rich, '51. Seoretary, Henry Towle, '67. Treasurer, M. Frederika Perry, 75. Historian, O. E. Haren, 70. Exeoutive Committee, W. J. English, '67; B. C. Keeler, '75; Francia W. Jones, 70 ; Charles K. Offield, '69. Seventyone members were enrolled. The flrst annual banquet is to ba held April 3, and thereafter on the lst Tueaday in December. Success.


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