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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuesday, Fel). 1:1. Sfnate,- Tlie credcniiiils of D. T. Corbin, un Senator from South Carotina, signed by Gov. Ohamberlain, wero read and filed. . . . X munber of potitíounaud reoltttion; if minor interest were presentéd and Jreferre(Í.....The fjenate. after considerable discu&Blon, ordared the arrest of Conrad TX. Jourdan, Oashíer of the Thlrd Nátloñál Bank of New Sbrk, who had failed t. áppoar and testify as to the bank accounts of Samuel T. Tilden. WÜHani T. IMton and Abran H. H.wiit. Houhk. - Tho bilí to enconrage tlegrapbic com. iniinication between the Uniterl RUtoH and Europe waa pasead The répoH of tho oonunlttee ou elec; tion ín Florida, drclurlng tlie Tildan electora ohoaen j in that Htato, was taken up and debatod. Mr. l'urnmn, tho Repúblicas uicmbor íroni Florida. ventUated Iiíh views upou Florida jKliticP, donounoed thc sut'. Oanvaetdng Board a dl&honest ;vnd corrupt, and dmiiird ihat Tilden üarrled tho State. A nimiber of qeechea were deliyerodj but without ivaelñng a vote on tho repon the flouie adjoarnod. Wedmesdatt, Feb. 14.-SENATE.- A bilí iras ■ pasaod romoviug the political disabQiüea of Joeeph B. Jolmston, of Virginia The l'ill ftppropvlating i 7,000 to pay tho expeaaea oí the E]'(rUral OobamlsI ion was passed ...Mr. Sargout, íron) tho éonter once coinmittee on tho bilí approprlftting $.'i5()fOoo to supply the df-iici-iii-y in the approprlatton for pabilo prinüng and binding dunng the enrront list-al vear, made h report, whlch was agroed to, and the ■ 1111 pastsed. It providfH that from and nfter thc , prraont 86MÍO& of Oongresa thc ConffreasionaJ Printer nhall not pay a prico exceeding flfty oentfl ier 1,O(X) r-nrn f or COmpOsitlOQ aml forty cents an hour for íimf-work in binding, ote. ; Houkk. - Thc resolutions reported by the spooiul oommfKee etaarged wMh tlir iuvostigation of there' cent cloction in Florida were taken np, and ího m jorlty resolutíon, drdarinj; theTtlden Bleotorechoscn, was adopted by a wtrú.-t party voto wlth the excépfcton of IfT. l'iirnian, of Florida, who voted in tho aíliriiiati'v . . remainderof thoday w devoted to tho ruinidcriition of the Naval Apin)]irÍHtion (iil. Tuurhuay, Feb. 15.- The Sonate devoted moet of the day to Úxo conaideratíoD of the bilí Ín relatiou to the Pacilic raihoad sinKing fnnd and tho bilí for the support of the Oovernmeut of tho Dlfltrlctof Colombia. Houst. - The Houtje voted agaiuHt the rrmoval of the indiana to the Indian Territory. The subject came np ín connection with the bil] torótify the (rrafy made wlth thr Bioux. Arapahoes and Gber ennes, and t) providc for thcir renmval froni tïio i Black Huis. Xhfl bilt waa paesed, with an amondment propoaed by míUh. of Texas, whkh prohibida the rrmoval of the Indiaas to the Indinu Tenitory. Tho bill for th regtüation of therateabf toll over the Omaha bridge waa dlscussed, bul no vote wart tuk on. FiüDAY, Feb. -Senate.- The Consular and , Diplomatic Ap]ropri!ition bill was psased, af tor Whfoh tho Sonato devoted the day to consideration of the bill for tho Uqoidation of tho indobtednoae of tho Union Pacili(;Riiilroad Company. tioï - prooeedlnga were exoeedlngly dull and onintereetlng, and hurdly worth ohronloling. Sattudav, Feb. 17.- Ren ate. -Mr. Kelly made : personal explanaron touchin his action in the Oregon doctoral muddie, Se aaid he did slgn the cipier dlnMloh for Mr. Patrlok. who rcjtr.-Fonted that it was ;i tolrrain to W. T. Pelton for ?Ht,i)(Xl tn pay !awyrs' in ( hvj;in, umi il uut nsfd WOUld be returned. He denieil he ever attempted to buy a : lit'jiuïiüf au i[.-:tiir, ot that ho Over jnithorizod any one to male such an offer for him. Mr. Kelly alBoro&da jaiym from Gov. GroTer. of Oregon, denying the aumorehip of the cipher tlo'ram to i Gov. Tildón, slgnod " Öobblö," and eaytog that he ii. v,-r Hi-nt a nplu-r di"patch in his litV. .Ir. Sirgontsaid ho thought th: Senator from Oregon did righi t i endeavor to freo liip name from the I farioiis traneacUona in Oregon. The country had llved thnmgh the coiHonnial without any Presid-nf ni elector betre ving the party whloh efected hira, bnt it had imt ivcd throngh "the centennlal without eeJng an attempï to buj an elector Uoned by the chlef oí a great pollttoal party. Mr. Bogysald he oondenmed frand In Oreoon or anywhere clee, and he wan not willing to it In ble plaoe and perinit t stigmaol the kind charged by I tho Senator from California (Sargent) to restupon "' D mocratfc party oh tho only party guilty fff ' tmmi. xhc conntry knew there wcre frauda tn Florida and bonlsfana, perpetrated by thé Repubücan party, and it knew how thwe íriiudn rcsulted. These fraudsw re Uke whlted Bepnlehiw, iair with. ■ jntbut foul hh h:ll withiq, Mr. Bogy seVerely ïrrncised the couree of Sutilice Bradlej tot : bakJng one itohíüou i the pane oí Florida, , ud then, ati he charge, irvomnp % in the. I ami case, doclnrinjí that IiÏh ñamo " will go down to a f ter ages dlsgraocd. Hík naine will be aKHOciated sith Mnrlhnroufih mul Jeffreyfl, and will never Ixï prononnoed without a utas from all good men in this country.1 Mr. Morton Haid he had heard with regret the remarla made by the .senator from Missouri In regard to Justioe Bradley. If timt Senator could have hoard tho disciisslons of the Klectoral Oommission fta lio (Morton) beard theni, he would not have mode Hiich romarks, The timo wonld como wheo the opiniom of mcmberR of the commisslon WOUld le publlshftd, and lm was i-uro tho Senator j would thon oo he had dono au act of injustiv to gn ible and conscientious Jodge, . . .The diseusnion was i ui'tlnf eimthniod till adjoiirninent. by Mohki. Havgent, Ooopor, and Jones, Of Florida. Boiras. - The Speaker laid Ix'foro tho House a communication from .Juntioo Clifford, Protídout of the Electoral Oommlaalon, Informing the Boom that thr oominifiBlon had arrlTed at a dedidon In thr LooIbiana caso, and had transniltted it decUlon to tho PrfHidont Of the Sonut", to bc oponod and read In the proaeneo if tne two hoiutcB A moKwifto. 69 ceeeived from the Sonate annoiinoteg lliat that lody was ready Eb met-t the House in joint (ronvontion, and irocowl with tho countint; of tho oleetoral votos. ., A ríícohítion wafl introducid by Mr. Lámar, dtrecting thr Olerk of tho Houw to inform the Sonato it would lo roíidy to roooivo that body at 11 o'otockon Monda y, Feb. 10, for tho parpóse of proipoddiiR with tho connting of thc electoral rotos. Adoptcd- 152 to 111. Mokday, Feb. 19.- Hknate.- At 10:50 a. m. the Senate ropairod to thfi Houso, hoaded by it oíücors. Upon returning, tho President pro tont. said that objeotlon having been made to tho deoteton on tho VOte Oí' Louisiana, the two lunuCfl BBpMtlted to delibérate In regard to that docíKion, and, uniera BOme Senator ankod itf he wonld not direct tho decisión and objeotlonfl thoroto read agaln. Tho objecüons were Mr. Shennan snbnxltted a nsnliition that tlic dociHiou of the comnuVsion Btand as the Jndgmeni of thE Benate. Mr. Eernan offered a BUbstitnto, to the effect that the voto purI orüng to be the Sayos elGotoral votes from Tjouíhíana be nol connted. Aftei a íonjí debate the substituto of Mr. Keraan was t-.iected. and thf resoluUon of Mr. Hherman was thou adoptod by a i-tru t purty vote- U to 2&. Jotnt Coiíventton. - Tho Sonata appoared in tho Hall of the House ( Repravontetlvcfl at 11 o'cüock n. ni., and til1 íoint conveiition ivas cllod to ordor l.y Artillé Vic l'nsiieut Ferry. Tho decisión of the Electoral Oommlsaion in the oase of Lonlslana was tht'u pubinittod and read at leqgth, Vhon tlo readintí was oonoludod Mr, Fcrry asked it' tlnre were amy objectlons to coitntiñg tho voto a& rooelved Crom the coi ni i lission. Mr. GrlbflOO BBld be denirod to enter i writton objecUon In behalf of cortaln Monafcora and mem1er cf the Hotiue. wltich was sont to tho Clerk's lesk nnd rrad. The objrction i i'roceoded to recito the ontiro procíHtdtngH of the cotninission in secret sessian on tho lílth, and then protostod that tile aid decisión was wrong and contrary to linv, in that tho ovidoiuo waa pxchidod. ín connoction with tho protest, tho pamphlet contain! íuk a fitatmient of what tho Demócrata would prove ü' tho evidence was admltted by tho oommisslon wan í-oad. Tho protest was signed by every Domocratic lÍ4'])roscntativo, and nearíy all the Democratie Soiia toi8. When the readina of the document was eonolnded, Mr. Ferry awked it' tliere were any moro objections, wherenpon Sonator AVallaoo, ot Pennsylvaiii:i, subiiiiitrd an ob.jrction. lirst, that thc decisión wan mado in viola t ion of tho Klectoral lajs" ; socondly, booauBo tho aot conUmplat-d that ím eommiseion 1 would receive evidence n-gardiug üie election iu tlio ■lisputod Statos ;#third, becauHC tho decisión dinregarde truth, honenty, etc. The objoction was Kignod by severa) Senators and Representativos. Etepresenüative Cochrane, of Pennsylvania, abo j Hubmittod an object ion, signed by Senators i and membere, 8howiugT iir.-i. that it waa ' not do.iii(d bef oro the ciuuinission that tho Tilden electors recelved the largost nnmber of votes ; second, that it was not denied that Well and the Returniiifi Board wre ííuilty of gravo frauds; third, that the decisión is iu viohition of the spirit of the blllj aud of tho constitution. Thoro ! leing no fnrthor objoetionw, the Konato, at 32:55, wlfhdrev. House, - The .Scnutc having witlidrawn, tlio House, on niotion of Mr, Wood, of New Vorli, votod to adjoura for the day.


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